--- Log opened Thu Jul 17 00:00:52 2014 00:04 < RangerZ|Laptop> ohh so Avengers 2 is going to be out a week earlier in UK and Ireland 00:05 < RangerZ|Laptop> b/c they WANT Americans to download a crap pirated version of it.... In ENGLISH.... 00:06 <@wilpig> I always wonder who downloads cam copies 00:06 <@wilpig> I have only ever seen one that wasn't dog shit that I could tolerate for more then 5 minutes 00:07 < RangerZ|Laptop> the best was without a doubt CatWoman Which... was ironic 00:07 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:07 < RangerZ|Laptop> It was basicaly DVD quality 00:07 < RangerZ|Laptop> maybe a 'little' compression, but not noticable when watching 00:07 < RangerZ|Laptop> noticeable* 00:07 < RangerZ|Laptop> lol 00:08 <@wilpig> guess I should get some sleep 00:11 < RangerZ|Laptop> lies 00:11 < RangerZ|Laptop> damn lies 00:11 < RangerZ|Laptop> statistics 00:30 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 00:30 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 01:38 <@Corydon76-home> RangerZ|Laptop: you see this yet? http://www.newschannel5.com/story/26015660/former-grad-student-files-20-million-lawsuit-against-vanderbilt 01:38 <@GateKeeper> Title: Former Grad Student Files $20 Million Lawsuit Against Vanderbilt - www.newschannel5.com (at www.newschannel5.com) 01:40 <@klixa> i was sexually harassed by Don Evans once... i shoudl sue too ( i think he sexually harassed everyone) 01:41 <@klixa> he made some lewd comment to me when i was like 14...i dont even remeber it cause i was too distracted by hs lipstick 01:42 * klixa starts practicing faking being traumatised...and prepares for lawsuit 01:43 <@Bahhumbug> The new American dream. Sue your way to wealth and riches. 01:43 <@Bahhumbug> :) 01:43 <@klixa> i can understand being able to sue in this world, but the AMOUNTS people sue for are insane 01:45 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:46 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 01:46 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 01:46 <@Corydon76-home> The only issue I have with it is when people try to put a dollar amount on pain and suffering. Life is full of pain and suffering, and you don't get paid just because you have a hard life. 01:47 <@Corydon76-home> Medical bills, I can understand. Punitive damages, I can understand. However, I think punitive damages should go to charity. 01:47 <@Corydon76-home> That way, it's really about punishing the entity and not about enriching the plaintiff 01:48 <@klixa> is there another category, for like work missed as a result of someting happenign to you? 01:48 <@Corydon76-home> That's compensatory damages 01:49 <@klixa> im all for that one too 01:49 <@Corydon76-home> Eh, I'm okay with that if the missed work was due to intentional behavior or gross negligence 01:49 <@klixa> hm, dictionary lumps ot with punitive... either way, i think people should sue for $ they actually lost as a result 01:50 <@Corydon76-home> OT? 01:50 <@klixa> it* 01:51 <@Corydon76-home> If the reason was accidental, then the fact that you didn't have insurance for that is your own damn fault 01:51 <@klixa> how would insurance help if you missed work as a result of someone stabbing you 50 times and putting you in the hospital? 01:52 <@Corydon76-home> You can get insurance that will pay you if you miss work through no fault of your own 01:52 <@Corydon76-home> AFLAC is one example of that 01:54 <@klixa> hmmm, i have seen a million of their commericals and never knew what they were for 01:56 <@klixa> ack, they have cancer insurance 01:56 <@klixa> thats depressing to think about 01:56 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:57 <@Corydon76-home> Now that Obamacare has gotten rid of caps, I don't think cancer insurance is necessary anymore 01:58 <@Corydon76-home> http://www.aflac.com/individuals/whyaflac.aspx?skipLanding=true 01:58 <@GateKeeper> Title: Why Aflac | Supplemental Insurance for Individuals | Aflac (at www.aflac.com) 02:09 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 02:09 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 02:26 -!- oddball [~oddball@c-76-22-246-47.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:33 -!- Shadow405 [~shadow404@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 02:34 -!- Shadow404 [~shadow404@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:59 -!- Dagmar [~dagmar@unaffiliated/dagmar] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:00 -!- NotLarry [~NotLarry@c-68-52-43-115.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:21 -!- nightcarnage [~nightcarn@c-69-137-118-213.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:23 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:41 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [] 03:42 -!- NotLarry [~NotLarry@c-68-52-43-115.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 03:42 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o NotLarry] by ChanServ 04:55 -!- Dagmar [~dagmar@c-98-193-176-32.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 04:55 -!- Dagmar [~dagmar@c-98-193-176-32.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Changing host] 04:55 -!- Dagmar [~dagmar@unaffiliated/dagmar] has joined #se2600 04:55 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dagmar] by ChanServ 06:42 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 06:42 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 06:52 < aestetix_> ugh 06:52 < aestetix_> nyc is too humid 06:55 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:59 < aestetix_> rattle: yes I am super happy about that! 06:59 < aestetix_> now all they need to do is make another announcement saying they will not cooperate with the NSA, and I might use them again 07:25 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 07:56 <@wilpig> heh. word from neteng this morning. "In the past three weeks the outbound traffic from tumblr increased by 4 Gbps, for a total of 10Gbps. " 07:56 <@wilpig> response from systems guys: 07:56 <@wilpig> Oh snapple: 07:56 <@wilpig> http: 07:56 <@wilpig> 200 OK 07:56 <@wilpig> tumblr.com 07:56 <@wilpig> 53.2 KB 07:56 <@wilpig> 07:56 <@wilpig> https: 07:56 <@wilpig> 200 OK 07:56 <@wilpig> tumblr.com 07:56 <@wilpig> 297.1 KB 07:56 <@wilpig> 07:56 <@wilpig> they pushed everyone to ssl over the last few weeks 08:28 <@rattle> aestetix_: Be sure to have a pint at the Molly Wee for me.. 08:34 -!- ignotus-sdf [~ignotus@] has joined #se2600 08:44 < ignotus-sdf> My wife and I discovered DX. Things are bout to get geeky ugly. 08:45 < ignotus-sdf> I can not wait to ply with the 703N that incoming. 08:45 < ignotus-sdf> that=that's=whatever. 08:48 <@wilpig> ? 08:54 < ignotus-sdf> http://www.dx.com/ 08:54 <@GateKeeper> Title: DealeXtreme - Cool Gadgets at the Right Price - DX Free Shipping Worldwide (at www.dx.com) 09:01 <@wilpig> I see 09:02 <@wilpig> http://www.reddit.com/r/babyelephantgifs 09:02 <@GateKeeper> Title: Guaranteed to make you smile! (at www.reddit.com) 09:03 < ignotus-sdf> I know who would love these... 09:17 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has joined #se2600 09:35 -!- CRasH180 [~CRasH180@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has joined #se2600 09:35 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o CRasH180] by ChanServ 09:48 -!- Guest7699 is now known as pdiz 09:56 <@Dagmar> Wow what an incredible load of knock-offs they have now 09:56 <@Dagmar> This one takes the fuckin' cake 09:56 <@Dagmar> http://www.dx.com/p/galaring-g1-smart-nfc-ring-for-smart-phone-tablet-pc-with-unlock-doors-black-grey-silver-276352?TC=USD& 09:56 <@GateKeeper> Title: GalaRing G1 Smart NFC Ring for Smart Phone / Tablet PC / Unlock Doors - Black Grey + Silver (Size L) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme (at www.dx.com) 09:56 <@Dagmar> Look at the third image closely. 09:57 <@Dagmar> I'm pretty sure the kickstarter NFC ring people did not partner with olce & Gabanna 09:57 <@Dagmar> er Dolce 09:59 -!- oddball [~oddball@c-76-22-246-47.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 10:00 <@Dagmar> ...and this is really something else... http://e.dx.com/collection/201407/doogee/doogee/index.html?utm_source=dx&utm_medium=homerotate&utm_campaign=20140715dg310presale2 10:00 <@GateKeeper> Title: Doogee DG310 Delivers more Bang For Your Buck! (at e.dx.com) 10:01 <@Dagmar> Regardless of what they *say* the name is, it looks like it has the word "Dodgee" written right on the case 10:01 < ignotus-sdf> no doubt. that reminds me of the kewl bluetooth watch looking things I keep trying to connect my FFOS phone to in order to piss off the owners. 10:02 <@Dagmar> I think they made a bad design decision going with only 8Gb onboard 10:04 < ignotus-sdf> yeah, its a HK company. expect much of it to be knockoffs. If you're hacking the tech, though, it's not too bad. I'd get one just to load cyanogenmod on it. I am now running a cheap SIM phone plan, the rest of the phone is playtime. 10:04 < ignotus-sdf> I'm trying to break out of the "normal" carriers. 