--- Log opened Tue Aug 19 00:00:23 2014 00:03 < RangerZ> live now... police shooting tear gas or smoke grenade 00:08 <@Dagmar> <-- not surprised 00:09 <@Dagmar> Jesus holy crap the JunOS Pulse uninstaller is the slowest damn thing I've ever seen 00:12 < RangerZ> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYfvR1UV3CA 00:12 <@GateKeeper> Title: Weird Al & Ice-T [Awesomely] Recorded a Dungeons & Dragons Audio Book - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 00:12 < RangerZ> LOL 00:12 < RangerZ> Wilpig: there you go 00:12 <@Dagmar> Whoa 00:13 < RangerZ> free if you have audible account 00:13 < RangerZ> for 40 days 00:14 < RangerZ> kinda surprised Vin Diseal wasn't part of this 00:14 <@Dagmar> Okay, it's a good thing Ice-T can rap 00:16 <@Dagmar> I suspect I may have a bright future in Elite: Dangerous, thanks to LSD. 00:17 <@Dagmar> I was crap in dogfight games until one night I dropped two hits of blotter and just smashed my face on Falcon 3.0 until about 4am, when suddenly, I just started crushing the AI pilots. 00:17 < RangerZ> lol 00:18 <@Dagmar> I was watching several gameplay videos earlier and thinking I would pwn the player in a 1v1 00:19 <@Dagmar> People that had no idea how to get behind their enemy 00:20 <@Dagmar> Now I've just to try not to think about the fact that basically, I'll be playing a trucking contractor in space, with guns 00:20 < RangerZ> why not 00:20 < RangerZ> Truck Simulator sells a lot 00:20 < RangerZ> LOL 00:21 <@Dagmar> While I'm sure piracy might be an option for people in this, I figure probably most of the people will just be making bad decisions about what to buy/sell 00:22 <@Dagmar> I mentioned the galaxy map to Merl earlier, and said it was their way of giving people a chance to avoid everyone else 00:22 <@Dagmar> 'cuz the population density will forever be low. 00:22 <@Dagmar> He wanted to argue. 00:23 <@Dagmar> I'm like "No, it's an _actual_ goddamn galazy in size. If everyone on the planet was playing it you'd probably still have a good chance of disappearing forever." 00:41 < RangerZ> lol 00:41 < RangerZ> i expect them to use 'points of interest' to gather people 00:41 <@Dagmar> Yeah cuz 400 _billion_ systems is maybe a bit much 00:42 <@Dagmar> The client needs torrent power 00:42 < RangerZ> ? 00:42 < RangerZ> meaning it _is not_ using BT networking? 00:42 <@Dagmar> The downloader appears to be doing a shitload of HTTP GETs 00:42 < RangerZ> :/ 00:43 <@Dagmar> Well, they're a password-protected resource 00:44 <@Dagmar> AHHAHAAHHA 00:44 <@Dagmar> http://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?s=e97e7480c70e0c0788978f31d91d40c9&t=19662 00:44 <@Dagmar> This guy did not actually play Elite "in the day" if he's complaining about a lack of auto-dock 00:45 <@Dagmar> ...and he must not have seen the video I saw earlier today where a dude had his interface programmed properly and just said "Clara, docking mode please" and the thing just docked. 00:45 < RangerZ> yeah 00:45 <@Dagmar> I will spend whatever it takes on docking assistance 00:46 < RangerZ> lol 00:46 <@Dagmar> ...particularly auto-rotation 00:46 < RangerZ> yep 00:46 <@Dagmar> One of hte gameplay videos had the guy talking about "The biggest danger you face right now is... well... other players who can't quite control their ship going in and out of the station." 00:47 <@Dagmar> ...and there's pieces of other ships floating all over. 00:47 < RangerZ> hehe 00:53 <@Dagmar> LOOL 00:53 <@Dagmar> "Is this for real? Can I pay you in canon rounds? I have a lot of them and very effective way of transferring them to your ship..." 00:54 <@Dagmar> I love these forusm 00:56 <@Dagmar> Apparently some enterprising young fellows offered their "protection services" on the forums, and were shortly thereafter roflmurdered 00:56 < RangerZ> lol 00:56 < RangerZ> as just 'mercs' or "protection" 00:57 <@Dagmar> It was a "protection" racket 00:57 < RangerZ> b/c I can see hired mercs making sense, if you make a convey, etc 00:59 <@Dagmar> Seeing as how there is ship _collision_ I don't think they've thought this through very well 00:59 <@Dagmar> When I login if anyone wants my stuff, I'm just going to fucking ram them 01:00 <@Dagmar> "Yeah let me just park this in your loading bay" 01:00 < RangerZ> holy shit... police in ferguson... are removing reporters... "for public safety" 01:00 < RangerZ> thats some fucking soviet speak there 01:00 <@Dagmar> CUz otherwise the terrurists win 01:01 < RangerZ> Dagmar: your ship stay in the world when you aren't playing? 01:01 <@Dagmar> Dunno 01:01 < RangerZ> might be able to 'find' some ships 01:02 < RangerZ> lol 01:02 <@Dagmar> Mike Bro is saying the cops are claiming there were multiple shootings 01:02 <@Dagmar> ...but they don't know who was shooting who if anything 01:02 <@Dagmar> Dude is livestreaming while they drive to Target 01:03 <@Dagmar> ...and there's something wrong with the door sensor on his minivan 01:18 <@Dagmar> Looks like they're playing a game with the media where they tell them to go to X, and when the media gets to X, the police are there to say "No, you need to go to Y" 01:18 <@Dagmar> We'll see how many stops they'll put in the route 01:22 < RangerZ> no police helicopters needs go away 01:22 < RangerZ> thats fucking BS 01:22 < RangerZ> really hurts reporting 01:23 <@Dagmar> If a bunch of people in Ferguson started shooting back tonight I will not be a bit surprised 01:27 < RangerZ> where is the NRA and their ted-bundy supporters ? 01:28 < RangerZ> aren't they 'anti-police" 01:28 < RangerZ> and for 'citizens' ? 01:28 < RangerZ> ohh sorry... "cliven bundy" ;) 01:29 <@Dagmar> Am I watching a drug deal on this feed? 01:29 <@Dagmar> LOL 01:30 < RangerZ> huh? 01:30 < RangerZ> which feed? 01:31 <@Dagmar> I'm watching Mike Bro's feed 01:31 < RangerZ> link? 01:31 <@Dagmar> For some reason someone's putting a gallon of gas into the tank of a parked car, using one of those emergency cans 01:31 <@Dagmar> http://new.livestream.com/accounts/9035483/events/3271930 01:31 <@GateKeeper> Title: I am Mike Brown Live from Ferguson, MO on Livestream (at new.livestream.com) 01:31 <@Dagmar> It looked like a drug deal at first 01:32 < RangerZ> ahh 01:33 < RangerZ> so I'm going to love to listen to 'escuses' i mean... 'reasons'... why the police did what they did tonight 01:35 < RangerZ> why don't they just go arrest every black male under the age of 35 01:35 < RangerZ> just get it out of their system 01:35 <@Dagmar> Cuz they want to arrest white people, too. 01:36 < RangerZ> maybe they are going through withdrawl, b/c the media is preventing them from doing it the way they want 01:47 <@Dagmar> THEY HAVE FINALLY REACHED THE HOLY LAND 01:47 < RangerZ> ? 