--- Log opened Thu Jan 02 00:00:25 2014 00:40 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-24-99-250-250.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 00:40 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sync350] by ChanServ 00:48 <@NotLarry> Mirage: Dagmar: Wilpig: y'all need to call Pat tomorrow between noon and midnight. She misses y'all 01:34 < aestetix> vagina 01:35 <@anarchival> A Scandal in Belgravia was better. 01:37 < aestetix> Than vagina? 01:40 <@anarchival> Much, much better than your vagina, yes. 01:43 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #se2600 to: PhreakNIC 2014 planning commences at the January 3rd meeting. 01:44 -!- anarchival [~amberadam@unaffiliated/anarchival] has left #se2600 [] 01:45 -!- Warcop [~zadeaux@96-32-205-123.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com] has quit [] 01:51 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-24-99-250-250.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: wtfsleepomg] 01:51 <@Catonic> morning 02:25 <@NotLarry> Catonic, meet anarchival, anarchival, meet Catonic 02:25 <@NotLarry> My work here is done, back to league 02:45 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_D@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:26 <@Shadow404> huh? 06:43 < RangerZ> gotta love selling limited time Steam cards, that I won't be able to use 06:44 < RangerZ> $0.15 worth of credit, but its nice to see a 'little' discount on next purchase (will will probably be summer sale, lol) 07:11 <@Shadow404> yeah, the idea is people can finish their set and get a set of free games 07:11 <@Shadow404> but as a seller you get some discount credit on next purchase 07:11 <@Shadow404> these are the people that voted everyday to get as much as they could 07:11 <@Shadow404> but there are like 21 cards from waht i could see 07:39 -!- spaceB0x [~spaceB0x@c-68-52-126-92.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 07:51 <@Shadow404> anybody have experience with belt drives or pulley motors? small scale 07:59 < RangerZ> I got 12 cards 08:00 < RangerZ> traded the ones I had, and got 2x of 08:00 < RangerZ> then had 1 left over 08:00 < RangerZ> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhS_1KmCvmo 08:00 < GateKeeper> Title: FUCK CONTENT ID | Dan Bulls YouTube diss track - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 08:01 <@Shadow404> i only had about 4 cards in total over the course of the sell, so i just sold them all 08:03 -!- rattleX is now known as rattle 08:03 -!- rattle [~rattleXx@] has quit [Changing host] 08:03 -!- rattle [~rattleXx@tor/regular/rattle] has joined #se2600 08:03 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rattle] by ChanServ 08:20 < RangerZ> i voted a lot 08:20 < RangerZ> thats all 08:44 <@Shadow404> as long as you didnt vote for obama, thats cool 08:50 < RangerZ> yep, I did, and in Ohio 08:51 < RangerZ> so therefore my vote actually mattered 08:51 <@Shadow404> boo 08:51 <@Shadow404> did congress successfully agree on a new budget? 08:54 < RangerZ> yeah for 2 years 08:54 < RangerZ> basically the same old budget, with some cuts to 'actually useful services' 08:55 < RangerZ> of only 80million 08:55 < RangerZ> but that was some of the best spent money in govt 08:55 < RangerZ> gods... I wish the GOP didn't want to run the govt into the ground to "prove" that govt can't be good 08:56 < RangerZ> food stamps and welfare are the BEST way to spend govt dollars, from a purely economic standpoint because every dollar spent gives 1.70ish in GDP because the money is spent IMMEDIATELY 08:58 <@Shadow404> GET A JOB 08:58 <@Shadow404> make your own damn money 08:59 <@Shadow404> legalize euthanasia 09:04 < RangerZ> yeah... we're not going to have 'full employement' again 09:04 < RangerZ> I fear 09:04 <@Shadow404> thx obama 09:04 < RangerZ> lol 09:05 < RangerZ> has NOTHING to do with obama, its the fact that employee efficiency has gone up ~70+% since 1972 or w/e 09:05 < RangerZ> and mean wage went up by 2% 09:05 < RangerZ> (comparative numbers to 'real' numbers that I don't have sitting infront of me right now) 09:09 <@Shadow404> i still like to blame him 09:09 <@Shadow404> bad rush hour traffic, thx obama 09:09 <@Shadow404> failed a math test, thx obama 09:09 <@NotLarry> So, in the nice meeting I came in on my day off to attend they neglected to tell us they would be sending a supervisor over from the Med Center to sit in my old boss's office. 09:09 <@Dickie> Clearly Shadow404 is a patriot 09:10 <@NotLarry> I was a little surprised when he showed up this morning. 09:10 <@Shadow404> it rained, thx obama 09:10 <@Shadow404> Dickie: one can despise the current leader and still love his country 09:10 <@NotLarry> So, I'm watching Arch Enemy videos 09:11 <@Shadow404> in fact....i just finished brewing a batch of patriot ale (homebrew version of samuel adams) last night 09:11 <@Corydon76-home> RangerZ: the evidence is that this was caused by deregulation, not improved employee efficiency 09:12 < RangerZ> correct, however, thats why I fear that now that corp. and companies have 'figured out' that they don't need as many people, and that there are 3 people per every job opening on avg. 09:12 < RangerZ> that it will take a LONG time, and if robotics every pics up... forever before that changes 09:12 < RangerZ> basically a worst case scenario 09:19 <@Corydon76-home> http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/25/technology-middle-class-jobs-policy 09:19 < GateKeeper> Title: Technology didn't kill middle class jobs, public policy did | Dean Baker | Comment is free | theguardian.com (at www.theguardian.com) 09:22 < RangerZ> I agree, however, I'm being pesimsistic about the future 09:22 < RangerZ> leave me alone 09:22 < RangerZ> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/01/02/1328241/the-new-york-times-pushes-for-clemency-for-snowden god damn it NYT stop doing things to make me hopeful 09:22 < GateKeeper> Title: The New York Times Pushes For Clemency For Snowden - Slashdot (at yro.slashdot.org) 09:22 < RangerZ> if even when YOU get something right 09:55 <@rattle> Wilpig: Hey, you there? 10:02 <@Shadow404> DCC SEND startkeylogger 10:03 <@Dagmar> You forgot the ^A's 10:03 <@Shadow404> oi 10:03 <@NotLarry> Shadow404: got it, now what? 10:03 <@Shadow404> DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 0 10:04 <@Dagmar> Nope. You still failed. 10:04 <@Dagmar> Probably need to do /bind ^A SELF_INSERT 10:04 <@Shadow404> Dagmar: im on wilpigs server 10:04 <@Dagmar> Not quite sure if irssi responds to that or not 10:04 <@Shadow404> i dont think so 10:04 <@Dagmar> In a pinch you can just use the /ctcp command directly, usually 10:05 <@Dagmar> It'll automatically "enquote" the message string with ^A 10:05 <@Shadow404> i know we did it through channel chat the last time someone was vulnerable to it 10:06 <@Dagmar> [1;30m[[1;37m1[1;30m][0m ùíù #se2600 is desynced from holmes.freenode.net at 09:06am[0m 10:07 <@Dagmar> The server won't let you send them, possibly because of the modes we have set 10:07 <@Dagmar> My guess is that +c is blocking it 10:07 <@Dagmar> Note: 'startkeylogger' has little to do with any of it 10:07 <@Dagmar> There's a total of three bugs that get pissy about that string 10:07 <@Dagmar> 1. Norton Antivirus is not very bright and gets upset about startkeylogger 10:08 -!