--- Log opened Mon Aug 05 00:00:19 2019 02:47 < aestetix> as mobile devices? like as phones? 02:49 < aestetix> Evilpig: I wonder if you could hack the mini switch to get it to work with a tv 06:38 <@Evilpig> knowing nintentdo they left that hardware out of it completely 06:40 -!- PigBot [~PigBot@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 08:53 -!- Dolemite [~scott@h69-131-146-18.cncrtn.dsl.dynamic.tds.net] has joined #se2600 08:53 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dolemite] by ChanServ 08:53 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 08:54 * aestetix hugs Dolemite 10:03 <@oddball> aestetix: mobile device as is portable gaming device, like the gameboy. 10:04 -!- crashcartpro [uid29931@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nyqvobvdzfgqhfoj] has joined #se2600 10:53 <@Dolemite> WTF. One of the speakers for DevOps World next week listed her title as "Story Teller & Growth Hacker" 10:55 < aestetix> haha 10:55 -!- skiboy [skiboy@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/skiboy] has joined #se2600 10:55 < aestetix> The Ballad of Kubernetes 10:59 <@oddball> Well, someone works for a startup. 11:05 <@Dolemite> CloudBees 11:06 <@Dolemite> SFO based 11:06 <@Dolemite> So yeah 11:06 <@Dolemite> That is the promise and the despair of SFO wrapped up in one job description 11:17 <@Evilpig> and so the rebuild begins 11:17 <@Evilpig> [>....................] recovery = 0.0% (1922316/7809204544) finish=7707.2min speed=16882K/sec 11:18 <@Shadow404> so that's what happen last night? 11:21 <@Evilpig> power outage last night 11:21 <@Evilpig> drive died saturday 11:21 <@Evilpig> raid 6, so no real worry just annoying mainly 11:21 <@Evilpig> I need to rebalance the load on my UPSs 11:23 <@Dolemite> So 20 days later, it may be 100% 11:25 <@Evilpig> on average it takes between one and two weeks to rebuild 11:25 <@Evilpig> the time it is showing now translates out to around 5 days 11:26 <@Dolemite> So just got a call from my wife... 11:26 <@Dolemite> Apparently my 10 year old daughter - who doesn't drive, by the way, and that will be important to remember in a minute 11:27 <@Dolemite> Got on the wrong bus this afternoon (first day of school - half day) 11:27 <@Dolemite> The bus driver told her to get off at the closest stop to her house 11:27 <@Dolemite> My daughter, not being familiar with the road names or their relationship to our house, got off at the next stop 11:28 <@Dolemite> I hope the bus driver enjoyed their last day on the job, because my wife is now at the school raising every bit of hell that one would expect from such a clusterfuck of this proportion 11:29 < K`Tetch_> thats kinda on your daughter. 11:29 <@Dolemite> No, it's not 11:29 <@Dolemite> She's 10. Teachers know what buses the kids are supposed to get on. 11:29 < K`Tetch_> At 10 I started riding city public transit to school. she needs to know her general local area 11:29 <@Dolemite> In the event that one does get on the wrong bus, the protocol is to return them to the school at the completion of the route and notify the parent. 11:30 <@Dolemite> Yes, and when I was 10, things were a lot different, too 11:30 < K`Tetch_> she was on the right bus, she chose to get off early. state of ga has no requirement that you must inform the driver of any potential change in stop. 11:31 < K`Tetch_> and had she clarified with the driver prior to getting off, she would have been corrected 11:31 <@Dolemite> And she does know the general local area. She doesn't know the streets of a subdivision that we never drive through. 