01:47 <@Dagmar> ...where apparently there are National Guardsmen assigned to keep them safe from reality. 01:47 < RangerZ> lol 01:48 <@Dagmar> Dude needs to clean his damn windows 01:48 <@Dagmar> If it weren't a four hour drive I'd be windexing his shit 01:50 <@Dagmar> Imma install this Livestream app on my phone and see how it does 01:50 <@Dagmar> If it goes well, I'll put it on the tablet 01:56 <@Dagmar> lol 01:56 <@Dagmar> Okay so I lost Mike Brown, but apparently he just ran into Alex Jones 01:56 <@Dagmar> That was weir 01:56 <@Dagmar> d 02:02 < RangerZ> lol 02:15 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 02:15 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 02:27 <@Dagmar> THIS IS THE MOST BORING RIOT COVERAGE EVER 02:39 <@sync350> what are you watching it on? 03:07 <@Dagmar> My phone 03:07 <@Dagmar> 15.7k people bored shitless according to this one stream 03:09 <@Dagmar> OKay.. *sure* that guy knew what he was doing. He's a veteran pilot. That's why he assumed I would know to not fly straight into him. lol 03:11 <@Dagmar> ...and to teach me a lesson the game just made me FQ it with Task Manager 03:48 <@Dagmar> So... 03:48 <@Dagmar> The police just lied to the press some more 04:43 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:43 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 04:43 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 04:47 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:07 < aestetix> man 06:07 < aestetix> 31 arrests 06:15 < aestetix> Dagmar: http://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/2dyi9j/look_ill_be_completely_honest_with_you_i_want_to/ 06:15 < aestetix> here's another fun one 06:15 < aestetix> albeit it's not as bad as the guy breaking into her house and dancing naked with her panties 07:25 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 08:10 <@notlarry> Morning 08:14 <@Wilpig> when did plex start doing this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/vine30vc5qqw52p/Screen%20Shot%202014-08-19%20at%208.13.36%20AM.png?dl=0 08:14 <@Dolemite> Which part? 08:14 <@Dolemite> Extras? 08:14 <@Wilpig> yeah 08:15 <@Dolemite> Hadn't noticed it on the roku - I wonder if that's a Plex Web Client thing for now? 08:15 <@Wilpig> has to be. kinda neat that it has the trailer and stuff 08:16 <@Wilpig> I saw a setting in the web client the other day to show trailers before stuff but wasn't sure if it was per user / per server / what the trailers would be for, etc 08:16 -!- ignotus-sdf [~ignotus@] has joined #se2600 08:16 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o ignotus-sdf] by ChanServ 08:26 <@notlarry> aestetix: was that you texting her in the reddit post? 08:27 <@Wilpig> ^ 08:31 < aestetix> notlarry: no because I can't type out text messages that long with only one hand 08:31 < aestetix> It might have been Corydon76-home though 08:42 < aestetix> so 08:42 < aestetix> http://potatohatsecurity.tumblr.com/post/94565729529/defcon-22-badge-challenge-walkthrough 08:42 < aestetix> the PN code this year needs to top that 08:43 <@Dolemite> You think there's going to be one? 08:43 <@brimstone> i thought the code this year was of conduct 08:44 <@Dolemite> Well there has to be a PN before there can be a code 08:46 < aestetix> maybe we're supposed to solve the code before the website goes up 08:50 <@Dolemite> You may be onto something 08:53 <@Wilpig> that code work through is flawed. the lorem ipsum shit doesn't translate. I'm calling shenanigans! 08:56 <@Wilpig> http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/08/lorem-ipsum-of-good-evil-google-china/ 08:57 <@Wilpig> apparently google changed the behavior 08:57 < RangerZ> though a rot13 or something simple that starts off translated to 'lorem ipsum' is pretty funny idea 09:02 < aestetix> huh that is.... interesting 09:14 -!- K4k_ [~K4k@frontend.gtri.gatech.edu] has joined #se2600 09:15 < aestetix> http://elegin.com/dc22/ 09:15 < aestetix> this version makes a little more sense 09:15 < aestetix> the other writeup is like "oh of course you will understand these steps" 09:18 <@Wilpig> The write up read fine and I was able to follow it. The part that didn't line up was the lorem ipsum part until I dug and found where the google end of that was changed 09:18 < aestetix> let me rephrase 09:18 < aestetix> it's easy for us to follow 09:18 < aestetix> but I don't think it accurately represents the process of actually solving the code 09:23 < aestetix> I am pretty sure DefCon paid lo5t to work on the code full time for like 6 months though 09:40 <@Wilpig> recorded in nashville at mercy lounge. http://loudwire.com/devour-the-day-respect-exclusive-video-premiere/ 09:42 -!- K4k_ [~K4k@frontend.gtri.gatech.edu] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.3] 09:42 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has joined #se2600 09:53 < RangerZ> Wilpig: lies, no one does music in Nashville anymore 09:53 < RangerZ> its all startups ane tech companies, or medical 09:53 < RangerZ> lol 09:56 <@Wilpig> clutch or hinder, one of the two recorded several tracks in nashville. might have been at mercy too 09:56 <@Wilpig> thinking it was hinder 09:58 <@Wilpig> i'm just happy to see shit like that announced. so when i'm talking to these yankees about nashville I have something to backup my claims of "it isn't all country" 10:02 < RangerZ> I enjoyed telling the new girl&guy who moved in upstairs "haha, yeah... no one 'chooses' to move to nashville" 10:03 < RangerZ> they work in the music industry for marketing or something 10:03 <@Wilpig> I chose to move to nashville though. you did as well, kinda 10:07 < RangerZ> yeah, obviously there are poeple who do 10:08 < RangerZ> but thats the point, it struck them so hard b/c they just chose to move here, which is why it had such an impact, lol 10:10 <@Wilpig> fuuuuuuu 10:10 <@Wilpig> second bad processor this week. wtf 10:12 < RangerZ> the pump on my water cooler died... but thankfully my mobo& software has over-heat protection 10:13 < RangerZ> shut down the PC quickly once temp got to 65C (way before damage) 10:13 <@Wilpig> these processors are like $1600 each. shouldn't be having issues 10:13 < RangerZ> yes they should 10:13 < RangerZ> lol 10:13 < RangerZ> there is 'always' defects in each lot 10:13 < RangerZ> the new 12 core xeons ? 10:14 <@Wilpig> 10 10:14 < RangerZ> still, nice 10:14 <@Wilpig> so yeah it's a defective 12 10:14 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 10:14 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 10:15 <@Wilpig> what's up SuMo_D 10:16 <@SuMo_D> its too damn early 10:16 <@Wilpig> weird. tried each processor individually and it still won't power up. but the hard drive is kicking on 10:17 < RangerZ> Wilpig: mobo have 'boot without CPU' feature? 