- mode/#se2600 [-c] by brimstone 10:08 <@Dagmar> 2. Shitty routers which are attempting to use a broken version of the ipmasq_irc code fail hard on the zeros 10:08 -!- mode/#se2600 [+c] by ChanServ 10:08 <@brimstone> aww :( 10:08 <@Dagmar> 3. Another set of shitty routers attempting to use a broken version of that same code fuck up if the filename is longer than 11 characters. 10:09 <@Dagmar> In the cases of both #2 and #3 it dumps all masqueraded connections for that host 10:09 <@brimstone> 8.3 4 lyfe 10:09 <@Shadow404> so thats a catch all string for those 3 groups 10:09 <@Dagmar> Yes, provided it's escaped properly. 10:09 <@Shadow404> show me 10:09 <@brimstone> #se2600: Cannot send to channel :( 10:09 <@Dagmar> I don't expect the Norton bug to still be in play, but I do expect the other two to be out there in about 2% of the connections 10:10 <@Shadow404> brimstone: use pm 10:10 -!- Dickie [~Dickie@unaffiliated/dickie] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:10 -!- Dickie [~Dickie@unaffiliated/dickie] has joined #se2600 10:11 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dickie] by ChanServ 10:12 -!- Dickie [~Dickie@unaffiliated/dickie] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:12 <@Dagmar> Noo... Dickie? 10:12 -!- Dickie [~Dickie@unaffiliated/dickie] has joined #se2600 10:12 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dickie] by ChanServ 10:12 <@Dagmar> Linksys wireless router? 10:12 <@Dagmar> Linksys and Netgear are the two manufs affected 10:12 <@Dagmar> Linksys, due to a fucking *regression* 10:12 * brimstone whistles 10:12 <@Shadow404> lawl, dickie is vulnerable 10:13 <@Dagmar> Ya'll saw the new backdoor? 10:13 <@brimstone> the 32764 one? 10:13 <@Dagmar> Yep 10:14 <@Shadow404> what it do? 10:14 <@brimstone> @Dagmar │ 1. Norton Antivirus is not very bright and gets upset about startkeylogger 10:15 <@brimstone> bad paste, sorry 10:15 <@Dagmar> Shadow404: You should really read the guy's PDF. It's half in Internet-ese. 10:25 <@brimstone> Shadow404: https://github.com/elvanderb/TCP-32764 10:25 < GateKeeper> Title: elvanderb/TCP-32764 · GitHub (at github.com) 10:27 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:28 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 10:32 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:37 <@Dagmar> It's pretty hilarious when he finds out that touching the backdoor basically gives you the current settings, and then erases them 10:40 <@Dagmar> So, if you want an affected hardware to play with, wirelessoemshop has the wgr614's for $7.50 still 10:43 <@Dagmar> SNOW IS HERE. 10:43 <@Dagmar> RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. 10:43 < RangerZ> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo3Oad5Xw10 hahaha 10:43 < GateKeeper> Title: Xbox One News - X1 Was Originally A Discless Console Reveals Phil Spencer - Info & Opinions - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 10:43 < RangerZ> comcast, et. al. would have killed XBOX one 10:46 <@Shadow404> didnt we put that parameter in channel cause ware was exploiting it and annoying everyone? 10:49 <@Dagmar> Not that I'm aware of 10:49 <@Dagmar> I was checking it about once a week 10:54 <@Wilpig> rattle: pong 10:55 <@Wilpig> guess I should start getting ready for work. need to put out extra food and water for the assholes as well as take out the trash 10:57 <@rattle> Wilpig: I was in Jersey over the holiday, and my thoughts drifted to you at one point. Jersey Newbie, I've got two questions for you.. 10:57 <@rattle> Wilpig: First.. Pizza. Your thoughts? 10:57 <@Wilpig> tried a few different places, nothing spectacular 10:58 <@rattle> Maruca's in Seaside. It will change you life.. 10:58 <@rattle> Next.. 10:58 <@rattle> Have you had pork roll yet? 10:58 <@Dagmar> heh 10:58 <@Wilpig> no. but i've seen it at the store. 10:58 <@Wilpig> wtf is that? 10:59 <@Wilpig> I did get a thing of sausage last week and that shit was way salty 10:59 -!- Wilpig was kicked from #se2600 by rattle [GO AND GET A PORK ROLL, EGG, AND CHEESE ON A KAISER ROLL. NOW, OR LEAVE THE STATE.] --- Log closed Thu Jan 02 10:59:16 2014 --- Log opened Thu Jan 02 10:59:17 2014 10:59 -!- Wilpig [~wilpig@wilpig.org] has joined #se2600 10:59 -!- Irssi: #se2600: Total of 37 nicks [18 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 19 normal] 10:59 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Wilpig] by ChanServ 10:59 -!- Irssi: Join to #se2600 was synced in 1 secs 10:59 <@rattle> That's all. 11:00 <@Wilpig> I'll see about that. I was craving sausage gravy last week and found out that it doens't exist this far north 11:00 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has joined #se2600 11:00 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_D@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 11:01 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 11:01 < nachoguy> I'm not from there, but I believe it's pronounced p'ok ro' 11:01 <@Wilpig> I have been noticing the accent of the folks that don't appear to have ever left this area, ever 11:06 <@rattle> Any diner or deli with a grill will know how to make a proper pork roll sandwich. There is simply no better way to start the day. 11:08 <@Shadow404> Wilpig: thats sorta like the deep south too 11:08 <@Shadow404> the bayou slur 11:09 <@Shadow404> rattle: thats a rather large assumption, thats like saying waffle house, (which you could call a diner), has a grill, so that must know how to make a proper pork roll sandwich 11:10 <@rattle> Shadow404: In Jersey, every diner or deli with a grill _WILL_ know how to make a proper pork roll sandwich. In the same way that every waffle house will know how to make a proper patty melt. 11:11 <@Shadow404> so..... 11:11 <@Shadow404> "In Jersey"... Any diner or deli with a grill will know how to make a proper pork roll sandwich. There is simply no better way to start the day. 11:11 <@rattle> Yes. There was a context. 11:13 <@rattle> Pork Roll is as Jersey as anything can be Jersey. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pork_roll 11:13 < GateKeeper> Title: Pork roll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 11:15 <@Wilpig> heh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pork_roll#Jersey_Breakfast 11:15 < GateKeeper> Title: Pork roll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 11:16 <@rattle> Wilpig: Yes, exactly. That's what you need, right now. 11:16 <@Shadow404> damn, now im hungry 11:16 <@rattle> I think a kaiser roll is the right way to go, but that's a matter of opinion. 