--- Log opened Thu Aug 25 00:00:03 2016 01:44 -!- oddball [~oddball@c-98-240-105-54.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 02:12 -!- oddball [~oddball@c-98-240-105-54.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 05:34 -!- xray [~xray@boppity.cc.gatech.edu] has joined #se2600 06:00 -!- Neoteric [~timball@anhedonia.sammy.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:31 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 06:31 * aestetix hugs Dolemite 07:07 -!- fie_ [~fie@ip72-206-22-57.fv.ks.cox.net] has joined #se2600 07:09 -!- fie [~fie@ip72-206-22-57.fv.ks.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 07:14 -!- scam [~sicsscam@] has joined #se2600 07:16 -!- sicsscam [~sicsscam@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:19 -!- D34dbug [~D34dbug@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 07:19 -!- sicsscam [~sicsscam@] has joined #se2600 07:19 -!- PigBot` [~pigbot@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 07:20 -!- D34dbug [~D34dbug@] has joined #se2600 07:20 -!- PigBot [~pigbot@wilpig.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 07:22 -!- scam [~sicsscam@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 07:40 -!- rattle [b8994913@tor/regular/rattle] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:16 -!- rattle [041c8581@tor/regular/rattle] has joined #se2600 08:16 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rattle] by ChanServ 08:31 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:d57d:9b3d:35d:cb08] has joined #se2600 08:35 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:d57d:9b3d:35d:cb08] has quit [Client Quit] 09:06 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:d57d:9b3d:35d:cb08] has joined #se2600 09:20 < aestetix> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-25/uber-loses-at-least-1-2-billion-in-first-half-of-2016 09:20 < PigBot`> Title: Uber Loses at Least $1.2 Billion in First Half of 2016 - Bloomberg (at www.bloomberg.com) http://tinyurl.com/hgefufw 09:20 < aestetix> https://www.zacks.com/stock/news/226158/will-uber-be-the-hottest-ipo-of-2016 09:21 < PigBot`> Title: Will Uber Be the Hottest IPO of 2016? - August 1, 2016 - Zacks.com (at www.zacks.com) http://tinyurl.com/h45aftr 09:21 < aestetix> please tell me how this makes sense 09:21 < aestetix> who the hell is going to invest in a company posting over a billion in losses? 09:25 <@Dagmar> That's an easy one 09:25 <@Dagmar> The people who came up with the "valuation" for the company who will be setting the stock price significantly below that so that they can get free money. 09:26 < oddball> I'm still waiting for folks to come to their senses and start actually requiring Lyft and Uber to follow the taxi regs... because there's no way they don't fit the definition of a taxi company. 09:28 < aestetix> oddball: I would love to see that 09:28 < aestetix> but that would require the government to function properly 09:30 < aestetix> and when I say "the government" I mean any fucking level of it 09:30 < oddball> I actually find it kind of humorous. I know a great number of folks that love Uber, Lyft, AirBNB, etc, but are far on the left and think that libertarians are insane. 09:31 <@Dagmar> Well, perhaps in this case they're foot-dragging for a reason 09:31 < oddball> "um... you know the reason why those services are able to do what they do is because they're seriously skirting *any* government regulation right? It's kind of the ultimate non-regulated free market thing?" 09:32 < oddball> "no it's not! Because... uh... reasons!" 09:32 < aestetix> oddball: these companies are working hard to undo around a century of workers rights legislation 09:32 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o oddball] by ChanServ 09:32 <@oddball> yep 09:33 < aestetix> and yet all I hear about from activist are trigger warnings and "you're racist" 09:34 <@oddball> yep 09:35 <@oddball> Oh, speaking of which, apparently a right wing scifi writer got kicked out of Worldcon (home of the Hugo awards) for, as anyone can tell, existing. 09:35 < aestetix> I actually really pissed off someone today, over systemd 09:35 < aestetix> I was saying that I do not like having the choice taken from me to choose sysv or systemd 09:35 < aestetix> he replied "well do you think people should be able to choose to be racist?" 09:35 < aestetix> and when I replied "absolutely" he flipped his shit 09:35 <@oddball> wrongthink! 09:36 < aestetix> I don't think he heard me add "but they also get to deal with the consequences" 09:36 <@Dagmar> So... he called sysv users racists? 09:36 <@oddball> Also, what the fuck does that have to do with sysv vs systemd?! 