--- Log opened Thu Nov 20 00:00:37 2014 00:06 < aestetix_> RangerZ: that is pretty true actually 00:06 < aestetix_> the nixon pardon set a bad precedent 00:06 < RangerZ> and who all worked in the nixon whitehouse? 00:06 < RangerZ> chaney/rumsfeld/wolfowitz 00:06 < RangerZ> etc 00:07 < RangerZ> and THEY thought nixon was railroaded 00:07 < RangerZ> and that "if the president does it, it is legal, by the proxy of the president doing it" 00:07 < RangerZ> unless he's a democrat 00:07 < RangerZ> lol 00:09 < aestetix_> RangerZ: yep 00:10 -!- dare2netsec [~Rusty@cpe-075-190-255-214.nc.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 00:16 < RangerZ> so... 00:16 < RangerZ> if you're smart enough to setup and operate silk road v2 00:17 < RangerZ> why don't you have a distributed version of your bitcoin wallet 00:17 < RangerZ> there is a simple algorithm that would allow you to split it up into nCm pieces required to re-assemble it 00:17 < RangerZ> and then re-assemble it when you got caught... and have someone else cash it out 00:21 < RangerZ> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir%27s_Secret_Sharing 00:21 <@GateKeeper> Title: Shamir's Secret Sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 00:21 < RangerZ> one of my personal favorite algorithms 00:21 < RangerZ> (yes... i know... its sad I have personal fav. algorithms) 00:21 < RangerZ> lol 00:26 < aestetix_> I think my favorite algorithm is Duff's Device 00:27 < RangerZ> i really expected that to be a simpsons' reference I didn't get 00:27 < RangerZ> lol 00:27 < aestetix_> lol 00:27 < aestetix_> it predates the simpsons :p 00:28 < RangerZ> lies 00:28 < RangerZ> nothing does that 00:28 < RangerZ> an evangelical said that the 3rd day God created The Simpsons 00:29 < RangerZ> ....made about as much sense as the rest of what he said.... but he was on Telegraph... with a mic and a amp speaker... 00:30 -!- Bahhumbug_ [jrd@gerdesas.gerdesas.com] has joined #se2600 00:30 -!- Bahhumbug_ [jrd@gerdesas.gerdesas.com] has quit [Changing host] 00:30 -!- Bahhumbug_ [jrd@serentos/admin/jrd] has joined #se2600 00:31 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Bahhumbug_] by ChanServ 00:32 -!- GateKeeper [gatekeeper@serentos/support/bot] has quit [Disconnected by services] 00:32 -!- GateKeeper [gatekeeper@serentos/support/bot] has joined #se2600 00:32 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o GateKeeper] by ChanServ 00:32 < RangerZ> aestetix_: I don't think that algorithm will gain you much anymore 00:32 < RangerZ> b/c of advanced caching and branche prediction 00:32 < RangerZ> at least on most intel/amd chips 00:32 < aestetix_> It's not about efficiency. It's about beauty. 00:32 < aestetix_> That algorithm is a work of art. 00:32 < RangerZ> no... its about efficiency 00:32 < RangerZ> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff's_device ? 00:33 <@GateKeeper> Title: Duff's device - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 00:33 < RangerZ> its not that beautiful 00:33 < aestetix_> The reason I like it is not because of its efficiency 00:34 -!- Bahhumbug [jrd@serentos/admin/jrd] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 00:39 -!- Bahhumbug_ is now known as Bahhumbug 00:52 < RangerZ> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir%27s_Secret_Sharing I don't understand... whats too technical about that page 00:52 <@GateKeeper> Title: Shamir's Secret Sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 00:53 < RangerZ> it only has 1/2 source code and 40% math proof 00:53 < RangerZ> hehe 01:05 -!- NotLarry [~NotLarry@c-68-52-43-115.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 01:05 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o NotLarry] by ChanServ 01:09 < aestetix_> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRBAZJ4lF0U&feature=share 01:45 < aestetix_> ok 01:45 < aestetix_> the new south park is hilarious 01:54 -!- Genphlux [~Genphlux@173-12-231-201-memphis.