--- Log opened Tue Dec 06 00:00:25 2016 05:59 -!- xray [~xray@boppity.cc.gatech.edu] has joined #se2600 06:12 -!- Dolemite [~scott@96-38-108-153.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has quit [Quit: brb] 06:15 -!- Dolemite [~scott@96-38-108-153.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #se2600 06:15 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dolemite] by ChanServ 06:15 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 06:16 < xray> Morning. It took a while to respond because my arm was tangled up in the coffee IV drip line. 06:16 <@Dolemite> Ah. I trickle mine in during the drive to work. About 4 miles/oz. 06:17 < operat0r[m]> Kids with guns? No kids with thousands of INTERNET VEPONS! 06:23 <@Dolemite> Just don't give those kids both guns AND the internet 06:23 <@Dolemite> Then you end up with the Pizzagate Vigilante 06:25 < operat0r[m]> Riding rhe train here in ATL saw a guy chugging water...i was about to make a joke about it being gin or something then I relize the guys hands shaking ..gussing it was not water 06:26 < operat0r[m]> Hah your grandmas router is my gun ol man! 06:26 < _NSAKEY> operat0r[m]: Was it in a PN20 water bottle? 06:27 <@Dolemite> "water" bottle 06:27 < _NSAKEY> I enjoyed guessing what non-alcoholic drink each attendee was clearly drinking this year. 06:27 <@Dolemite> Never forget the air quotes 06:27 < operat0r[m]> Ha nope checkers plastic cup! 06:27 < _NSAKEY> Dolemite: Not those. We ordered bottles this year, but the vendor fucked up and shipped us clear bottles instead of white ones. 06:27 <@Dolemite> doh! 06:27 < _NSAKEY> So I had fun guessing that other attendees were drinking things like apple juice. 06:27 < aestetix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDvj6DQd93o 06:27 <@Dolemite> Capri Sun! 06:27 < PigBot> Title: JB Peterson Debate on Bill C-16 19th Nov 2016 - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) http://tinyurl.com/z6aa6ho 06:28 < aestetix> very interesting debate 06:28 * aestetix hugs Dolemite 06:30 <@Dolemite> aestetix: Will that video make me want to punch a hipster? 06:31 < operat0r[m]> I never grabbed on of thos but the yeti knockoffs work great gabe it to my wife along with a KPMG CYBER sweatshirt so shes a hacker now 06:31 <@Dolemite> Like somebody with a full beard, skinny jeans, and a personal pronoun of "zhe" 06:32 <@Dolemite> operat0r[m]: Little did you realize that KPMG Cyber is actually a cam-chat service. 06:32 <@Dolemite> Or maybe you DID know that. Sneaky bastard. 06:34 < operat0r[m]> They have a 247 Cyber hotline ;) 06:35 < operat0r[m]> I loled every time i saw people with that in there email sig 06:39 < aestetix> Dolemite: you can skip that part 06:39 < aestetix> I actually learned a few things from the guy's responses to the questions 06:39 <@Dolemite> Wait. Was there really one of those in the video? 06:40 < aestetix> he has clearly thought about these issues deeply, and has very cogent answers 06:40 < aestetix> I would recommend skipping the segments from anyone not him though 06:40 < aestetix> Dolemite: his debating partners are a lawyer who is actually very smart, and someone who I guess is from the gender studies department 06:41 < aestetix> I learned a bit from his sparring with the lawyer. The other one I mostly skipped 06:41 <@Dolemite> aestetix: But how does it compare to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9fnfusdJYs 06:41 < PigBot> Title: McRib Girl at Santa Clarita Council 11.24.15 - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) http://tinyurl.com/j7c8pgg 06:44 <@Dagmar> A shame about hte note 7, now that the final verdict is out 06:44 <@Dagmar> Lack of _any_ breathing space for the battery makes the things unsafe for every purpose that involves the battery 07:00 < xray> https://www.nngroup.com/articles/computer-skill-levels/ 07:00 < PigBot> Title: The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think (at www.nngroup.com) http://tinyurl.com/hb9es2a 07:01 < xray> In case you don't know. If you are reading this you are most likely in the top 5% of computer skills. 