--- Log opened Mon Dec 16 00:00:11 2013 00:05 < oddball_> aestetix: What convention are you at? I suspect I need to avoid it in the future. 00:06 -!- oddball_ is now known as oddball 00:06 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o oddball] by ChanServ 00:24 <@Dagmar> *WOW* 00:24 <@Dagmar> http://tech.slashdot.org/story/13/12/16/0121213/theo-de-raadt-says-freebsd-is-just-catching-up-on-security 00:24 < GateKeeper> Title: Theo De Raadt Says FreeBSD Is Just Catching Up On Security - Slashdot (at tech.slashdot.org) 00:25 <@Dagmar> Suddenly, Linus looks like a cuddly kitten 00:25 <@Bahhumbug> Compared to Theo a rabid pitbull is a cuddy kitten. 00:29 <@Dagmar> I can't say I disagree 00:29 <@Dagmar> It was in the back of my mind when people were going "OMG!" about Linus jumping on someone's ass for a stupid edit. 00:30 <@Dagmar> ...and keep in mind that Theo started taking medication for this about a decade ago 00:30 <@Dagmar> The change in his behaviour was so clear people were asking about it 00:32 < RangerZ> what I'm hopeful is... BSD and Linux moving back towards each other 00:33 < RangerZ> but 'hopeful' and 'expect it to ever fucking happen' are not equal 00:37 <@Bahhumbug> "back" towards each other? 00:37 <@Bahhumbug> That implies that at some point there was a closeness or similarity in place between the two. 00:38 <@Bahhumbug> Frankly, I would be happy if BSD would just crawl down some deep, dark hole and just fucking die. 00:38 < RangerZ> i dunno 00:38 < RangerZ> freebsd, or even pcbsd isn't as 'we fucking hate our end users' as ubuntu is lately 00:39 <@Bahhumbug> I'm sorry, but I don't consider shitbuntu relevant. 00:40 < RangerZ> well thats nice, except the fact that DoD and DARPA do 00:40 < RangerZ> and its our required linux build environment 00:40 < RangerZ> so I have to deal with it on a daily basis 00:40 < aestetix> oddball: not a convention 00:40 < aestetix> It was a cryptoparty in oakland 00:43 <@oddball> ah, ok 00:53 <@Bahhumbug> RangerZ: I'd find different employment. It's a clusterfuck of immense proportion. 00:53 <@Bahhumbug> Hell, I'd use bsd if given a choice rather than ubuntu. 00:54 <@Bahhumbug> And I absolutely despise bsd. 01:02 < RangerZ> god... resume cover letter writting sucks 01:02 < RangerZ> balancing the "i walk on water" with the "I am humble about it" 01:06 <@oddball> Bahhumbug: You mean you don't like their current motto of "we're going to change shit no one wants us to change, and fuck you for complaining?" 01:10 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_D@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:29 <@Dagmar> RangerZ: Just send in a picture of your penis and call it a day 01:30 < RangerZ> I'm not applying for the Stunt Cock position in Orgasmo 2 01:31 <@Dagmar> Why the hell not? 01:31 < RangerZ> its still in pre-production 01:38 <@Bahhumbug> oddball: That and the fact that not a single ubuntu release ever made it out the door without major bugs that would be blockers anywhere that didn't have an idiotic scheduled release. 01:39 <@Bahhumbug> Oh, and toss in the fact that I think Shuttleworth's a asshole of the highest order. 01:39 < RangerZ> HE makes Linus look like a paragon of excellence 01:42 < RangerZ> nice, got my gpa to 3.7 01:42 < RangerZ> << wasn't really all that careful/caring about GPA, since I as planning on going directly onto PhD 01:43 <@Bahhumbug> Unfortunately the slide links got lost when kernel.org crashed and burned a couple years ago, but the article sums everything up pretty well on it's own: http://www.kroah.com/log/linux/lpc_2008_keynote.html 01:43 < GateKeeper> Title: linux kernel monkey log (at www.kroah.com) 01:43 <@Bahhumbug> Granted that's a little dated at this point, but the numbers in question haven't really changed much in the past few years. 