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:51 < aestetix_> wilpig: is this your family? https://i.imgur.com/wulxqQj.jpg 02:57 -!- Bahhumbug_ [jrd@gerdesas.gerdesas.com] has joined #se2600 02:57 -!- Bahhumbug_ [jrd@gerdesas.gerdesas.com] has quit [Changing host] 02:57 -!- Bahhumbug_ [jrd@serentos/admin/jrd] has joined #se2600 02:57 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Bahhumbug_] by ChanServ 02:59 -!- Bahhumbug [jrd@serentos/admin/jrd] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:01 -!- Bahhumbug_ is now known as Bahhumbug 06:10 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 06:18 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has joined #se2600 07:26 -!- Dolemite [~scott@h96-60-248-228.cncrtn.dsl.dynamic.tds.net] has joined #se2600 07:26 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dolemite] by ChanServ 07:26 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 07:37 < notfie-> 0o 08:03 <@wilpig> that's what changed! os x 10.10 removed ~/.bin/ from the path 08:12 <@wilpig> anyone catch southpark last night? 08:12 <@Dolemite> No, but I'm nearly caught up on Arrow 08:12 <@Dolemite> I think I'm only 2 episodes behind at this point, and ready to start on The Flash 08:13 <@wilpig> I have two words for you that will make you want to watch last night's south park. "cock magic" 08:23 <@Dolemite> So I'm supposed to do an evaluation of the operators. Would it be too much to simply state that for 1/2 the cost of their current salaries I could teach my 9 year old and 5 year olds to be equally as effective? 08:24 <@wilpig> https://www.tumblr.com/search/cock+magic 08:24 <@GateKeeper> Title: cock magic | Tumblr (at www.tumblr.com) 08:24 <@wilpig> haha, short but true 08:25 <@wilpig> that is actually sfw for the first page or so, then it gets into porn. lol 08:26 <@Dolemite> The operators barely have to even monitor things and I've tried to get them to handle inventory of the data center, but as I've been upgrading firmware on power strips I've been doing some sanity checks... nearly every power strip is missing the panel information. 08:26 <@wilpig> http://southparkdigital.tumblr.com/post/103107365732/watch-the-new-episode-cock-magic-for-free-right 08:26 <@GateKeeper> Title: the Official South Park tumblr Watch the new episode “Cock Magic” for free right... (at southparkdigital.tumblr.com) 08:26 <@Dolemite> The electricians put a label on every power strip indicating where it's plugged in. The operators can't pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize it. 08:26 <@wilpig> lol 08:27 <@Dolemite> There's no pulling floor tiles required 08:28 <@Dolemite> So imagine your job that you had at Vandy if you didn't even have to rack and cable systems. 08:28 <@wilpig> I'm imagining more pay too 08:28 <@Dolemite> Not likely 08:29 <@Dolemite> Well, possibly 08:29 <@Dolemite> I think it's about the same 08:29 <@wilpig> well fuck you then. I'm making good cash here 08:29 <@Dolemite> I'm not offering 08:29 <@Dolemite> I wouldn't wish these positions on anybody 08:30 <@Dolemite> About 15 years ago the lab prime contractor shifted all of ITS to be subcontractors through other companies 08:30 <@Dolemite> Around 10 years ago they started bringing people back, and most are back with the prime... but not the operators 08:30 <@Dolemite> Oh, and the youngest one has been here for over 30 years 08:30 <@wilpig> lol 08:31 <@Dolemite> But I told my group leader outright that when they leave, we won't be able to find replacements. The job is shitty. 08:32 <@Dolemite> There are only 6 trying to cover 24x7, so pretty much you're always on call if someone calls in sick 08:34 <@Dolemite> Ok, I think I'm going to upgrade the ROM on my G2 today. Apparently the release about a month ago included modem improvements. 09:19 -!- notfie-- [~fie@ip68-111-116-14.fv.ks.cox.net] has joined #se2600 09:20 -!- spaceB0x [~spaceB0x@] has joined #se2600 09:23 -!- notfie- [~fie@ip68-111-116-14.fv.ks.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:23 -!- PeteDaGuru [~PeteDaGur@user-0c99bgh.