07:02 < xray> If your a skilled hacker you are probably in the top 1%. Which explains why it is so hard to get info sec people. 07:04 <@Dolemite> you're 07:04 < xray> Sorry. I'll go get more coffee. 07:12 <@Dagmar> That page is fucking depressing 07:12 <@Dagmar> Bleke: Just remember. If a stranger ever offers you back-references, just say "No!" 07:13 < aestetix> what about back-massages? 07:13 <@Dagmar> No, back-references. For regular expressions 07:13 < aestetix> oh lol 07:13 < aestetix> what's wrong with creating state in regex? 07:14 <@Dagmar> They're the first step on the road to writing rexeps that can and will run amok and gobble ludicrous amounts of CPU time as they attempt to solve for np-completeness 07:48 < xray> Firebug no longer being developed 07:48 < xray> http://getfirebug.com/ 07:48 < PigBot> Title: Firebug (at getfirebug.com) http://tinyurl.com/yjr73v 07:48 <@Evilpig> that stinks 07:48 <@Evilpig> I loves me some firebug 07:48 < xray> The page says to use the built in Firefox dev tools. 07:48 <@Evilpig> I see that 07:49 <@Evilpig> but I prefer firebug. the built in tools always felt clunky by comparison 07:50 <@Evilpig> https://blog.getfirebug.com/2016/02/08/merging-firebug-into-the-built-in-firefox-developer-tools/ 07:50 < PigBot> Title: Getfirebug Blog » Blog Archive » Merging Firebug into the built-in Firefox Developer Tools (at blog.getfirebug.com) http://tinyurl.com/hx52zay 07:50 < xray> So firebug has been assimilated 07:50 < xray> long live the borg 07:51 < aestetix> oh nice 07:51 < aestetix> does that mean firebug will support DRM now? 08:07 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:7121:a8fa:a3f1:3cb1] has joined #se2600 09:42 -!- strages [sid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qgkboobkdmjhlhau] has quit [] 09:43 -!- strages [sid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vxrphozvzuicaaas] has joined #se2600 09:46 -!- EnabrinTain [sid11525@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-empbfzxlukxwncay] has quit [] 09:47 -!- EnabrinTain [sid11525@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ubqusbxgasvnndig] has joined #se2600 09:47 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o EnabrinTain] by ChanServ 12:00 < aestetix> https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/12/trump-taiwan/509474/ 12:00 < PigBot> Title: Trump and Taiwan: The Meaning of a Phone Call - The Atlantic (at www.theatlantic.com) http://tinyurl.com/jqnxcym 12:01 < aestetix> I really hope this phone call will not be like the zimmermann telegram 12:24 <@rattle> I don't think so. 12:24 <@rattle> The Chinese are very pragmatic. 12:25 <@rattle> I am boggled by it though. The Taiwan Straight status quo, while sorta stupid, has been working well for everyone. I can't see any benefit to screwing with it. 12:26 <@rattle> I think China is most likely to brush it off as Trump testing them to see how they would react, rather than finding a way to retaliate. 12:26 <@rattle> But I'm pretty sure most of the world is looking at it going "why would you do that?" 12:26 <@rattle> Trump said he was going to be unpredictable. That seems to be a bit part of his "strategy" towards things, if you can call it a strategy.. 12:27 <@rattle> And maybe he picked this one because he figures the Chinese will brush it off. 12:27 <@rattle> Taking a "fuck em'" approach towards China is not wise though. 12:28 < aestetix> rattle: and now he's pissing off Boeing 12:29 <@rattle> There's a lot of concern in the intelligence and foreign policy community right now, globally, about Trump, in general. 12:32 <@rattle> I'm very concerned about how he is going to handle North Korea. 12:33 < aestetix> Hopefully he gets an intel briefing first 12:33 <@Dolemite> Trump Internationational Pyongyang 12:33 < aestetix> Do you think Kim Jon-Un will be open to a Trump Tower, North Korea edition? 