11:17 <@Shadow404> like when the teacher made you fold paper for an arts project in grade school right before lunch and would just drag out the word "hot dog fold" to torture the kids 11:17 <@rattle> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQdmKVkWbGU 11:17 < GateKeeper> Title: Ween - Pork Roll, Egg, And Cheese - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 11:18 < frsilent> so pretty generic/newbie question here but it's a slow day & I haven't participated in 2600 chat for ages.... 11:18 < frsilent> Any of you do a lot of contract/freelance work? How do you typically manage your work/time/compensation/etc? 11:19 <@Wilpig> not many of us on contract work but I recall a few folks in here doing it. 11:20 <@Wilpig> when I do my freelance stuff I bill hourly. but that's just me 11:20 < frsilent> I've got a buddy paying me under the table ~$700/mo to re-write/factor his site then bringing me on as a partial owner at 33% 11:21 < frsilent> it makes ~60k/yr right now 11:21 <@rattle> When I worked freelance I did it a few ways depending on client. For some I billed incrementally either hourly, daily, or weekly. In all cases, I demanded a retainer equivalent to a week up front. 11:22 <@rattle> My smaller clients were hourly. My larger clients daily. 11:23 <@rattle> I preferred weekly whenever it was an excessive engagement. But I really only had one case of that.. 11:23 <@Wilpig> i've got one client that I bill after i've felt i've done enough work that merits a payout. that's an unusual situation though 11:24 < frsilent> Wilpig: that's kind of our deal right now 11:24 < frsilent> & he's a buddy of mine so I'm not really worried about not getting paid 11:24 <@Wilpig> deals with friends are bad mojo 11:25 <@Wilpig> shit can go sour on those 11:25 < frsilent> well we were more 'business-partners'y before friends if that makes sense 11:25 <@Wilpig> in any case you need to keep track of all the time you spend working on stuff for it 11:26 <@rattle> I used to use an app to track my time, regardless of what increment I was billing in. Keeping a good log of what you do when is critical in any case.. 11:26 <@rattle> This was the one I use for mac.. http://www.timelog.com/ 11:26 < GateKeeper> Title: TimeLog Project - online time tracking for consultants (at www.timelog.com) 11:27 < frsilent> he's got Trello setup for PM & there's other people on it; content-makers 11:27 < frsilent> so told me just to track my time on there 11:27 <@rattle> Used this one too.. https://www.toggl.com/ 11:27 < GateKeeper> Title: Free Time Tracking Software - Toggl (at www.toggl.com) 11:29 <@rattle> Whatever method you use to bill isn't so important as that you have one, it's documented somehow, and you track your time. That way, you have something to point to in case there's a dispute. 11:29 < frsilent> makes sense 11:30 < frsilent> & bookmarks added 11:30 <@rattle> I used my time tracking software to keep track of not just my clients, but my personal projects. I also had a "goofing off" category. I found it useful (and sobering) to see where my time was going in general. Helped me get more disciplined.. 11:32 <@rattle> Once a month, I'll just export the csv from my time tracking software.. Load it up into Excel, and then just cut&past my way to invoices. I got it down to the point where it only took an hour or so to do each month and wasn't that aggravating. 11:34 <@Shadow404> how difficult is it to keep track of income for tax purposes? 11:34 <@Shadow404> when you freelance like that 11:34 <@rattle> Hehe.. 11:34 <@Wilpig> not. you just keep track of your invoices 11:34 <@rattle> Good question. :) 11:34 <@Shadow404> yeah, theres that 11:34 <@rattle> Well, I really fucked myself one year.. 11:36 <@rattle> After that, I just started taking 25% of everything I had come it and sticking it into a savings account and trying very hard to pretend it wasn't there.. 11:37 <@rattle> I managed to keep my effective tax rate under 10%, and it saved my ass for other reasons at a few points. 11:37 <@Wilpig> accountant. that's the answer 11:37 <@rattle> Accountants are great, but they cost money. 11:38 <@rattle> (I married one, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.) 11:38 <@Wilpig> they do, but worth it in the end. i've had one since I was 16 11:38 <@rattle> Another "right answer" is to get something like the personal edition of quickbooks.. That can handle a lot of the invoicing, keep tabs of tax liability, and even facilitate the filings at the end of the year. 11:39 <@rattle> If you have a lot of expenses to track, it's kinda necessary anyway.. As you really should be doing accrual style accounting, not cash based. 11:40 <@Wilpig> all this expense and money talk is reminding me that i need to finally turn in all my receipts to tumblr 11:40 <@Wilpig> I've got three months worth of stuff to turn in 11:40 <@rattle> Accrual is kind of a bitch to do straight out of Excel unless you know your accounting chops.. But the quickbooks kinda shit makes it really easy. 11:41 <@rattle> And it's worth doing right.. If your freelance stuff starts doing really well.. You'll want to spawn an LLC or something. In some cases, business insurance is a must too. 11:42 <@rattle> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basis_of_accounting 11:42 < GateKeeper> Title: Basis of accounting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 11:43 <@rattle> It might be worth seeing if this has hit a point of maturity where it's useful.. http://www.gnucash.org/ 11:43 < GateKeeper> Title: Free Accounting Software | GnuCash (at www.gnucash.org) 11:43 <@rattle> That's not gonna help with taxes though.. 11:44 <@rattle> At least the filing bit.. You'll still wind up paying for one of the tax services.. But they're pretty cheap these days. 11:58 <@Wilpig> well fuck. the snow has started 11:58 <@Wilpig> guess I better get my ass in gear 11:58 <@rattle> It's been going here for awhile. We've already got about 3 11:58 <@rattle> *3in 11:59 <@Shadow404> you married one, meaning your already paying for it if you like it or not 11:59 <@Wilpig> 10 min til I finish this episode of dexter then i'll get ready and head out 11:59 <@Shadow404> dont forget your pants, its chilly out there 12:07 <@NotLarry> yes, pants 12:08 <@Wilpig> i;m taking shorts into the dc. gonna be no pants for the next 24 hours 12:13 <@SuMo_D> beauty of working from home... in the south... no need for pants 12:16 <@SuMo_D> rattle I found www.freshbooks.com to be really useful for time tracking and invoicing... completely loving the new estimates feature too 12:19 -!