01:43 <@Bahhumbug> Canonical remain vultures, taking everything and giving _very_ little back in return. 01:44 <@Bahhumbug> Actually, quite a bit seems lost without those graphs :/ 01:45 <@Bahhumbug> I'll drop Greg a line and see if he can get that article fixed. 03:54 < RangerZ> omg... I'm literally LOL to the point my side hurts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geQyrBGS_60 03:54 < GateKeeper> Title: A FEMINIST - HATE WEEK! - Day Seven - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 04:00 < RangerZ> I blame aestetix and youtube for conspiring to list this video on my recommended list, lol 04:52 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: GateKeeper 04:54 -!- Netsplit over, joins: GateKeeper 06:14 -!- shadow404 is now known as Shadow404_ 06:14 -!- Shadow404_ is now known as Shadow404 06:17 -!- RangerZ1 [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 06:18 -!- RangerZ [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 06:24 < RangerZ1> https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1506653_785514914808491_1229293188_n.jpg wow... 06:25 <@Shadow404> tis true stuff there 06:34 -!- RangerZ [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 06:35 -!- RangerZ1 [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:35 <@Bahhumbug> What "expert" are they citing; some Fox "news" bimbo? 06:36 < RangerZ> ohh you didn't see 06:36 < RangerZ> megyn kelly said that santa and jesus were white 06:36 <@Bahhumbug> @google megyn kelly 06:36 < GateKeeper> Bahhumbug: Megyn Kelly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Megyn Kelly Defends Her Santa Comments, Attacks Critics For ...: ; Megyn Kelly: Santa reaction was race-baiting - POLITICO.com: (3 more messages) 06:37 < RangerZ> she's the blonde fox news host 06:37 <@Bahhumbug> Wow. Nailed it in one. 06:37 < RangerZ> yeah... thats impressive 06:38 <@Bahhumbug> Not really. It's about par for the course for Fox "news". They're still butthurt that Obama got the second term. 06:38 <@Bahhumbug> And I _did_ start to read some trash about this subject yesterday. Never got the bimbo's name, but I did recall it worked for Fox. 06:39 < aestetix> RangerZ: what? 06:39 < aestetix> lol 06:40 < RangerZ> just the 'amazing atheist' ranting against feminists 06:41 < aestetix> watching it now 06:50 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-74-248-166-58.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 06:50 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 06:52 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-74-248-166-58.bhm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:09 < RangerZ> http://io9.com/paul-dini-superhero-cartoon-execs-dont-want-largely-f-1483758317 07:09 < RangerZ> this is some BS 07:09 < RangerZ> "Paul Dini: Superhero cartoon execs don't want largely female audiences" 07:15 <@Shadow404> hehe, he is white 07:15 <@Shadow404> so wheres the issue? 07:34 -!- Dolemite [80db310d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #se2600 07:34 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dolemite] by ChanServ 07:34 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 07:36 <@Shadow404> speaking of white santa...HEY Dolemite 07:38 <@Dolemite> Yo momma's a h0 h0 h0 07:39 <@Shadow404> yeah, but i knew that already 07:40 <@Shadow404> oh oh....someones gonna get a beating, a backup cluster went down this weekend (non-priority) and it sent out about 24k emails to everyone in the sys admin list, about 28 people, so it caused some issues with the mail server, not ot mention a minor headache to clean out of the inbox 07:41 <@Shadow404> notification emails from our monitoring system....should only send 1 an hr for a non-priority system 07:45 * Bahhumbug hands Shadow404 an appropriate clue x four for application of clue. 07:46 <@Shadow404> no thx, already got a pile of them unused next to my desk collecting dust 08:02 <@Dolemite> Hrmm. Winterplace has a special this week - lesson, equipment, and lift ticket for "beginners" for $20.14 08:02 <@Dolemite> I may have to take off Friday, pull 2.0 from school, and drive up there. 