10:17 <@Wilpig> doubtful 10:17 <@Wilpig> gonna strip all the memory out of this but one dimm an dsee what happens 10:17 <@Wilpig> we tried this before we swapped the board though 10:17 < RangerZ> might _be_ the mobo then 10:18 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:18 <@Wilpig> gonna try another sled in this slot before I declare the replacement board bad too 10:18 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 10:18 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 10:21 -!- SuMo_D_ [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 10:22 <@Wilpig> now this is very interesting. 10:22 <@Wilpig> https://www.dropbox.com/s/r9sgtrqwg60d2mb/2014-08-19%2010.21.53.jpg?dl=0 10:22 <@Wilpig> pci riser for a sled. 10:23 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:26 -!- SuMo_D_ [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:48 <@Dolemite> Oh, hell. New game from the creator of Cards Against Humanity. 10:49 <@Dolemite> "Blazing Saddles meets Egyptian Ratscrew" 10:49 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 10:49 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 10:49 <@Corydon76-home> No, I'm pretty sure "Oh, hell" is a much older game. 10:49 <@Dolemite> New game is called Slap .45 10:50 <@oddball> Oh, I was going to guess that they decided to do a PC version of Cards Against Humanity that wasn't Apples to Apples... since they've admitted to silently editing the card list during reprints. 10:51 <@Dolemite> Watching video of the gameplay, it very much lends itself to a drinking version 10:52 <@oddball> Also, I'm still kind of irritated with them for being upset that Crabs Adjust Humidity exists. Ummmm... shut your trap. 1. you released it under creative commons, and 2. your game is basically a clone of Apples to Apples. 10:52 <@Corydon76-home> oddball: I'm sure they're adding cards at the same time 10:53 <@oddball> Corydon76-home: There's a couple that I understand. They changed "Britney Spears at 50" with "Miley Cyrus at 50" to stay relevant. There's others that they've removed because "We realized that only horrible people would laugh at that." Ummmm... it says "for horrible people" on the side of the damn box. 10:55 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:55 <@Wilpig> is there a list of cards they've changed? 10:56 <@oddball> There was one that made headlines a while ago: passable transvestites. 10:57 <@oddball> Sure, it was a meh card that I don't think I ever saw win a round, but it was removed because of PC reasons and it's an intentionally non-PC game. 10:59 <@Corydon76-home> There's actually a secondary reason to make such changes. If the card decks keep changing, then there's never a time that you can say you have all cards... which keeps you buying 10:59 < RangerZ> jesus... 480$/yr for parking at vandy 11:00 <@oddball> RangerZ: Yep... That's why a decent chunk of ITS parked on the street while I worked there. 11:00 <@Corydon76-home> RangerZ: that's cheap compared to downtown 11:00 <@Wilpig> that's why I parked on the street 11:00 < RangerZ> problem is... when I go TO FGH 11:00 < RangerZ> fucking dead center of campus, and a deck next to it 11:00 <@oddball> I'm sorry, I'm a firm believer that free parking should be a perk of fucking working for you. 11:00 < RangerZ> well 'near' 11:01 < RangerZ> parking pays 60k/yr starting 11:01 < RangerZ> they gotta afford that somehow 11:02 <@oddball> Corydon76-home: Except that they don't announce these changes, and the only way to get the different cards would be to periodically buy the main set/major expansions again. Not something most folks would do. 11:02 <@Dolemite> Yeah, it's ridiculous that Vanderbilt charges the staff to park, but not the patients of the hospital 11:03 <@Wilpig> ^ NO SHIT! 11:04 < RangerZ> patients are getting hit elsewhere 11:04 <@oddball> And, for the record, the one time my car has been broken into in the vandy area was while parked in a vandy lot with a vandy cop admitting that he was in the lot when it happened. 11:04 < RangerZ> thankfully vandy pays its employees so well, and gives them such good vacations, that none of them worry about it 11:05 <@oddball> By the way, the cop then had the audacity to look offended when I asked him if he was asleep at the time. 11:06 <@notlarry> RangerZ: The cost of my motorcycle, $2900. The cost of my yearly commute at 50 mpg, $200. The cost of a motorcycle permit that lets me park beside the building I work in, $65. The look on your face right now... 11:08 <@Wilpig> the price difference between the motocycle permit and the regular parking permit is ridiculous 11:09 <@Wilpig> they don't expect you to ride it everyday though, and they figure they can fit two to three motocycles in a single parking spot 11:09 <@Corydon76-home> notlarry: don't forget the cost of your hospital stay when a dipshit grad student in an SUV to compensate for his small penis pulls out in front of you, $49,276 11:10 < RangerZ> Corydon76-home: thats only happened 2x 11:10 < RangerZ> he's fine 11:10 <@Wilpig> they proved notlarry was at fault both times and there was no student even present 11:10 <@notlarry> Corydon76-home: Like the size of his penis isn't going to impact you more than it is me? 11:11 <@Corydon76-home> "I'm a top." "With that little thing? ROFL" 11:12 <@notlarry> That is a conversation I will carry in my head till I die thank you very much. 11:12 < aestetix> Corydon76-home: how big is that little thing? 11:13 <@notlarry> aestetix: Really depends on the size of his SUV. 11:13 <@Corydon76-home> aestetix: I've seen a guy in his 30s with a penis no bigger than my pinky 11:13 < aestetix> Was he fat? 11:13 < aestetix> Also, poor guy. 11:13 < aestetix> Was that when it was hard? 11:13 <@Dolemite> Corydon76-home: Had you been recently stung by a bee, and are you allergic to bee stings? That would matter. 11:13 <@notlarry> aestetix: What is this facination with peni? 11:13 <@Corydon76-home> Not fat, and yes, he was hard 11:14 <@Dolemite> notlarry: He's never seen one before, so he's curious 11:14 < aestetix> Did it have a large girth? 11:14 < aestetix> Or was it just a little stumpy? 11:14 <@Corydon76-home> Do you think my pinky has a large girth? 11:15 < aestetix> It's really sad when you can use a drinking straw as a penis pump 11:15 < aestetix> Corydon76-home: did you jerk him off or anything? 11:16 < aestetix> notlarry: btw how's it going? 11:16 <@Corydon76-home> Nope, not getting into the topic of what I did with him 11:16 <@Corydon76-home> Wilpig still needs to eat lunch 11:17 < aestetix> Corydon76-home: were his balls normal sized? 