10:04 <@Dagmar> I find it amusing at the number of kickstarter items that are being ripped off 10:05 <@Dagmar> ...like the "shortcut" key that stuffs into the headphone jack... for $2. LOL 10:05 < ignotus-sdf> yeah, such is the world these days. The poor find they have to get the ripoff just to attempt to be functional. 10:05 < ignotus-sdf> :D 10:06 <@Dagmar> Well, even the kickstarter item is overpriced 10:06 -!- Dementia [~sara@maxiez.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:06 <@Dagmar> We're talking about a very tiny bit of metal 10:06 <@Dagmar> ...and it's basically a button. Nothing esoteric about it's construction 10:10 < ignotus-sdf> You do have to really look at some of that stuff, but then and again you do find a few things that are useful. There is a phone bag that cuts off signal. I got 5 of them. I'm giving 2 of them away at the next meeting (provided more than brimstone and I show up). 10:11 < ignotus-sdf> 55 5star ratings, many from here in the states. I think it will work. I hate the fact that my devices can be taken over. 10:11 <@Dagmar> ooo link? 10:12 <@Dagmar> I was actually about to just buy some Crown Royal and get the mesh separately 10:12 <@Dagmar> ...or search terms 10:13 < ignotus-sdf> http://www.dx.com/p/cell-phone-signal-blocker-pouch-1305 10:13 <@GateKeeper> Title: Cell Phone Signal Blocker Pouch - Free Shipping - DealExtreme (at www.dx.com) 10:13 <@Dagmar> sweet thanks 10:14 < ignotus-sdf> Yeah, I was too. I have the link on my blog, but this was too economical to pass up. 10:14 < ignotus-sdf> also got a cheap USB drive to test as a dead drop. 10:15 <@CRasH180> Does anyone have a good suggestion for unclogging a sink drain outside of calling a plumber? 10:15 <@wilpig> depends on the type of clog and what sink 10:15 <@CRasH180> I tried using baking soda and vinegar, but that did not work 10:15 <@CRasH180> bathroom sink 10:16 < ignotus-sdf> I was just going to suggest the soda... 10:16 <@Dagmar> Just pour some drano down it 10:16 <@Dagmar> ...but attempt to plunge *first* 10:16 < ignotus-sdf> agreed. 10:17 <@CRasH180> Yeah, I have been plunging and plunging and can hear some sucking noises 10:17 <@CRasH180> from the drain 10:17 < ignotus-sdf> rid-x will prolly help restore, ahem, things after that. 10:17 <@CRasH180> or, rather through the tube 10:17 < ignotus-sdf> if you're septic rather than sewer 10:17 <@CRasH180> No, we are sewer 10:17 <@wilpig> bathroom sink, just make sure the faucet is off, then take the elbow off 10:17 <@wilpig> hopefully it's right there in the trap 10:18 <@CRasH180> hopefully. I might need to do that at lunch time. For now, too many things going on to do that 10:19 <@wilpig> not wanting to go that route you might be able to punch a hole in it or fish out a hairball with a wire hanger just straighten that shit out 10:20 <@Dagmar> Wire hanger is not a good idea 10:20 <@CRasH180> was thinking, couldn't that do some damage? 10:20 <@Dagmar> Unless you mount some kind of ball on the end, the hanger can easily punch a hole through rusty pipes or weakened plastic 10:21 <@Dagmar> CRasH180: So you're plunging with the pipe filled with water? 10:21 <@Dagmar> You want it filled with water. 10:21 <@CRasH180> Yep 10:21 <@CRasH180> As far as I can tell 10:21 <@CRasH180> There is water in the sink that is not going down 10:21 <@Dagmar> Cuz basically the idea is you want to drag the clog back and forth in the pipe until it breaks up 10:22 <@CRasH180> right 10:22 <@Dagmar> You're blocking the overflow drain, right? 10:22 <@Dagmar> This does need to be an airtight seal 10:22 <@Dagmar> I usually just put electrical tape over it because... lazy 10:22 <@CRasH180> Oh, no. Did not think of that 10:23 <@Dagmar> Ah... I was wondering what this "sucking noise" you were talking about was for that reason 10:23 <@Dagmar> Yeah block the overflow drain and you should be able to get a much better grip on the clog 10:23 <@CRasH180> That would be where the sucking noise is coming from now that I think of it 10:23 <@CRasH180> true. Will try that in a bit 10:24 <@Dagmar> HOLY SHIT 10:24 <@Dagmar> http://www.dx.com/p/lson-bluetooth-v3-0-edr-audio-mp3-decoder-module-black-12v-296571 10:24 <@GateKeeper> Title: LSON Bluetooth v3.0 + EDR Audio MP3 Decoder Module - Black (12V) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme (at www.dx.com) 10:25 <@Dagmar> MOTHERFUCKING ORDERED 10:25 <@CRasH180> lol 10:25 <@Dagmar> THat shit is going on the bike 10:26 <@Dagmar> I mean, damn... it does bluetooth *and* plays from microSD/USB? HAVE MUNNY! 10:26 <@Dagmar> Sweet crap that's going to be handy 10:31 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: @eryc 10:32 <@Dolemite> That's prett cool 10:32 <@Dolemite> pertty 10:32 <@Dolemite> pretty 10:32 <@Dolemite> dammit 10:33 <@Dolemite> I just need to find a bluetooth motorcycle helmt that will fit over my head 10:33 <@Dolemite> Methinks my keyboard battery is getting low. Lots of missed letters. 10:34 < ignotus-sdf> See? Useful chit to be had. 10:38 < ignotus-sdf> Dagmar: what color scooter you got? I saw this and thought of you... http://www.dx.com/p/led-flash-tyre-wheel-valve-cap-lamp-for-bicycle-car-blue-silver-2-pcs-234513 10:38 <@GateKeeper> Title: LED Flash Tyre Wheel Valve Cap Lamp for Bicycle / Car - Blue + Silver - Free Shipping - DealExtreme (at www.dx.com) 10:42 -!- eryc [~eric@internetjanitor.com] has joined #se2600 10:44 <@CRasH180> This site has some interesting items for cheap 10:47 < ignotus-sdf> exactly. I found out about it from one of renderman's talks. 10:50 < ignotus-sdf> I started looking at them for different toy components because I'd like to start a 770 meeting, and (hopefully) connect the 404 and 770 meetings together in an undernet type situation, just as a proof of concept. 10:50 < ignotus-sdf> I *really* miss BBSes. 10:51 < ignotus-sdf> Man, I'm old. :( 10:57 <@Dagmar> No you're not 10:57 <@Dagmar> There's just a lot of inexperienced and genuinely stupid people out there. 10:57 <@Dagmar> A great deal of the population, it would never even occur to them to try to conference two physical locations unless they were having an office meeting 10:59 <@Corydon76-home> ignotus-sdf: how old are you, in years? 11:00 <@Dagmar> MNan, here I was excted about http://www.dx.com/p/bluetooth-stereo-audio-module-w-mini-usb-green-149086 and then I found http://www.dx.com/p/lson-bluetooth-v3-0-edr-audio-mp3-decoder-module-black-12v-296571 11:00 <@GateKeeper> Title: Bluetooth Stereo Audio Module w/ Mini USB - Green - Free Shipping - DealExtreme (at www.dx.com) 11:05 < ignotus-sdf> 44 11:06 < ignotus-sdf> My time was back in the l0pht days. and right before the whole Mitnick fiasco. 11:06 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-98-83-46-56.bhm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:07 <@Dagmar> It's still our time. 11:08 < ignotus-sdf> That makes me feel much better. :) 11:08 <@Dagmar> Hell I'm buying a pair of these just because they look cool http://www.dxsoul.com/product/glasses-type-20x-magnifier-with-white-led-light-2-x-cr1620-901116296 11:08 <@GateKeeper> Title: Glasses Type 20X Magnifier with White LED Light (2 x CR1620) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme (at www.dxsoul.com) 11:08 <@Dagmar> Anyone wearing something like that is clearly doing something serious. 11:08 <@Dagmar> :) 11:08 <@Dagmar> The description, however, is somewhat terrifying. 11:09 <@Dagmar> "The glasses type 20X magnifier is very convenient to use, traditional clock magnifiers which need to be clamped by eyelid and may affect the repair quality of precision instruments and clocks." 11:11 <@Dagmar> Also, because components nowadays are motherfucking tiny 11:11 < RangerZ|Laptop> looks steampunk-esk 11:11 <@Dagmar> Yep 11:11 <@Dagmar> Also says "I R DOIN SRS SCIENCING NAO" 11:11 < RangerZ|Laptop> or could very easily with some decorations 11:15 <@Dagmar> Glitter! 11:16 <@Dagmar> Damn Qi chargers on there for under $20 11:18 <@wilpig> Glitter? strippers? where?! 11:25 < RangerZ|Laptop> your apartment when you're gone 11:25 < RangerZ|Laptop> your cats are living it up 11:29 <@wilpig> my one cat is sick right now. i'm sure of it 11:29 -!- RangerZ|Laptop [~rangerz@c-69-137-107-2.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 11:29 <@wilpig> she turned her nose up at pork chop last night 11:29 < oddball> One of my cats did that to steak. 11:30 < oddball> And ate around the piece of turkey we put in her food dish. 11:30 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o oddball] by ChanServ 11:30 <@wilpig> this one was juicy too. it was delicious. penny was on it really damned fast. monday can't get here fast enough for her to goto the vet 11:36 <@oddball> So... today's Weird Al video is a parody of Fancy. One of those songs of his that I don't particularly like because the song itself is annoying as hell. 11:36 <@Dagmar> BAHHAHHAHAHAHAH 11:36 <@Dagmar> http://www.dxsoul.com/product/soft-silicone-stress-reliever-toy-assorted-colors-901012043 11:36 <@GateKeeper> Title: Soft Silicone Stress-Reliever Toy (Assorted Colors) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme (at www.dxsoul.com) 11:37 <@oddball> heh 11:37 <@Dagmar> Read the "important clarification" 11:37 <@oddball> I honestly was expecting the boob shaped stress balls. 