- anarchival [~amberadam@unaffiliated/anarchival] has joined #se2600 12:19 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o anarchival] by ChanServ 12:19 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:20 <@Shadow404> SuMo_D: another reason i miss workign from home 12:21 <@rattle> SuMo_D: That looks pretty damn cool! 12:21 <@SuMo_D> it is! I've used it for years 12:21 <@SuMo_D> and its its cloud based 12:21 <@SuMo_D> and... yeah... just everything - brandable, usalbe... makes me really really a happy camper 12:22 <@SuMo_D> you can see when your clients look at their invoices, so if they are delaying paying you you can be like... grrrr... 12:22 <@SuMo_D> :P 12:22 <@rattle> So, I just saw today's copy of USA Today sitting on a table. If ten years ago, you told me that all the front page headlines would have been about NSA spying disclosures, cyber breaches, gay marriage, and pot legalization.. I would have said you were far too optimistic. 12:22 <@brimstone> welcome to the future! 12:22 <@rattle> And what a future it is.. 12:22 <@SuMo_D> I know most of you hate godaddy, but if you're doing internet sales their accounting software is really damn cool too for product tracking and sales 12:23 <@SuMo_D> SO much more usable than quickbooks... and really fantastic and streamlined 12:23 <@SuMo_D> they used to call it "outright" but I think they changed that back to errr... godaddy accounting software cause people were getting confused 12:23 <@SuMo_D> silly people.... 12:26 <@SuMo_D> freshbooks is my absolute favorite for service based work though... 12:26 <@oddball> rattle: Sadly, the public, for the most part, is outraged about the gay marriage and pot legalization and could care less about the NSA spying disclosures and security breaches. 12:30 < aestetix> rattle: btw 12:30 < aestetix> we need to have a long chat next time I see you 12:30 < aestetix> I will just say that 30c3 was quite enlightening 12:32 <@rattle> It sounded like it was good this year. 12:32 < aestetix> It was complicated. 12:36 <@SuMo_D> that sounds ominous 12:37 <@brimstone> it was big i heard 12:37 <@brimstone> >9000 people 12:37 < aestetix> yes 12:37 <@rattle> aestetix: What's the word on the source of the ANT leaks? 12:37 < aestetix> closer to 10,000 12:38 <@rattle> I've heard there are some reasons to believe it's not Snowden.. But I haven't been following closely. 12:38 < aestetix> I will look into that. 12:46 <@SuMo_D> why must 3D printers be such tranky little bitches.... I swear I step away for one minute... and its like hahahaha let me have a feeder issue! 12:47 <@SuMo_D> right when I was thinking... wow... its working great today so far 12:48 <@SuMo_D> its the rise of the sentient machines... 12:48 <@SuMo_D> its coming 12:49 <@brimstone> the machines would have taken over already if they'd just work right 12:49 <@SuMo_D> lol 12:54 <@SuMo_D> well now that the issue is corrected... this model is coming out awesome... which is good... cause i need to show it to a client tomorrow 12:55 <@SuMo_D> I'm having bed envy though... I really need just like 1/2 an inch of extra space.... and the newer version of my printr bot my friend in Nashville got for his b-day has that 12:58 <@anarchival> If it makes you feel any better, I'm quite envious of all *your* wonderful toys. I don't even have a regular old paper printer anymore. ;/ 13:07 <@brimstone> but not *my* wonderful toys? 13:07 * brimstone scoffs 13:07 < frsilent> a 13:17 <@SuMo_D> anarchical if you lived closer I'd let you have one of the ink jet printers we were going to scrap for parts with the Asheville makers 13:18 <@SuMo_D> yeah.... so far I've figure out a way to get my toys to pay for themselves.... 13:18 <@SuMo_D> makes them feel more like tools... but yeah they are fun like toys :P 13:19 <@SuMo_D> this printer came out of printr envy of the one CNWaV and Zerominus built at PN 16 I couldn't make one quite as nice as theirs.... but was like... o_O gotta make that work! 13:22 <@SuMo_D> *anarchival 13:22 <@SuMo_D> the auto correct.. does not like your name anarchical 13:27 <@Shadow404> anarchival: really? 13:27 <@Shadow404> works for me SuMo_D 13:27 <@Shadow404> and thats saying something.... 13:27 <@SuMo_D> :) 13:28 <@SuMo_D> so... Sparfun just came out with https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12070?utm_source=SparkFun+Customer+Newsletter&utm_campaign=18882dd364-Dec30-Jan3_Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_fa5287abaf-18882dd364-60774405 13:28 < GateKeeper> Title: Solder-able Breadboard - PRT-12070 - SparkFun Electronics (at www.sparkfun.com) 13:29 <@SuMo_D> great potential if anybody is doing classes with kids, or just prefers breadboarding first 13:29 <@SuMo_D> Sparkfun does a 20% educator discount too... 13:34 < aestetix> ok 13:34 < aestetix> shot in the dark 13:34 < aestetix> anyone here know much about libffi? 13:35 <@anarchival> Sorry, my new dresses (thanks, Grandma!) arrived, I got distracted. 13:36 <@Wilpig> pics or shens 13:36 <@Wilpig> live feed preferred 13:37 <@Shadow404> he just wants something to fap too 13:37 <@anarchival> I just did a fashion show for my Mom. No way I'm putting them all on again. 13:37 <@Wilpig> you can just take them off. that's acceptable 13:37 <@Shadow404> see 13:37 <@anarchival> There are eight of them. EIGHT! 13:38 <@Wilpig> more money is just the taking off part too 13:38 <@SuMo_D> woo dresses! 13:38 <@SuMo_D> I think 13:38 <@anarchival> Negative. Naked pics are against my policy. I even refused to send them to weev and he's in *prison.* 13:39 <@Wilpig> I was going for video 13:39 <@SuMo_D> I've been getting along better with skirts lately... dresses... eh... if its the right one... takes a lot for it to be the right one 13:39 <@anarchival> I like dresses. Also, my Grandma has been scandalized that I've been leaving the house looking like a vagabond wearing *gasp* jeans. 13:40 <@anarchival> These were custom-tailored. Go tailored or wear jeans. 13:41 <@anarchival> I feel more comfortable in skirts and dresses than pants for some reason. I blame Catholic school and Mormonism. 13:41 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has joined #se2600 13:43 <@anarchival> Actually, I wonder if I still have the pics of my costume at CSIcon... 13:43 <@SuMo_D> yeah, whatever works for you 13:44 <@anarchival> I went as Internet Girl. Black leather bodice trimmed in el wire, tutu with flashing LEDS, a W-shaped EL wire crown, and a Cat 'O Five Tails. 13:44 <@SuMo_D> fun 13:44 <@anarchival> (Internet Girl smites trolls with her Cat 'O Five Tails) 13:44 <@anarchival> I bet that'd just about do it for Wilpig. :P 13:45 <@Wilpig> I had one of those when I was at ICS 13:45 <@Wilpig> https://vine.co/v/h9PBY0Z2DIz <-- WOW! 13:45 < GateKeeper> Title: paglo's post on Vine (at vine.co) 13:47 <@anarchival> That's slightly less creepy than the nemotodes, but only slightly. 