11:17 <@Corydon76-home> I honestly don't remember 11:18 < aestetix> On a related note 11:18 < aestetix> http://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2dz7by/tifu_by_showing_my_erect_penis_to_my_girlfriends/ 11:18 <@Wilpig> thanks for that 11:18 <@Wilpig> I am semi-looking forward to lunch 11:19 <@Dolemite> notlarry: By the way, the Tate Flooring rep, my Liebert Rep, and I are all going on a motorcycle ride on September 25 if you're interested in telling VU to fuck off for the day so you could joinus. 11:19 <@Dolemite> s/joinus/join us 11:20 <@Corydon76-home> Wilpig: Let aestetix know when you're done eating, and I'm sure he can make it all come back up 11:21 <@Corydon76-home> For some reason, Peaches thought it was nauseating that I started a grill fire with an active wasp's nest. 11:22 <@Dolemite> did it add a little bite to the flavor of what you were cooking? 11:22 <@Corydon76-home> The turkey burgers tasted great, if that's what you're asking 11:22 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-24-99-250-250.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: wtfsleepomg] 11:23 <@Dolemite> but were they great because of the wasp nest, or just because you seasoned it well? 11:23 <@Corydon76-home> Yes. :-) 11:25 <@Dolemite> ok, lunch time. laterz. 11:26 <@shapr> OH HAI 11:33 <@notlarry> Dolemite: Can't working that day. 11:36 <@notlarry> "This episode of Sesame Street is brought to you by the letter..." Best comment so far... 11:39 <@Wilpig> osx is stupid 11:39 <@Wilpig> or it's my headset. but i'm betting on osx 11:39 <@brimstone> it's os x 11:40 <@shapr> AND your headset 11:41 <@shapr> I'm sure the USB profile for your headset is interfering with the cosmic rays and... 11:41 <@shapr> maybe not 11:41 <@brimstone> but mainly just you 11:42 <@Wilpig> i'm getting sound in my headset but not from my xm player 11:43 <@Wilpig> turn the headset off and it plays throught he speakers fine. 11:43 <@Wilpig> youtube, system sounds, local media playback all work fine with the headset, just not xm 11:43 < aestetix> I hate the sun 11:44 <@notlarry> aestetix: you misspelled gays 11:44 <@brimstone> i like the sun, from a distance 11:44 <@notlarry> brimstone: Any specific distance? 11:45 <@brimstone> notlarry: 1.012 AU 11:52 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 11:52 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 11:57 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 12:01 <@Dolemite> notlarry: But you're working every day, hence the 'tell Vanderbilt to fuck off for that day' 12:08 <@notlarry> Dolemite: I don't have that "other job" thing that would let me tell Vanderbilt to fuck off. 12:08 <@notlarry> Hell, my Manager is asking me for a one page evaluation on one of my supervisors. Awkward 12:10 < aestetix> RangerZ: I wonder if Julian Assange is holding off leaving that embassy until the Ferguson drama goes away 12:10 <@brimstone> notlarry: fill it with As 12:11 <@brimstone> doesn't Assange have the cancer? 12:11 <@notlarry> Were it a real evaluation I would suggest that, despite the fact that he seems capable and willing to learn, his inability to actually stay the entire shift would be something that should be investigated. 12:11 < aestetix> brimstone: I do not know 12:12 <@notlarry> If he does I'm sure the CIA gave it to him right? 12:12 <@notlarry> wow, good guess on my part. 12:12 <@notlarry> http://www.rhizzone.net/forum/topic/2918/ 12:12 <@GateKeeper> Title: tHE r H i z z o n E / Laissezs Faire / CIA gives Julian Assange Cancer in Ecuadorian Embassy (at www.rhizzone.net) 12:12 <@brimstone> biowarfare 12:14 < aestetix> uh 12:30 <@Dolemite> notlarry: If you feel like you need another job to fall back on just to be able to use your vacation days, you're right. Except about the fall back part. 12:31 <@notlarry> Dolemite: You have no idea. 12:31 <@notlarry> I will put in over 80 hours this week alone. 12:51 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 12:51 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 12:52 <@Dagmar> "Target lock? What's that?" 12:53 <@shapr> BOOM 12:53 <@Dagmar> RangerZ: I've spent about an hour now trying to gun down three ships without target lock. 12:53 <@Dagmar> Sooo... when I *found* that button, the fight lasted about a minute. Heh 12:53 <@Dagmar> I was googling to find out why my fucking missiles wouldn't fire 12:54 <@Wilpig> lol 12:54 <@shapr> Dagmar: what are you playing? 12:54 <@Wilpig> Dagmar: sounds like you are utilizing your vacation most appropriately 12:54 <@Dagmar> Elite: Dangerous 12:54 <@shapr> I had a vacation once. 12:55 <@Dagmar> wilpig: Well, I actually only woke up once last night, and slept through the night the night before. 12:55 <@Wilpig> that can happen when you aren't getting paged 12:55 <@Dagmar> I've got to get this sleeping thing back under control 12:55 <@notlarry> Slept through the night? WTF? That is just crazy talk! 12:55 <@Dagmar> Yeah well, there's the problem of if you do it enough times, inability to sleep becomes semi-permanent 12:56 <@Dagmar> I should have just taken a sabbatical months ago 12:56 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:56 <@Dagmar> Tomorrow I'll call and ask when the corba paperwork will show up 12:56 <@shapr> Mostly I save up vacation to use for extra pay when I'm done with a job. 12:56 <@Dagmar> ...and find out whether or not they're going to try to be bitches about the 220 hours of vacation I was still owed 12:56 <@shapr> Then I take a few months off. I take my retirement in chunks between jobs. 12:56 <@Dolemite> Dagmar: CORBA? Did you quit? 12:56 <@Dagmar> shapr: I've been saving money for a long time 12:56 <@Dagmar> I could be out of work two years and not care 12:57 <@shapr> smart! 12:57 <@Dolemite> er, COBRA 12:57 <@Dagmar> Dolemite: No, but it does't matter. 12:57 <@shapr> cobra is fucking expensive though 12:57 <@shapr> I was paying $450 a month 12:57 <@Dagmar> The only way you can not get that is to be fired for gross incompetence 12:57 <@Wilpig> it's cause gi joe are always beating on them 12:58 <@Dagmar> I figure they'll probably be bitches about the vacation built up, but it's either CORBA or marketplace and I'm going to see which is cheaper 12:59 <@Dagmar> Since I have to have at least one of them by law now 12:59 <@Dolemite> Likely you can get something cheaper on the exchange 13:08 <@Corydon76-home> Be careful about the exchange. Peaches technically has coverage, but many places won't take that insurance. 