--- Log opened Mon Apr 01 00:00:13 2024 06:26 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 06:32 * aestetix hugs Dolemite 07:13 < Evilpig> w00t! my custom postcards have shipped 07:14 <@Dolemite> custom postcards? 07:16 < Evilpig> I put in an order for a dozen postcards that I will be sending to VA over the next few weeks I've titled the "sabrina eats" series 07:16 <@Dolemite> pictures of her eating foodz? 07:17 < Evilpig> pictures of her eating all kinds of random foods, especially not just american garbage 07:17 <@Dolemite> Things unlikely to appear in the "White People Making White People Food" facbook group, eh? 07:18 < Evilpig> I figure they aren't giving her the things I send so I might as well have some fun with it and drive home another point that I have expanded her horizons in many many ways 07:18 < Evilpig> while there are a few pictures of burgers in htere, specifically in n out, there's also jamaican, hawaiian, bbq, ethiopian 07:19 < Evilpig> I laughed going through there because I didn't realize I had so many different styles 07:20 <@Dolemite> oh by the way, we will be in Nashville on Apr 19/20. Kiddo has been doing a thing for National History Day. Won at school, then at regionals, and is now going on to compete at State level. If she places there, we'll have to squeeze a trip in to Phoenix, AZ, in the middle of the summer. Bleh. 07:20 < Evilpig> called yseterday and left a voicemail for easter, I asked if my former sister-in-law's conscious was resurrected or not, but since my number was still blocked I assumed not 07:20 <@Dolemite> I believe you mean conscience 07:20 < Evilpig> yes I just realized that 07:21 <@Dolemite> Though given what all has happened, it could go either way 07:21 < Evilpig> I gotta get more caffeine in me this morning. brain and fingers aren't quite on the same page yet 07:21 <@Dolemite> yeah it's about time to go back upstairs for another cup o' joe 07:22 < Evilpig> at this point i'm just poking the bear. she's so invested in the story that i'm a pedophile abuser now she can't turn back. 07:22 < Evilpig> I don't think she realizes that she has to PROVE that in court or it all gets thrown out 07:22 < Evilpig> but I can prove she made those allegations without evidence and it stays for me 07:46 <@Mirage> OMG, Win11 on the work laptop is utter trash. 07:51 <@Dolemite> Ah, RHEL7, the gift that keeps on giving. These stupid VMs I inherited are now triggering quarantine for openjdk - which I don't use and never installed, but because they were built on the workstation image instead of server... 08:04 < Evilpig> Dolemite: is it for anaconda? 08:05 <@Dolemite> I don't use anaconda but it's likely part of the base install 08:06 < Evilpig> gotta love it. they were built on workstation because of licensing from rhel too. there's about to be some shenanigans pulled there reguarding licensing shortly from what I read this morning 08:07 <@Dolemite> yep, that was the way they build out VMs several years ago... you could ask for server, but would end up with workstation because of licensing 08:29 <@Dagmar> So they've finally decided they want to shed customers? 08:31 < Evilpig> they've been pulling this licensing shenigan for years 08:32 < Evilpig> they definitely diddn't turn as many centos users into paying customers as they expected 08:36 <@Mirage> They did turn a bunch into OEL, etc users though 08:59 <@Dolemite> So after I switched from TDS to Spectrum internet, Patrick is now bitching about his ping time on games 09:00 < Evilpig> didn't you say you split him to the old connection? 09:00 <@Dolemite> No, the TDS connection is disconnected 09:00 < Evilpig> or did you give up on that? tried a traceroute to whatever server he is connecting to? 09:00 <@Dolemite> It was $100/month as opposed to Spectrum at $65/month 09:00 < Evilpig> I thought you were going to have both for a bit 09:00 <@Dolemite> No, I was going to split them for the remainder of the service period, but then found out that the next bill date for TDS was last Monday 09:01 <@Dolemite> So I cancelled on the last possible date before paying for another month 09:13 < Evilpig> gotcha. well for him i'd say traceroute out the path and see what's going on 09:13 < Evilpig> it's likely just perception bias 09:14 < Evilpig> could be time based network congestion though 09:16 <@Dolemite> Well he said his ping went from 20ms to 80ms 09:16 <@Dolemite> I'm like, "Sorry" 09:16 < Evilpig> that's likely just a different a path then. that isn't a 20ms -> 200ms jump 09:17 < Evilpig> find you a dial up isp and give him a modem for a few days 09:17 <@Dolemite> hahaha 09:17 < Evilpig> let him bitch about 2s ping times 09:17 <@Dolemite> He just wants to blame his losses in Fortnite on something else 09:19 < Evilpig> I was talking to my nephew over the weekend and trying to get him to pick up factorio again so he can work on developing some logic skills that he's severely lacking. 