11:40 < ignotus-sdf> ROFL... that's awesome. They have to keep telling you it's not what it looks like. 11:42 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has joined #se2600 11:53 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 11:53 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 11:53 -!- RangerZ|Laptop [~rangerz@] has joined #se2600 11:58 <@Corydon76-home> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17 11:58 <@GateKeeper> Title: Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 11:59 <@Dagmar> https://twitter.com/SkyNewsBreak/status/489796240163745793 11:59 <@GateKeeper> Title: Twitter / SkyNewsBreak: Update - Ukrainian Interior ... (at twitter.com) 11:59 <@Dagmar> Oh shit 12:00 <@Corydon76-home> Time will tell whether that's mere propaganda from a warring faction or if it's actually true 12:00 <@Dagmar> "Time" being about 5-8 hours from now 12:00 <@Dagmar> If that 12:01 <@Corydon76-home> I was thinking more along the lines of several weeks, with an investigation into the crash 12:02 <@Corydon76-home> Assuming Ukraine even has a force like the NTSB 12:02 <@Dagmar> I don't think they're going to wait for that 12:02 <@Corydon76-home> If the rebels actually did shoot down an international flight, they're about to have hellfire rained down on them 12:03 <@Dagmar> Precisely 12:03 <@Corydon76-home> which is why I think it's likely propaganda by a Ukrainian official keen on seeing the international community do exactly that 12:04 <@Corydon76-home> Unless they have evidence that a missile was shot from a rebel area that hit the plane... 12:05 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:10 < ignotus-sdf> Yeah, my wife just hit me up with that... crazy. 12:26 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 12:27 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 12:27 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o klixa] by ChanServ 12:36 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 12:36 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 12:38 * shapr hugs klixa 12:38 <@shapr> !quote 12:38 <@GateKeeper> shapr: quote 12:38 <@shapr> !quote shapr 12:38 <@shapr> Aw, I want to be a company! 12:40 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:41 * klixa hugs shapr 12:41 <@shapr> yay! 12:41 <@klixa> good morning 13:01 <@wilpig> klixa: how did you know he just got out of bed? 13:03 < aestetix_> man that shit felt good 13:03 < aestetix_> hey what's up 13:07 <@CRasH180> Dagmar: Tried using Electrical tape over the overflow plug and it still did not have a tight enough seal. Time to try some Drano 13:07 <@wilpig> aestetix_: what was his name? 13:12 < aestetix_> http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/tix/4573609202.html 13:12 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-74-240-126-68.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 13:12 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 13:13 <@brimstone> ignotus-sdf: so excited about the next 2600 13:13 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 13:13 < aestetix_> wilpig: when you getting to the hotel? 13:13 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 13:13 <@Dolemite> oddball: Wake up! Shouldn't you have posted a new Weird Al video link by now? 13:13 <@wilpig> odds are strong at tomorrow morning 13:14 <@wilpig> in the middle of a huge work thing 13:14 <@wilpig> we've just powered up 14 new racks 13:14 <@oddball> I didn't throw the link up, but I've already commented on it. 13:14 <@oddball> 10:36 <@oddball> So... today's Weird Al video is a parody of Fancy. One of those songs of his that I don't particularly like because the song itself is annoying as hell. 13:14 <@Dolemite> ah, I was looking for the link 13:15 <@oddball> http://weirdal.com/ 13:15 <@GateKeeper> Title: Weird Al Official (at weirdal.com) 13:15 <@oddball> three you go 13:15 <@oddball> er there 13:15 <@Corydon76-home> Fox News is now confirming that the Malaysian plane was indeed shot down. 13:15 <@oddball> you pay attention to Fox News? 13:15 <@Corydon76-home> Only when they're not reporting on something political 13:17 <@Corydon76-home> They are the first US-based news agency to confirm that. All of the others are still hedging 13:17 <@shapr> I want to do emotional analysis on Fox News closed captioning, I bet it'll get classified as hate speech. 13:18 <@Corydon76-home> However, still nothing specific as to who did it 13:22 <@Dolemite> Man, I know one person who never wants to get on another Malaysian Airlines flight. 13:22 <@wilpig> how cute, Corydon76-home thinks that isn't a political decision on the part of faux news 13:26 < ignotus-sdf> brimstone: I am too! I'm bringing my wife along, too. Our programming pastime has become watching previous Con talks. They are more fun and entertaining than normal programming. 13:27 <@Corydon76-home> Dolemite: I've pretty much given up on flying anyway, given the TSA's bullshit. 13:29 < ignotus-sdf> oddball: I pay attention to very little of them all in the US. I do catch Ebru every now and again. 13:29 <@Dagmar> *sigh* 13:30 < ignotus-sdf> Yeah, planes are off my list of choices, too. unless they are smaller or private. 13:31 <@Dagmar> Although it's true that Fox are basically war-mongers, read the damn tweet https://twitter.com/SkyNewsBreak/status/489796240163745793 13:31 <@GateKeeper> Title: Twitter / SkyNewsBreak: Update - Ukrainian Interior ... (at twitter.com) 13:31 <@Corydon76-home> I'd love to learn to fly, myself, then buy a small plane for the purpose. 13:32 <@Corydon76-home> Dagmar: I was referring to a news article: http://news.google.com/news/url?sr=1&ct2=us%2F0_0_s_0_1_a&sa=t&usg=AFQjCNGkoxjSI1gjb3gGM9CH_8ERK00Q7g&cid=52778561015899&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fworld%2F2014%2F07%2F17%2Fmalaysia-airlines-jet-reportedly-crashes-in-ukraine%2F&ei=GQTIU-H9H8v5ggf4t4GoDQ&sig2=P_OXZ2AqXPV2oi3q3cfx9g&rt=HOMEPAGE&vm=STANDARD&bvm=section&did=-470099956373271418&ssid=h 13:33 <@Corydon76-home> Crap, stupid google redirector... http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/07/17/malaysia-airlines-jet-reportedly-crashes-in-ukraine/ 13:33 <@GateKeeper> Title: Malaysia Airlines passenger jet shot down over Ukraine, 295 dead | Fox News (at www.foxnews.com) 13:34 <@Corydon76-home> "A Malaysia Airlines passenger plane with 295 aboard was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in Ukraine near the Russian border a day after a Ukrainian military jet was downed, Fox News has confirmed." 13:36 <@Dagmar> The plane was at 33,000ft when it was hit. Somehow I don't think that's the actions of "separatists" 13:36 <@Dagmar> I think someone that's been shooting down Ukrainian planes fucked up 13:36 * Dagmar looks pointedly in the direction of Putin 13:36 < ignotus-sdf> Personally, I'd like to see how RT is handling it. That's what I was thinking, Dagmar. 13:37 <@Corydon76-home> I tend to agree with you, although Putin could just as easily have put the wrong weapon into the hands of a guy who didn't understand how to confirm his target before hitting the button. 13:37 < ignotus-sdf> He did. The Russian Army. 13:37 <@Corydon76-home> At any rate, Russia is likely at least partially culpable. 13:38 <@Corydon76-home> Eh, I think anybody in the Russian army understands that there will be hell to pay if he shoots down the wrong plane 13:39 <@Corydon76-home> But with a group of separatists, with no real clear chain of command? 13:39 <@Dagmar> They wouldn't likely have something capable of shooting down a plane over thirty-thousand feet in the air. 13:40 <@Dagmar> This was no shoulder-launched rocket 13:40 <@Corydon76-home> That's why I'm thinking this is the smoking gun (no pun intended) which confirms that Putin has been arming the rebels 13:40 < ignotus-sdf> Army has ADA units. We had one in Division. 13:40 <@Dagmar> There's not a lot of call for weapons that can hit planes that high up, and it requires some infrastructure. 13:41 < ignotus-sdf> Depends on the unit. You'd be surprised what we could do in the 82d. 13:41 < ignotus-sdf> Spetsnaz aren't too shabby on that, either. 13:42 <@Dagmar> ffs 13:42 < ignotus-sdf> but I doubt this was them. 13:42 <@Corydon76-home> Give the wrong weapon to a guy who has no clear rules of engagement, and this can happen 13:42 <@Dagmar> I don't know why my boss asked me to take point on rounding up all these security issues but insists on me running every bit of verbiage past him first 13:43 <@Dagmar> Half these systems don't even have notes as to who the hell is using them 13:43 < ignotus-sdf> He doesn't know how to do it right, and needs to looks as if he does. This also looks like good delegation and management skills, if he gets observed making you do it. 13:43 < ignotus-sdf> I know that game. :) 13:43 <@Dagmar> We've got well over 1,000 systems. 13:44 < ignotus-sdf> So, in short, you rock, and that's why. 13:44 <@Dagmar> It should come as no suprise that not everyone's going to know every detail about all of them 13:44 < ignotus-sdf> we have similar issues here. 13:44 <@Dagmar> I got carped at because I simply *asked* a customer if he knew anything about this odd HP service on the box that has his name attached 13:45 < ignotus-sdf> Uggg. That sucks, too. 13:45 <@Dagmar> Yes. It's very irritating. 