11:31 < K`Tetch_> if she knows the local areas, doesn't know where she is, then eergo, she knows shes not in her local area 11:33 < K`Tetch_> especially as the driver said 'get off where you know where you are', and she didn't. so she didn't follow the drivers instructions 11:33 <@Dolemite> Yes, she knew that she wasn't in her local arae. She was told to get off of the bus. 11:33 <@Dolemite> She didn't follow the god damned idiotic driver's instructions. 11:33 <@Dolemite> Er, she DID 11:33 < K`Tetch_> 12:27:16 «@Dolemite» The bus driver told her to get off at the closest stop to her house 11:33 -!- PigBot [~PigBot@wilpig.org] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:33 < aestetix> Dolemite: how did you find her? 11:34 -!- PigBot [~PigBot@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 11:34 <@Dolemite> How is she supposed to know what's close to her house when the bus doesn't drive anywhere near? 11:34 < K`Tetch_> so it was the wrong bus entirely? 11:34 <@Dolemite> aestetix: She got a cell phone 3 weeks, ago. That was how we located her, finally. 11:34 <@Dolemite> YES 11:34 < K`Tetch_> ah, missed that line 11:34 <@Dolemite> She said she followed the signage for Bus 31, but it wasn't bus 31 11:34 < K`Tetch_> then yes, driver's wrong 11:34 < K`Tetch_> sorry 11:35 < K`Tetch_> driver is supposed to check students on and off the bus 11:35 < K`Tetch_> my bad, as I said, I missed the 'wrong bus' line 11:35 <@Dolemite> gotcha 11:35 <@Dolemite> I also mistyped some things 11:35 <@Dolemite> But the sentiment is the same 11:35 < aestetix> Isn't the driver supposed to know who the kids are? 11:35 <@Dolemite> aestetix: yes 11:35 < K`Tetch_> (yes, I've heard pelnty of stories of kids getting on the right bus, and getting off wrong stop because they paniced or didn't know the area 11:36 < aestetix> Like at least, who gets picked up at each stop 11:36 < K`Tetch_> yes, but if it's the first day of school, they won't know them by sight 11:36 <@Dolemite> And yes, this is first day 11:36 < aestetix> Dolemite: sounds like you got an Otto 11:36 <@Dolemite> And kids will get on the wrong bus 11:36 <@Dolemite> However, when they do, you don't tell them to get out 11:37 <@Dolemite> To get to our house she'd have to cross and walk along a major highway with high traffic, no crosswalks, and no sidewalks 11:37 <@Evilpig> that reminds me I have to go fetch my 10yr old for therapy at 3 11:37 < aestetix> Evilpig: you have a kid? 11:37 <@Dolemite> Evilpig: Your therapy or hers? LOL 11:37 <@Evilpig> I need it, but hers 11:37 <@Shadow404> and this is yet another reason i will not be having kids 11:37 <@Shadow404> NOPE 11:37 <@Dolemite> aestetix: He got an instant-family 11:37 <@Shadow404> big NOPE 11:37 < K`Tetch_> hell, i live in a small town, only 3 major roads (1 us highway, 2 state highways, and the HS is on a purpose-built road between thetwo state highways. few months ago, my eldest (22, and now DOEs drive) was to take me and the wife to the next town for thai. she was driving 11:38 < aestetix> Dolemite: you mean he started dating someone and a kid was included? 11:38 <@Evilpig> I was pissed off because I couldn't figure out what time she needed to be dropped off at the school this morning, because the bus situation for her still isn't straight so they weren't picking her up this morning 11:38 <@Dolemite> aestetix: Nope, kids came with the wife 11:38 < K`Tetch_> the way to that town is from the square (where she works) take the state highway right to that town, past the schools. shes been to that town hundreds of times. and it's even signposted 11:38 <@Evilpig> I got to the school at 8, school starts at 8:45,wtf, and they weren't opening the doors til 8:40 11:38 * aestetix is confused 11:39 <@Evilpig> aestetix: I have taken in a stray kid 11:39 < K`Tetch_> she still screwed up, got lost, and had to use GPS 11:39 <@Evilpig> it's legal and lives here til it's 18 11:39 < aestetix> Evilpig: why don't you have a seat over there. Tell me, who are you here to see tonight? 