--- Log opened Fri Sep 18 00:00:05 2015 00:22 < _NSAKEY> benthemeek: He hasn't responded on jabber. Chances are he's decompressing from work with a beer and an Xbox game. 02:04 -!- opticron [~opticron@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:31 -!- opticron [~opticron@] has joined #se2600 02:31 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o opticron] by ChanServ 02:36 <@Dagmar> Looks like I get to make a wireless honeypot this weekend 02:36 <@Dagmar> The lady i've been trying to help is convinced that an employee from the Apple Store keeps cruising by her house and is getting into her wireless since they somehow know the password 02:37 <@Dagmar> So... _if_ this is going on, it's going to really suck for him if he connects to my shit instead. 02:37 <@Dagmar> Because I will not be merciful, for no other reason than I've had to sift through all the stuff this woman has been telling me 02:38 <@Dagmar> She's convinced her line is being tapped and her mail is being tampered with 02:38 <@Dagmar> The mail tampering is easy enough to suss out 02:39 <@Dagmar> Just gonna go by the post office and see about getting some letters sent with the rubber stamp method as opposed to a postage stamp. Just fancy enough to make the mail look worth opening. 02:39 <@Dagmar> Just *one* opened letter of the several that will be sent and we'll raise some hell at the post office 02:39 <@Dagmar> God help anyone nearby if I see anything connected to her telco box that shouldnt' be 02:40 <@Dagmar> If it happens to be something so crass as an extra line running away from the box, it's getting 110VAC 02:41 <@Dagmar> Either she's been gaslighted to the point where she's confirmably paranoid-delusional now, or someone's going to be getting an ass-handing when I find even a single solid piece of evidence 02:43 < _NSAKEY> Dagmar: Why do all the crazies come to you for help? 02:44 <@Dagmar> In this case it's probably because she's presently being bothered by identity theft and someone who's managed to get into her Apple account 02:44 <@Dagmar> Also, because I am a _bastard_. 02:45 <@Dagmar> I got no real problems with roughing up some apple store kid who's gone to the trouble of trying to avoid witnesses 02:45 < _NSAKEY> You had that guy at the last meeting trying to dump a potential crazy person in your lap, and now this. 02:45 <@Dagmar> That's the woman 02:45 < _NSAKEY> Oh. Should have suspected that it's the same person. 02:46 <@Dagmar> It does appear someone's gotten into her Apple account and has an apple device they control on it, with iCloud merrily cloning all the important stuff for them to see 02:46 < _NSAKEY> I interacted with someone with a similar situation a few months back. 02:46 < _NSAKEY> I told them to change their pass or ditch the account outright. 02:47 <@Dagmar> It also appears there's 4chan idiots cruising by her house on a regular basis taking pictures of it 02:47 < _NSAKEY> Their immediate concern was the webcam, so I brought up the eletrical tape fix. 02:47 <@Dagmar> So, more than a little gaslighting going on 02:47 < _NSAKEY> Oh really? 02:47 <@Dagmar> Did this person's name start with an A? 02:47 <@Dagmar> Blonde? 02:47 < _NSAKEY> ... 02:47 < _NSAKEY> So far, yeah, but I doubt they're the same person. Stand by for a PM. 03:16 -!- opticron [~opticron@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03:28 -!- opticron [~opticron@] has joined #se2600 03:28 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o opticron] by ChanServ 06:11 < NotLarry_> I don't know what fucking crap is playing full blast on my roommates computer but at 5am I prefer a little quiet and solitude. 06:11 < NotLarry_> oh fuck me, I hear a fiddle 06:11 -!- NotLarry_ is now known as NotLarry 07:30 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 08:30 < NotLarry> wow, noc operator calls vupd last night because of a woman screaming in the building... 08:30 -!- crash180 [~Adium@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has joined #se2600 08:30 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o crash180] by ChanServ 08:30 < NotLarry> Time to get rid of the tv in the break room... 08:55 <@Dagmar> lolololol 08:56 <@Dagmar> That's HILARIOUS 09:13 < Evilpig_> heh 09:13 < Evilpig_> which noc person was that? please say potato 09:52 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 09:52 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 09:52 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Client Quit] 09:52 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 09:52 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 10:17 < aestetix> Does anyone have a copy of the picture of Dagmar and jonnyx kissing? 