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #se2600 09:29 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has joined #se2600 10:10 < RangerZ1> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXYWQRTlEfM how dare Nintendo try to make themselves the best console/publisher, lol 10:10 <@GateKeeper> Title: Nintendo Not Working on Any Paid DLC for Smash Bros. - IGN News - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 10:12 <@wilpig> mewtwo is totally paid dlc 10:12 <@wilpig> because you have to have a 3ds, and super smash bros on the 3ds and WII-U to get it 10:12 <@wilpig> so you're paying for ssb twice, and two consoles 10:12 < RangerZ1> ehh... i dunno 10:13 < RangerZ1> thats a bonus for having both versions, which I would consider different 10:13 <@wilpig> they are very similar, so essentially you're getting a reward for buying it twice 10:20 < RangerZ1> not owning either, are the two games that similar? 10:21 < RangerZ1> my understanding was that they aren't the exact same games, because of 1) art style 2) game modes (yes the move sets are the same) 10:23 <@wilpig> owning both but only being able to play one, yes. they're the same game 10:43 < RangerZ> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YMk986d-OQ don lemon is ...wtf... 10:43 <@GateKeeper> Title: You Should’ve Bitten Cosby’s Penis Off, CNN Host Advises Rape Accuser - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 10:47 < RangerZ> 15 women... with similar alligations... 10:48 <@wilpig> I laughed at that audio yesterday 10:48 < RangerZ> whats worse is ...its almost always him sticking his foot in his mouth too 11:22 < aestetix_> 15 women? that's insane 11:22 < aestetix_> Do any of them have proof? 11:30 -!- RangerZ1 [~rangerz@c-69-137-107-2.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 11:30 -!- CRasH180 [~CRasH180@] has joined #se2600 11:30 -!- CRasH180 [~CRasH180@] has quit [Changing host] 11:30 -!- CRasH180 [~CRasH180@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has joined #se2600 11:30 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o CRasH180] by ChanServ 11:42 < RangerZ> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbn3bHSgzeQ Dagmar hehe 11:42 <@GateKeeper> Title: The Tank - 10 Years of WOW #7 - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 11:56 < RangerZ> http://news.slashdot.org/story/14/11/20/1557259/barbie-i-can-be-a-computer-engineer-pulled-from-amazon 11:56 <@GateKeeper> Title: "Barbie: I Can Be a Computer Engineer" Pulled From Amazon - Slashdot (at news.slashdot.org) 11:56 < RangerZ> sasquatc4: I think you're who posted this 11:56 < RangerZ> lol 11:57 < aestetix_> vagina 11:58 < RangerZ> [*Spoiler alert* In the final chapter, Barbie sleeps with several game reviewers to make sure her game gets good reviews and publicity on various gaming websites.] 11:58 < RangerZ> hehehehe 11:59 < RangerZ> god... I wish it wasn't as funny b/c of the truth of a few bad actors ruining it for everyone else 12:03 < RangerZ> but lets be fair... they only started sleeping together the day AFTER a review went up 12:13 <@wilpig> RangerZ: why does the sex have to be for good reviews and why can't she just be into sex? 12:18 < RangerZ> i don't blame her 12:19 <@CRasH180> Leaving for a bit 12:19 -!- CRasH180 [~CRasH180@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:19 < RangerZ> i blame the journalist 12:24 <@wilpig> way to run him off 12:27 < sasquatc4> i did? 12:27 <@wilpig> yes 12:27 <@wilpig> have you showered today? 12:32 < sasquatc4> meant that barbie article, just reading through the whole gizmodo thing 12:32 < sasquatc4> lordy magordy 12:36 <@oddball> barbie article? 12:37 <@oddball> ah, scrollback 12:37 < sasquatc4> yah 12:37 <@oddball> I uh.... wow 12:38 <@oddball> I like the comment "so she's a project manager." 12:39 < sasquatc4> yup, sounds about right 12:45 < aestetix_> "However, instead of writing the code, she enlists two boys to write the code as she just does the design. She then proceeds to infect her computer and her sister's computer with a virus and must enlist the boys to fix that for her as well." 12:45 < aestetix_> That should be "marketing startup barbie" 12:55 -!