--- Log opened Fri Oct 21 00:00:28 2022 01:52 <@jb7od> facepalm: To hear it in their own words, as reported by Right Wing Watch, the conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin says in a video, “Adrenochrome is a drug that the elites love. It comes from children. The drug is extracted from the pituitary gland of tortured children. It’s sold on the black market. It’s the drug of the elites. It is their favorite drug.” 01:53 <@jb7od> Rare to see TOTAL inaccuracy like this- 01:54 <@jb7od> like, every sentence is incorrect. 01:55 <@jb7od> "...also claim that Hillary Clinton and former aide Huma Abedin were caught on tape ripping off a child’s face, wearing it as a mask, and drinking the child’s blood to obtain adrenochrome." 01:58 <@jb7od> Just to be on-topic, I went for a link to post this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA1dlOm01IQ which is a jam, but there's a version of the rough cut demo of it, but the poster has this in his description: "Q Anon fans and Trump supporters you are not welcome here and this song 01:58 <@jb7od> has nothing to do with you or your stupid theories, in case you have total ignorance and ended up here by accident keep in mind that this band and this song is againt all you stand..." 01:59 < PigBot> The Sisters of Mercy - Adrenochrome - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) https://tinyurl.com/27tu6jjo 02:02 <@jb7od> I caught a bunch of lip for setting somebody's wordpress passwd to "AnybodybutTrump2016!" 02:03 <@jb7od> first time logon here, lol. not a renegade operation. 02:04 < aestetix> lol 05:55 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 05:56 * aestetix hugs Dolemite 07:17 < Evilpig> I have no idea what source this dude used but all of my schoolhouse rock episodes were replaced last night with beautiful 1080 versions 07:18 <@Dolemite> oh nice. I may have to snag those from you. 07:18 <@Dolemite> Mine are all from my original DVD rips. 07:19 < Evilpig> I'm about to move them to the archives so they get the x265 treatment 07:19 < Evilpig> just want to spot verify a few first 07:23 < Evilpig> i'll let you know when they are done processing. since they're short it shoudl burn through them today 07:23 < Evilpig> btw, how was your trip? what'd you bring me? 07:24 < Evilpig> and it had better taste like a bear claw 07:25 <@Dolemite> Um, I brought you back some... vendor socks! 07:25 <@Dolemite> It was pretty good. I had quite an interactive crowd for my Cert Manager talk. Several folks from other labs asked if they could follow up with me. 07:25 < Evilpig> i'd think twice before you start that van next time you get in it... 07:29 < Evilpig> oooo the two "new" seasons of schoolhouse rock are in 16:9 instead of 4:3 too 07:30 <@Dolemite> I came back home last night and the house is a damn disaster scene. Pamela was looking for some furniture for a friend of hers and ended up buying (from the thrift store) newer couches for us. So there's a bedroom suit in the garage, along with the new couches, and all the furniture in the house is strewn about in the throes of trying to rearrange things. 07:30 <@Dolemite> Somebody is coming to get our old couch this afternoon, which will give us a little breathing room, at least 07:30 < Evilpig> lol 07:31 <@Dolemite> But with me gone she was relying on the kids to help her move stuff... I told her that was a bad move. Melanie had a meltdown last night because she was too exhausted to study and had a test for today. She's not going to school today. 