13:08 <@shapr> Does anyone here have pictures of the dumb car tags they've seen? 13:08 <@Corydon76-home> So it's effectively good for emergency coverage and prescriptions and not much else 13:08 <@Dolemite> Depends on which plan you get 13:08 <@Dolemite> But in general, TN wants to see ACA fail, so they make it as difficult to use as possible 13:09 <@Corydon76-home> Peaches has a Type E insurance plan from BCBS/TN 13:10 <@Corydon76-home> It was rated as a Silver plan 13:11 <@Dolemite> aestetix: I found a couch for you. http://boingboing.net/2014/08/19/the-worst-sofa-in-the-history.html 13:11 <@GateKeeper> Title: The worst sofa in the history of humankind - Boing Boing (at boingboing.net) 13:11 <@Dolemite> Take a look at it and there is only one word that you can say that would make sense 13:11 <@shapr> VAINA? 13:11 <@Dolemite> Add a g 13:12 <@Wilpig> Dolemite: SOLD! ? 13:12 <@Wilpig> was that the word? 13:12 <@Dolemite> Wilpig: Only if you are aestetix 13:14 < aestetix> penis? 13:14 <@shapr> VAINA!!! 13:15 * shapr sighs 13:15 < aestetix> http://boingboing.net/2014/08/19/holy-crap-the-front-page-of-t.html 13:16 <@Dolemite> aestetix: Yes, it even looks like it was drawn, but alas, it's a photograph 13:27 < aestetix> Oh jesus. 13:27 < aestetix> The Ferguson stuff just keeps getting more and more loaded 13:27 < aestetix> "Support grows for officer who shot..." 13:27 < aestetix> That tells me the riots are not ending anytime soon 13:29 <@notlarry> Wow, pushing an apple around my desk wondering why my cursor is not moving. Perhaps the drugs are kicking in... 13:30 <@Corydon76-home> notlarry: you have to plug the mouse into your Apple computer 13:30 < aestetix> notlarry: drink some more, it'll help you wake up 13:32 <@shapr> ooh, what kind of drugs? 13:32 <@shapr> apple koolaid? 13:38 <@ignotus-sdf> you're doing it wrong. 13:39 < aestetix> ignotus-sdf: how do you do it right? 13:41 <@ignotus-sdf> eat half of it so it will lay flat and then sell it to a sorority girl. Call it the iDitz. 13:41 <@ignotus-sdf> Tell her its a wireless maus. The spelling will make her feel all cultured. 13:51 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 13:51 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 13:54 < aestetix> man 13:54 < aestetix> http://techcrunch.com/2014/08/19/uber-corner-store-turns-the-transit-app-into-a-delivery-service-for-daily-staples/ 13:54 < aestetix> you have to be really lazy to use this 13:55 < aestetix> I kind of think the whole "cool web app" market has hit saturation 13:55 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:56 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 13:59 < aestetix> oh man ask and ye shall recieve 13:59 < aestetix> I was so bummed yesterday about no harassment drama 13:59 < aestetix> http://valleywag.gawker.com/one-woman-finally-calls-out-a-tech-investor-for-creepy-1623490558/+laceydonohue 13:59 < aestetix> here we go 14:03 <@Corydon76-home> Wow, that's a creepy bastard 14:06 < aestetix> Really glad I'm not reading twitter this month 14:06 < aestetix> Because I imagine I would have found out about that the hard way 14:06 <@Wilpig> aestetix: http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2dzrui/i_was_an_asshole_to_a_front_desk_manager_and_now/ 14:07 <@GateKeeper> Title: I was an asshole to a front desk manager and now... Now, I am somehow paying for it. Or my wife is. We both are. : nosleep (at www.reddit.com) 14:14 < aestetix> Wilpig: that was something else 14:48 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has joined #se2600 15:05 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 15:05 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 15:08 <@SuMo_D> any of you guys into ruby? 15:08 <@shapr> Haskell? 15:08 <@SuMo_D> nein 15:09 <@SuMo_D> just a question about ok... got what do.this! means but not sure what do.this? means 15:09 <@SuMo_D> I get the function but not enough to float through code with no meaning... must have more 15:10 <@shapr> aw man, I was going to ask if anyone uses monad comprehensions 15:10 < frsilent> SuMo_D: buddy of mine in another channel does a lot of RoR 15:11 <@SuMo_D> you know... there's probably a ruby channel 15:11 < frsilent> that too lol 15:11 <@SuMo_D> or I'll just ask tonight in class 15:12 < frsilent> shapr: done a bit of haskell but very much an fp newb 15:12 <@shapr> frsilent: written anything nifty? 15:12 <@shapr> I've started a website for dumbcartags.com 15:14 < aestetix> SuMo_D: btw have your friend email me 15:14 < aestetix> IIRC you wanted me input on something 15:14 < aestetix> and speaking of input, NO I DO NOT WANT TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FUCKING APP 15:14 < aestetix> I WANT TO LOG IN AND DO WHAT YOUR SERVICE OFFERS 15:14 <@SuMo_D> which friend aestetix? 15:14 < frsilent> honestly no, was redoing reddit's dailyprogramming in it but only up to about #50 in easy 15:14 <@SuMo_D> my young friends who went to Hope? 15:14 < aestetix> no 15:14 < aestetix> uhhhhh something else 15:14 < aestetix> you twittered at me about it 15:14 <@SuMo_D> they're doing the uhhhh but I don't know this guy... 15:14 < aestetix> but I'm not using twitter this month 15:15 <@SuMo_D> oh that guy - yes! 15:15 <@SuMo_D> Ken 15:15 <@SuMo_D> my buddy in changing the world 15:15 < aestetix> heh 15:15 < aestetix> btw 15:15 < aestetix> http://i.imgur.com/nEtGdoZ.jpg 15:15 <@SuMo_D> one middle school classroom at a time 15:15 < aestetix> one of the more interesting finds I've made lately 15:15 < aestetix> that is in fact a driver's license 15:15 <@SuMo_D> nice 15:16 <@SuMo_D> but yeah I think the twitter thing he wants to do it every Tues 15:16 <@SuMo_D> but I'm going to be in class tonight 15:16 < aestetix> what did he want to do with twitter? 15:17 <@SuMo_D> which is going to be super fun but ass kicking... the guy wants to "cover all of rails" tonight 15:17 <@SuMo_D> which... should be interesting 15:18 < aestetix> there should be a utility for rails called "straw" 15:18 <@SuMo_D> Ken wants to talk about what are some ways we can change and improve media, arts and code education every Tues 6:30 - 8:30 I think? live tweeting under #mvadchat 15:18 < frsilent> just promise that you don't start calling yourself a rockstar developer 15:18 <@SuMo_D> but I'm already a rockstar 15:19 <@SuMo_D> if I become a developer... 15:19 <@SuMo_D> won't that just be fulfilling the dream? 15:19 < frsilent> you'd be a developer rockstar, so long as you don't submit to the ruby stigma of douchebaggery 15:20 <@SuMo_D> yeah the douchebaggery with Ruby is strong 15:20 <@SuMo_D> but its so fun to play with! 15:22 < frsilent> join shapr & myself in going full neckbeard instead 15:22 < frsilent> haskell is life 15:22 <@shapr> Haskell is neckbeard? 15:22 < aestetix> man 15:22 < aestetix> SuMo_D: it's going to be fun going to harvard and giving a talk about stuff with no data 15:22 <@SuMo_D> :D 15:22 < aestetix> "fuck you I don't need data, I'm living this" 15:22 <@shapr> frsilent: are you sure? 15:22 < frsilent> shapr: I would say so 15:22 <@shapr> I thought Haskell was ivory tower. 