- RangerZ1 [~rangerz@DHCP-129-59-122-59.n1.vanderbilt.edu] has joined #se2600 12:55 < aestetix_> http://gizmodo.com/barbie-f-cks-it-up-again-1660326671 12:55 < aestetix_> what a fucking disaster 12:55 < RangerZ1> aestetix_: a lot of the charges are from the 60s and 70s, when women couldn't get support/etc (the cosby situation) 12:55 < RangerZ1> and the women who did report it, were told to stop, b/c he was powerful, etc 12:55 <@opticron> ../bin/sdc -c -o obj/rt/eh.o src/d/rt/eh.d -I./src 12:55 <@opticron> LLVM ERROR: Program used external function '_d_arraybounds' which could not be resolved! 12:55 <@opticron> derp 12:55 < aestetix_> uh 12:55 < aestetix_> RangerZ1: I've moved on to hating on barbie :p 12:56 < RangerZ1> fuck barbie 12:56 < RangerZ1> she was good in bed... (dated a girl who we called barbie), lol 12:56 < RangerZ1> a decent looker... but not all ....shall we say ... bright... 12:57 < RangerZ1> hence... the name 12:57 <@oddball> See... at some point you have to talk to them. 12:57 < RangerZ1> oddball: summer fling 12:58 <@oddball> Although, I think Voltaire wrote a song about her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJRZP6SaZGY 12:58 <@GateKeeper> Title: Voltaire - Future Ex Girlfriend (Lyrics) - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 12:58 <@Dagmar> All I have to say about the Barbie thing is this: 12:58 <@Dagmar> WHAT DID YOU MOTHERFUCKERS EXPECT? 12:58 < RangerZ1> Dagmar: whats sad is the 80s girl shows actually were ... you know... not AS bad as this new shit 12:59 < RangerZ1> which is really pathetic 12:59 < RangerZ1> I don't remember Rainbow bright having to rely upon guys to do shit like that 13:02 < RangerZ1> oddball: you know whats sad... is that summer and the years with my ex, are what have helped me learn what i want from a relationship the most out of all my experiences, lol 13:14 <@brimstone> hey harddrive guys, for 25x 900GB SAS, raid 5 or raid 6 or raid 10? 13:14 <@wilpig> what's your goal for this array? 13:16 <@brimstone> storage for one, then two VM hosts 13:17 <@brimstone> they'll be in an EMC SAN 13:17 <@wilpig> your vm hosts I'd put on raid10 13:17 <@wilpig> then raid6 the rest 13:18 <@wilpig> that's the most resilient setup at least. 13:18 <@brimstone> moreso than raid 10 on the SAN? 13:18 <@brimstone> yeah, OS will be raid 10 13:22 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:23 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has joined #se2600 14:10 < RangerZ1> raid 10 is only beneficial if you need backup + lots of speed 14:25 < RangerZ1> raid 6 allows up to 2 disk failures? right? 14:26 < RangerZ1> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_RAID_levels yes 2 14:26 <@GateKeeper> Title: Standard RAID levels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 14:27 <@Dagmar> Yes but why are you worrying about the numbers? 14:27 <@Dagmar> Define your use case _first_ 14:28 < RangerZ1> i'm not 14:38 <@Dagmar> Fuck these people complaining about gender imbalance in the workplace 14:38 <@Dagmar> Fuck them all 14:38 <@shapr> I wish there were more women here. 14:39 <@Dagmar> I was talking to a recruiter this morning and he tells me the situation in Nashville is precisely as I expected 14:39 < RangerZ1> ? 14:39 <@shapr> cold with music? 14:39 <@Dagmar> People want to get bent out of shape because an office has 75% men in it 14:39 < RangerZ1> cold with bad music? 