09:36 < aestetix> oddball: I was pissed because all these distros are moving to systemd and not giving me the choice to opt out 09:37 <@Dagmar> Come on over to Slackware 09:37 < aestetix> Dagmar: I've actually installed the new version in a VM to test it out 09:37 <@oddball> Yeah, that's been in the works for a while, since a bunch of shit is assuming that you're running systemd more and more. 09:37 < aestetix> He was listing off all these advantages, and I said "that's great, but I don't want it" 09:37 <@oddball> Slackware: the "get off my lawn!" distro. :p 09:38 < aestetix> Also, he brought up racism after I sliced through all his other arguments 09:39 < aestetix> I mean it's great they are creating standards, and great that so many places are adopting them, and very not great they are not giving me a cohice. 09:39 <@oddball> "should someone have the choice to sacrifice and eat babies?" 09:39 < aestetix> oh that was funny 09:39 < aestetix> he said I could go to another distro, and I said they are all moving to systemd, and he said "make your own distro" 09:40 < aestetix> and I replied "if all the coffeehouses in my area suddenly require me to suck dick to get a coffee, the proper response is not to force me to open a new coffeehouse" 09:40 < aestetix> well unless I am bob saget 09:40 < aestetix> he did NOT like htat :p 09:40 <@Dagmar> It's a great opportunity to sell training classes to teach people the new Aryan er I mean systemD way 09:40 < aestetix> yep 09:41 < aestetix> This is why college degrees require you to take humanities classes 09:41 < aestetix> so you learn a little philosophy and can see through this garbage 09:43 < aestetix> then again I took a lot of heat for supporting gun rights too 09:43 < aestetix> even though I have never owned a gun 09:44 <@oddball> I'm guessing especially now that you livee in a country where there aren't any. 09:44 <@oddball> Actually, I'm not entirely sure what the gun laws are like in Germany. 09:46 < aestetix> that becomes an interesting point because of the shootings that have happened recently 09:46 < aestetix> which is sort of proof that harsh gun laws do not prevent crime 09:46 <@oddball> yep 09:47 <@oddball> Of course, that requires actually looking at the facts. 09:47 <@oddball> I *still* run into folks that believe Obama and Clinton aren't anti-gun, and no one is trying to ban them here. 09:48 <@oddball> Oh, and they really don't like when I point out that there's more guns in circulation and more people with carry permits than ever and we're at a 100 year low in violent crime, according the the FBI. 09:49 < aestetix> yepo 09:49 <@oddball> Oh, and that "we had more mass shooting than days in the year last year" thing? Yeah... that's actually complete bullshit. 09:49 < aestetix> I piss off a lot of people when I tell them I do not support Black Lives Matter (the movement) 09:49 < aestetix> and piss them off even more when I list off reasons they can't argue with 09:51 <@oddball> I'm guessing you believe in the basic message, but not their methods? 09:51 < aestetix> If the basic message is "treat everyone equally under the law" then sure I'm all for that 09:53 < aestetix> But yeah their methods are stupid, and I'm not sure what their goal is 09:54 <@oddball> At this point, it seems like their goals are 1. to cause as much mayhem as possible, and/or 2. be blind agents to the Democratic party. 09:55 < aestetix> you mean the Clintons who signed NAFTA into law and basically gutted welfare? 09:56 <@oddball> Those are the ones. 09:56 < aestetix> And all this shit about "slavery" 09:56 < aestetix> Slavery is not the issue. The war on drugs is. 09:57 <@oddball> I'm still a big fan of the screaming that the Republicans arre Nazis and are sending out Brownshirts when the Dems are actually bussing in violent "protestors" to republican rallies. 09:58 < aestetix> Bernie is the nazi 09:59 < aestetix> I mean he basically wants to nationalize everything 10:01 <@oddball> I would have gone with Lenon, but too many folks in the US now think that the Soviet Union was a glorious success. 10:02 <@Dolemite> To me the frustration is with the fact that most voters seem to think that the President has as much power as he/she does, and doesn't bother to truly vet their congressional candidates. 10:02 <@oddball> Well, yes... there's that. 10:03 <@Dolemite> Congress has near an 80% disapproval rating 10:03 <@Dolemite> But everybody thinks it's "not my Congressman - it's all the other ones!" 10:03 <@oddball> But that would require the average citizen to be able to vaugely pass a civics class. 10:04 <@Dolemite> For the past 16 years I've voted for whoever didn't have an I (incumbent) next to their name. 10:04 <@oddball> heh 10:04 <@Dolemite> So I've voted for Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, Independents, you name it. 10:04 <@oddball> Hell, look at all the folks that were bitching that Bernie was losing the primaries because of the electoral college. 