08:02 <@Dolemite> He's been wanting to try out snow skiing 08:05 <@Dolemite> I can pretend to be a beginner, too. It's been a good 10-12 years since I skied, anyway. 08:06 < aestetix> https://bitbucket.org/FeministSoftwareFoundation/c-plus-equality/issue/22/inherpreter-may-trigger-those-that-have 08:06 < aestetix> Shadow404: .... 24k emails? 08:08 < GateKeeper> Title: FeministSoftwareFoundation / C-plus-Equality / issues / #22 - Inherpreter may trigger those that have been raped in the past Bitbucket (at bitbucket.org) 08:10 < RangerZ> Shadow404: and I thought OUR jenkins build spammed us... 08:16 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: love skiing, if he enjoys it, i would recommend a trip to mammoth mountain, great little town and awesome ski resort, and great price for skiing 08:16 <@Shadow404> aestetix: 24,000 emails for each user in the email list 08:16 <@Shadow404> yeah, he got a bunch of flack from all of us 08:17 <@Dolemite> https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1498882_10202271094052511_476140064_o.jpg 08:17 <@Dolemite> Can you access that, Shadow404? 08:17 <@Shadow404> something tells me i shouldnt 08:17 <@Shadow404> hehe 08:18 <@Evilpig> yes 08:18 <@Dolemite> There's your capsule 08:18 <@Shadow404> i dont want to know where you put your own capsule 08:18 <@Dolemite> Friend of mine is one of those wide load road escorts. He posted that to FB an hour ago from the Davy Crockett truck stop. 08:19 <@Shadow404> oh cool, pm me his name and ill quote him 08:19 <@Shadow404> and send it to langley 08:19 <@Dolemite> I don't think he'd like me sharing his name 08:20 <@Shadow404> alrightty 08:22 < aestetix> Shadow404: jesus 08:22 < aestetix> were those emails all internal, or did it go through dns? 08:22 < aestetix> because that should have set off spam alerts 08:23 <@Shadow404> internal addresses from the same domain as the mail server 08:23 < aestetix> ok that's not as bad 08:23 < aestetix> except it sort of it 08:23 < aestetix> is 08:23 <@Shadow404> so aside from those remotely connected, it wasnt as bad as it could have been 08:25 <@Evilpig> guess I best get down to the DC and get those machines cooking 08:26 <@Evilpig> gonna be migrating a good portion of the database nodes from some older amd based systems to some newer beefier intel systems and need the hardware fully stress tested first. :-/ 08:28 <@Dolemite> Ah, so you'll be using it to transcode porn from one codec to another? 08:29 <@Evilpig> transcode porn from video to gif 08:30 <@Evilpig> just moved the tv from yesterday off to the other drive so it can get indexed and ready for playback 08:31 <@Dolemite> So we used Plex to let the kids watch movies in the car via my phone while Pamela did some shopping. That was worth the $4.99 I paid for the app. 08:32 <@Evilpig> heh. off my server? 08:32 <@Dolemite> No, mine 08:32 <@Dolemite> You don't exactly have a large kid-friendly selection 08:34 <@Evilpig> I have the disney section. I have several cartoons 08:34 <@Evilpig> plus you can filter the movies by rating 08:34 <@Dolemite> You don't have any Max & Ruby cartoons, though. 08:35 <@Evilpig> wtf is that? 08:36 <@Dolemite> WTF? -> http://media.boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/moth.gif 08:37 <@Dolemite> Evilpig: Max & Ruby is a cartoon about brother and sister anthropomorphized bunnies that get into all kinds of adventures, along with Grandma. I have yet to ever see or hear a reference of their parents. 