14:39 <@shapr> ha 14:39 <@Dagmar> ...because fuckin' 75% of the job applicants are men 14:39 <@Dagmar> ...if not more. 14:39 <@Dagmar> You can't hire people who aren't applying for a position, and it's goddamn stupid to get mad at the employer about it 14:40 < RangerZ1> Dagmar: then you need to explain that you are are from a 'minority group' 14:40 <@Dagmar> "White single males who give a fuck" 14:40 < RangerZ1> I got the recognized as a 'minority group' because I'm the "first generation" college grad 14:40 < RangerZ1> from an economically depressed region 14:40 <@Dagmar> Good lord 14:41 < RangerZ1> b/c race isn't a classifier of minority status now 14:41 < RangerZ1> in and of itself 14:41 <@Dagmar> I should qualify because I graduated from Mt. Juliet and I wear shoes 14:41 < RangerZ1> lies 14:41 < RangerZ1> no one graduates from mt. juliet 14:41 < RangerZ1> hehe 14:42 <@Dagmar> Frankly I'm suprised they're still using criteria 14:42 <@Dagmar> Somehow if I had had one credit more, I could have graduated in the 11th grade. 14:42 < RangerZ1> you should refuse to say what race you are 14:42 <@Dagmar> I thought that was somewhat alarming when I found out 14:42 < RangerZ1> or gender 14:42 <@Dagmar> I'm the race of Angru Mother Fucker 14:43 <@Dagmar> er Angry 14:43 < RangerZ1> b/c no place can legally require you to say 14:43 <@Dagmar> Our genetic heritage is that we firmly believe that the TSA are terrorists 14:43 < RangerZ1> so if you refuse, they might think you're a minorty trying to not get in b/c of it 14:43 < RangerZ1> which is sad reverse psychology 14:58 < RangerZ1> Dagmar: just wait for tonight 14:58 < RangerZ1> you'll be seeing republican heads' exploding when Obama gives his speech tonight 15:01 < scoob> I've started using Pandora and I have to say that I'm legitimately offended that there's a radio-safe version of "Back That Ass Up" 15:01 < scoob> What's the point? 15:02 <@Dagmar> I fuckin' hope he starts setting up death camps for senators 15:03 < RangerZ1> scoob: wow... really? 15:03 < RangerZ1> thats sad 15:03 < scoob> "Back That Thing Up" 15:03 < scoob> It's as bad as you may imagine 15:04 < RangerZ1> thats like a nikki manaj song without a porn video to go with it 15:04 < RangerZ1> hehe 15:04 < RangerZ1> OR... a nazi video (yes... her 'lyric' video had lots of nazi imagery in it) 15:05 < scoob> "You's a big fine woman / won't you back that thang up" 15:05 < scoob> ... 15:05 < scoob> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGPhKat-if0 15:05 <@GateKeeper> Title: Juvenile - Back that thang up (Lyrics) - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 15:06 < RangerZ1> ahh, you know what... I've heard that on the radio now that I think about it 15:06 < RangerZ1> and THAT is why it exists 15:07 < RangerZ1> b/c honestly... THIS version is what is going to sell records 15:09 <@Dagmar> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRBAZJ4lF0U 15:09 <@GateKeeper> Title: Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time (Extended Cut) - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 15:09 <@Dagmar> loool 15:11 <@Dagmar> Completely not safe for work or public libraries 15:11 <@Dagmar> ...but incredibly funny 15:13 <@Dagmar> BY the way... who's up for a road trip to Florida: http://www.securityweek.com/court-order-shuts-down-alleged-120m-tech-support-scam 15:13 <@GateKeeper> Title: Court Order Shuts Down Alleged $120M Tech Support Scam | SecurityWeek.Com (at www.securityweek.com) 15:13 < RangerZ1> Dagmar: yeah i posted that yesterday 15:21 <@Dolemite> wilpig: You're getting too slow in your old age 15:23 <@wilpig> what did I miss? 15:23 <@Dolemite> Facebook 15:23 <@wilpig> oh i'm not on there today. been busy 15:23 <@Dolemite> I gave you a 1 minute opportunity before I followed up 15:24 <@wilpig> i'll look in a sec. fighting a server right now 15:28 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 15:28 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 15:28 <@Dolemite> You do have to admit, the resemblence was uncanny 15:29 <@wilpig> indeed 15:33 <@Dolemite> ok, time to head home 15:43 -!- spaceB0x [~spaceB0x@] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de] 15:43 -!- sync350 [~sync@adsl-74-190-95-252.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 15:43 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sync350] by ChanServ 15:46 <@brimstone> thanks for your input earlier wilpig 15:48 < RangerZ1> brimstone: your choice of file system will matter also 15:49 < RangerZ1> you'll want a journaling one, be it zfs or ext4, or ... I'm sure people will know whats best to use now 15:49 <@brimstone> raiser4lyfe 15:49 < RangerZ1> only kills a few wives 15:56 -!