10:28 < frsilent> lmao 10:30 < frsilent> NotLarry: good fiddle or bad? 11:13 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has joined #se2600 11:24 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.2] 11:32 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has joined #se2600 11:35 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Client Quit] 11:46 < _NSAKEY> aestetix: That sounds like something that would be on an archived PhreakNIC site. 12:02 -!- crashcart [uid29931@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nsojklwryaximgne] has joined #se2600 12:05 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Quit: zzz] 12:43 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has joined #se2600 12:46 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 12:46 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 13:22 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.2] 13:48 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Quit: zzz] 14:14 <@northrup> good fiddle or bad... damn that's funny 14:16 -!- crashcart [uid29931@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nsojklwryaximgne] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:28 <@benthemeek> aestetix: I think having that type of material might mean you are several million times more likely to by murdered. 14:32 -!- crash1801 [~Adium@] has joined #se2600 14:32 <@rattle> Is there a band that sucks more than KMFDM or Primus? 14:33 -!- crash180 [~Adium@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 14:33 -!- crash1801 is now known as CRasH180 14:33 -!- CRasH180 [~Adium@] has quit [Changing host] 14:33 -!- CRasH180 [~Adium@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has joined #se2600 14:33 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o CRasH180] by ChanServ 14:39 <@benthemeek> Had PhreakNIC ever had multiple tracks? 14:40 < aestetix> benthemeek: I don't think so, but I can't remember 14:41 < Evilpig_> yes it has 14:41 < aestetix> Evilpig_: when? 14:41 < Evilpig_> but not for many years 14:41 < Evilpig_> last year for multiple tracks was four 14:41 < Evilpig_> the secondary track was run by nlug back then 14:41 < aestetix> oh that's why I don't remember that 14:42 <@benthemeek> ah 14:42 < aestetix> I didn't go until 5 14:42 <@benthemeek> That makes sense 14:47 < Evilpig_> if you count the anime room from 7-9 that would have been a secondary track 14:47 < Evilpig_> it ran along side the primary speaking track 14:47 <@benthemeek> The logistics of having the second track this year are tricky because I am greedy and must be at "all the things"! 14:52 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 14:52 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 14:52 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Client Quit] 14:57 -!- Genphlux [~Genphlux@173-12-231-201-memphis.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #se2600 15:24 <@CRasH180> all the things, heh 15:58 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 15:58 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 16:21 -!- Genphlux [~Genphlux@173-12-231-201-memphis.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 17:04 -!- CRasH180 [~Adium@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 17:45 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-98-83-42-114.bhm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:54 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Quit: zzz] 18:57 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 18:57 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 19:51 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-98-83-43-125.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 19:51 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 20:03 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-98-83-43-125.bhm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:53 < _NSAKEY> rattle: I remember Snake River Conspiracy being really, really awful back in the day. 21:03 < aestetix> Only a few days more of dialup speed 21:28 <@Dagmar> Notlarry: http://imgur.com/gallery/D3JSg 21:28 < PigBot`> Title: 10 year old commedian Saffron Herndon - Album on Imgur (at imgur.com) 21:29 <@Dagmar> The fifth one is hilarious. 21:32 < Evilpig_> that's a notlarry joke 21:32 < Evilpig_> just from the other side 21:50 < aestetix> you know what should happen at phreaknic 21:50 < aestetix> a secret santa 22:08 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-98-83-48-35.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 22:08 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 22:22 < aestetix> this one is interesting: https://projecteuler.net/problem=40 22:22 < PigBot`> Title: Problem 40 - Project Euler (at projecteuler.net) 23:15 -!- sasquatc3 [~sasquatc4@c-73-181-12-187.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:46 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Quit: ...] --- Log closed Sat Sep 19 00:00:06 2015