10:23 < aestetix> Dolemite: Obama should have proved otherwise 10:25 < aestetix> in the meantime, trump and hillary are now only 5 points apart in the polls 11:12 <@rattle> The electoral math is all vastly in HRC's favor though.. 11:26 <@Dagmar> I'd like to point out that if there was a poll on whether people would vote for Weev or Vermin Supreme, they would also proabbly be about five points apart 11:27 <@Dagmar> If you give people two equally abhorrent things to choose from, don't be surprised when the result is evenly distributed 11:43 -!- scam [~sicsscam@] has joined #se2600 11:47 -!- sicsscam [~sicsscam@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 12:18 < aestetix> wow I just realized something 12:18 < aestetix> systemd is the facebook of init systems 12:21 < _NSAKEY> aestetix: You could always go to alpine. 12:22 < aestetix> Doesn't alpine use systemd? 12:23 < aestetix> I am very tempted to take one of the argument lists for why everyone should use systemd exclusively, and change a few of the words to make it sound like white supremacy 12:23 < aestetix> Because I was basically told today that my free will and ability to choose is irrelevant 12:29 < aestetix> actually 12:29 < aestetix> I wonder if I can talk weev into promoting systemd 12:29 < _NSAKEY> No, alpine uses OpenRC. 12:30 < aestetix> Find some monologue of Poettering and get weev to read it while shirtless and standing next to a Nazi flag 12:32 < _NSAKEY> This is a terrible idea, which is probably why I'd almost pay to see it happen. 12:36 < aestetix> oh fun 12:36 < aestetix> systemd conf happens in berlin next month 12:37 < aestetix> I bet we could get weev to read this: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ 12:37 < PigBot`> Title: systemd (at www.freedesktop.org) http://tinyurl.com/zw9tjqg 12:37 < aestetix> just that first paragraph should be enough 12:38 < aestetix> unless there is a better writeup 12:38 < aestetix> ideally something written by Leonart personally 12:43 < aestetix> Dagmar: seriously though, do you use slackware regularly? 12:44 < aestetix> I'm debating dropping ubuntu and going to it 12:55 <@Dagmar> Yes. I'm using it now 14:02 < TheDukh> http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2016/08/if_you_aren_t_hilary_clinton_a_private_email_server_is_a_good_idea.html 14:02 < PigBot`> Title: If you arent Hilary Clinton, a private email server is a good idea. (at www.slate.com) http://tinyurl.com/h36okar 14:02 < TheDukh> what. the. hell 15:11 < aestetix> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/25/cocks-not-glocks-texas-campus-carry-gun-law-protest 15:11 < PigBot`> Title: Cocks Not Glocks: Texas students carry dildos on campus to protest gun law | US news | The Guardian (at www.theguardian.com) http://tinyurl.com/z4tnl48 15:17 <@opticron> lol 15:51 < aestetix> wow 15:51 < aestetix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQk0V_8iZwQ 15:52 < PigBot`> Title: Bill Burr on Clinton vs Trump - "I Think Trump Could Win" (08/01/2016) - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) http://tinyurl.com/jy4nndo 15:52 < aestetix> best summary I've found so far 15:54 -!- xray [~xray@boppity.cc.gatech.edu] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 16:05 -!- rattle [041c8581@tor/regular/rattle] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:11 -!- Accurs3D [~Accurs3D@68-184-123-179.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has joined #se2600 16:12 -!- Accurs3D [~Accurs3D@68-184-123-179.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has quit [Client Quit] 16:24 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:d57d:9b3d:35d:cb08] has quit [] 17:16 -!- TheDukh [~thedukh@2607:fcc8:ac80:d900:d57d:9b3d:35d:cb08] has joined #se2600 20:32 -!- rhia [~rhia@2601:601:4000:da79:82ee:73ff:fe64:1308] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 20:44 -!- rhia [~rhia@2601:601:4000:da79:82ee:73ff:fe64:1308] has joined #se2600 20:44 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rhia] by ChanServ 21:21 -!- aestetix [~aestetix@phalse.2600.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:27 -!- aestetix [~aestetix@phalse.2600.com] has joined #se2600 21:46 -!- aestetix [~aestetix@phalse.2600.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:51 -!- aestetix [~aestetix@phalse.2600.com] has joined #se2600 21:56 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:57 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@noranti.in.the.narro.ws] has joined #se2600 21:58 -!- brimstone is now known as Guest19413 23:44 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 23:44 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ --- Log closed Fri Aug 26 00:00:06 2016