- klixa is now known as klixa12 15:56 <@wilpig> brimstone: that's how my stuff is setup. my vms live on the raid10 and the storage is all raid6 15:57 <@wilpig> I was hitting issues when I got too many processes going that needed the i/o before the raid10 16:02 <@Dagmar> ext4 will suffice for most people's usage 16:02 <@Dagmar> Journaling as a feature of the filesystem, should be the _baseline_ nowadays 16:03 <@Dagmar> Like, if you're going to use ext3 or something without journaling, you'd better have a specific reason 16:07 -!- benthemeek [~benthemee@c-98-211-6-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 16:07 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o benthemeek] by ChanServ 16:16 < aestetix_> https://twitter.com/MNPDNashville/status/535540300001718272 16:16 < aestetix_> that's a lot of pot 16:16 <@klixa12> ive seen more 16:16 <@klixa12> tahts nothing 16:16 <@klixa12> :P 16:17 <@klixa12> #usedtoliveinemraldtriangle 16:25 < RangerZ1> my friend owned the property the county sheriff used to burn the drugs they seized 16:26 < RangerZ1> apparently they had sinkhole/flooding issues with the place the county owned 16:26 < RangerZ1> so they would rent out his field 16:26 < RangerZ1> (well his father's field) 16:27 < RangerZ1> an entire 10' box truck got seized and burned there 16:27 < RangerZ1> he just stood downwind 16:27 < RangerZ1> lol 16:37 -!- sync350 [~sync@adsl-74-190-95-252.asm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Quit: wtfsleepomg] 16:39 -!- Genphlux [~Genphlux@adsl-98-66-37-163.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 16:40 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:43 -!- Feltenix_ [~conrad@ip72-221-106-165.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:29 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:30 -!- RangerZ1 [~rangerz@DHCP-129-59-122-59.n1.vanderbilt.edu] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 17:30 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has joined #se2600 17:36 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:47 < aestetix_> ugh 17:47 < aestetix_> looks like I am going to have to filter out mentions of BillCosby from twitter now 17:52 <@benthemeek> aestetix_: what is going on? 17:52 < aestetix_> A bunch of people are making rape accusations about him 17:52 < aestetix_> regardless of whether it's true or not, I don't want to read about it 17:53 <@benthemeek> ah. 17:56 <@klixa12> hey benthemeek 17:57 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has joined #se2600 17:59 <@Dagmar> aestetix_: Those people are insane 18:02 <@klixa12> i hate transgneder people...i think they do it just to troll people 18:02 <@klixa12> "im a man and im pregnat" 18:02 <@klixa12> no.... you are not a man if you are pregnant 18:05 <@wilpig> lol 18:05 < aestetix_> Dagmar: yep 18:06 < aestetix_> I wondr if CNN/etc realize how much they are contributing to making non-news become news by their speculation rather than reporting on facts 18:06 < aestetix_> But I guess they don't care beacuse it makes them money 18:06 -!- Genphlux [~Genphlux@adsl-98-66-37-163.mem.bellsouth.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:10 <@benthemeek> key Klixa12 18:10 <@benthemeek> hey* 18:14 <@klixa12> hi 18:14 <@klixa12> i got vampired today 18:14 <@klixa12> they tok like 4 vials of my blood 18:22 <@shapr> whoa 18:22 <@shapr> cool 18:22 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:23 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has joined #se2600 18:34 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:35 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has joined #se2600 18:38 <@benthemeek> prenatal care, klixa? 18:38 <@benthemeek> I mean that why they took all the blood? 