07:31 < Evilpig> too exhausted from what? 07:31 < Evilpig> I've been on sabrina's ass about putting stuff off to the last minute 07:32 <@Dolemite> moving furniture. Pamela had her helping move couches and shit all week. 07:32 <@Dolemite> I'm telling you, it's a crazy amount of shit. 07:32 < Evilpig> her science teacher sent home a note monday to check with the little shits that he sent out plenty of homework this week. he sent three assignments. two group and one individual. the one has to be done in class because they were building mousetrap powered cars 07:33 < Evilpig> the individual she did without much lip, the group one she put off all week until this morning. she's doing it right now 07:33 < Evilpig> I asked her yesterday if the teacher was going to increase her grade to offset any work they didnt' do and she said "no" so I told her to get it done and when she gets to class compare notes with the others and correct what needed to be fixed and be done with it 07:34 < Evilpig> she decided I don't know what the fuck i'm talking about and went about her own plan. :-/ fuckin' kids 07:35 < Evilpig> she's also told me this class is too hard and more than half the kids are dropping it at christmas 07:35 < Evilpig> she's not dropping it. it's an AP class for high school credit and it's the first time she's having to actually work at something or do some self-instruction and isn't just being given the answers. it's 100% what she needs 07:36 <@Dolemite> Well all I know is that she had a Math test today but since she's a teenage girl going through puberty she hatest me (last night, at least) so I can't help her 07:36 <@Dolemite> So something I did or didn't do in the 6 days I was gone caused her to flip that binary switch once again from love to hate 07:37 < Evilpig> if you had brought back a bear claw, you'd have flipped that switch back over 07:37 <@Dolemite> Albequerque isn't the place for bear claws 07:37 <@Dolemite> It's for Hatch green chiles 07:37 < Evilpig> do I need to get you the weird al link again? 07:39 < Evilpig> https://youtu.be/NQinnRdsH_U?t=397 07:39 < PigBot> “Albuquerque” - Weird Al Yankovic - YouTube (at youtu.be) https://tinyurl.com/23khk7r8 07:40 <@Dolemite> oh, heh 07:54 < Evilpig> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp_getipjgE 07:55 < PigBot> Spirited Teaser - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) https://tinyurl.com/254nhfw6 08:04 < Evilpig> Dolemite: these look like they are reducing about half. 09:12 <@Dolemite> What's this? House of the Dragon season finale dropped on the internetz early? 09:24 < Evilpig> this is why we can't? have nice things? 09:25 <@Dolemite> JEEZUS H CHRIST the birth scene 09:25 < Evilpig> spoilers? I haven't seen a single episode so are there boobs? 09:29 < aestetix> did someone say boobs? 09:52 <@Dolemite> Yes, there is boobage in several episodes 09:59 <@Dolemite> Man, I can't wait for Daemon (Matt Smith) to finally kill Aemond (in a few seasons) 10:07 <@Dolemite> Fuuuuuuuuuuck, that finale was on point 11:56 < Evilpig> Dolemite: grab away. it's complete 11:59 <@Dolemite> My password still 'cl0wnpr0nrulez'? 11:59 <@Dolemite> heh 12:02 < Evilpig> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 12:03 < Evilpig> I assume it's dolemite 12:03 <@Dolemite> it's not 12:04 < Evilpig> I'm logging into it now 12:05 < Evilpig> make sure you're using ftp.wilpig.com and not wilpig.com 12:06 <@Dolemite> blueboy is the DNS in that profile I'd found 12:06 <@Dolemite> maybe that's the issue 12:07 <@Dolemite> yep, that got it 12:07 <@Dolemite> Under archive? 12:08 -!- npcomp [~user@user/npcomp] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:09 < Evilpig> yeah tv archives 12:10 < Evilpig> doh. this thing updated java yesterday. I bet that's got the admin interface fubared 12:10 < Evilpig> let me know when you're done and i'll restart that and see if it comes up correctly. if not i'll downgrade the java 12:11 <@Dolemite> it's half done already 12:11 < Evilpig> god bless fast modern internets 12:15 <@Dolemite> all done and disconnected 12:20 < Evilpig> restarting it fixed it right up 12:20 < Evilpig> I REALLY like this ftp software. I loathe java, but like this 12:41 <@elongates> https://thecomicnews.com/images/edtoons/2022/1019/elections/01.jpg 12:41 < PigBot> None (at thecomicnews.com) https://tinyurl.com/2amqg2py 12:52 -!