13:48 <@SuMo_D> wow 13:49 <@SuMo_D> first I'm like agh! but then its like... awww 13:49 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:49 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has joined #se2600 14:01 <@SuMo_D> Argh... this print is great! but 3/8th too short for the 3.0 USB hub :( - At least i'll work for the 2.0 Proto 14:01 <@SuMo_D> that's so annoying though 14:01 <@SuMo_D> so... dang... close 14:05 <@SuMo_D> but... did get the pinter to go an extra 3/4s of an inch than what its supposed "max build" area was... so... that's a plus 14:07 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-24-99-250-250.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 14:07 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sync350] by ChanServ 14:07 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-24-99-250-250.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit] 14:21 < aestetix> "Oh course it was at a sex party. Why else would you have a Nixon mask?" 14:21 <@Wilpig> aestetix: you really do live in a different world from the rest of us 14:21 < aestetix> speaking of which 14:22 < aestetix> http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1u75hh/i_am_the_guy_with_two_penises_ama/ 14:22 < GateKeeper> Title: I am the guy with two penises. AMA. : IAmA (at www.reddit.com) 14:34 < frsilent> nice 14:34 < frsilent> that post was epic 14:45 <@rattle> Wow. I'm at a loss for words. 14:47 <@Dickie> I have a few 14:47 <@Dickie> Snorkel. Panda. Florescent. 14:47 <@Dickie> I'll see if I have anything else in the back. 14:48 <@Shadow404> so thats where my panda went 14:49 <@opticron> aestetix, two words for you: self docking 14:49 <@Shadow404> lawl 14:52 <@Shadow404> if i put a soyouz docking crosshair on the gf, do you think she'd mind? 14:58 <@Wilpig> she's dating you. if you did that I feel she'd welcome the visiting cosmonauts 15:04 <@Shadow404> lawl 15:04 <@Shadow404> i could start the foreplay with a russian accent 15:04 <@Shadow404> hehe 15:05 <@Wilpig> and then make jokes about your rocket exploding on the launchpad? 15:05 <@Shadow404> booo 15:06 <@Shadow404> btw, what is she watchign right now? 15:06 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_D@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:06 <@Wilpig> casper 15:06 <@Shadow404> heh 15:06 <@Shadow404> random 15:06 <@Wilpig> I didn't really look 15:07 <@Wilpig> i'm guiding the destiny of these gnomes 15:07 <@Shadow404> ah, ok 15:10 <@anarchival> Hey, look. Nashville high culture! For free! http://www.nashvillesymphony.org/tickets/on_stage 15:10 < GateKeeper> Title: Nashville Symphony: U.S. Trust OnStage (at www.nashvillesymphony.org) 15:12 <@Wilpig> after they went bankrupt, they're giving the tickets away now? 15:12 <@Shadow404> cause, yeah, thats a solid business plan 15:13 <@Shadow404> i'd pay a $20 cover for that event 15:13 <@anarchival> It's sponsored by US Trust. 15:15 <@anarchival> I went last year, it's a really cool event. You sit on the stage with a relatively small group, there's free wine, the musicians play and teach about the music, conversation is welcome. 15:15 <@anarchival> I'd pay to go to, but I'd rather the bank do it. 15:15 <@Shadow404> that's awesome, wish the atlanta symphony did the same 15:16 -!- sasquatc3 [~sasquatc4@c-50-152-33-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:16 <@Shadow404> last event we saw was the symphony doing the pirates of caribean (sp?) music soundtrack, while they showed the movie on the large projecter screen 15:17 <@Shadow404> right before the first intermission, they had all of us sign yo ho, a pirates life for me 15:17 <@anarchival> The Nashville Symphony is doing a Led Zep performance this month. I wish I could go, but even if I could afford the tickets it's sold out. 15:17 <@Shadow404> was kind of need to have a whole symphony hall with a bunch of people dressed up singing it 15:17 <@Shadow404> *neat 15:18 -!- sasquatc4 [~sasquatc4@c-50-152-33-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 15:18 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sasquatc4] by ChanServ 15:18 <@anarchival> The Pirates soundtrack is a great classical piece, I bet that was cool. 15:19 <@Shadow404> Wilpig: she replied to that question: "sure, because your outta this world...." 15:19 <@Shadow404> anarchival: yeah it was awesome 15:22 <@Wilpig> Shadow404: she just wants to band a real cosmonaut 15:23 <@Wilpig> i'm headed to the DC. i'll be back online later 15:25 <@anarchival> Up to my elbows in tracking down old game ROMS 15:25 <@anarchival> This is what JSMess has done to me. 15:26 <@anarchival> Surely I don't have to pay for this stuff? http://www.theoldcomputer.com/ 15:26 < GateKeeper> Title: The Old Computer|Roms|Emulators|NES Roms,SNES Roms,N64 Roms,MAME Roms (at www.theoldcomputer.com) 15:26 <@brimstone> sure, if you can find it elsewhere 15:28 <@Shadow404> there are plenty of rom sites, but get use to finding alot of 404's until you find an updated working site 15:28 <@Shadow404> also, rom sites are usually virus ridden 15:28 <@Shadow404> make sure you scan those downloaded zip files 15:29 <@anarchival> Sigh. Yeah... 15:30 <@brimstone> anarchival: which game roms are you looking for? 15:31 < aestetix> My prostate gets inflamed if I dont ejaculate enough. I'm probably the only guy with a legit reason to orgasm at least once every day or two days. My prostate gets stimulation from both cocks and creates a lot of seminal fluid. So when i cum it has to be squeezed every few days to get all the excess out. otherwise it feels bloated and painful. 15:31 <@anarchival> https://archive.org/details/historicalsoftware 15:31 < GateKeeper> Title: Historical Software Collection : Free Software : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive (at archive.org) 15:31 <@anarchival> "without the additional burdens of installing emulator software or tracking down the programs" 15:33 <@anarchival> Well sure, but what if I want to run my own emulator on my own site, archive.org? 15:33 <@anarchival> @brimstone I'd like to run Adventureland or Space Invaders, but at this point I'd settle for just about an old Atari game. 15:33 <@anarchival> *any 15:34 <@anarchival> Wow, I've been on Twitter for too long. 15:34 <@brimstone> https://archive.org/details/Adventure_No._01_Adventureland_v3.9-416_1981_Adventure_International ? 15:34 < GateKeeper> Title: Adventure No. 01 - Adventureland v3.9-416 (1981)(Adventure International) : Free Streaming : Internet Archive (at archive.org) 15:35 <@brimstone> https://archive.org/stream/Adventure_No._01_Adventureland_v3.9-416_1981_Adventure_International/Adventure_No._01_Adventureland_v3.9-416_1981_Adventure_International.atr?module=a800&scale=2 specifically 15:35 < GateKeeper> Title: MESS in a browser! (at archive.org) 15:36 <@anarchival> Yep. 16:00 <@anarchival> P.S. Scott Adams has his own site, with his games ported to a variety of platforms: http://msadams.com/ 16:00 < GateKeeper> Title: Scott Adams Grand Adventures (SAGA) (at msadams.com) 16:05 <@Shadow404> rattle: you still in d.c.? 16:06 <@rattle> Moved up to the Boston when I took over as CSO at Bit9. 