15:23 <@SuMo_D> actually Harvard kids will be fine witht hat 15:23 <@SuMo_D> that 15:23 <@SuMo_D> MIT is a different story 15:23 < frsilent> aren't they synonymous? :P 15:23 <@shapr> I don't think so 15:23 < aestetix> MIT can have my talk when they apologize for Aaron Swartz 15:23 <@shapr> neckbeard always makes me think of heavy duty unix nerds hiding in a NOC 15:23 <@shapr> Ivory Tower academics always make me think of people desperately working 80 hours a week to publish their next paper. 15:24 < aestetix> shapr: which inherently brings down the quality of each paper 15:24 <@shapr> frsilent: I got flown over to Microsoft Research in Cambridge UK for a Haskell job interview once, but I didn't get the job :-( 15:24 < frsilent> yeah that's probably more apt but I typically consider neckbeard as favoring elitism over pragmatism 15:24 <@shapr> I did organize a Haskell conference for the same day though. 15:24 < aestetix> shapr: did you shave before the interview? 15:24 <@shapr> yeah, I did 15:24 < aestetix> well there you go 15:24 <@shapr> you think that was the problem? 15:24 < frsilent> which haskell has certainly been criticized of 15:24 < aestetix> I bet you used deoderant too 15:25 <@shapr> funny you should mention that, the guy who got the job has the most amazing beard... 15:25 <@shapr> Huh, Haskell is elitist? 15:25 <@brimstone> yup 15:25 <@shapr> I'm building dumbcartags.com with Haskell.... doesn't sound very elitist. 15:25 < frsilent> aestetix: that question made me laugh 15:25 < frsilent> I guess that's probably the easiest way to define neckbeard tasks 15:25 <@shapr> brimstone: why do you think Haskell is elitist? 15:26 <@brimstone> no time to argue 15:26 <@shapr> oh sure, make a statement and then disappear :-P 15:26 < frsilent> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSmkqocn0oQ 15:26 <@GateKeeper> Title: Simon Peyton Jones - Haskell is useless - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 15:26 <@shapr> oh, that videa 15:26 <@Corydon76-home> shapr: How many people do you know who when they first want to start programming, you say, "Here, let me show you Haskell"? 15:27 <@shapr> hmm, all of them? 15:27 < frsilent> srsly? 15:27 <@shapr> yeah? 15:27 <@Corydon76-home> As opposed to, "Here, let me show you Python" or PHP or Perl, or something else 15:27 <@shapr> Heck no 15:28 <@shapr> Those languages drive newbies insane 15:28 < frsilent> imperative is so much more accessible for beginners imo 15:28 <@shapr> oh no it's not 15:28 < aestetix> https://checkr.io/ 15:28 < aestetix> this is interesting 15:28 <@Corydon76-home> And how many people upon learning Haskell with you still use it in their daily jobs? 15:28 < aestetix> I wonder how they connect to the terrorist watchlist 15:28 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: wait, let's finish the first point 15:28 < aestetix> oh my god 15:28 < aestetix> listen to this startup pitch 15:28 < aestetix> Livblends wants to revolutionize the smoothie market by bringing fresh smoothies directly to your door. 15:29 <@shapr> things like x = x + 1 make no sense to someone who hasn't already learned the weirdness of imperative programming 15:29 < frsilent> shapr: I'd say that the general consensus would agree with imperative over functional for beginners 15:29 <@shapr> frsilent: I disagree 15:29 < aestetix> they want to revolutionize the smoothie market 15:29 < frsilent> not saying that general consensus is a great indicator butttt 15:29 < aestetix> what does that even mean 15:29 <@shapr> frsilent: I do think that people who have written imperative programs for most of their life would recommend that to newbies. 15:29 <@opticron> aestetix, the smoothie paradigm, they want to shift it 15:30 < aestetix> I didn't know there was a smoothie market 15:30 <@Dagmar> That indicator has a great butt. 15:30 <@opticron> Dagmar, I was thinking the same thing 15:30 <@opticron> aestetix, a market made entirely of smoothie 15:30 <@Dagmar> DERPS.... IN... SPAAAAACE... 15:30 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: I know ... at least several hundred Haskell programmers, but I'm certainly not the run of the mill imperative programmer 15:31 <@Dagmar> I took a mission to take remains somewhere. No idea where to pick up the remains. 15:31 <@Dagmar> Oh well. Too late now. 15:31 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: Many of the people who I've taught Haskell to on IRC have gotten Haskell jobs after hat. 15:31 <@Corydon76-home> shapr: Someday, I'd like to see Haskell programmers implement device drivers 15:32 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: see that's a third entirely different point 15:32 <@Wilpig> I hold shapr responsible for the eventual robot uprising that destroys us all 15:32 <@shapr> but they do that too 15:32 <@Corydon76-home> Or wait, one better. I'd like to see a Haskell programmer design an integrated circuit 15:32 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: https://github.com/Ericson2314/lighthouse 15:32 <@GateKeeper> Title: Ericson2314/lighthouse · GitHub (at github.com) 15:32 < aestetix> http://techcrunch.com/2014/08/19/yc-demo-day-session-1-gingko-bioworks-bikanta-checkr-walksource-cleartax-and-more/ 15:32 < aestetix> these all pretty much suck 15:32 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: oh, they do that TOO: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xilinx-lava 15:32 <@GateKeeper> Title: Hackage: xilinx-lava: The Lava system for Xilinx FPGA design with layout combinators. (at hackage.haskell.org) 15:33 <@Corydon76-home> shapr: and why hasn't that IC design taken the world by storm? 15:33 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: Intel/Xilinx/etc use lots of Haskell tools for building their chips... BlueSpec is written in Haskell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluespec,_Inc. 15:33 <@GateKeeper> Title: Bluespec, Inc. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 15:33 < frsilent> shapr: do you have a strong mathematical background? 15:33 <@shapr> frsilent: heck no 15:33 <@shapr> I've never passed a calculus course :-( 15:33 <@shapr> makes me sad 15:34 <@shapr> but I have been writing Haskell for 13+ years 15:34 < frsilent> hmm, might consider contracting you as a haskell tutor sometime over skype :P 15:34 <@shapr> heh 15:34 <@shapr> you should show up on #haskell and ask questions, they're pretty friendly and helpful 15:34 < frsilent> but until then it's tough for me to concede on my thoughts 15:34 <@shapr> or I'll make 'em 15:34 < frsilent> I idle it 15:34 <@shapr> I started #haskell long ago 15:35 <@Corydon76-home> shapr: operating systems, device drivers, and chips are all heavily imperative, though 15:35 <@shapr> I always thought it was funny that lots of people thought Haskell was only for someone with a math PhD, when I have several years worth of Haskell jobs, before I had a degree or any math courses. 