11:40 <@Shadow404> How was your childhooh? 11:40 < aestetix> so Evilpig you got married? 11:41 <@Evilpig> no, still divorced 11:41 < aestetix> ahhh ok 11:41 < aestetix> now it makes sense 11:41 <@Dolemite> Dude, you just need to go ahead and remarry 11:41 <@Evilpig> fuck no 11:41 <@Dolemite> LOL 11:41 <@Evilpig> that will destroy me financially 11:42 < aestetix> Dolemite: marry the same woman? 11:42 <@Evilpig> taking her and kid on with my insurance. no 11:42 <@Evilpig> fuck no 11:42 <@Evilpig> right now all you clowns are paying for her shit and i'm good witht hat 11:42 <@Shadow404> new chick doesnt have job/own insurance/ 11:42 <@Shadow404> ? 11:42 <@Dolemite> aestetix: Yes, or he could get a new one from Russia 11:42 <@Evilpig> she does, doens't make enough to pay for her own really 11:42 < aestetix> or germany 11:42 <@Shadow404> ah 11:42 <@Shadow404> german chicks are fun!!! 11:42 <@Evilpig> makes ~$600/wk 11:42 <@Shadow404> at least in my humble exp 11:42 <@Evilpig> before taxes 11:43 <@Shadow404> eek 11:43 < aestetix> ok so Evilpig has a girlfriend who is basically his wife but isn't officially for tax reasons 11:44 <@Evilpig> I wouldn't call her girlfriend either 11:44 <@Dolemite> She kicks him in the nuts too often to be girlfriend 11:44 < aestetix> Dolemite: that's probably good for him 11:44 < aestetix> Oh wait. Unless it's whatshername 11:44 < aestetix> The fake lawyer 11:44 <@Dolemite> Not DevilCow 11:45 <@Dolemite> Oh 11:45 <@Dolemite> Um 11:45 <@Dolemite> Chick that was on a mission to ruin PhreakNIC 11:45 <@Dolemite> can't remember her name 11:45 <@Dolemite> colluding with JonnyX 11:45 < aestetix> soemthing anarchy 11:46 < aestetix> or maybe not 11:46 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: what if the nut kicking is consensual? 11:46 < aestetix> Shadow404: put away the anal hooks, you're getting too excited 11:46 <@Evilpig> amber something? 11:46 <@Shadow404> oh, i remember amber 11:46 <@Dolemite> I just remember that they signed that horrible agreement with the Maxwell House Hotel because a relative of hers was the sales person there, and it ended up not only draining what was left in the bank but required Dink's company to bail it out 11:47 < K`Tetch_> elonka? 11:47 <@Evilpig> didn't she go on to become an electrician maybe? that girl was batshit 11:47 <@Dolemite> Or should I say Dink's Company at the Time, which is no longer his 11:47 <@Dolemite> K`Tetch_: Definitly not. 11:47 < aestetix> wait, did jonnyx get with elonka? 11:47 < K`Tetch_> no 11:47 <@Dolemite> Amber sounds right 11:47 < K`Tetch_> (also, no jonnyx at dcon this year :-( 11:48 <@Shadow404> how is jx, havent seen him for a LOOONG time 11:48 < K`Tetch_> h seemed ok, haven't seen him myself since last year 11:48 <@Evilpig> he's terminal of a mystery disease 11:48 <@Shadow404> aestetix: im going over to london in sept, tkts booked. 11:48 < K`Tetch_> when jenie gave him some kind of scrap book 11:48 <@Dolemite> Evilpig: 10 years ago he had 2 years left to live, right? 11:48 <@Evilpig> something like that 11:48 < aestetix> Shadow404: gonna get your kicks before brexit? 11:49 <@Evilpig> all his family members were dead so he only had himself left, but somehow I think he's still going and maybe running nlug? 11:49 <@Dolemite> aestetix: He's going to try to meet up with his ex for another nut-kicking 11:49 <@Shadow404> aestetix: tbh, usd<>gpd is amazing right now 11:49 < K`Tetch_> *shudder* London... 