08:38 <@Evilpig> stew 08:38 <@Shadow404> hunting incident 08:40 < aestetix> ugh 08:40 < aestetix> omg 08:40 < aestetix> http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?ic=16_0&Find=Find&search_query=occupy+wall+street&Find=Find&search_constraint=0 08:40 < GateKeeper> Title: occupy wall street - Walmart.com (at www.walmart.com) 08:42 <@Evilpig> okay i'm off to the dc now 08:42 <@Dolemite> Shadow404: Apparently the driver for the module doesn't know what he actually has. My friend says that he driver told him it was an old Apollo test module. 08:44 <@Evilpig> http://staff.tumblr.com/post/70138813305/tumblr-hq-update-week-337-vixen-prancer 08:44 < GateKeeper> Title: Tumblr Staff (at staff.tumblr.com) 08:47 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: i sure hope hes kidding 08:47 <@Dolemite> He's not 08:47 <@Shadow404> WOW 08:47 <@Shadow404> well the fortunate thig is they are stopping at arranged locations where they engage the public with nasa rep's 08:48 <@Shadow404> you would think they would of educated him a little 08:49 <@Dolemite> Well, from what he's saying on the thread, there's an info sheet that they set out on the Fuel Desk at each truck stop, but apparently the driver hasn't bothered to read it. RC picked up one of the sheets and is reading over it right now. If he had a scanner I'd see if he could scan the sheet for us... 08:50 <@Shadow404> dude, that woudl be awesome 08:50 <@Shadow404> or even a phone camera pic worst case scenario would be neat 08:53 <@Shadow404> Evilpig: looks like i didnt disappoint this time 08:55 <@Shadow404> aestetix: hehe, they just tp'ed admins desk that was responsible for the fu'barred overnotification cause hes working from home 08:56 < aestetix> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N8Sc6pUR1mA 08:56 < GateKeeper> Title: Snowden, the NSA, and Free Software - Bruce Schneier + Eben Moglen - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 09:00 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-74-240-126-68.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 09:00 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 09:09 < aestetix> hahaha 09:16 -!- kive_ [uid19953@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ridvpaskuybtccnm] has joined #se2600 09:16 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o kive_] by ChanServ 09:16 -!- RangerZ1 [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 09:17 <@Dolemite> Shadow404: My friend is going to scan the info sheet later when he stops. He apparently carries a scanner/printer/fax in his truck. 09:18 <@Dolemite> Heh, wow, just finished my last meeting for today. 09:18 <@Dolemite> Gotta love the holidays. 09:19 -!- NotLarry_ [~notlarry@c-68-53-72-174.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 09:19 <@Evilpig> Dolemite: since you have free time now tell me what you think of http://phreaknic.info 09:20 <@Evilpig> scroll your mouse 09:20 < GateKeeper> Title: Sooper srs guise (at phreaknic.info) 09:22 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: awesome, tell him thx so much 09:22 <@Dolemite> I like the twirly whirly logo 09:22 <@Evilpig> do the konami code and look at that logo 09:22 <@Dolemite> But WTF is the pizza order all about? Did it really take 3-4 hours? 09:23 <@Evilpig> yeah he ended up calling them back later and they supposedly didn't get the order, he cussed them out then eventually got a pizza and NOBODY would dare touch it 09:23 <@Evilpig> we were all sure they spit on it at a minimum 09:23 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: @rhia, RangerZ, NotLarry, @kive 09:23 -!- kive_ is now known as kive 09:25 < RangerZ1> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/12/16/1257231/cbs-60-minutes-nsa-speaks-out-on-snowden-spying 09:25 < RangerZ1> nice hit piece on snowden 09:25 < GateKeeper> Title: CBS 60 Minutes: NSA Speaks Out On Snowden, Spying - Slashdot (at yro.slashdot.org) 09:25 < RangerZ1> http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=4562131&cid=45702977 << best comment so far 09:25 < RangerZ1> "Isn't stealing the answers part of the exam to get into a spy agency?" 