--- Log opened Thu May 11 00:00:35 2017 --- Log closed Thu May 11 00:01:55 2017 --- Log opened Thu May 11 00:02:30 2017 00:02 -!- Evilpig [~wilpig@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 00:02 -!- Irssi: #se2600: Total of 32 nicks [15 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal] 00:02 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Evilpig] by ChanServ 00:02 -!- Irssi: Join to #se2600 was synced in 14 secs 00:02 -!- PigBot [~pigbot@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 00:02 -!- Shadow404 [~shadow404@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 05:03 < aestetix> so here is a legitimate question 05:03 < aestetix> why the hell are the democrats complaining about Comey getting fired 05:03 < aestetix> did they not just spend the last four months complaining that he was not fit for office? 05:03 < aestetix> the answer seems to be "because trump did it" 05:11 < aestetix> ok for real 05:11 < aestetix> https://www.yahoo.com/news/protesters-call-investigation-following-fbi-director-firing-010338033.html 05:11 < PigBot> Title: Protesters call for investigation following FBI director firing (at www.yahoo.com) http://tinyurl.com/n367e64 05:11 < aestetix> what the fuck 06:48 < dfused> penis 06:56 < frsilent> insightful 07:06 < aestetix> dfused: vagina 07:21 < dfused> it puts teh lotion on its skin 07:51 -!- scam [~sicsscam@] has joined #se2600 07:52 -!- sicsscam [~sicsscam@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:42 -!- scam [~sicsscam@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:51 -!- scam [~sicsscam@] has joined #se2600 09:49 -!- strages [uid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dvahxxilbpjpgsdg] has joined #se2600 10:05 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:9400:20e3:c626:10d0] has joined #se2600 10:37 < dfused> New ORleans ewmoves statue of Confederate president ..... and 50 years later this day will be marked as when New Orleans was no longer a city full of prejudice. racisim stopped becuase of a statue. 10:38 < aestetix> uh 10:39 < aestetix> isn't the point of the statue to remind people that history is important to learn from? 10:39 < aestetix> but what do I know 10:39 <@Evilpig> no. statues are to celebrate the accomplishments of the subject 10:39 <@Evilpig> clearly. duh. 10:40 < dfused> good thing ISIS is doing the same thing what with all them offensive statues from other religions n such 10:40 < dfused> I mean, if we cant see any object of a certain mindset, then durely that mindset will vanish. 10:43 < aestetix> thank god we have the proud liberals to save us 10:43 < dfused> they will ensure that no offensive speech will harm us! 10:43 < aestetix> and don't forget 10:43 < aestetix> hillary will rise again 10:44 < dfused> you know at this point I'm about ready to support total fucking anarchy..... but then I'd likely lose what shitty internet i have, and ... well, cant deal without internet 10:45 < aestetix> on the plus side, this is clearly the first step towards removing everything that someone might find offensive 10:47 < aestetix> oh wow, CNN needs to catch up 10:47 < aestetix> their top stories include half a dozen on Trump, and somehthing about female genital mutilation 10:47 < aestetix> You'd think they would be all over this one 10:48 < aestetix> they might have to put the statue back up and re-remove it to make sure it gets on CNN 10:49 < dfused> lol 10:49 < aestetix> hmm.... after they remove the statues, won't they have to figure out what to do with all the people who think the statues should remain up? 10:50 < dfused> nope 10:50 < dfused> they'll just call them racisists and move on 10:50 < aestetix> maybe they can set up camps to send them to to help enlighten them 10:52 < dfused> who knew idiocracy was a documentary *sigh* 10:52 < aestetix> and then of course, if they aren't smart enough to be enlightened, I'm sure the people running the camps can figure out something else to do with them 10:52 < dfused> soylent green? 10:52 < dfused> we can put it on the plants 10:53 <@dasunt> Why not alter the statute to add a noose around the neck of the traitors who attacked the US? :p 10:53 < dfused> lol 10:53 <@dasunt> s/statute/statue/ 10:55 < dfused> statue + toot = statute 10:55 <@dasunt> toot is about what I give for these. 10:55 <@dasunt> Fuck it, lets replace the statue with one of Sherman. 10:56 < dfused> yeah he was a US hero 10:56 <@dasunt> He was. And he understood that war was hell. 10:57 < dfused> well, aside from being a beligerent psychopath 10:57 <@dasunt> I see it more of him thinking "what the hell is wrong with these people, why aren't they realizing they are clearly on the losing side - okay then, let's see if they figure out the point after I destroy everything." 