13:46 <@Dagmar> There's literally 300+ deliverables involved in this task, and he's kinda driving me up a wall by asking me to route everything through him 13:46 < ignotus-sdf> I actually have an email template for stuff like that titled "Delay the Snowflake" 13:46 <@Dagmar> I should just ask him to go ahead and annotate every item on the spreadsheet I gave him 13:47 <@Dagmar> ..then perhaps he might appreciate my frustration in being asked to fix all this crap, but not being allowed to even inquire about it without going through him first. 13:59 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:03 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has joined #se2600 14:18 <@wilpig> uh oh. extra parts 14:36 <@Corydon76-home> wilpig: I think I heard that out of you the night you slept with the tranny hooker 14:38 <@Dolemite> which time? 14:38 <@Dolemite> And according to wilpig, there isn't any other type 14:41 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_d@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 14:41 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 15:05 * Dolemite targets the desk with his head 15:06 <@Dolemite> Nothing like getting a form submitted to you asking for permission to have a server racked in the data center... with the "Make and Model" filled out with "unknown." 15:11 <@Dagmar> "Witheld in the interests of National security" <-- would that be better? 15:12 <@Mirage> Dolemite: Dunno, we just got tasked with deploying a hub-spoke Satellite patching solution for a customer by another group in our company (aka the ones who were supposed to do it)....and they want it by 5pm PST tomorrow. 7 different datacenters, need 7 Satellite Proxies, 1 master, 1 external database. We don't have access or information to any of the datacenters at this time and they haven't gotten satellite licenses. I tol 15:13 <@Dolemite> Dagmar: Sure, as long as my response of "Accepted, but will be placed in an undisclosed location, with only Dick Cheney available for hands-on support." 15:14 <@Dolemite> Mirage: You win. LOL, that's fucked up. 15:14 <@Mirage> Dolemite: Dan Quayle...and the root password has to be "potatoe" 15:26 <@Dolemite> ok, time to ride home 15:26 <@Dolemite> later, kids! 15:28 <@shapr> SHAZAM! 15:30 <@shapr> Mirage: what got cut off? 15:30 <@shapr> Mirage: "haven't gotten satellite licenses. I tol" 15:30 <@Mirage> shapr: where? 15:31 <@Mirage> ld them that we could probably get it all done, tested, and ready to turn over in 2 weeks if we didn't hit a single snag. They aren't too happy with me right now. 15:31 <@shapr> truth hurts 15:31 <@Mirage> shapr: wasn't cut-off on my screen/ 15:49 -!- RangerZ|Laptop [~rangerz@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:50 <@Corydon76-home> Mirage: it was cutoff here, too 15:59 <@Mirage> oops, i didn't paste from the right spot.. 15:59 <@Mirage> I told them that there was no way in hell anyone could get all that 15:59 <@Mirage> done by EOD tomorrow, even if we already had everything that we 15:59 <@Mirage> need. Then they were pissy when I told them that we could 15:59 <@Mirage> probably get it all done, tested, and ready to turn over in 2 15:59 <@Mirage> weeks if we didn't hit a single snag. They aren't too happy 15:59 <@Mirage> with me right now. 15:59 <@Mirage> crap 16:02 <@Bahhumbug> satellite and surrounding infra is a trainwreck; me thinks your customers or that other team (as it wasn't clean as to who wanted that deadline) doesn't know what it entails to get such a solution in place. 16:09 <@Mirage> Bahhumbug: the other team had intended on using CIFS shares as a yum repository for RHEL patching. =) 16:10 <@Bahhumbug> Just reading that gave me a headache. 16:10 <@Mirage> Bahhumbug: They're good with the VMware and Puppet stuff they do, but they're clueless when it comes to actually administering a system. 16:11 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:11 <@Bahhumbug> Silly me. I always thought it a good idea to have a background in engineering / administration when it comes to thinks like puppet or other conf management systems. 16:11 <@Bahhumbug> err, things. 16:12 <@Mirage> Bahhumbug: yeah, that's just crazy talk. 16:12 <@Corydon76-home> Dagmar: welp, there's the smoking gun: http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/07/17/malaysian-airlines-mh17-reported-crashed-just-after-rebel-leader-boasted-of-shooting-down-plane-we-warned-them-not-to-fly-in-our-skies/ 16:13 <@Corydon76-home> Ukrainian rebels shot the passenger plane down 16:13 <@Bahhumbug> A smoking gun, in my mind, is actual evidence of a missile strike and not some wanna be war lord running his mouth. 16:14 <@Bahhumbug> That entire fucking area needs to be carpet bombed back into the stone age. 16:14 <@Bahhumbug> Bonus if you get Putin there seconds before. 16:16 <@Dickie> was is confirmed rebels? 16:16 <@Dickie> Spokesperson for the rebels earlier today was like "We don't have that ability" even though they shot down a fighter recently. 16:17 <@Dickie> Though they fly at different altitudes 16:17 <@Bahhumbug> Dagmar's right: the typical separatist doesn't have the capacity for bringing down a plane at 6.25 miles altitude. 16:17 <@Bahhumbug> ignotus-sdf: You served? 16:18 <@Corydon76-home> Bahhumbug: Given that ignotus-sdf said they do, and given that ignotus-sdf served in the military and Dagmar has not, I'm going with the military guy. 16:18 <@Bahhumbug> You go with whatever you want to go with. miltary != rebel separatists. 16:18 <@Bahhumbug> Just because someone in the 82nd can drop a plane doesn't mean that some village nitwit from Crimea can. 16:19 <@Corydon76-home> Bahhumbug: even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut 16:20 <@Bahhumbug> Is that how crazybitch was found? A squirrel? 16:20 <@Bahhumbug> Oh come on. 16:20 <@Bahhumbug> That was funny. 16:20 <@Bahhumbug> :/ 16:21 < ignotus-sdf> I have to agree with Bahhumbug, only thing is, some Crimean might just have Russian training and access. And realize I am talking out my ass, I've read nothing on this yet. 16:21 < ignotus-sdf> :S 16:21 <@Corydon76-home> I'm just saying that just because they might not be able to reliably shoot down an airplane doesn't mean that they didn't get off a lucky shot 16:21 < ignotus-sdf> sorry... :) She had on a "squirrel" necklace. 16:21 <@Bahhumbug> ignotus-sdf: I just want to take a moment and thank you for your service to this country. 16:22 < ignotus-sdf> It was an honor, and I thank you for that. I also have an eff you to Bush Sr. for what he gave me out of it. 16:23 <@Bahhumbug> Yeah, not a big fan of the shrub. 16:23 <@Corydon76-home> I'd be surprised if 24 hours pass and the US hasn't rained hellfire down on the Ukrainian rebels 16:23 <@Bahhumbug> Corydon76-home: I agree with you on that, for what it's worth. 16:24 <@Bahhumbug> Anyone can get lucky. 16:24 <@Bahhumbug> Corydon76-home: Umm, that's a can of worms that I am praying to Cthulhu that Obama doesn't open up. 16:25 <@Corydon76-home> Bahhumbug: I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that it wasn't just luck. I suspect Putin gave the rebels an anti-aircraft battery, with a targeting computer 16:25 <@Bahhumbug> Putin's already uppity at the US and we don't need a return to the tensions of the cold war. 16:25 <@Bahhumbug> And such a strike, I feel, would put us there. 16:25 <@Bahhumbug> Corydon76-home: I do as well. 16:25 <@Corydon76-home> Bahhumbug: I was thinking along the lines of several shots fired from a destroyer, not fighter planes 16:25 <@Bahhumbug> This stinks of an entrenched AA battery. 16:26 <@Bahhumbug> Corydon76-home: Same thing. Putin will consider this an overt action. 16:26 <@Corydon76-home> It's not Putin's territory to be concerned with 16:26 <@Bahhumbug> He doesn't believe that to be the case. 16:27 <@Corydon76-home> All Obama needs is permission from the Ukrainian government, and hellfire rains 16:27 <@Bahhumbug> It's a shame that global politics and the fallout of the same doesn't work that way. 16:28 <@Corydon76-home> Bahhumbug: I think we're talking about different areas. Putin sees Crimea as his. The area I'm talking about is eastern Ukraine, where the rebels are, not southern Ukraine, where Crimea is 16:28 <@Bahhumbug> I am not arguing that it _should_ be done. 16:28 <@Bahhumbug> I'm just pointing out that such an action will have repercusions. 16:28 <@Corydon76-home> It always does 16:28 <@Bahhumbug> Hmm, you're right. I was conflating both into one. 16:29 <@Corydon76-home> But most likely, the US will specify that it targeted anti-aircraft batteries, the same ones that shot down the passenger airliner 16:29 <@Bahhumbug> I should pay more attention to details and not make silly assumptions. 16:30 <@Corydon76-home> Putin took Crimea pretty quickly, and eastern Ukraine decided they wanted Putin to take them, too, only... Putin doesn't see any advantage to taking eastern Ukraine and has publically disavowed their actions 16:31 <@Corydon76-home> However, I suspect that Putin is helping keep the rebels armed, because the more the Ukrainian government is preoccupied with the rebels, the less they can do about the Crimea situation 16:31 <@Bahhumbug> I believe you're right. 