16:08 <@Shadow404> ah ok, was gonna be back up there in early march or april 16:08 <@Shadow404> for a few days 16:08 <@rattle> Fireeye just bought Mandiant. 16:12 <@anarchival> Oh, wow. I *could* emulate my first computer. http://ia601606.us.archive.org/zipview.php?zip=/22/items/IBM_PC_Compatibles_TOSEC_2012_04_23/IBM_PC_Compatibles_TOSEC_2012_04_23.zip 16:12 < GateKeeper> Title: Internet Archive: zipview (at ia601606.us.archive.org) 16:24 <@Shadow404> anarchival: does that work on 64 bit machines 16:24 <@Shadow404> that last emulator i found wuldnt play 32 bit games 16:24 <@Shadow404> i wanted to play fury 16:24 <@Shadow404> and descent 16:26 <@Dagmar> You could probably do that with the javascript emulator, provided you can get those good old VESA drivers working 16:26 <@Dagmar> IIRC those were during the time you had to load VESA drivers into DOS 16:33 <@anarchival> Start out looking for a simple bios and game for JSMess, end up spelunking through TOSEC and writing artisanal drivers. 16:40 <@Shadow404> yeah, it annoys me that dosbox still requires a 32-bit host machine to run a 32-bit dos program 16:41 <@brimstone> people still use dosbox? 16:42 <@Wilpig> I have it on my thumbdrive 16:42 <@Wilpig> one of my thumbdrives 16:42 <@Shadow404> brimstone: they use dosbox for humble bundle games 16:43 <@Shadow404> if you notice during bootup, it launches dosbox to run the game 16:45 <@brimstone> i try not to buy software 16:46 <@Shadow404> Wilpig: new plex update for android 16:47 <@brimstone> does it suck less now? 16:47 <@Shadow404> not sure 16:48 <@brimstone> is kinda shitty 16:48 <@brimstone> totes not worth the $5 16:51 <@Wilpig> ummm. I have it on my touchpad but I havne't really used it much 17:09 <@Wilpig> aestetix: where do you get all the content for your tumblr site from? 17:09 <@Dagmar> Well, he gets in the van with a bag of candy and just goes around to the local high schools asking about 'auditions' 17:11 <@Dagmar> wilpig: By the way we went you some weather. Enjoy! 17:11 * Wilpig makes note to buy candy and a plane ticket to visit aestetix 17:11 <@anarchival> I'm not even gonna look. Not even for Science. 17:11 -!- sasquatc3 [~sasquatc4@c-50-152-33-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 17:11 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sasquatc3] by ChanServ 17:12 <@Wilpig> Dagmar: I am not pleased with your gift. I need to order my pizza now to make sure i have munchies for hte next 48 hours 17:12 <@Wilpig> anarchival: you know you're gonna look. stop pretending like you aren't 17:13 -!- EnabrinTain [sid11525@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hyxwswijgdahecmp] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:14 -!- sasquatc4 [~sasquatc4@c-50-152-33-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:14 <@anarchival> Wilpig: If you're trapped for two days with nothing but Mexican coke and Redbull it's going to be uncomfortable. 17:14 <@Dagmar> Heh. 17:15 <@Wilpig> and pizza and chinese food 17:15 <@anarchival> Ubuntu 13.04's special relationship with include-paths is irritating. 17:16 <@anarchival> Wilpig: Ranger tip: always keep a jar of peanut butter at work, just in case. 17:17 -!- strages [sid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-tqtvqxowvtjcdhuo] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:17 <@Wilpig> we hav eone 17:17 <@Wilpig> as well as beef jerkey, a wide selection of different popcorns 17:18 <@Dagmar> Jerky practically screams 'eating disorder - I hide food' 17:18 <@oddball> Oh wow... it's supposed to get down to 3 on Monday. 17:18 <@Wilpig> several kinds of juice, ritz crackers and two different cans of spray "cheese". let's face it it's some strange orange substance with what might be a cheese like flavor but it isn't cheese 17:20 <@anarchival> Dagmar: You've obviously never experienced the delightful, meaty flavors of The Jerky Shack. 17:20 <@Dagmar> Fuc 17:21 <@Dagmar> There's white shit coming at us from the northwest now 17:21 <@anarchival> Wilpig: I'm concerned you might get scurvy, but other than that you'll be fine. 17:21 -!- kive [uid19953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dmsgvfnofudqzxbz] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:21 <@Dagmar> anarchival: Actually, I've gotten it by the double handful imported straight from Arizona indian tribes 17:21 <@Dagmar> One of the NOC guys ate half a pound of the stuff in one night 17:22 <@Dagmar> We thought surely that had to be dangerous 17:22 <@anarchival> Dagmar: Psht. Why would I want jerky from Arizona when I can buy it from a guy on the side of Highway 100? 17:22 <@Dagmar> ...but my point is that once you start buying jerky, there's this tendency to have it around as "emergency food" and then you're only a few steps away from hiding snacks. 17:23 <@Dagmar> anarchival: Becuase injuns won't make it with roadkill 17:24 <@Dagmar> Looks like it's time to remove the battery from my bike 17:24 <@anarchival> Dagmar: they might not make their own food with road kill. For genocidal white devils, road kill is too good. 17:24 -!- kive_ [uid19953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bgkypuqtcweoaouv] has joined #se2600 17:25 <@Dagmar> Having tasted it, I don't give a damn if it was made _out of_ genocidal white devils. 17:25 <@Dagmar> Someone explain to me what the game League of Angels is about? 17:25 <@anarchival> Dagmar: Oh right right right. Secret snaking bad, cannabalism a-okay. 17:25 <@Dagmar> Bbecause I'm pretty sure this ad shouldnt' be on wtvf's site 17:26 <@Dagmar> It looks like footage from one of those japanese beach dating simulators 17:26 <@Dagmar> Half of it is literally bouncing boobies in a bikini top 17:26 <@Wilpig> Dagmar: let me be clear that the jerky here is not emergency food but it is a tasty snack 17:26 <@oddball> Seems to be the popular advertising technique of pay to play games lately. 17:26 <@Dagmar> oddball: Don't you mean F2P? 17:27 <@Wilpig> which after looking at the snack shelf we're due for another trip to resupply. 17:27 <@anarchival> It looks like Aion. 17:27 <@oddball> Dagmar: fair enough. 17:27 <@Dagmar> At the scale of the ad, you can't read any of the text other than 'FREE TO PLAY' and the name of the game at the very end 17:27 <@Dagmar> 1-2 inches of snow on Sunday 17:27 <@Dagmar> Fun 17:27 <@oddball> Usually it's "free to play... but if you want to actually do anything, it'll cost ya." 17:27 <@Dagmar> Maybe we'll actually see somme snow this year 17:28 <@rattle> You can have some of mine.. 17:28 <@Dagmar> rattle: You could win a Nobel if you could set up an exchange program 17:28 <@Dagmar> I'd like to see something momre interesting than the occasional burst of nothing, and a shiny ICE GLAZE 17:29 <@Wilpig> Dagmar: i'll send you pictures later then 17:29 <@Dagmar> for about five minutes it was really snowing prettily earlier today 17:29 <@Dagmar> Stupid phone needed to be rebooted or I'd ahve video up 17:29 <@Dagmar> I'm *almost* ready to try installing CM10.2 now 17:30 <@Wilpig> I shot a video earlier. https://www.dropbox.com/s/isq2d9rzzhgx4vs/2014-01-02%2013.42.49.mp4 17:30 <@rattle> We've already got a few inches. It's said it will wind up being like 16in by tomorrow. 