11:49 < aestetix> Shadow404: I wonder why 11:49 < K`Tetch_> yeah, fucking thanks Piffle 11:49 <@Shadow404> not sure which way brexit will take the exchange tbh 11:50 <@Shadow404> lodnon is amzing, you shut your face right now K`Tetch_ 11:50 < K`Tetch_> Ł will drop 11:50 -!- PigBot [~PigBot@wilpig.org] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:50 <@Dolemite> London is amazingly expensive 11:50 <@Evilpig> wtf 11:50 <@Shadow404> good, and we go back again 11:50 < K`Tetch_> maybe for a tourist 11:50 -!- PigBot [~PigBot@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 11:50 <@Shadow404> especially if it continues to drop 11:50 < K`Tetch_> never had a good experience there 11:50 <@Shadow404> but you want expensive??? 11:50 <@Dolemite> Tokyo is the most expensive place I've ever been 11:50 <@Shadow404> were going to Japan for 3 weeks in 2020 11:51 <@Shadow404> heh 11:51 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: get out of my head, you will be scarred 11:51 <@Dolemite> But from talking to many others - if you get outside of Tokyo, the rest of Japan isn't bad 11:51 < aestetix> Shadow404: I hate to break it to you.... japanese people don't look like anime characters 11:51 <@Dolemite> aestetix: Except for the tentacle vaginas 11:51 <@Shadow404> aestetix: heh, thats not ONLY reason im going 11:52 <@Dolemite> He's mainly going for the tentacle vaginas 11:52 <@Evilpig> ^ 11:52 < K`Tetch_> breaking into the FEZ won't give you superpowers either 11:52 < K`Tetch_> not hiow radiation works 11:52 <@Shadow404> one plus side of visiting asian countries is i can look over an entire crowd 11:53 <@Shadow404> should of seen me in line at customs at Bankgkok airport 11:53 <@oddball> Legally speaking, the school (and therefor the bus driver) is responsible for the kid the moment they're picked up in the morning until the moment they are *delivered to the parent*. 11:53 <@oddball> Oh, sorry, or the kid crosses the threshold of their house. 11:53 <@Dolemite> Shadow404: Yeah, I'm honestly surprised you didn't have to declare those ladyboys you brought back 11:54 < aestetix> Dolemite: tokyo is more expensive than san francisco? 11:54 <@Shadow404> wife had to take a pic, I look like a giant in a sea of dwarves 11:54 <@Dolemite> aestetix: YES 11:54 < K`Tetch_> oh yeah aestetix 11:54 < aestetix> how is that possible 11:54 < aestetix> I thought SF was more expensive than london 11:54 <@Dolemite> Even more people in even less space 11:54 <@Shadow404> hehe, i did stand out like a sore thumb amount the other tourists in the red light areas 11:54 < aestetix> Shadow404: I don't think that's just in thailand 11:55 <@Shadow404> and yeah...wayyyyy to many ladyboys, the overweight baggage fees cost me a small fortune 11:55 < K`Tetch_> can I just say - as a brit - Americans stand out amongst other tourists EVERYWHERE in the world 11:55 <@Shadow404> would have been better off declaring them as live freight 11:55 < aestetix> K`Tetch_: they really do 11:55 < aestetix> I've been in berlin long enough to blend in 11:55 < aestetix> and you can tell the americans from a mile away 11:55 <@Shadow404> K`Tetch_: you dont understand maybe, im 6'7" 11:55 <@Shadow404> i stand out everywhere 11:55 <@Dolemite> aestetix: Wearing pleather dungeon gear all the time? 11:56 <@Shadow404> haha 11:56 < aestetix> Dolemite: no, just leiderhosen 11:56 <@Shadow404> ^5 Dolemite 11:56 <@Dolemite> But that's BAVARIAN 11:56 <@Dolemite> Get some pigtails and bring me a beer, be0tch 11:56 < aestetix> or as we call it, Bayerisch 11:57 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: that image just made me throw up a little bit 11:57 < aestetix> Dolemite: it's Oktoberfest, not Coktoberfest 11:57 < K`Tetch_> pigtails? with THAT fedora? 11:57 < aestetix> K`Tetch_: would you rather have anal hooks? 