18:39 <@klixa12> yeah 18:39 <@klixa12> they took blood and then listened to heart beat of baby 18:40 <@klixa12> when the baby moves, it sounds demonic 18:40 <@klixa12> its all "sweeeep sweeeep sweeep" (heatbeat) then B:ARGLE BLERGHEHJE RRRAAAAAR and demonic like 18:41 * benthemeek nods 18:41 <@benthemeek> I remember :) 18:41 <@benthemeek> Not they do those 3d ultra sounds 18:41 <@benthemeek> I wonder if anyone has thought to print them out with a 3d printer yet... 18:41 <@benthemeek> now* 18:43 <@klixa12> 3d us-es look demonic as well 18:43 <@klixa12> the thing i had today was jst the doppler 18:43 <@klixa12> no US til 20 weeks 18:43 <@klixa12> i had one at 8 to verify pregnancy 18:43 <@benthemeek> when does the morning sickness end, 2nd trimester? 18:43 <@klixa12> approx yeah 18:43 <@klixa12> i still haev it currently 19:08 -!- _specialk_ [~specialk@unaffiliated/specialk/x-2811995] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 19:08 -!- _specialk_ [~specialk@unaffiliated/specialk/x-2811995] has joined #se2600 19:11 < RangerZ> benthemeek: depends, it can last the entire pregnancy for some women 19:12 < RangerZ> being around NotLarry tends to keep men and women sick... don't know if its connected or not... 19:19 < aestetix_> http://money.cnn.com/2014/11/19/media/networks-and-obama-speech/index.html 19:22 -!- klixak [uid861@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zcsfbqbsbqwulyuu] has joined #se2600 19:22 -!- klixak is now known as Guest15686 19:39 < aestetix_> god I can't believe I"m about to ask this 19:39 < aestetix_> Bahhumbug: which version of Fedora is Centos 6.6 compatible with? 19:40 <@wilpig> old like 13 or so 19:41 < aestetix_> really? 19:41 < aestetix_> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CentOS says 6.6 is new 19:41 <@wilpig> they are wildly different paths 19:41 <@wilpig> fedora is cutting edge 19:41 < aestetix_> oh 19:41 <@wilpig> centos is enterprise 19:43 < aestetix_> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux#Relationship_to_free_and_community_distributions 19:43 < aestetix_> is Centos 6 RHEL 6? 19:45 <@Bahhumbug> aestetix_: F19 19:45 <@Bahhumbug> 5 is F5/6 19:45 < aestetix_> thank you 19:45 <@Bahhumbug> Oh, wait, that's not right. 19:45 <@Bahhumbug> C7 is F19 19:45 <@Bahhumbug> 6 is, yeah, coul dbe 12/13 19:47 < aestetix_> 6.6 19:48 <@Bahhumbug> 6.6 is Release 6 19:48 <@Bahhumbug> .X is similiar in scope to windows service packs. 19:48 <@Bahhumbug> Point in time roll-up of all patches to date. 20:09 < aestetix_> oh wow 20:10 < aestetix_> http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/20/world/guantanamo-detainees-transferred/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 20:21 < RangerZ> aestetix_: not new news 20:21 < RangerZ> we've already done that 100s of times 20:22 < RangerZ> problem is finding nations that will take them 20:22 < RangerZ> b/c Yemin won't take their share (almost all of them left we want to get rid of) 20:23 < RangerZ> so ... Obama just fucked over every 2016 presidential nominee 20:24 < RangerZ> b/c you HAVE to say you will extend what he just did... or lose the hispanic vote 20:26 < eryc_> meanwhile 5 million people have been emancipated from slavery 20:29 < RangerZ> tsk... 20:30 < RangerZ> don't worry... they will have student loans or mortgage soon enough 20:30 < RangerZ> if they don't already... 20:36 <@Dagmar> Lose the hispanic vote... 20:36 <@Dagmar> *facepalm* 20:36 <@Dagmar> Surely you don't mean the illegal immigrants 20:38 <@Dagmar> What I like i sthat there's no annoying noise mixed in with Obama's speeches 20:39 <@Dagmar> Bush started having that done early on, to keep people from taking recordings and putting together parodies 20:39 <@Dagmar> Not even a little joking 20:50 < RangerZ> but I did like the texas republican saying that they will never get the presidency and will lose the senate in 2016 20:50 < RangerZ> 'the blue wall' 20:50 < RangerZ> republicans have to defend something like 26 seats then 20:52 < RangerZ> out of 100... 