16:49 <@CRasH180> Yay! Drano is here. Let's unclog a drain. Hopefully 16:59 < aestetix_> oh boy the humidity in nyc has given me the shits 17:01 -!- CRasH181 [~CRasH180@99-2-136-47.lightspeed.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 17:01 -!- CRasH180 [~CRasH180@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:02 -!- ignotus-sdf [~ignotus@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:09 < aestetix_> brimstone: when do you get here 17:11 <@brimstone> aestetix_: wednesday afternoon 17:12 <@brimstone> i already saw you lurking around the 2nd floor 17:12 < aestetix_> oh cool 17:12 < aestetix_> brimstone: you could probably tell I was scattered doing too much :) 17:13 <@brimstone> eh, sorta 17:13 < aestetix_> brimstone: next time you see me call me out and say hi :) 17:13 <@brimstone> ok 17:15 < aestetix_> wilpig: if you don't get here soon, I am gonna shit into a cup and give it to you 17:18 <@wilpig> i'm still dealing with work shit 17:18 <@wilpig> just yell out penis and aestetix will see you 17:19 <@brimstone> probably 17:19 < aestetix_> hahaha 17:20 < aestetix_> wilpig: I am going to give you a poo sunday with whipped cream and a cherry 17:20 <@wilpig> well this is never good. my phone just went dead 17:21 <@wilpig> I wanted to get into the city tonight but odds on it happening are pretty low, just got my ass chewed by the lead of neteng because I called the oncall about dhcp not working in the new equipment 17:21 <@wilpig> turns out they knew it wasn't working and hadn't planned on making it work until tomorrow 17:21 <@wilpig> my bad, we had a systems engineer with his thumb up his ass cause it wasn't working. I had other shit to do that didn't involve either of them 17:22 <@wilpig> between tanya and myself we upgraded 32 database nodes with 10TB of storage each, plus a new 10gb NIC, and a 4.8TB flash storage pci card 17:42 -!- Bahhumbug [jrd@serentos/admin/jrd] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:43 -!- Bahhumbug [jrd@gerdesas.gerdesas.com] has joined #se2600 17:43 -!- Bahhumbug [jrd@gerdesas.gerdesas.com] has quit [Changing host] 17:43 -!- Bahhumbug [jrd@serentos/admin/jrd] has joined #se2600 17:43 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Bahhumbug] by ChanServ, GateKeeper 17:44 <@Mirage> anyone use phpMyAdmin 3.5.x? 17:48 <@brimstone> AND WILLING TO ADMIT IT!? 17:50 <@Mirage> sure, whatever. they fixed (broke/changed) the auth_type=cookie functionality or something. not instead of having two-factor auth (apache, then phpMyAdmin), it appears that phpMyAdmin is trying to do http "Basic" auth...which of course doesn't work because the LDAP users != mysql users....or at least they'd better not 17:51 <@Mirage> s/not instead/now instead/ 17:51 <@Mirage> screw it..close enough to 5pm..i'm going home. 17:59 <@Corydon76-home> We're running phpPgAdmin, slightly different code 18:14 -!- RangerZ|Laptop [~rangerz@c-69-137-107-2.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 18:17 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:22 < RangerZ|Laptop> Mirage: your message was cut off on my screen at the same point, i think IRC has a limit on total length sent per message 18:28 <@Bahhumbug> Line length in IRC by rfc is limited to 512 characters. This includes the newline at the end of the line (encoded as cr/lf) and the command headers and whatever optional parameters it takes. So effectively for most it's ~485-~490 characters. 18:28 <@Bahhumbug> Some clients are broken and cap the limit smaller. 18:29 <@Bahhumbug> Some clients are smart and break large lines into multi lines sent to the server (which end up subject to flood protection). 18:33 < RangerZ|Laptop> ^- that 18:33 < RangerZ|Laptop> hehe 18:51 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: @brimstone, aestetix_, @critch, @GateKeeper, @Corydon76-home, pdiz, @vaneck, @Dolemite, dasunt, @Dagmar, (+29 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 18:54 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: @brimstone 18:54 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @Corydon76-home, frsilent, @brookshire, @GateKeeper, Shadow405, @oddball, RangerZ|Laptop, @SuMo_D, @Catonic, @klixa (+29 more) 18:54 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Bahhumbug] by GateKeeper 18:54 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @brimstone 18:54 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: @NotLarry, @Dolemite 18:55 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @NotLarry, @Dolemite 18:55 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: pdiz, @Dagmar, ShadowHn1r, dasunt 18:56 -!- Dagmar [~dagmar@unaffiliated/dagmar] has joined #se2600 18:56 -!- pdiz [~diz@c-76-22-170-8.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 18:56 -!- ShadowHn1r [~alex@ec2-54-235-164-175.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has joined #se2600 18:56 -!- dasunt [~dasunt@] has joined #se2600 18:56 -!- ServerMode/#se2600 [+o Dagmar] by cameron.freenode.net 19:53 < aestetix_> wilpig: you have database nodes with 10TB of storage? 19:53 < aestetix_> when do you bite the bullet and start sharding? 19:57 < RangerZ|Laptop> tumblr or him personally? 19:57 < RangerZ|Laptop> also... thats a "fairly well known problem" 19:57 < RangerZ|Laptop> if i stumble across the paper with the formula again, I'll send it your way 19:58 < RangerZ|Laptop> it depends on everthing from drive size/fail rate/your backup %s, and other things you want... 19:59 < RangerZ|Laptop> let alone other QoS issues 20:53 < RangerZ|Laptop> aestetix_: http://escholarship.org/uc/item/3gz1t07k this is the paper I was thinking about (which is a shared secret sharded storage platform) ... so not ideally what you want... but still, there should be papers that describe that 20:53 <@GateKeeper> Title: POTSHARDS: Secure Long-Term Storage Without Encryption [eScholarship] (at escholarship.org) 21:18 <@Dagmar> Wow. Damning statements being made by Level 3 http://blog.level3.com/global-connectivity/verizons-accidental-mea-culpa/ 21:22 < RangerZ|Laptop> wow... 21:25 < RangerZ|Laptop> they need to break up the ISPs or ... something 21:25 < RangerZ|Laptop> i'm so tired of this bullshit 21:27 <@oddball> Actually, it's simple. First, the FCC needs to declare internet providers as "common carriers" like phone companies. 21:27 < RangerZ|Laptop> "we'll buy you the 10k$ network cards, if you can't afford them" 21:27 < RangerZ|Laptop> lol 21:28 <@oddball> second, the FCC needs to do its fucking job. 21:28 < RangerZ|Laptop> the fucking chair a former cable lobbying group lobiest 21:28 < RangerZ|Laptop> wtf 21:31 <@Dagmar> Actually, I think someone needs to investigate Verizon for extortion at this point. 21:31 <@Dagmar> They're pretty fucking guilty of it 21:32 < RangerZ|Laptop> ^ 21:33 <@Dagmar> If Level 3 can show proof of their requests to have those other ports connected, Verizon is pretty fucked. 21:33 <@Dagmar> They will _not_ be able to find an 'expert witness' to testify on their behalf that not connecting those ports was some kind of standard practice. 21:33 <@oddball> Should have happened to Comcast as well, and... uh... 21:35 < aestetix_> interesting 21:35 <@Corydon76-home> oddball: the problem is that ISPs are actually a split between common carrier and information service. 21:35 <@Dagmar> That's not really a "problem" for this. 21:35 <@Dagmar> The FCC can't prosecute extortion. The FBI sure as hell can. 21:35 <@Corydon76-home> Back when the Internet was first started, services like GEnie and Delphi provided the majority of the content, and in those cases, they really were information services 21:36 <@oddball> Corydon76-home: Right, but that a "we're using the wrong terms" problem, not a practical problem. 21:36 <@Corydon76-home> Once the Internet took off, though, the amount of content that ISPs provided dropped a whole lot, but they weren't reclassified; they kept the old definition 21:36 <@Dagmar> Whether they're a "common carrier" or a "content provider" doesn't matter with respect to their attempts at extortion. 21:36 <@oddball> legally, it does. 21:37 <@Dagmar> How 21:37 <@Corydon76-home> But still, inasmuch as ISPs provide Usenet, mail, DNS, and other services like that, they ARE an information service... but inasmuch as they're providing simple connectivity, they're a common carrier 21:37 < RangerZ|Laptop> great argument Corydon76-home that they should split off their services 21:38 < RangerZ|Laptop> and be labelled as such 21:38 <@Corydon76-home> Dagmar: the terms relate to the particular area of law the FCC uses for regulation 21:38 < RangerZ|Laptop> nbc comcast should NOT own nbc 21:38 <@oddball> Dagmar: Without the service being declared a common carrier, there is no legal way to compel them to give good service/any service to any content provider. 21:39 <@Corydon76-home> Their classification relates entirely to how much regulation the FCC may impose upon the company 21:39 < RangerZ|Laptop> which verizon was the one to sue to say that 21:40 <@Corydon76-home> Until recently, the FCC tried a hybrid model, and the courts struck that down, saying that the FCC isn't allowed to take that approach. If they want to regulate the ISP as a common carrier, they HAVE to first re-classify them as a common carrier 21:40 <@oddball> The courts have specifically ruled that this is the case, and even stated in their decisions that the FCC/congres needs to declare ISPs as common carriers to be able to enforce net neutrality. 