- npcomp [~user@user/npcomp] has joined #se2600 12:52 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o npcomp] by ChanServ 13:15 <@Dolemite> https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/21/politics/january-6-committee-subpoena-donald-trump/index.html 13:15 < PigBot> January 6 committee announces it has sent a subpoena to former President Donald Trump | CNN Politics (at www.cnn.com) https://tinyurl.com/2ya24kcl 13:15 <@Dolemite> About damn time 13:15 <@Dolemite> Not that he'll comply 13:15 <@Dolemite> And not that the committee has any power to impose legal penalties 14:07 < aestetix> Didn't Bannon just get sentenced for avoiding the subpoena from them? 14:23 < Evilpig> scumbag resellers.... and fuck amazon for enabling them. 14:23 < Evilpig> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01C464ZCQ/ 14:23 < PigBot> Amazon.com: FoodSaver FM2435 Vacuum Sealer Machine with Bonus Handheld Vacuum Sealer and Starter Kit, Safety Certified, Silver: Home & Kitchen (at www.amazon.com) https://tinyurl.com/2ajchbbm 14:23 < Evilpig> ordered that for my brother for christmas 14:24 < Evilpig> I got a shipping notice from ups that a package was coming from costco and required a signature. I couldnt' figure out wtf it was. package got here and it's that food saver 14:24 < Evilpig> quick verification of the product number on their website and sure as shit. https://www.costco.com/foodsaver-vacuum-sealing-system-with-handheld-sealer-attachment.product.100982388.html 14:24 < PigBot> HTTPSConnectionPool(host='www.costco.com', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=10) (at www.costco.com) https://tinyurl.com/294s4o9o 14:25 < Evilpig> these people listed this product from costco on amazon, then cross shipped it to me for a $40 markup 14:25 < Evilpig> Let amazon fight with them, returning it for "found it cheaper" and listed that the UPS shipping info said it was coming from costco and that's how I found out. 16:59 <@elongates> https://www.foodsaver.com/food-vacuum-sealers/countertop-vacuum-sealers/refurbished---foodsaver-fm2435-manual-food-vacuum-sealer-system-black/SAP_2156082.html 16:59 < PigBot> 403 17:00 <@elongates> $89.99 and free shipping lol 17:01 < Evilpig> yeah I got that at costco too 17:01 <@elongates> https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2022/10/build-a-shelf-size-vintage-computer-museum-made-of-paper/ 17:01 < PigBot> Build a shelf-size vintage computer museum made of paper | Ars Technica (at arstechnica.com) https://tinyurl.com/27xnvqno 17:01 <@elongates> Evilpig: ah costco is the same price? 17:02 < Evilpig> I looked at those people's amazon store and it's all costco items 17:02 <@elongates> sounds like ingenuity to me 17:03 <@elongates> costco has a bunch of costco only models 17:03 <@elongates> though not this one it seems 18:31 <@elongates> did anyone go to the anti-trans rally in nashville 18:31 <@elongates> the proud boys are there too 18:38 < Evilpig> there was an anti-trans rally? 18:52 <@Mirage> I'm finding this entirely too amusing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPrJKQ2HH28&ab_channel=AsmongoldTV 18:52 < PigBot> Linus Tech Tips Bought My Computer - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) https://tinyurl.com/2bft5nyz 18:53 <@elongates> not that its interesting but saw it from here https://twitter.com/melissagira/status/1583588040106475520?s=20&t=ZNdTgiO21bOQHiy8ZR4MyA 18:53 < PigBot> No Title (at twitter.com) https://tinyurl.com/29j2l2xh 18:53 * elongates watches Mirage's video 18:53 <@Mirage> It gets REALLY good about 17m in when Linus rags on the logo that they picked for their company. 18:54 <@Mirage> he gets so triggered he goes on and on about it for at least 4-5 minutes 19:37 <@Mirage> Lol.. in the comments: 19:37 <@Mirage> 17:04 Denial 19:37 <@Mirage> 19:59 Anger 19:37 <@Mirage> 20:23 Bargaining 19:37 <@Mirage> 27:03 Depression 21:57 <@Mirage> Augmented reality rc car? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO2iQZ8tyXU&ab_channel=%ED%81%AC%EC%A7%91%EC%82%AC 21:58 < PigBot> (at www.youtube.com) https://tinyurl.com/28smskee --- Log closed Sat Oct 22 00:00:29 2022