09:25 < GateKeeper> Title: CBS 60 Minutes: NSA Speaks Out On Snowden, Spying - Slashdot (at yro.slashdot.org) 09:26 <@brimstone> lol 09:28 < NotLarry_> aestetix: So, basicly - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118883/ - was a documentary? 09:29 < GateKeeper> Title: Conspiracy Theory (1997) - IMDb (at www.imdb.com) 09:30 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rhia 09:30 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rhia] by ChanServ 09:31 < NotLarry_> I like how slashdot shows "1 hidden comment" yeah, right, hidden, lol. 09:31 -!- NotLarry_ is now known as NotLarry 09:31 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o NotLarry] by ChanServ 09:32 <@NotLarry> Dolemite: His pizza had a nice creamy sauce... 09:33 <@Dickie> y'ello 09:33 <@NotLarry> ok, off to play league, er, surf p0rn... 09:34 <@Dolemite> Did they still charge him for the pizza? And did he pay? 09:34 <@NotLarry> Yup 09:34 <@NotLarry> He said he was going to cancel the charge 09:34 <@rattle> Decius and Palindrome have welcomed a new baby boy proto-hacker into the world. 09:35 < aestetix> .... wow 09:35 <@NotLarry> oh fuck, the 3rd sign... 09:35 < aestetix> rattle: you and decius are officially old men 09:35 <@rattle> Thanks. 09:35 < aestetix> rattle: shall I bring depends to the next phreaknic? 09:35 <@NotLarry> idkw, I always have some on hand 09:36 < aestetix> rattle: you'll also have to keep NotLarry away from decius's kid 09:36 <@NotLarry> Not cause I'm old, but cause I drink so much I can't control my bodily functions... 09:36 <@NotLarry> aestetix: I only take a small sample 09:36 <@Dolemite> Yeah, Decius is already working on a Pen Testing for Toddlers curriculum 09:37 <@NotLarry> If you look at that the wrong way, "penetration testing for teens" could trigger some red flags... 09:37 <@NotLarry> Just saying, if she has to be a virgin for the wedding... 09:39 <@Dolemite> Ok, this is CLEARLY what we need for PhreakNIC this year -> http://boingboing.net/2013/12/15/burner-wedding-features-fire-j.html 09:39 < GateKeeper> Title: Burner wedding features fire-jetting unicorn statue that sneezes glitter and pisses lemonade - Boing Boing (at boingboing.net) 09:40 <@NotLarry> Where is the brownie dispens, oh, nvm 09:41 -!- benthemeek [~Thunderbi@zixgateway02.nhccare.com] has joined #se2600 09:41 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o benthemeek] by ChanServ 09:49 <@Dagmar> Wheeee 09:49 <@Dagmar> Someone in the NOC got lucky this morning 09:49 <@Evilpig> was she hot? 09:49 <@Dagmar> Some crazy woman in this office decided it was a good idea to call me at 7:37am to tell me my prox badge was ready 09:49 <@Evilpig> why didn't that shit ever happen to mek when I was in there? 09:49 <@Dagmar> The caller ID showed the Vandy out-dial. 09:50 <@Dagmar> On the third call she left a voicemail. 09:50 <@Dagmar> Otherwise, I'd have started my day over at the Hill Center, making it *very* clear that they're not to call me for any more bullshit. 09:50 <@Evilpig> haha 09:50 <@Dagmar> I got about... a half hour of sleep tonight because of that 09:51 <@Dagmar> Insomnia sucks, but idiots calling me at the ass crack of dawn is worse 09:51 <@Evilpig> I wish there was a way to turn on these servers from the back side. damnit 09:51 <@Dagmar> Try nibbling on the back of their ears 09:52 <@Evilpig> doing these burnins and about the time I get the 6th server in the rack going it's getting a tad warm back here 09:52 <@Shadow404> also, make sure its wet before attempting entry 09:56 < aestetix> that's what she said 10:00 <@Evilpig> btw dag 878/929 10:01 <@Dagmar> I just can't be bothered to collect them all 10:02 <@Evilpig> hehe. I've got the other games for streetpass so it's just part of it. the puzzle things are neat to show people the 3d effect 10:02 <@Dagmar> There's some websites out there with 3d porn 10:02 <@Dagmar> Much easier to show off 3d with those 10:06 <@Shadow404> no quicker wya to go blind form lloking at pron, then pron in 3d 10:07 <@Dolemite> And apparently Shadow404 typed that line one handed... 