12:34 < aestetix> Help boost the struggling tourist industry 12:34 <@Dolemite> Once he brings true luxury (tm) to a nation full of people who don't even have enough food to eat, they'll treat him like a god 12:36 <@rattle> I can make a grim prediction.. Shortly after Trump takes office, the DPRK is staging a long range missile test. One of the options put across his desk is an air strike on the missile before launch. He takes it. Pyongyang responds by shelling Seoul. A half a million people die in the first 10 minutes. Somewhere shy of a million are dead before allied forces can take out the offensive forces.\ 12:36 < aestetix> So glad I don't live in the US right now 12:40 < aestetix> So wait 12:40 < aestetix> rattle: wouldn't that upset China? 12:40 < aestetix> As well as South Korea 12:40 < aestetix> I have Kissing's autobiography on the shelf 12:41 < aestetix> I was gonna put off reading it for a while, but it seems too relevant now 12:43 < aestetix> So basically 12:43 < aestetix> Trump is going to be like Andrew Jackson on steroids 12:54 <@Dagmar> You have reason to believe that Trump will kill the private banking industry's stranglehold on currency? 12:58 < aestetix> was the bank of the us private? 12:58 < aestetix> I thought it was the national bank, which is why he abolished it 13:00 <@Dagmar> It was because the institution was private, and believed in soft money, dude. 13:00 <@Dagmar> ...as opposed to "hard money", which is money backed by _something_. 13:00 <@Dagmar> What we have now is backed by basically, bureaucracy. Not gold or silver. 13:00 < aestetix> oh you mean it was a gold standard related issue 13:01 <@Dagmar> He was also not a fan of how banks could speculate using customer money and laughingly lose it 13:02 < aestetix> Right, he was a populist 13:02 <@Dagmar> No, he actually had some sense. 13:02 < aestetix> They used to. 13:02 * aestetix points to William Jennings Brya 13:02 < aestetix> brian 13:03 <@Dagmar> It's got nothing to do with whteher or not he was a "populist", but rather his belief that private, for-profit instutions shouldn't be allowed to control the money supply, because they'll (somewhat obviously) abuse it 13:04 <@Dagmar> Right now, if "new" currency is to be introduced to the US economy, guess where it *all* comes from. 13:05 < aestetix> Federal reserve, right? 13:05 <@Dagmar> Private corporations. 13:06 < aestetix> oh you mean by way of credit 13:06 <@Dagmar> Yes. 13:07 < aestetix> It's kind of amazing all the strange things I run into because I've never had an american credit card 13:07 < aestetix> Like, checking into hotels. They all ask for your credit card. "I don't have one." They don't know what to do 13:07 <@Dagmar> These companies take loans from the fed, mostly based on assets they don't actually have, and then in turn loan that to their customers for a further profit 13:08 <@Dagmar> Basically, those private institutions then control currency generation, because not one new penny goes into the economy without them getting it first 13:08 < aestetix> right 13:08 < aestetix> So you were asking not how money gets into circulation, but how liquidity gets into circulation, ie credit 13:09 < aestetix> IE debt 13:09 <@Dagmar> No that's literally where the new money comes from 13:09 <@Dagmar> ...and it's _based_ on debts. 13:09 <@Dagmar> Someone has to go into debt before any new currency can be introduced 13:11 <@Dagmar> They go into debt by borrowing money that doesn't exist yet 13:11 <@Dagmar> ...not by borrowing money that's based on any actual wealth generation 13:14 < aestetix> http://www.eastbaytimes.com/2016/12/06/ghost-ship-manager-derrick-ion-almena-apolgizes-defends-living-arrangement/ 13:14 < PigBot> Title: Oakland fire: Ghost Ship manager apolgizes, defends arrangement (at www.eastbaytimes.com) http://tinyurl.com/httfkts 13:15 <@Dagmar> He's *so* going to jail 13:17 < aestetix> He's about to find out what reality is like 13:17 <@Dagmar> He appears to be completely ignoring _why_ permits exist 13:18 <@Dagmar> Those statements he just made are going to figure in prominently in _why_ he gets a heavy sentence 13:18 < aestetix> That was a burning man defense 13:18 < aestetix> IE if some drama happens in your camp 13:19 <@Dagmar> hat? 13:19 <@Dagmar> er what? 13:20 < aestetix> No. 13:20 < aestetix> The ramble he gave. It was an appeal to emotion. 