17:30 <@Wilpig> which is why I just ordered a pizza 17:31 <@anarchival> rattle: I thought Boston already had 24 inches? 17:31 <@Wilpig> brb gonna run to the breakroom and see how much is coming down now 17:31 <@Dagmar> Snow so deep you can HIDE IN IT 17:33 <@Wilpig> it's just flurries right now 17:33 -!- kive_ [uid19953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bgkypuqtcweoaouv] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:36 -!- kive_ [uid19953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-skjelritvkefdvsh] has joined #se2600 17:38 < aestetix> Ok. 17:38 < aestetix> I think some remnants of 2013 snuck into 2014 17:38 * aestetix punts them away 18:12 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 18:21 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:26 < aestetix> HAHAHAHAH 18:26 < aestetix> http://edition.cnn.com/2014/01/02/showbiz/breaking-bad-contest-winner-arrest/index.html 18:26 < GateKeeper> Title: 'Breaking Bad' contest winner arrested on drug charges - CNN.com (at edition.cnn.com) 18:31 <@Corydon76-home> "...people can relate to the main character." Apparently, he related a little bit too much. 18:35 <@anarchival> Looking for bits in all the wrong places... 18:36 <@Wilpig> i'll show you bits 18:41 <@anarchival> If you could show me how to make this compiler look in the g++ instead of the gcc library I'll look at whatever you want to show me. 18:42 <@Wilpig> set env 18:47 < aestetix> it's usually in LD_PATH_CONFIG or something 18:47 < aestetix> alternatively, add in a -I for an include directory 18:48 <@anarchival> I have tried all of these things. Same error. 18:49 < aestetix> Look at the env variable to see what order it looks for includes in 18:51 <@Dagmar> Invoke it as g++ and it should switch paths on it's own 18:52 <@Dagmar> LD_* variables are something gcc uses only indirectly 19:03 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:04 -!- klixa [~klixa@unaffiliated/klixa] has joined #se2600 19:21 <@Wilpig> pulling pci-e flash cards. oh so much fun 19:22 <@Dagmar> what kind of cards? 19:24 <@Wilpig> 1TB Virident FlashII 19:28 <@Dagmar> Ah 19:35 <@Wilpig> this just doesn't look right 19:35 <@Wilpig> http://iloveoldmagazines.tumblr.com/post/71974426173/ebony-1970-vol-25-no-5 19:35 < GateKeeper> Title: Ebony 1970 Vol. 25, No. 5 (at iloveoldmagazines.tumblr.com) 19:45 <@anarchival> She looks like Jack White. 19:57 <@anarchival> Oh hell. Even if I solve the compiler problem, I'll still need to figure out how to deploy gzip on Github pages. 19:57 <@anarchival> Yeah, that's not going to happen tonight. 19:57 <@brimstone> "deploy gzip" ? 19:57 <@anarchival> Commit, commit...what shall I commit? 20:01 <@anarchival> yeah, I have no great confidence that Github pages run gzipped code 20:02 <@Dagmar> There would be no sensible reason to configure that 20:02 <@anarchival> sort of like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18667766/deploy-gzip-content-on-amazon-s3 20:02 <@Dagmar> Disk isn't _that_ precious 20:02 < GateKeeper> Title: deployment - Deploy gzip content on Amazon S3 - Stack Overflow (at stackoverflow.com) 20:02 <@anarchival> Frankly this entire JSMess project is...well...a mess. 20:02 <@Dagmar> Deploying gzipped content makes sense becuase a browser can _read it_ as gzipped 20:03 <@anarchival> I'm pretty sure the compiler problem is due to the fact they're using a two-year old MESS whose Makefile doesn't reference the proper libraries. 20:03 <@anarchival> But fuck C++. No, really. FUCK IT RIGHT IN ITS ASS. 20:04 <@anarchival> It's not right that so much game dev seems to use it Just not right. *shakes her fist at the gods* 20:12 <@Wilpig> http://twitterthecomic.tumblr.com/image/70806727899 20:12 < GateKeeper> Title: Twitter: The Comic: Photo (at twitterthecomic.tumblr.com) 20:25 <@Wilpig> https://www.dropbox.com/s/pl8ysb0uuxtvp9j/2014-01-02%2020.23.38.jpg roughing it at the dc 20:25 < GateKeeper> Title: Dropbox - 2014-01-02 20.23.38.jpg (at www.dropbox.com) 20:27 <@Wilpig> http://24.media.tumblr.com/ffa8aebe4ec70ad9ede51ee5290cb89f/tumblr_mnw20sNNHk1rlynuno1_500.jpg 20:41 <@anarchival> Mike Ruffino is much less attractive than he was the last time I watched this episode of No Reservations. The starvation diet is helping, apparently. 20:43 <@anarchival> I mean he's still hot as hell but I can discern the dark and bottomless pit of despair just behind his eyes. 20:45 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_D@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 20:45 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 20:51 <@NotLarry> Good evening friends 20:51 <@Wilpig> vorshi "assembling pc is alot like sex. if you put things in the wrong spot, bad things happen" 20:53 <@NotLarry> Wilpig: http://5z8.info/add-worm_ipey 20:53 < GateKeeper> Title: Wrong Hole Golf Jokes - Golf Jokes (at 5z8.info) 20:53 <@NotLarry> related 20:54 <@NotLarry> looks like they may have gone ahead and picked out a supervisor for the noc 20:55 <@anarchival> I can't tell you how many times my grandfather has told that joke. Pretty much every year at the Masters, at least. 20:55 <@Wilpig> lol http://www.darklegacycomics.com/422.html 20:55 < GateKeeper> Title: Dark Legacy Comics (at www.darklegacycomics.com) 20:57 <@anarchival> So true, Wilpig. So true. 20:57 <@Wilpig> I have a huntard and have done some of that just because it had been done to me 20:58 <@anarchival> I sort of miss WoW. There. I said it. 20:58 <@Wilpig> he's also the least decked out of all my toons. 