15:35 < frsilent> I do see that it's always pretty active but it's tough for me to find the time to keep playing with it 15:35 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/reduceron/ 15:35 <@GateKeeper> Title: The Reduceron (at www.cs.york.ac.uk) 15:36 < frsilent> https://github.com/bitemyapp/learnhaskell is what I started with as a resource 15:36 <@GateKeeper> Title: bitemyapp/learnhaskell · GitHub (at github.com) 15:36 <@shapr> frsilent: yeah, that's the best resource these days 15:38 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: so 1. I don't agree that imperative makes more sense to newbies, having taught newbies for years 2. getting a Haskell these days is not that hard 3. people have written device drivers in Haskell, for things like Haskell running directly on Xen: https://github.com/GaloisInc/HaLVM 15:38 <@GateKeeper> Title: GaloisInc/HaLVM · GitHub (at github.com) 15:38 < frsilent> wow at h0p 15:38 < frsilent> that's pretty impressive 15:38 <@shapr> h0p the haskell operating system? 15:38 < frsilent> yeah 15:38 <@shapr> heh, that got named for me hopping all the time in IRC :-) 15:38 < frsilent> still have lots of doubts 15:38 < frsilent> lol 15:39 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: so, willing to learn Haskell now? :-P 15:39 <@Corydon76-home> shapr: Sure, in my spare time. 15:39 <@shapr> ha 15:40 <@shapr> In my opinion, learning FP nowadays is like learning OOP in the 'old days' 15:40 <@Corydon76-home> Along with learning electronics, organization, Raspberry Pi, and a few others that have all been waiting for my spare time 15:40 <@shapr> Functional programming is different from imperative, everybody knows imperative, so it takes some brain twisting 15:41 <@shapr> and most people aren't willing to put in the effort because they don't see an obvious benefit 15:41 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: ooh, I can help with electronics, organization, and Raspberry Pi! 15:41 <@shapr> I use org-mode in emacs, and I like the Getting Things Done approach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done 15:41 <@GateKeeper> Title: Getting Things Done - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 15:41 < frsilent> Charles Petzold's "Code" is pretty badass if you haven't read it already Corydon76-home 15:42 < aestetix> HAHAHAHAHHA 15:42 < aestetix> http://techcrunch.com/2014/08/19/the-nophone-because-smartphone-separation-anxiety-is-real/ 15:42 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: mind you, I'm sure you could totally school me in C, C++ and bunches of other programming stuff 15:42 < aestetix> it's a surrogate phone to fondle while your real phone charges 15:42 <@critch> Dagmar: did you see the latest police shooting near St Louis? 15:43 <@Corydon76-home> I don't actually know C++, beyond a few basic concepts 15:43 < aestetix> critch: wht do you mean the latest 15:43 <@shapr> I heard lots of positive things about Corydon76-home's programming skills when I worked at the same company. 15:43 < aestetix> oh god they kiled another little black kid? 15:43 <@Corydon76-home> shapr: well, yeah, that's because I came up with some innovative concepts 15:43 <@critch> aestetix: http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2014/08/19/3473247/police-officers-involved-in-fatal-st-louis-shooting/ 15:43 <@GateKeeper> Title: Police Officers Involved In Fatal Shooting Just Miles From Ferguson | ThinkProgress (at thinkprogress.org) 15:44 <@shapr> Corydon76-home: if I start showing up in Nashville we can hang out and swap some skills, would be fun! 15:44 < frsilent> I interviewed with Coinbase a few weeks ago but still haven't heard back...was kind of hoping I'd get it since it sounded like it'd allow me to work more towards my interests 15:44 <@shapr> frsilent: what are your interests? 15:44 < frsilent> I do web dev which pays well but fuck Django's boring after ~3 years 15:44 < frsilent> eh, it kind of jumps but I like understanding how things work so was really trying to merge coding & info sec 15:44 <@shapr> yeah, I totally understand that 15:45 <@shapr> I'm doing Django right now 15:45 <@Dagmar> RangerZ: For $34 this joystick works fine 15:45 < frsilent> watching all the livectf streams, reverse engineering things, making game hacks/trainers 15:45 < frsilent> etc 15:45 < aestetix> what the hell 15:46 < aestetix> do they have a black guy homicide quota they have to meet this month or something? 15:47 < frsilent> seems like a lucrative market but not a whole lot of positions 15:47 < frsilent> maybe working on some kind of anti-cheat or (shudder) DRM might be fun 15:48 <@shapr> frsilent: I've had some interest from that part of the industry, it does look like fun. 15:48 < aestetix> frsilent: maybe you could also work on some illegal surveillance projects with the NSA 15:48 <@shapr> but I always feel like it's easier to break things that create new things. 15:48 <@shapr> frsilent: my interest in infosec came out of my interest in software testing 15:48 <@Corydon76-home> shapr: you're likely to see more of me on IRC than you ever will of me "hanging out" 15:49 <@shapr> eh, fair enough 15:49 <@shapr> do you still make awesome bread? 15:51 <@Corydon76-home> Rarely. 15:51 < frsilent> aestetix: you can't deny that the work would be interesting. I'm not saying I'd work on something unethical but there's a lot of room to play with on a scale like that 15:51 <@shapr> aw 15:52 <@shapr> it's sad how much unethical and illegal have diverged 15:53 < frsilent> shapr: when I interviewed with CB I spoke with a ryan mcgeehan (formerly from FB) & he expressed that the best hackers he'd worked with came from dev backgrounds and not the other way around 15:53 <@shapr> makes sense to me 15:53 <@shapr> oh hey, do you read PoC||GTFO ? 15:53 < frsilent> False 15:53 <@shapr> https://www.alchemistowl.org/pocorgtfo/ 15:53 <@GateKeeper> Title: International Journal of Proof-of-Concept or Get The Fuck Out (PoC||GTFO) (at www.alchemistowl.org) 15:54 <@shapr> it's sort of like 2600 or Phrack, but ... well, done by the awesome Travis Goodspeed 15:54 < frsilent> oh I thought you were asking 2 separate pubs, I'll look into this though 15:54 <@shapr> I just like to find the edges of things, that's gotten me interesting places. 15:54 <@shapr> Long ago you could make collect calls to pay phones... that's the kind of edges I like to find. 15:54 < aestetix> shapr: ask Corydon76-home about being on the edge 15:55 <@shapr> er.... why? 15:56 <@ignotus-sdf> shapr: this will probably go horribly wrong. 