13:20 < aestetix> And the whole "it's not about me, it's about community" 13:20 <@Dagmar> Oh yeah 13:20 <@Dagmar> "We didn’t have enough money that needed to be done there, and there was nobody helping us in the ways that we needed." 13:20 < aestetix> That shit works on burners for a lot of things 13:20 <@Dagmar> That's a load of bollocks. "It turned out to be really expensive to make this shithole safe, so we decided to skip the safety." 13:23 < aestetix> oh man 13:23 < aestetix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61vB1f1cZWA 13:23 < PigBot> Title: Oakland Fire | Warehouse Founder Interview - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) http://tinyurl.com/zwxjkht 13:27 < aestetix> The music in the background of that one makes it all the more special 13:43 < aestetix> Wow everything i read about this guy is bad 14:29 <@Dagmar> I highly doubt the guy got into this situation through just _one_ moral failing 15:08 * dasunt may need a new career. 15:53 -!- rhia [~rhia@2601:601:4000:da79:82ee:73ff:fe64:1308] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:05 -!- rhia [~rhia@2601:601:4000:da79:82ee:73ff:fe64:1308] has joined #se2600 16:05 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rhia] by ChanServ 16:19 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:7121:a8fa:a3f1:3cb1] has quit [] 16:24 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:7121:a8fa:a3f1:3cb1] has joined #se2600 16:34 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:7121:a8fa:a3f1:3cb1] has quit [] 16:36 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@cpe-74-141-205-192.kya.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 17:08 -!- xray [~xray@boppity.cc.gatech.edu] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:19 <@rattle> Art based solutions to art based problems? Recruit the steampunkers to make some fucking sprinklers. 17:20 <@Dagmar> Apparently it was more important that everyone have their gender pronouns respected. 19:32 <@Dagmar> ...although I do think having the steampunk crew do the sprinklers would be a great idea, I'm not sure the fire marshal would appreciate their decorative nature 19:32 <@Dagmar> "IT LOOKS WEIRD. THIS ISN'T CODE." 22:50 <@Dagmar> For your enjoyment... 22:50 <@Dagmar> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2739178&page=2#post69967090 22:50 < PigBot> Title: [MOD] GPS Fix....Faster Location fix. - Pg. 2 | Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 5 (at forum.xda-developers.com) http://tinyurl.com/h9o7qjy 22:50 <@Dagmar> See also, #shotsfired, #bogons, and #IseeStupidPeople 23:15 -!- crashcartpro [uid29931@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mflinokhiysuuyaj] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:15 -!- rhia [~rhia@2601:601:4000:da79:82ee:73ff:fe64:1308] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:15 -!- am1n0 [~devnull@unaffiliated/am1n0] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:15 -!- crashcartpro [uid29931@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-prozlgcztskfttoi] has joined #se2600 23:17 -!- am1n0 [~devnull@unaffiliated/am1n0] has joined #se2600 23:17 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o am1n0] by ChanServ 23:29 -!- rhia [~rhia@2601:601:4000:da79:82ee:73ff:fe64:1308] has joined #se2600 23:29 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rhia] by ChanServ --- Log closed Wed Dec 07 00:00:29 2016