21:42 <@Corydon76-home> I think they ought to apply a 50/50 rule. If more than 50% of the content is coming from outside the control of the ISP, then the ISP is a common carrier. If less than 50%, they will continue to be an information service. 21:43 <@Corydon76-home> That may not stop companies from Comcast from trying to acquire more content companies, to try to bridge that 50% goal, but at least it puts all the ISPs on equal footing 21:44 <@oddball> Corydon76-home: I disagree. I think it should be that if you connect to the internet at all, you're a common carrier. 21:45 < RangerZ|Laptop> i'm for not allowing common carriers to BE info providers 21:45 < RangerZ|Laptop> conflict of interest 21:45 < RangerZ|Laptop> NBC would be online streamable if comcast didn't buy them 21:45 <@Corydon76-home> RangerZ|Laptop: trying to require them to divest is not a power of the FCC 21:45 < RangerZ|Laptop> and youre point? 21:45 <@oddball> RangerZ|Laptop: So... the ISP wouldn't be allowed to have its own webpage advertising its services? 21:46 <@Corydon76-home> and they're not allowed to run mail servers for their customers? 21:46 < RangerZ|Laptop> your*, I'd give exceptions for their own web-pages, etc... but they could have someone else host it for them 21:46 < RangerZ|Laptop> my ISP doesn't need to host email servers 21:47 < RangerZ|Laptop> it needs to give me unfiltered access to the internet 21:47 <@Corydon76-home> While that's technically true, most consumers expect that basic level of service 21:47 <@oddball> And the ISPs aren't allowed to host their customer's sites? 21:48 < RangerZ|Laptop> i don't know any 'customers' who expect to get email through their ISP, people use gmail/etc , and my ISP doesn't need to be a hosting provider either 21:49 <@Corydon76-home> If an ISP actually provided just a dumb pipe, similar to a utility, there's good reason to make them public utilities, with a permitted monopoly at the local level 21:49 < RangerZ|Laptop> they already are 21:49 <@Corydon76-home> No, they're a duopoly 21:49 < RangerZ|Laptop> how many able companies can I get? 21:49 < RangerZ|Laptop> 1 21:50 <@Corydon76-home> Yes, but you can also get AT&T 21:50 < RangerZ|Laptop> just b/c AT&T 'happens' to offer internet, doesn't mean shit 21:50 <@Corydon76-home> Uverse 21:50 <@Corydon76-home> Uverse would also be reclassified as a common carrier 21:51 < RangerZ|Laptop> b/c obviously AT&T fell apart as a company and went bankrupt when its phone service was classified as a common carrier 21:51 <@Corydon76-home> The argument on the other side of this is that when companies are treated as common carriers, they have no motivation to innovate. 21:51 <@Corydon76-home> And consider how long POTS service was essentially the same, for something like 50 years, no real innovation 21:52 <@oddball> RangerZ|Laptop: You don't know any customers that use their ISP's email? I know a shit ton of folks that use @comcast.net accounts. 21:52 < RangerZ|Laptop> actually... no 21:52 <@oddball> Hell, I still run into @aol.com addys. 21:52 <@Corydon76-home> Or mindspring.net 21:53 <@Corydon76-home> AOL is a good example of a company that was originally just an information service provider 21:53 < RangerZ|Laptop> at least 80% of my contacts list ends in .gmail.com or .edu 21:53 < RangerZ|Laptop> nah... more like 95% if you include gmail.com 21:54 <@Corydon76-home> RangerZ|Laptop: there are also people, like yours truly, who use gmail, even though the address doesn't reflect that 21:54 <@Corydon76-home> @meg.abyt.es is served by Gmail 21:55 <@oddball> RangerZ|Laptop: I would argue that .edu's are also service providers. 21:55 < RangerZ|Laptop> don't insult Dagmar 21:55 < RangerZ|Laptop> he doesn't provide service 21:55 < RangerZ|Laptop> hehe 21:56 <@Corydon76-home> oddball: I think, though, that the majority of service that students receive is on-campus, and so within the same network. That would make an edu an information service provider and not a common carrier 21:57 <@Corydon76-home> Their uplink to the Internet is tangential to their purpose to connecting to the network and not the primary reason 21:57 <@oddball> but it still exists 21:58 <@Corydon76-home> But that's why I'd argue that an edu should be exempt 21:58 <@oddball> And I can tell you first hand that many students get rather upset and start calling the school's IT dept. if they can't access their porn. 21:58 <@Corydon76-home> oddball: they don't couch it in sites that aren't objectionable? 21:59 < RangerZ|Laptop> nah, the deans get pissed when they can't get their porn 21:59 <@oddball> Vandy has a nifty program that cuts off computers from the network if it detects them spreading malware. 22:00 <@oddball> Got lots of calls during exams week because students couldn't access the network/internet, and the "research" had to be done on their machines, not in the lab. 22:02 <@Dagmar> >10Gb of transit will do it automatically. 22:02 <@Dagmar> ...because it's a damn sure sign you're torrenting like a motherfucker 22:03 <@Dagmar> A VPN will not protect you from that 22:04 <@Dagmar> I would occasionally get calls from people asking if their internet was blocked, and I'd look, and see they did like >35Gb of transit 22:05 <@oddball> heh 22:05 <@Dagmar> ...and I would tell them straight out: "Look, this is how it works. It's obvious you're excited that you're at college with this fact connection and you've been doing nuts downloading everything you can get your hands on, however, this makes the MPAA and RIAA upset and send nastygrams which cause us headaches." 22:06 <@Dagmar> "...and when you cause us headaches, we cause you headaches. Moderate your activity a little and we won't have reason to cut you off again." 22:06 <@Dagmar> I did not *once* have anyone protest the accuracy of my statements to them. 22:06 <@Dagmar> It's something that _needs_ to be said to freshmen 22:07 < RangerZ|Laptop> ...i did 50GB one night from isis.... 22:07 <@Dagmar> The fact that they understood what I said was pretty damning, because I'd say "warezing your butt off" 22:08 <@Dagmar> One guy responded "How do you know I'm grabbing a bunch of warez" and I just sighed. 22:08 <@Dagmar> Like, if you understand the slang, you're probably fuckin' doing it and have been for awhile 22:08 <@Dagmar> heh 22:08 < RangerZ|Laptop> lol 22:09 <@Dagmar> I know netsec would regularly pop some of ya'll by accident 22:09 <@Dagmar> ...but my favorite was one group with a bunch of mac servers that had vast amounts of disk that they didn't even configure for six months. 22:09 <@Dagmar> Warez kiddies got in. 22:10 <@Dagmar> There was 4.2Tb of piping fresh warez, including OSX images, when Netsec looked into it 22:10 <@Corydon76-home> Dagmar: ask someone who has been around a long time about the warez kiddies in the library in 1997 22:11 <@Dagmar> I don't have to ask about them. 22:11 <@Dagmar> heh 22:11 <@Corydon76-home> Bonus if you can find the original cleanup message that went to all accounts after spring break 22:12 < aestetix_> so uh 22:12 <@Dagmar> Hell, knuth.mtsu was the #3 warez site in teh US for a couple of months 22:12 < aestetix_> if you can have a database that's 10TB 22:12 <@Dagmar> That was like 95 or somethign I think 22:12 < aestetix_> how far exactly do databases scale? 22:13 < aestetix_> maybe wilpig a better question is... what database was it running? 22:13 <@Dagmar> Considering there's an entire insect genome on one of the servers that isn't even half a gigabyte? 22:13 <@Dagmar> I was concerned about the sanity of the student who was using it, and then I saw exactly how large it was. I was suprised. 22:14 <@Corydon76-home> aestetix_: as a former boss of mine says, "Speed costs. How fast do ya wanna go?" 22:14 <@Corydon76-home> Databases will scale as large as you like 22:15 < aestetix_> Corydon76-home: you mean by throwing RAM at it? 22:15 <@Corydon76-home> I was thinking more along the lines of the limit based upon the amount of physically addressable disk 22:16 <@Corydon76-home> But if you want a database that exceeds what 64 bits can address, I'm sure someone has figured out how to make a 128 bit address space 22:16 < aestetix_> That's a lot of bits 22:17 < RangerZ|Laptop> 512 bit addressable processors exist 22:17 < RangerZ|Laptop> but they are in GPUs only 22:17 < RangerZ|Laptop> AFAIK 22:18 <@Corydon76-home> RangerZ|Laptop: they're also in domain-specific boards 22:18 <@Corydon76-home> like parallel computing 22:19 < RangerZ|Laptop> true 22:19 < RangerZ|Laptop> i meant consumer level 22:19 <@Corydon76-home> At the point where your database exceeds the 64-bit address space, we're no longer talking consumer devices 22:20 <@Corydon76-home> Keep in mind that that information level is likely at 73 bits, because databases address disk at the block level 22:21 <@Corydon76-home> and assuming 512-byte (9 bit) blocks... 