15:57 <@Corydon76-home> I don't think he knows. He has no frontal lobe to interrupt the thoughts that occur to him. 15:57 <@ignotus-sdf> ah. I feel safer now. 15:59 <@Wilpig> ignotus-sdf: and that's when they get you 16:01 <@Corydon76-home> Wilpig: kind of like Samuel L Jackson, making a triumphant speech about surviving in "Deep Blue Sea"? 16:02 <@Wilpig> while it feels like I should know that, i'm drawing a blank. so i'm just gonna nod and say "yes, precisely" 16:03 <@Corydon76-home> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz1J9PUcMQ0 16:04 <@Corydon76-home> That video is SFW, as long as you don't have a heart condition. 16:04 <@ignotus-sdf> no. that's the wrong video. http://youtu.be/7sOA_U3-HOs And mine's not SFW. 16:04 <@GateKeeper> Title: Go The **** to Sleep - YouTube (at youtu.be) 16:06 <@Wilpig> ignotus-sdf: if I can say fuck at work, then that video is sfw 16:07 < frsilent> yeah, that's business as usual here 16:07 <@ignotus-sdf> ah. good to know. 16:07 <@Wilpig> I did post this yesterday. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2rwhcnwezh9mfjb/Photo%20on%208-18-14%20at%204.06%20PM.jpg?dl=0 16:07 <@Wilpig> it was an official award here 16:08 <@Wilpig> s/was/is/ 16:08 <@ignotus-sdf> lol. That's good for official documents. 16:08 <@SuMo_D> hey so whats the word on Phreaknic 16:09 <@Wilpig> SuMo_D: how much time you got? 16:09 <@SuMo_D> 5 minuts 16:09 <@SuMo_D> not minutes 16:10 <@SuMo_D> minuts 16:10 <@Wilpig> my version is, countdown to explosion 16:11 <@SuMo_D> hmmm 16:11 <@SuMo_D> sadness? 16:12 <@ignotus-sdf> got a lineup of any sort yet? English: Anybody submitting papers/talks? 16:12 < frsilent> Oct 30th is all I need to know I guess 16:13 <@Wilpig> they are all safely locked away in someone's inbox that has many rules to ensure that email gets deleted promptly without bothering him 16:13 < frsilent> I figure it'd be worth it to just go to a con since the last one I went to was I think interz0ne 2006 16:13 <@ignotus-sdf> Yeah, cuz I like tshirts, but I'd feel weird wearing a shirt to a con I didn't go to. 16:14 <@SuMo_D> yeah just a date is a big gamble to plan a trip on... especially when its Halloween Weekend... and there are so many fun things going on 16:14 <@SuMo_D> but... who knows... maybe a last minute kinda thing 16:14 <@SuMo_D> could be fun 16:16 <@Wilpig> I have my halloween plans and they're gonna be much fun 16:18 <@SuMo_D> in nyc? 16:18 <@Wilpig> indeed 16:18 <@SuMo_D> yeah NYC Halloween is amazing 16:19 <@Wilpig> constume party on the 30th. 16:19 <@Wilpig> primus and the chocolate factory on the 1st 16:19 <@SuMo_D> Nice! 16:19 <@Wilpig> I guarantee i'll find something to get into the 31st 16:19 <@Wilpig> if i'm lucky it will be a woman. ;) 16:19 <@SuMo_D> Just go to the Village 16:19 <@SuMo_D> you'll find something 16:19 <@Wilpig> and that something will probably have a cawk 16:20 <@SuMo_D> the entire Village turns into this magical crazy universe of interesting 16:23 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:24 <@ignotus-sdf> That made me think of one of those Christmas Village things with all of the figurines. That could be bad. But also interesting. 16:29 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:34 <@Corydon76-home> Wilpig: even if you got cock, I'm sure you'll enjoy it 16:38 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has joined #se2600 16:41 <@Wilpig> Corydon76-home: I have my own to share with other folks that don't have one of their own 16:43 <@ignotus-sdf> aaaaand we're back to the Village. 17:00 -!- ignotus-sdf [~ignotus@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:38 <@notlarry> Wilpig: and if you are really lucky she will be unconscious 17:38 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@71-12-31-114.static.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #se2600 17:38 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 17:38 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:58 <@Wilpig> notlarry: i'll drink to that 18:04 < RangerZ> Wilpig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbIWRd514-s you need to get a face-rig wilbur avatar 18:04 <@GateKeeper> Title: FaceRig Unveiling Video - English - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 18:05 <@Dagmar> We need an Edward Snowden rig 18:08 <@Dagmar> Brace yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyybVarOurw 18:08 <@GateKeeper> Title: Могилев. ДТП на мосту по ул. Королева. АКРОБАТЫ ОТДЫХАЮТ!!!!!!! - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 18:10 <@Dagmar> Epic sport bike dismount. 18:12 <@SuMo_D> what's a good name for a teen class doing craft and code? 18:12 <@SuMo_D> I have little Sparks for the 6-9 year olds 18:12 <@Wilpig> titties n' beer 18:12 <@Dagmar> Sparkle Motion 18:12 <@Wilpig> trick the little shits into coming 18:12 <@SuMo_D> lol 18:12 <@Dagmar> You've basically asked the wrong crowd this quetion 18:13 <@SuMo_D> true 18:13 <@SuMo_D> but its entertaining 18:18 <@notlarry> Leave space for, JESUS! 18:38 <@notlarry> I am at work and fox news is on... 18:38 <@notlarry> But the ads, wow. 18:38 <@notlarry> Makes me want to go to snopes 18:41 <@opticron> turn off the TV 18:41 <@opticron> or change the channel 19:01 <@notlarry> Not worth my effort. Hell, I could barely bring my self to respond to you. 20:06 <@Wilpig> oh aestetix... seems that a few folks on facebook are flying your flag. http://thoughtcatalog.com/janet-bloomfield/2014/08/5-legal-rights-women-have-that-men-dont/ 20:09 < aestetix> what 20:13 < aestetix> man 20:14 < aestetix> I created a facebook account for something with one of my email addresses 20:14 < aestetix> and then never did anything with it 20:14 < aestetix> I have been relentlessly spammed by them to "come back" 20:26 <@Wilpig> I have a couple of fake accounts that get hit with the come back shit daily 20:26 <@Wilpig> I really need to put in a rule to nuke that shit 21:50 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@71-12-31-114.static.spbg.sc.charter.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:57 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-24-99-250-250.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 21:57 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sync350] by ChanServ 22:05 -!- ignotus-sdf [~ignotus@c-50-167-109-63.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 22:29 -!- ignotus-sdf [~ignotus@c-50-167-109-63.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 23:23 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 23:23 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ --- Log closed Wed Aug 20 00:00:24 2014