20:58 <@Wilpig> http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/Wilpig/advanced 20:58 < GateKeeper> Title: Wilpig @ MalGanis - Community - World of Warcraft (at us.battle.net) 20:58 <@Wilpig> stupid vorshi is wanting me to sign up and play again for the next expansion 20:59 <@NotLarry> Wilpig: lol, "I've never had one of those priests" 20:59 <@anarchival> Wilpig: You might consider playing again just to bump up that ilvl. 20:59 <@Wilpig> like this? http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/Evilpig/advanced 20:59 < GateKeeper> Title: Evilpig @ MalGanis - Community - World of Warcraft (at us.battle.net) 21:00 <@Wilpig> http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/Lightningpig/advanced 21:00 < GateKeeper> Title: Lightningpig @ MalGanis - Community - World of Warcraft (at us.battle.net) 21:00 <@anarchival> http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/earthen-ring/Meijingfei/simple 21:00 < GateKeeper> Title: Meijingfei @ Earthen Ring - Community - World of Warcraft (at us.battle.net) 21:01 <@Wilpig> I also have pallypig, vendorpig, and auctiongimp 21:01 < RangerZ> http://www.answersingenesis.org/outreach/event/Nye-Ham-Debate/ 21:01 < GateKeeper> Title: Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham Debate (at www.answersingenesis.org) 21:02 < RangerZ> if it wasn't 4hrs away... I'd pay to go see that 21:02 <@Wilpig> oh yeah. sneakypig 21:03 <@Wilpig> that's the other 90 21:03 <@Wilpig> Evilpig, Lightningpig, Sneakypig, Wilpig <-- all 90 when i stopped playing 21:03 <@Wilpig> the first three were all raiding regularly too 21:08 < RangerZ> Wilpig: did WoW pay you well for your 2nd job? lol 21:08 <@Wilpig> it was fun when I played 21:09 <@Wilpig> when I changed jobs it just didn't fit my schedule anymore 21:12 <@anarchival> ...and then you'll get another 90 with the next expansion. 21:13 <@Wilpig> I have plenty. I was just telling vorshi that 21:13 <@Wilpig> how do you only have 14 pets? 21:13 <@anarchival> Didn't pursue it. I only the pets I got accidentally, as achievement rewards., etc. 21:14 <@anarchival> The P.U.G. pug is my favorite. 21:14 <@anarchival> Meijingfei is my only 90, and the only char I ever raided with. 21:15 <@Wilpig> rag and lil deathwing are my favorites. rag because he's a cooking fire. and lil deathwing cause he kills critters just sitting around 21:16 -!- spaceB0x [~spaceB0x@c-68-52-126-92.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 21:25 <@anarchival> BTW Wilpig I like how your cat drops her toy and then stares at you like you're going to come pick it up. Like a toddler. 21:25 <@Wilpig> yeah, she's a bitch 21:26 <@anarchival> she's not a bitch, she's a cat 21:26 <@Wilpig> she also crawls up on me and sits directly between me and the tv 21:26 <@anarchival> Well, you're supposed to pet her. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? 21:26 <@Wilpig> she gets pet all the time. they both do 21:27 <@anarchival> I don't like cats. I mean, I'll pet one if they walk over, but I don't like living with them. 21:27 <@anarchival> I prefer dogs. 21:27 <@anarchival> Although one of my dogs acts like a cat, so the joke's on me. 21:33 <@anarchival> It's Day Two of my New Year's resolution to commit code every day and I'm at a loss. 21:33 <@anarchival> I guess I'll have to do an Erlang Etude or something. 21:38 <@oddball> Wilpig: you there? 21:39 <@oddball> or anyone else that has had a Comcast business internet account. 21:40 <@Wilpig> oddball: indeed 21:40 <@oddball> Do you remember them requiring anything about you having a business? 21:41 <@Wilpig> nope. but I had all the paperwork. 21:41 <@oddball> You had the paperwork? 21:41 <@Wilpig> mirage had them too. just tell them "oddball consulting" 21:41 <@Wilpig> I had a business license with the states 21:41 <@Wilpig> state* 21:41 <@oddball> Ah. Gotcha. 21:42 <@oddball> I'm guessing they're going to be annoyed if we tell them the truth that we want to switch to the business account because it doesn't have a data cap. 21:43 < RangerZ> no, thats the POINT 21:43 < RangerZ> they dont care, they just want more money 21:44 < RangerZ> and oddball, just tell them that you are starting a business, if they 'really' care/ask, and say that you need a static IP for a website first 21:44 < RangerZ> etc 21:44 <@oddball> RangerZ: The business account is about what we're paying now minus the overage charges. 21:46 <@Wilpig> don't tell them that as your reason. just say you want a business account because you're considering a static IP and you'd rather switch now 21:46 <@oddball> ok 21:57 <@oddball> And actually... Naienko has been running a consulting biz... 21:57 <@oddball> By the way, just a reminder, if anyone's looking for a web dev... :p 21:58 <@Wilpig> when I got my bills from them one was addressed to wilpig consulting and the other was to wilbur 21:58 <@Wilpig> fuckin' vorshi. didn't get the dimms in firmly. luckily he didnt' smoke either one. and then in the process he managed to unplug one of the power cords from the video card 22:00 <@anarchival> My website needs more than just a Linux machine, but besides a game emulator I don't know what. 22:02 -!- sasquatc3 [~sasquatc4@c-50-152-33-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:04 -!- sasquatc4 [~sasquatc4@c-50-152-33-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 22:04 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sasquatc4] by ChanServ 22:10 <@Wilpig> seems like it's time to update my virtual server too. the cpu is almost always running at 200% 22:33 -!- spaceB0x [~spaceB0x@c-68-52-126-92.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 23:20 <@Wilpig> it's all quiet on the dc front. time to do a little coding I guess 23:22 <@anarchival> I'm making a website about Athena as the patron goddess of hackers, makers, and the city of Nashville. 23:23 <@Wilpig> and you could have been here camping at the dc instead. 23:24 <@anarchival> Seriously? They let you bring women to work? 23:27 <@Wilpig> here. yeah. 23:28 <@Wilpig> the atmosphere is pretty damn casual. plus this is an unusual occasion as well 23:30 <@anarchival> Well I 23:30 <@anarchival> 'm sorry you're there all by your lonesome. 23:40 < RangerZ> don't assume anything 23:40 < RangerZ> who knows... he might have a girl there with him 23:40 < RangerZ> and trying to do some 'swordfish' programming ;) 23:46 <@anarchival> if he had a girl there with him, why on Earth would he be on IRC? 23:49 <@anarchival> I hate making things pretty. I really do. Graphic design sucks. 23:50 <@Wilpig> because i'm required to be on irc at work 23:50 <@anarchival> ...why? 23:50 <@Wilpig> [23:50] [wilpig(+i)] [3:tumblr/#ewr01(+Pn)] 23:50 <@Wilpig> we communicate via irc 23:50 < aestetix> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVuK44kWgxk 23:51 < GateKeeper> Title: Meet Chanty Binx (Big Red) Feminist and hypocrite - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 23:51 <@anarchival> Tumblr sounds like a cool job. 23:51 <@Wilpig> it has its perks for sure 23:52 <@Dagmar> Do they have the other video? 23:53 <@Dagmar> Wait... Are "MRAs" Men's Rights Activists? 23:53 <@anarchival> Yes. 23:53 <@Dagmar> Okay, so she's a hypocrite then 23:53 <@Dagmar> Why should anyone give a fuck about her anyway 23:56 < aestetix> Same reason they also listen to howard stern. 23:56 < aestetix> "I want to hear what he's gonna say next." 23:57 <@Dagmar> I guess I'll just continue to ignore opinionated people trying to tell everyone else how to behave 23:57 <@Dagmar> ...and occasionally tune into loud-mouthed entertainers. 23:57 <@Dagmar> ...because one of these two groups isn't automatically full of shit unless they're trying to make a joke. --- Log closed Fri Jan 03 00:00:04 2014