22:21 <@Corydon76-home> That is, 512 bytes of space encompass 9 bits of address 22:22 <@Dagmar> That's the point at which you start getting the special "Grab Your Ankles" pricing 22:23 <@Corydon76-home> Yeah, assuming you're outsourcing it. I'd argue that if you're getting into specialty hardware anyway, it's likely less expensive at that point to hire your own fabrication team 22:23 < aestetix_> I'm still curious how the fuck tumblr's little blogs and media can require so many terabytes of disk space 22:23 < aestetix_> I guess there are a bunch of little useless blog things 22:23 <@Dagmar> THey store images in the database 22:23 <@Corydon76-home> aestetix_: because many of them are hosting porn video 22:24 < aestetix_> haha 22:24 < aestetix_> Dagmar: I assume you mean that they store paths to files in the database, and have the files themselves on a disk somewhere 22:24 <@Dagmar> Noi. 22:24 <@Dagmar> er No. 22:24 <@Corydon76-home> Are you laughing at the realization, or are you laughing because you don't think that's true? 22:24 < aestetix_> Corydon76-home: because it sounds so ridiculous but it's true 22:25 <@Dagmar> It's about the only way to get that much shit to replicate and "cloud" 22:25 <@Corydon76-home> and yeah, they store the full thing in the database, because it's easier to replicate one thing (the database) than to replicate two things (database and files) 22:26 <@Corydon76-home> and trying to keep replicated files and database in sync is a nightmare 22:26 <@Dagmar> ...at least the database replication will keep everything in step 22:26 < aestetix_> Is it possible to index that? 22:26 <@Corydon76-home> You don't need to index the actual media files 22:27 <@Corydon76-home> Just the keys 22:27 < aestetix_> Ah so it's a kv store 22:27 <@Corydon76-home> If you think about it, a filesystem really isn't anything more than an efficient database for storing files 22:27 < aestetix_> I keep thinking mysql or postgres when I hear database 22:27 < aestetix_> Corydon76-home: well sure 22:27 < aestetix_> but then a database is a filesystem on a filesystem 22:28 <@Dagmar> Encapsulation 22:28 <@Corydon76-home> aestetix_: Actually, most databases use raw disk 22:28 < aestetix_> Oh, like the ibdata file, etc 22:28 <@Dagmar> Well, some do 22:28 <@Corydon76-home> and the reason they do that is because when they write something to disk, they need to be sure that it actually got to disk 22:28 <@Dagmar> Oracle faps over their own fumes 22:28 <@Corydon76-home> And they can't ensure that if there's a filesystem in the way 22:29 <@Corydon76-home> This is important when it comes to database consistency on powerfail 22:30 <@Corydon76-home> Yeah, Oracle or DB2 or Informix... really, any of the big iron databases prefer to use raw disk 22:30 <@Corydon76-home> You can use "cooked" disk, with a performance penalty 22:30 < aestetix_> Actually mysql sort of does it... but not really entirely 22:31 <@Corydon76-home> I'm not aware of any mode where MySQL allows the use of raw disk 22:31 < aestetix_> The ibdata file doesn't do that? 22:31 <@Dagmar> Their stance is "buy a goddamn UPS" 22:31 <@Corydon76-home> When I say raw disk, I'm talking about configuring the database with actual device nodes 22:32 < aestetix_> ahh 22:32 <@Dagmar> Scaling to the level where a power failure would result in catastrophic loss and *major* time rebuilding indexes is not where you use mysql 22:32 <@Dagmar> If you want to keep using mysql you had better design things more carefully 22:33 <@Corydon76-home> Generally, the disks are partitioned, so you can feed the database disk in even segments 22:33 < aestetix_> Does postgres use raw disk? 22:33 <@Dagmar> Not that I'm aware of 22:33 <@Corydon76-home> I've never configured postgres that way 22:33 <@Dagmar> They'd need to reinvent journaling to make it worth doing htat 22:34 <@Dagmar> Oracle can afford to do that since they make people pay them large bags filled with cash 22:34 <@Dagmar> It would basically be a waste of any other type of dev's time 22:36 <@Corydon76-home> Thread worth reading on the topic: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/Can-postgresql-store-its-data-on-raw-device-now-td1920054.html 22:36 <@GateKeeper> Title: PostgreSQL - general - Can postg (at postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com) 22:38 <@Corydon76-home> If you want raw speed, you can always go with SSD 22:38 < aestetix_> To me, tumblr seems like it's full of websites allowing things like Dashcon to exist 22:38 < aestetix_> Thus the idea of it needing many many terabytes is mindboggling 22:39 <@Corydon76-home> Forget terabytes. Try exabytes 22:39 < aestetix_> So exabytes of annoying dashcon blogs 22:39 < aestetix_> and porn 22:40 <@Corydon76-home> This is also why Tumblr encourages reblogging something interesting, instead of downloading and reuploading it: they only need to store the actual media once, if you reblog 22:40 < aestetix_> well 22:41 < aestetix_> that also makes attribution way easier 22:41 <@Corydon76-home> You're thinking about it from the user side. Think about it from a business case 22:42 <@klixa> how does tumblr make money 22:42 <@Corydon76-home> Attribution is the key to helping users understand the etiquette 22:42 <@Corydon76-home> klixa: ad revenue 22:42 <@klixa> oh i have never seen ads on tumblr 22:42 <@Dagmar> klixa: VC dollars 22:42 <@klixa> hmm, i guess i dont use it enough 22:42 <@Dagmar> heh 22:43 <@klixa> lol 22:43 <@Corydon76-home> klixa: the eyeballs that are stuck on the site are the site editors 22:44 <@Corydon76-home> and with every post, they're motivated to stay on the site and keep viewing ads 22:45 <@Corydon76-home> I believe Tumblr also has premium services, like being able to use Tumblr services on a hostname not tagged as being at Tumblr.com 22:45 <@klixa> well, upong reading,...it looks like they get money from yahoo too who just boigh them for 1 billion 22:46 <@Dagmar> Venture money is a wonderful thing 22:47 <@Corydon76-home> http://rcs.seerinteractive.com/money/ 22:47 <@GateKeeper> Title: How do our favorite tech companies make money? (at rcs.seerinteractive.com) 22:49 <@klixa> thats an interesting read Corydon76-home 22:50 < RangerZ|Laptop> ahh poor tumblr 22:50 < RangerZ|Laptop> not profitable 22:52 <@klixa> omg, the other day i baked almond slices in vanilla and sugar... and now i am taking a banana and smashing the amonds into it... fucking god as hell 22:52 <@Corydon76-home> banana and almonds... sounds like paradise for my parrot 22:53 <@Corydon76-home> btw, I've now shared eating a banana with two of my creatures 22:53 <@klixa> what other one 22:53 <@Corydon76-home> Johnny (RIP) 22:53 < RangerZ|Laptop> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6OqHURk014 22:53 <@GateKeeper> Title: Lessons From Dashcon - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 22:53 < RangerZ|Laptop> HAHA 22:53 <@klixa> Corydon76-home: was johnny also a parrot? 22:53 <@Corydon76-home> Johnny was a 19-lb rabbit 22:55 <@klixa> my rats . i had 5 all rip now, loved brocoli alfredo 22:55 < RangerZ|Laptop> when it died, did you craft it a small boat and push it out into the cumberland and then fire a flaming arrow into it 22:55 <@klixa> RangerZ|Laptop: ??? 22:55 <@Corydon76-home> klixa: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t1.0-9/34827_469899334650_5750462_n.jpg 22:55 <@Corydon76-home> That'll give you some sense of his size 22:56 < RangerZ|Laptop> that is a 24' christmas tree ... for size comparison, since it is missing a banana 22:56 <@klixa> yeah, hes a fat little bnny 22:56 <@klixa> lol 22:56 <@Corydon76-home> No, he was never fat 22:56 <@Corydon76-home> just a BIG bunny 22:56 <@Corydon76-home> Flemish Giant was the breed 22:56 <@klixa> ah, well i dunno how they should be 22:57 <@Corydon76-home> I could hold his hind legs at my waist, and he would put his forepaws on my shoulder 22:57 <@klixa> damn 22:58 <@Corydon76-home> Or I could stand straight up, hold a raisin in my fingers, and he could stand up on his hind paws and take the raisin out of my hand with his mouth 22:59 <@klixa> im sharing a banana with my newest creature atm.. a baby human 23:01 <@Corydon76-home> A bite for you, a bite for me, type of sharing? 23:01 <@Corydon76-home> That's how I shared with both the rabbit and the parrot 23:02 <@klixa> yeah 23:02 <@klixa> i used to mash hers up but she eats regular food now as of about 2 weeks ago 23:03 <@Corydon76-home> Heh... Tiki just went into the office and closed the door 23:03 <@Corydon76-home> and I'm talking about a human-sized door 23:04 <@Corydon76-home> and when he's ready, he'll open it back up 23:07 <@Corydon76-home> klixa: this is Johnny at 5 weeks old: https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/1915144_100781669650_2554967_n.jpg 23:08 <@Corydon76-home> and yes, at that age, you could hold him in one hand 23:10 <@klixa> Corydon76-home: i was driving through humboldt county once and stopped at a rest area and someone had abandoned 3 baby black bunnies about that size. I ended up getting them and taking them to a place that rescues anaimals 23:11 <@klixa> i assumed they were wild at first (i serioulsy know nothing about rabbits) but others kept commenting about them not being wild then leaving/driving on 23:11 <@klixa> the animal people said they were def not wild before seeing them, and i asked how they knew and they said "you would have never been able to catch eild ones" 23:12 <@Corydon76-home> Yep 23:12 <@Corydon76-home> Only way that you're usually able to get a wild bunny is by rescuing one out of the mouth of a cat 23:14 < RangerZ|Laptop> there was a family of wild rabbits in my yard growing up, one of them would hop right up to me, but would hop off if I reached down 23:14 < RangerZ|Laptop> was weird 23:14 -!