11:58 <@Dolemite> I'm too old to be interested in anything like Coktoberfest. 10 minutes in and I'm ready for a nap. 11:58 < K`Tetch_> if you're thinking pigtails and anal hooks are equivilent... 11:58 <@Dolemite> But I can drink for hours 12:06 < K`Tetch_> from cawk? 12:06 < K`Tetch_> also https://moneyinc.com/the-20-most-expensive-cities-to-buy-a-home-in-the-world/ - no SF on there 12:06 < PigBot> The 20 Most Expensive Cities to Buy a Home in the World (at moneyinc.com) http://tinyurl.com/yxkpzznh 12:09 < aestetix> hmmm Shadow404 maybe you should share your anal hooks with Evilpig 12:09 < aestetix> since he clearly needs to have some fun after dealing with his personal stuff 12:22 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@66-38-50-114.pool.dsl.duo-county.com] has joined #se2600 12:31 < xray> Who is going to Dragon Con? 12:42 * K`Tetch_ waves 12:42 <@Dolemite> Yeah, about 34,000 more than I'm comfortable being around. LOL 12:42 <@Shadow404> i second Dolemite 12:43 <@Dolemite> Give me the good old days of some traveling comic book vendors setting up on folding tables at the local National Guard Armory for the weekend, and people pay $3 to get in and browse. 12:43 < K`Tetch_> crowds i can handle, it's close personal (rather than impersonal) situations i have trouble with 12:44 <@Dolemite> People suck. Massive amounts of people suck massively. 12:44 <@Shadow404> like walking shoulder to shoulder bumping through convention hallways 12:44 <@Dolemite> Then there's the Legionnaire's Disease cases recently at one of the hotels. 12:44 <@Shadow404> fuck that shit, im out 12:44 < K`Tetch_> i've written 3 sketches about the legionarris stuff 12:45 <@Dolemite> One for each reported case? 12:45 < K`Tetch_> (obviously, if they run depends on enxt week) 12:45 < K`Tetch_> 11 reported cases 12:45 <@Dolemite> DAMN 12:45 * Dolemite gets out the Purell 12:45 < K`Tetch_> but theres like 5000+ each year in the US 12:45 <@Dolemite> Yeah, so for 11 to be in one hotel is pretty bad 12:45 < K`Tetch_> its just a straign of pneumonia 12:45 < K`Tetch_> no, it's expected because of how it is 12:46 <@Shadow404> and thats just 11 "reported" cases 12:46 <@Shadow404> no telling the real number 12:46 <@Dolemite> confirmed 12:46 < K`Tetch_> usually a contamination of warm water systems 12:46 <@Shadow404> that manifested after the con 12:46 < K`Tetch_> not a con, just regular use 12:47 < K`Tetch_> it exists in warm water, so the hot water taps, hot tubs, pool, etc. are at risk. also the AC unit's put out a plume that could have been infectious, or it might have been another buildings ac unit 12:48 < K`Tetch_> if you're THAT worred, wear an N95 12:49 < K`Tetch_> meanwhile i'm busy editing video for the con and panels 12:49 < K`Tetch_> mainly the 'battlebots 20th anniversary', but also the 'Tarentino does trek' one 12:52 <@Shadow404> wow, dust/gas masks won't be too out of the ordinary at d*con anyway 13:10 <@opticron> xray, I'll b ethere 13:13 <@Evilpig> nothing like blowing up sudoers across 350 servers for 30 minutes to make the day hop 13:14 < xray> I'll be at the EFF track 13:15 <@Shadow404> will Elonka be speaking? 13:15 < xray> yes 13:15 <@Mirage> the downside of using something like Puppet, Chef, CFEngine is that bad code gets propogated to lots of systems fairly quickly 13:16 * Mirage assumes it was associated with a configration management system 13:16 <@Dolemite> Testing in DevOps? Surely not! 13:17 <@Evilpig> nah. config management gone wrong 13:18 <@Evilpig> even though I have shit to run visudo -cf it doesn't help if you can't run it against the entire pool of shit 13:18 <@Evilpig> a duplicate alias blew everything up 13:18 <@Dolemite> You ever got your Ansible ticket resolved? 