10:07 <@Shadow404> apparently so, i dont know what happened, but the text didnt appear on the shell until 4 secs after i typed it 10:07 <@Shadow404> and i blindly just pressed enter without checking 10:08 <@Dagmar> Jesus this 60 minutes thing is annoying 10:08 <@Shadow404> snowden? 10:08 <@Dagmar> Yes. 10:08 <@Dagmar> There's some really fragrant bullshit here 10:09 <@Dagmar> So the NSA supposedly knew about a bios-destroying virus 10:09 <@Dagmar> Did they stop it? No. 10:09 <@Dagmar> Primarily I'm wishing the Chinese had gone through with that 10:10 <@Dagmar> ...but what the fuck does it have to do with anything 10:10 <@Dagmar> Could they have done anything about it? not really. 10:11 <@Dagmar> Would Linux users or OSX users have cared? Almost certainly not 10:12 <@Dagmar> How is it that these people supposedly find it *strange* that Snowden had a hood over his head so his girlfriend (who was rather obviously not cleared) coudln't see his screen 10:12 <@Dagmar> They're the motherfucking NSA. They're supposed to understand that shit. 10:12 <@Dagmar> ...and what the flipping fuck is with them not questioning a goddamn thing they were being told. 10:13 <@Dagmar> I am kind of disgusted that 60 minutes basically aired something that falls somewhere between a fluff piece and a paid advertisement 10:14 <@Shadow404> speaking of computer virus...how does that air gap virus "supposedly" work? jumping between speakers somehow? 10:14 <@Dagmar> It doesn't 10:14 <@Dagmar> The 'BadBIOS' thing was just nonsense spouted by a too-tightly-wound admin 10:15 <@Dagmar> After the fact some guys put together some code that can communicate that way, but... 10:15 <@Dagmar> 1. You can fucking hear it 10:15 <@Dagmar> 2. Chicken and egg problem for infection 10:15 <@Dagmar> 3. Fantastically shit bandwidth 10:15 <@Dagmar> 4. We don't beat enough reporters for failing to check a fucking thing 10:17 <@Shadow404> but if a speaker is an output device, how does it even take that as input? 10:17 <@Dagmar> It doesn't. It would be using the mic for that 10:17 < nachoguy> it can be used as q mic, but it's not hooked up that way 10:18 <@Dagmar> I'll remind you that this all spun out from a rather lurid report by a jackass talking about how he'd found a new virus 10:18 <@Shadow404> nachoguy: yeah, the sound card has a diode to prevent static or reversed polarity 10:18 <@Dagmar> The media has spun and mangled this story so much that eventually it'll be a virus that infects over Miley Cyrus 10:18 <@Shadow404> Dagmar: and if it didnt have a mic? no virus 10:18 <@Dagmar> No fucking virus in the first place 10:18 <@Shadow404> yeah 10:19 <@Shadow404> so many holes in that little story 10:19 <@Dagmar> You're not getting a viral infection to your computer just because it's got a mic attached 10:19 <@Shadow404> i might get a viral infection if miley cyrus uses my mic first though 10:19 <@Dagmar> Even in the original BadBios story, the guy was talking about it being used as a means of communication between infected nodes 10:19 <@Dagmar> ...nodes that were already infected, presumably by thumbdrive. 10:20 <@Shadow404> ah, ok 10:20 <@Dagmar> ...because clearly you're high fucking tech if you haven't yet figured out to turn of motherfucking autoexec 10:20 <@Shadow404> that'd be interesting 10:20 <@Dagmar> It would be pathetic 10:20 <@Dagmar> THOU SHALT NOT EXECUTE A FUCKING THING FROM EXTERNAL MEDIA BYB DEFAULT 10:20 <@Dagmar> EVAR 10:21 <@Shadow404> nah, since most IBM laptops that companies given their employees have both mic and speakers....it would be itneresting to see how far the virus could get 10:21 <@Dagmar> No need to get that fancy. Tell them it's an advent calendar. 