20:52 < RangerZ> in states that obama won handedly 20:53 < RangerZ> and if VA is added to the blue group 20:53 < RangerZ> its already 270 electoral votes 20:55 <@Dickie> Your mother and I are in love. 21:00 < RangerZ> man... that sucks for you 21:04 < aestetix_> god this rain is awesome 21:05 < aestetix_> Dagmar: annoying noise? 21:06 <@Dagmar> Yes. Go back and listen to basically any recording of Bush giving a speech during his second term 21:06 <@Dagmar> There is _always_ a machine whine in the background. 21:14 < RangerZ> aestetix_: wtf... polar vortex isn't suppose to give YOU rain too 21:14 < RangerZ> lol 21:21 < aestetix_> it's so nice 21:24 < RangerZ> did youget 6 feet of rain? 21:24 < RangerZ> b/c if not 21:24 < RangerZ> then SFTU 21:24 < RangerZ> hehe 21:25 < RangerZ> 6ft of rain.... you'd be floating 21:27 -!- Guest15686 [uid861@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zcsfbqbsbqwulyuu] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 21:29 <@Shadow404> is saintsrow.com down for anyone else too? 21:29 <@Shadow404> i get a web server error 21:29 < RangerZ> i get an age check 21:29 <@Shadow404> sigh 21:30 <@Shadow404> i get a whoops, server is down message 21:30 < RangerZ> http://www.saintsrow.com/ 21:30 <@GateKeeper> Title: Saints Row IV & Saints Row: The Third (at www.saintsrow.com) 21:30 <@Shadow404> i downloaded the iv demo and i cant even create a damn user 21:30 < RangerZ> GateKeeper: sees it 21:30 <@Dagmar> Age check here too 21:31 <@Shadow404> ffs, IE loads it 21:31 <@Shadow404> has to be a cookie issue 21:34 <@Shadow404> just checked forums, server issues today 21:34 <@Shadow404> guess ill wait till tomorrow 21:39 < RangerZ> obama should have trolled the repbulicans 21:39 < RangerZ> and used B.W. Bush's words 21:39 < RangerZ> and Reagan's words 21:39 < RangerZ> hehehe 21:40 < RangerZ> well.... trolled them more than showing how government CAN do some things less stupid 21:40 < RangerZ> lol 21:46 < RangerZ> forget 'run well' , lol 21:49 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:50 -!- k3ymkr [~KeyMaker@gateway/tor-sasl/k3ymkr] has joined #se2600 21:55 -!- PeteDaGuru [~PeteDaGur@user-0c99bgh.cable.mindspring.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 21:56 < aestetix_> wtf 21:57 < aestetix_> why is the PHP monitoring tool written in python 22:01 < eryc_> because php sucks and sane people use python 22:03 < RangerZ> also 22:03 < RangerZ> do you want your php monitoring to be 'web accessable' ? 22:03 < RangerZ> or via command line only? 22:04 < RangerZ> I'd rather monitor PHP via ...god... even python 22:04 < RangerZ> rather than PHP 22:04 < aestetix_> it's a new relic plugin 22:04 < aestetix_> but now I have to have php and python running on the same box 22:05 < RangerZ> you should just do yourself a favor and install telnet with no password longer than 3 characters on root 22:05 < RangerZ> that way you KNOW the box is owned 22:05 < RangerZ> lol 22:10 < aestetix_> lol 22:12 < aestetix_> man I love old hardware... because parts are cheaper 22:15 < aestetix_> eryc_: actually I think all webapps should be written in C++ 22:16 < aestetix_> compiled binary webserver ftw 22:25 -!- RangerZ1 [~rangerz@c-69-137-107-2.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 22:37 < aestetix_> Shadow404: whats your favorite toy? 22:50 < sasquatc4> heh, we were asked at work to work with this whole home audio streaming company and put it on our set top box 22:50 < sasquatc4> their server+client code is like 100-200megs, runs on python and perl, and uses another 90-150megs of ram 22:50 < sasquatc4> and they just expect this to work in the embedded space 23:00 < RangerZ1> sasquatc4: sure, as long as the embedded device is a rapi + 23:26 < RangerZ1> other than ram, i'd be more concerned with cpu requirements 23:27 < RangerZ1> b/c if they are running on multi-core x86... 23:27 < RangerZ1> or god forbid using gpgpu 23:31 < RangerZ1> i guess we're up to 17 of cosby's women 23:32 < RangerZ1> and a dozen more that are anonymous, who were willing to testify in court anonymously (publicly) --- Log closed Fri Nov 21 00:00:38 2014