13:18 <@Evilpig> nope 13:18 <@Evilpig> neither of them 13:18 <@Dolemite> Still one response per day? 13:18 <@Evilpig> on the one it's averaging every two days 13:19 <@Dolemite> fuck that 13:19 <@Evilpig> I figured the snark would up that to at least a day when the dipshit realized he asked me for the same damn thing again 13:19 <@Dolemite> even those turds behind openDCIM are more responsive than that! 13:19 <@Evilpig> this other I have jobs hung and their response this morning was "update their status in the database and i'm dropping the priority on this" 13:19 <@Evilpig> what?! motherfucker... your shit is broken and you've done nothing to troubleshoot you just want me to clear the error and go on 13:20 <@Dolemite> damn 13:20 <@Evilpig> my sudoers issue just generated 3000+ emails cause of nagios using sudo for shit 13:46 <@Mirage> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I5-E-s9-4M 13:46 < PigBot> Trump blames weekend shootings on the "glorification of violence” (at www.youtube.com) http://tinyurl.com/y5293lrm 13:47 <@Mirage> No! Video games are not the problem...sensationalist media is the problem. 13:49 <@Mirage> Then when someone intelligently points out facts to put things into perspective they flamed.. https://deadline.com/2019/08/neil-degrasse-tyson-apology-slammed-tweet-shooting-deaths-1202661285/ 13:49 < PigBot> Neil DeGrasse Tyson Apology Slammed Following Tweet On Shooting Deaths – Deadline (at deadline.com) http://tinyurl.com/y245szez 13:50 <@oddball> Mirage: Yeah, it's pretty damn easy to prove that violent video games aren't the propblem. 13:50 <@Mirage> too much PC pussy pandering and not enough taking ownership and deaing with problems. 13:50 <@Mirage> oddball: it's been "proven" multiple times over the last 20+ years 13:50 <@oddball> About the time "realistic first person shooters" became a thing, violent crime rates dropped like a rock, and have stayed there. 13:53 <@Mirage> on a separate note, i've got an eye appt in a bit and i started having an ocular migraine about an hr ago. perfect timing for once. maybe something can get figured out this time. 14:05 <@oddball> With me, that usually means that either my prescription's off, or there's something wrong with my contact. 14:11 -!- Dagmar [dagmar@unaffiliated/dagmar] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 14:19 <@Mirage> oddball: yeah...no contacts. 15:39 <@Mirage> https://easttexasradio.com/anna-police-to-utilize-confiscated-car-from-cop-impersonator/ 15:39 < PigBot> Anna Police to Utilize Confiscated Car from Cop Impersonator – EastTexasRadio.com (at easttexasradio.com) http://tinyurl.com/y4trmpfv 15:39 <@Mirage> nice.. 16:25 < K`Tetch_> does anyone here have access to a 3D printer and will be going to dragoncon, that wouldn't mind printing me off some small things? 16:27 < K`Tetch_> (it'd be the master keys for those TSA-preferred traveller locks that leaked a few years back) 16:35 -!- dasunt_ [~dasunt@] has joined #se2600 17:14 -!- skiboy [skiboy@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/skiboy] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:27 <@oddball> I still need to get one of those... 19:31 * dasunt_ yawns. 19:31 -!- dasunt_ [~dasunt@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:31 -!- dasunt [~dasunt@] has joined #se2600 19:32 -!- dasunt [~dasunt@] has quit [Changing host] 19:32 -!- dasunt [~dasunt@unaffiliated/dasunt] has joined #se2600 19:32 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o dasunt] by ChanServ 20:20 -!- crashcartpro [uid29931@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nyqvobvdzfgqhfoj] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] --- Log closed Tue Aug 06 00:00:20 2019