10:58 <@dasunt> About my only complaint with Sherman is that his autobiography is borderline unreadable. 10:59 < dfused> as I understand his personality, it was more of an anger move to scortch eveyrhing ... it wasnt so much as a psyop move to demoralize as it was an malicious move to punish the south with as much violence as possible 10:59 < dfused> -shrug- but I'm no historian so what the hell do I really know 10:59 <@dasunt> dfused: I am not disagreeing with that interpretation. 11:00 < dfused> either way I think it was a dick move. he could have crippled the south via logistics instead of burning everything to the ground and killing everything/everyone along the way 11:01 <@dasunt> He did that as well. 11:02 < aestetix> I'm interested in how New Orleans voted to create this though. 11:02 < aestetix> Especially in light of the youtube drama that's been going on 11:02 <@dasunt> IIRC, there was one state that Sherman's troups let off lightly, since it was one of the last to join the confederacy after all its neighbors did. 11:02 < aestetix> There's a fascinating interview with Tim Pool on the Rubin Report about this topic 11:03 <@dasunt> But I want to say that Sherman had a special hatred of South Carolina for being the first. 11:03 < aestetix> Basically, all the media and advertising right now is left leaning because that seems to be the most profitable 11:03 < dfused> NO is a very high majority black ppl ... and many of whome were put through hell after being left to drown in a hurricane by a sterotypical white man in office. 11:03 < aestetix> Targeting college age and younger liberals. 11:03 < aestetix> As in, Tim says that he couldn't get some articles published in places like Vice because they didn't fit with the narrative they wanted 11:04 <@dasunt> Is "college age" the modern term for the "damn kids that won't get off my lawn"? 11:04 < aestetix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWiwgofHTiA if anyone is interested 11:04 < PigBot> Title: Antifa and UC Berkeley: LIVE with Tim Pool - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) http://tinyurl.com/l6bo5zq 11:04 < dfused> Gran Torino style 11:04 < aestetix> dasunt: I was using "college age" to refer to the 18-24 demographic 11:05 < aestetix> but also, youtube has been demonetizing videos that might be controversial 11:05 <@dasunt> Hmmm. 11:05 < dfused> hrm.... I need to get me a garand... heavy bastards but damn they throw lead 11:05 < aestetix> Tim goes into some detail on what's happened with his youtube channel 11:05 < aestetix> Then there was the bit where the Washington Post wrote the hit piece on PewDiePie calling him a nazi 11:05 <@dasunt> I do hear a lot of people claiming to be oppressed because they are just being idiots. 11:06 < aestetix> dasunt: my best theory is it's because universities have become filled with post-modernists who take Foucault as dogma 11:06 < aestetix> One of the doctrines of the post-modernists is that all hierarchy is inherently oppressive 11:06 * dasunt shrugs. 11:07 <@dasunt> That doesn't really fit with the younger folks I know. 11:07 < dfused> post-modernists.... oh fuck that... this isnt a phd class in sociology 11:07 < aestetix> But it might fit with their teachers 11:07 < aestetix> dfused: right 11:08 < aestetix> Take this wierd ideology, which has gained a lot of ground in SF and NYC in the last few years 11:08 < aestetix> Combine it with the tech boom that is brining tons of money there 11:08 < aestetix> Corporations realize they need to use the narrative to make profit 11:08 <@dasunt> I would say that younger folks support hierarchy, but as long as the hierarchy is being used for what they perceive as good, and not evil. 11:08 < aestetix> And the cycle happens 11:08 < aestetix> dasunt: they do, but they don't know it 11:08 <@dasunt> I think they do. 11:09 < aestetix> but yeah that interview I just linked.... wow that was scary 11:09 <@dasunt> There's still not many anarchists on college campuses. I'd say I know more my own age than those younger than me. 11:09 <@dasunt> Don't confuse being against perceived oppression as being against a hierarchy. 11:10 < aestetix> dasunt: but that's what Foucault preaches 11:10 < aestetix> or, preached 11:10 < aestetix> and it's what all these sociology idiots preach 11:10 < aestetix> They are also all marcist 11:10 < aestetix> marxist 11:10 <@dasunt> But is that what the people believe? 