- CRasH181 [~CRasH180@99-2-136-47.lightspeed.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:15 <@Corydon76-home> Yep, they're skittish 23:15 <@Corydon76-home> I had a baby squirrel climb my leg when I was at Vandy 23:16 <@Corydon76-home> You can hand them food, but don't try to touch their backs 23:16 <@Corydon76-home> and the way to hand a wild animal food is pinching it... never by resting the food in your hand 23:17 <@Corydon76-home> The latter way, you'll get a finger bitten 23:17 <@Corydon76-home> The animals always reaches for what is closest 23:18 <@klixa> the squirrels at the berkely marina are practically dmesticated..the try to come into your car for food...not skittish at all 23:18 <@klixa> they* 23:19 <@Corydon76-home> If Vandy students weren't likely to try to kick squirrels out of their way, I'm sure the Vandy squirrels would be the same way 23:19 <@Corydon76-home> but that's the difference between liberal and conservative people 23:20 <@Corydon76-home> Liberals will be kind and be taken advantage of. Conservatives will be mean, and the animals learn to be mean right back 23:22 <@klixa> i always fed the sunflower seeds 23:22 <@klixa> them* 23:23 <@Corydon76-home> You know what they really like, don't you? Bits of dried squirrel meat 23:24 <@Corydon76-home> Tiki eats chicken, pork, beef... 23:24 -!- sasquatc4 [~sasquatc4@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 23:25 <@Corydon76-home> He's even been known to occasionally taste human flesh 23:26 -!- TattdCodeMonkey [uid36771@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nmatemtckdxzjxws] has joined #se2600 23:33 <@Dagmar> Christ 23:34 <@Dagmar> Lindsey was over here, wanted me to look at her tires before she left because she suspected someone tried to steal her hubcaps 23:34 <@Dagmar> She has plastic hubcaps. 23:34 <@Dagmar> She's clearly curb-checked them 23:34 <@Dagmar> ONE of them is visibly sagging. 23:34 <@Dagmar> She tried to tell me "That's the tire that's at 40" 23:34 <@Dagmar> No, it's clearly deflated and it's at 21psi for a 44psi tire 23:35 <@Dagmar> She asks if I have a pump that can fix it. 23:35 <@Dagmar> FFS not at 10:30pm at night I'm not 23:35 <@Dagmar> She doesn't have any change *whine* 23:35 <@Dagmar> Holy fuck how useless can someone be? 23:36 <@Corydon76-home> She needs one of these: http://smile.amazon.com/Stanley-J309-Peak-Jump-Starter/dp/B001U04NCA 23:37 <@Dagmar> What she needs to do is stop making everyone else do trivial things for her 23:37 <@klixa> she needs a battery jumper for her tired? 23:37 <@klixa> o.O 23:38 <@Corydon76-home> klixa: has a builtin air compressor 23:38 -!- sasquatc4 [~sasquatc4@] has joined #se2600 23:38 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sasquatc4] by ChanServ 23:38 <@Corydon76-home> I have two, one for each vehicle 23:38 <@klixa> hmmm.. thats kinda cool 23:38 <@Corydon76-home> It beats having to ask someone for a jump start when you're in the middle of nowhere 23:38 <@klixa> i just got a new battery yest3rday...it finally died...its been weak for a long time 23:38 <@Dagmar> I think you may have looked up the wrong model because there's nothing on the amazon page abou ti 23:39 <@Corydon76-home> Dagmar: look on the right side of the image 23:40 <@Dagmar> That's a lamp 23:40 <@Dagmar> Some of the stuff on this page scares me 23:41 <@Dagmar> The bit about "why is there a negative polarity indicator" 23:41 <@Dagmar> The alternator isn't the thing you should be worried about if you hook it up backwards 23:41 <@Dagmar> Whether or not you have a fire extinguisher handy is the thing you shoudl worry about 23:41 <@Dagmar> Unfused and without load, there's likely to be a damn *fire* if you do that 23:42 <@Dagmar> Hopefully the reverse polarity sensor also unpowers the leads 23:42 <@Dagmar> http://www.amazon.com/Stanley-J5C09-Starter-Built-Compressor/dp/B002X6VXL4/ref=pd_sbs_auto_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0A9AQVNFE3B1Q6DHH18P 23:42 <@Dagmar> That has a compressor 23:42 <@Dagmar> ...which is a useful thing to have 23:43 <@Corydon76-home> Ah, I see 23:43 <@Dagmar> I've got one that's about hte size of a juice box and it's fucking slow 23:43 <@Dagmar> Maybe 2psi a minute 23:43 <@Corydon76-home> I have a Black & Decker model that's probably at least 10 years old 23:44 <@Dagmar> Also the people in the reviews are brain damaged 23:44 <@Dagmar> The unit is for jump-starting, not trickle-charging 23:44 <@Dagmar> Ya jump start the fuckin' car and drive it and the alternator will rather quickly trickle-charge it 23:45 <@Dagmar> If you stop before you've driven a half hour, you'd better hope the battery wasn't flat when you started 23:45 <@Dagmar> I wonder how many people buy these, charge them up, then stick them in the trunk of the car and wonder why they don't work two years later. 23:45 <@Corydon76-home> Eh, I've done fine with a jump just driving it for 15 minutes. But that was with my Beetle 23:46 <@Corydon76-home> You might be surprised how long they last on a charge 23:46 <@Corydon76-home> The manual recommends recharging once a month. I've found that recharging once a year is plenty, even you even use it that much 23:47 <@Dagmar> My guess it basically just has a big-ass lead-acid car battery in it 23:47 <@Corydon76-home> Yep, pretty much 23:47 <@Dagmar> From the details given that's probably what's going on 23:47 <@Dagmar> A year I would expect, two, not so much 23:47 <@Corydon76-home> That's the majority of the weight 23:47 <@Dagmar> Well, yes. _lead_ acid. ;) 23:48 <@Corydon76-home> Secondary weight is likely the air compressor 23:48 <@Dagmar> That's probably not much 23:48 <@Dagmar> Something withotu a tank doesn't really require a whole lot 23:49 <@Corydon76-home> It's clear from the sound that it makes that it's a simple two stroke 23:49 <@Dagmar> The rinky dink one I have maybe weighs five pounds. *Maybe* 23:49 <@Corydon76-home> Essentially a pump compressor, as opposed to a squirrel cage 23:50 <@Dagmar> 'course I think I paid $15 for it and I now know it's gauge is about 12psi high at 60psi 23:50 <@Dagmar> ...but that's 10 past the top of the scale too 23:50 <@Dagmar> Corydon76-home: Did I mention the fools at the dealership apparently wildly overfilled the tires? 51psi tires with easily 65psi in three of them 23:50 <@Dagmar> like, wtf 23:50 <@Dagmar> How is this hard 23:51 <@Dagmar> The number is almost _always_ right on the tire 23:51 <@Dagmar> overinflate at risk of your own damn fingers and eyeballs 23:51 <@Dagmar> ...and overinflated tire ain't no fuckin' party baloon when it pops. lol 23:52 <@Dagmar> It says "FUCK ALL THIS SHIT" and tries to take the quarterpanel off 23:52 <@Corydon76-home> Was this a Ford dealership, or just people who worked on Explorers? 23:52 <@Dagmar> I've never had a car with these semi-fancy low-profile tires and am used to 35psi wheels 23:53 <@Dagmar> ...so I'll freely admit that while I watched that little pump go, I gave the car a nice 6ft distance 23:53 <@Dagmar> It was Beaman Hyundai/Scion 23:53 <@Corydon76-home> Now there's a dealership I'll never patronize 23:54 <@Corydon76-home> Lee Beaman is a giant douchebag 23:54 <@Dagmar> After seeing the needle on the pump go way past 50 on one of the tires, I let it go to about 45 just to be on the safe side and then stopped at a couple of different gas stations on the way home 23:55 <@Dagmar> I'm still kind of astonished at the good shape the car is in tho 23:55 <@Dagmar> Might as well be brand new 23:55 <@Dagmar> I *suspect* someone bought it and then mainly used it to smoke pot in, and then got caught and it wound up sitting in impound for a long while. 7,500 miles on a 2012 model. 23:56 <@Corydon76-home> Heh, that's the case for Peaches' Smart car... 23:56 <@Corydon76-home> 7500 miles on a 2008 23:56 <@Corydon76-home> with features out the wazoo 23:56 <@Dagmar> The autozone guy laughed when I walked in, saw the little cans, and grabbed three of them 23:57 <@Dagmar> "Car smells like dope when it gets hot inside. I don't need that kind of shit from a cop when I'm not the person who smoked it." 23:57 <@Dagmar> OZIUM TO TEH RESCEW 23:58 <@Dagmar> The interior is pretty lightweight stuff 23:58 <@Dagmar> I get the feeling that the THP could easily decide to just tear the interior all to fuck looking for something that's not there 23:58 <@Dagmar> If they actually found some pot in it I would have kittens 23:59 <@Dagmar> I'm kinda tempted to actually go over to the nearby precinct and ask nicely if they could check it without destroying it 23:59 <@Dagmar> I don't smoke weed in the car. Sheesh 23:59 <@Dagmar> Only ever in beater cars --- Log closed Fri Jul 18 00:00:08 2014