09:19 < Evilpig> I sent him this blueprint I had just finished up and he said "I didn't know you could even use blueprints in factorio, I never got much past steam power" https://factoriobin.com/post/VwVc6Zhp 09:19 < PigBot> Nuclear Plant - Nuclear Plant - FactorioBin (at factoriobin.com) https://tinyurl.com/29uwusdq 09:20 < Evilpig> thinking I might tweak this design just a little bit more and move the turbines up a hair and try to clean up the piping down there to be cleaner 09:21 <@Mirage> Looking for an AirBnB to stick Sarah's sister in for a week when they come to visit. I've decided that my input in the process is pointless because while I'm looking at practical, she's looking at cheap/cute 09:21 < Evilpig> can you get cheap/cute as a combo? I thought cute == cost++ 09:21 <@Mirage> I did finally get her to look at details vs just blindly choosing "4 ppl" because the kids may not like sleeping together 09:22 < Evilpig> have you given them the cheapest option yet? tent in the backyard. 09:27 < aestetix> any of you watching the @hopeconf account on twitter? 09:28 <@Dolemite> There is no Twitter, only X 09:28 < aestetix> oh lol 09:28 < aestetix> that sounds like an endorsement for drugs 09:29 <@Dolemite> Well in my head I said it in the Sigourney Weaver demon voice from Ghostbusters 10:28 <@Mirage> The Red Hat RHCSA Administrator II class is much more rudimentary than I was expecting 10:40 < Evilpig> how so? 10:48 <@Mirage> Command-line basics, etc are all we've covered so far. Granted it is early-ish on day one, but still...covering extreme basics shouldn't really be part of it 11:09 <@Mirage> https://youtu.be/7X2PuE6ELmg 11:09 < PigBot> [1588] My 36 Inch King Dick Wrecks Locks! - YouTube (at youtu.be) https://tinyurl.com/29wa62pk 11:10 <@Mirage> ^ lockpicking lawyer. 11:10 <@Mirage> I need one of those wrenches... 11:12 <@Mirage> Certainly one of the best vids of his in a while. 11:15 <@Mirage> It just keeps getting funnier... bad puns abound 11:51 < Evilpig> it's a perfect april 1st video for sure 11:55 <@Dolemite> ROFL, that's awesome 12:52 <@Dolemite> https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/media/truth-social-trump-media-stock-losses/index.html 12:52 < PigBot> Trump’s DJT stock plunges after posting a big loss for 2023 | CNN Business (at www.cnn.com) https://tinyurl.com/26b5jbg4 13:01 < Evilpig> they were talking about that stock on last week tonight last night 13:03 < Evilpig> https://www.google.com/finance/quote/DJT:NASDAQ?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwibrarYzKGFAxXyRTABHWU8ClAQ3ecFegQIJxAf&window=6M 13:03 <@Dolemite> It's also the latest target of reddit meme stocks with all of the puts to short sell it 13:03 < PigBot> Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) Stock Price & News - Google Finance (at www.google.com) https://tinyurl.com/24vufhzl 13:06 <@Dolemite> OMG, she quoted Cartman in this arrest video. LOL 13:06 <@Dolemite> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQGdMT_x3RQ 13:07 < PigBot> (at www.youtube.com) https://tinyurl.com/2bw6z7ff 13:11 < Evilpig> that looks like my former sister in law 13:13 <@Dolemite> If it's close enough, send it to your lawer :) 13:13 < Evilpig> they have that chick's name, but same type 13:15 <@Dolemite> Her teeth come out at one point 13:15 < Evilpig> she's got one up on my former sister in law that doesn't even bother to put them in for court 13:19 <@Dolemite> lol, she shat in the back of the patrol car 13:20 <@Dolemite> oh, sorry, she only peed on herself 14:32 <@Dagmar> Wax-Trax is being _subtle_ today 14:33 <@Dagmar> THey just posted to Facebook the opening monologue to 1000 Homo Dj's "Supernaut" with Trent Reznor's picture 14:33 <@Dagmar> I bet that still triggers Al Jourgensen 14:34 <@Dagmar> Dolemite: Let's be honest. A dead pigeon could have figured out they should short DJT. 14:35 <@Dagmar> That's not just Reddit shorting them. It's everyone who isn't in the cult. 14:54 < Evilpig> that's a smart bet there. 15:04 <@Dagmar> Maybe after he costs more of his followers their life savings they'll stop voting for his crooked ass 15:08 < Evilpig> nah. that's not how cults work 16:27 -!- ZachGibbens [uid527778@user/zachgibbens] has joined #se2600 19:42 <@Dagmar> Oh my gawd 19:42 <@Dagmar> Comcast has some router somewhere that was filtering traffic to one of our centers and IT ACTUALLY SENT BACK ICMP UNREACHABLES WITH IT'S ACTUAL IP 19:44 <@Dagmar> Looking at the IP coming back on an ICMP unreachable has basically never been useful to me in 30 goddamn years until today 23:39 -!- ZachGibbens [uid527778@user/zachgibbens] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] --- Log closed Tue Apr 02 00:00:15 2024