11:10 < aestetix> which is ironic that corporations are using marxism to make profit 11:11 < aestetix> I've been talking with a few friends who grew up in east germany 11:11 <@dasunt> Like corportations ahven't been selling Che Guevera t-shirts for decades now. 11:11 < aestetix> they say what's going on the US looks like what they grew up in 11:11 < aestetix> *that* should scare you 11:12 <@dasunt> I think there's a small chance of a successful communist revolution (which East Germany never had, btw - they had a successful communist invasion instead). 11:13 <@dasunt> There's probably a greater chance of a successful democratic socialist revolution, but even then, by the time millials become the majority, some will be more conservative. 11:13 < aestetix> I mean more in the people holding back saying things for fear of being turned into the secret police 11:13 < aestetix> I know I have stopped expressing certain views 11:14 <@dasunt> That's good. Expressing certain views got Comey fired. 11:14 <@dasunt> Remember Comey. 11:28 <@dasunt> Why don't we do ranked choice voting? 11:43 <@Mirage> wow..this is taken at my timeshare in Branson. At least we have a 2nd story condo there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIYCfQ3lo50 11:43 < PigBot> Title: 4-29-2017 Branson, MO Businesses and Apartments Flooded - Interview Chest Deep in Water - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) http://tinyurl.com/lzlpar5 12:18 <@Mirage> Called them, they claim all is well, minimal dmg, nothing to worry about. 12:19 < dfused> aye its just mold....quit whining 12:20 <@Mirage> i don't have a ground floor unit, so mine's fine anyway. 12:20 < dfused> good point, mold doesnt float around or anything 12:21 <@Dagmar> So long as you don't need to live there while the people downstairs are gutting and rebuilding everything 12:43 <@dasunt> Branson is so fucking green. 13:02 < dfused> cyber EO just signed..... 13:03 <@dasunt> I'm reading /r/LegalAdvice, and I'm wondering what sort of neighbor decides to obviously direct drain flow onto a neighbor's property. 13:03 <@dasunt> dfused: Cyber EO for what? 13:03 < dfused> no details yet... nothing posted on WH site... 13:03 <@dasunt> So....? 13:03 < dfused> just caught it on twitter that an EO for cybersecurity was just signed... 13:04 < dfused> -shrug- I suppose get your whiskey ready. cause I' sure the announcement will be a drinking occasion 13:04 <@dasunt> Oh, there's a press release. I'm sorry, I'm out. 13:04 <@dasunt> Liver can't take it and I'm still at work. 13:04 < dfused> lol 13:05 <@dasunt> While trying to google for details, I do see that Trump has decided to investigate fraudulant voting. 13:05 < dfused> which is... I .. -sigh- ... I give up. 13:06 <@dasunt> Russia messing with elections isn't worth investigating, obviously. 13:06 <@dasunt> Stories already debunked by Snopes is worth investigating. 13:06 <@dasunt> That occurs to me - just think how much time, money, and sanity could be saved if someone introduced Trump to Snopes? 13:13 <@dasunt> LOL, flawed risk compensation: https://backchannel.com/how-one-little-cable-company-exposed-telecoms-achilles-heel-480e49b648bf 13:13 < PigBot> Title: How One Little Cable Company Exposed Telecom’s Achilles’ Heel (at backchannel.com) http://tinyurl.com/kdcxr8f 13:14 <@dasunt> Cable One's benefits to raising rates quickly: More profit. Cable One's risks of raising rates quickly: More regulation. Other companies' benefit of Cable One raising rates quickly: None. Other companies' risk of Cable One raising rates quickly: More regulation. 14:02 <@Dagmar> Wrong. 14:03 <@Dagmar> Other companies' benefit of Cable One raising rates quickly: Ability to raise their own rates accordingly. 14:55 <@dasunt> Dagmar: Cable One doesn't face competition in most of it's area. 14:56 <@Dagmar> That's the case for _most_ cable ISPs. They do not compete. 14:56 <@Dagmar> Even when there's more than one player in the market, they do not compete. 14:56 <@dasunt> Yep. 14:57 <@dasunt> Cable One seems to be pissing off others in the field because it's raising rates quickly enough to maybe attract the attention of regulators. 14:58 <@Dagmar> That's not going to happen. 14:58 <@dasunt> Probably not now. 14:58 <@Dagmar> It's how they all got into the position of having no real competition in the first place. 14:58 <@dasunt> Anyways isn't this in Mississippi? The whole state has issues. 14:59 <@dasunt> It's a pretty regulatory-unfriendly place. 15:00 <@dasunt> So what was Trump's "Cyber" thing anyways? 15:00 <@rattle> aestetix: You ever been to this place? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/05/11/this-hostel-in-berlin-is-a-clandestine-cash-cow-for-north-korea/?utm_term=.e6745a43dcab 15:00 < PigBot> Title: This hostel in Berlin is a clandestine cash cow for North Korea - The Washington Post (at www.washingtonpost.com) http://tinyurl.com/m669nk9 15:01 <@rattle> There wasn't much to the cyber thing. Stuff that's been planned for awhile. Centralization of the vulnerability management process for the federal government, forcing all agencies to apply the NIST cybersecurity framework, and a renewed push to retire legacy systems and host everything in FedRAMP cloud facilities. 15:01 <@rattle> All stuff that's been discussed and planned for a very long time. Trump just gets to take credit for it. 15:03 <@rattle> All changes that are long overdue, frankly.. 15:05 <@dasunt> That actually sounds pretty good. 15:05 <@rattle> I think so. 15:06 <@rattle> I've become a big fan of the NIST framework. 15:06 <@rattle> And they really need a centralized vulnerability management program so shit like what was going on at OPM can't hide in the shadows. 15:39 <@dasunt> Outlook doesn't have a "search whole word only"? 15:53 < dfused> dasunt is having a bad MS day 15:54 <@dasunt> Bad MS day for me is any day that I want MS software to do anything even a little bit complicated. 15:54 < dfused> or function with any semblance of common sense 15:56 <@dasunt> Let's see, so far this week, I've discovered Outlook's horrible search function, Word's crippled regex features, and Excel's ability to crash itself and corrupt the file in the process. 15:56 < dfused> win 15:58 <@dasunt> I think I'll take a break and get pissed at Verizon instead. 15:58 < dfused> thats easy enough 15:58 <@dasunt> My challenge: On our account, who is using what lines under what plans? 15:58 <@dasunt> Can I generate a report showing this using Verizon's website? 15:59 <@dasunt> Will the shitty nature of the website drive me mad first? 15:59 < dfused> with a personal plan it actually splits it out quite well... cant say for a commercial plan 16:00 <@dasunt> I may kinda have found what I was looking for. 16:00 <@dasunt> Assuming, y'know, I don't expect to save to csv, excel, or any other format. 16:07 <@dasunt> Cut and paste into word mostly worked. 16:07 <@dasunt> Er, s/into word/into excel/ 16:08 <@dasunt> Mostly because Excel decided to act smart and decide that the SIMS were really big numbers it could then mangle in its own way. 16:21 <@dasunt> And now my users are infecting themselves with viruses. 16:22 * dasunt headdesks. 17:03 <@dasunt> http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39888641 17:03 < PigBot> Title: Is Trump's thin skin getting in the way of his presidency? - BBC News (at www.bbc.com) http://tinyurl.com/ld3sxo6 18:06 -!- ^020d [~^020d@c-73-7-0-87.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:09 -!- ^020d [~^020d@c-73-7-0-87.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 18:48 -!- strages [uid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dvahxxilbpjpgsdg] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 18:58 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:9400:20e3:c626:10d0] has quit [] 20:12 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:f1a5:9295:c712:937c] has joined #se2600 20:20 -!- ^020d [~^020d@c-73-7-0-87.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:29 < _NSAKEY> Re: ISPs not competing, Dagmar's right. In my area, for example, AT&T offers a 6 Mb/s up/down plan for the same price that Comcast offers 300 down/30 up. That's not competition. 21:17 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:f1a5:9295:c712:937c] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:19 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@cpe-74-141-205-192.kya.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 21:35 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@cpe-74-141-205-192.kya.res.rr.com] has quit [] 23:33 < aestetix> rattle: The biggest thing that impressed me about the cyber EO was the acknolwedgement of OPM 23:34 < aestetix> I was *very* unhappy with how Obama handled OPM. 23:34 < aestetix> It seems like Trump could actually try to fix it. 23:34 < aestetix> oh jesus christ 23:35 < aestetix> reddit got hacked 23:35 < aestetix> "We're requiring some of our users to reset their passwords in light of recent news of Internet security breaches." 23:50 <@rattle> Does reddit support 2fa yet? At this point they would be downright negligent if they were not eat least pulling that on email/pass combos traded in the wild. 23:52 <@rattle> You can't be the "front page of the internet" and not look after users that have been knowingly compromised. It's like there are not information sources for known compromised credentials not readily available.. --- Log closed Fri May 12 00:00:37 2017