10:21 <@Dagmar> Motherfucking 12 days of infectionmas right there 10:21 <@Corydon76-work> Dagmar: it would be good if you could turn off all execution, period, from external media 10:22 <@Shadow404> im surprised that no one has written code to hi-jack the built in cameras and post the pics to some public viewable repository 10:22 <@Dagmar> Corydon76-work: It was a long goddamn time before I even considered trusting automatic mounting 10:22 <@Dagmar> Corydon76-work: Remember, GNOME tried to put in an autoexec mechanism, and I immediately patched that shit to defaulting to *off* in Dropline 10:23 <@Shadow404> i always prefer the manual mounting method, its more secure and less infectious 10:23 <@Shadow404> just saying 10:23 <@Corydon76-work> I don't have a problem with automount, as long as execution is turned off by default 10:23 <@Dagmar> Corydon76-work: ...and actually you can slap down a 'noexec' directive in your fstab and there's another place for the newer methods 10:23 -!- K4k [~K4k@unaffiliated/k4k] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.2] 10:23 <@Corydon76-work> This is where I prefer Linux, where a filetype ALONE isn't responsible for determining whether something may execute 10:24 <@brimstone> people use gnome unironicly? 10:24 <@Dagmar> It's a thing I have set on /proc and a few other filesystems here. Problem is it only affects things which get 'executed' by virtue of having their x bit set 10:24 <@Shadow404> isnt windows 7 and above supposed to prompt user by default to exec beforehand? 10:24 <@Dagmar> Scripts can still be run that way, since they only need to be read. 10:24 <@Shadow404> true 10:25 <@Shadow404> i need to look into that for another project 10:25 <@brimstone> binaries can be run without 'x' bits set too 10:25 <@Dagmar> ALso, there's still the unpleasant thought that someone might know about a way to generate a mangled filesystem that would exploit a vulnerability in the filesystem driver 10:25 <@Corydon76-work> brimstone: for example? 10:26 <@Dagmar> You can invoke them with exec() or execve() as far as I kow 10:26 <@Dagmar> The x bit is something only the shell really gives a fuck about 10:27 <@brimstone> Corydon76-work: there's a way to provoke /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 into executing your binary 10:27 <@Dagmar> Uhh if that thing even looks at it, yes 10:28 <@Corydon76-work> execve() has a specific error for if the execute bit is turned off 10:29 <@Dagmar> There's a thing Erin was telling me about that malware people are using to hide their malware from debuggers, because of the way ELF binaries get read 10:29 <@Dagmar> Something to do with moving their entry point or some shit like that. I'm looking for something on the web about it now 10:29 <@Dagmar> My response was "why would you load hostile code into a debugger and then be suprised it executed?" 10:30 <@Corydon76-work> I think the point was to try to diagnose bad code and then have the debugger completely miss the malware code 10:31 <@Dagmar> Yes, but in this case its' basically started running the moment you look at it, which is how it moves it's shit out of the way 10:31 <@Corydon76-work> and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that a debugger makes assumptions about a possibly corrupt header, in order to get to the underlying problem 10:32 <@Corydon76-work> but that's easily fixed with the debugger 10:32 <@Corydon76-work> I suspect it's doing lots of bad stuff in the initialization vector 10:32 <@Dagmar> yeah 10:33 <@Dagmar> That was what I gathered about it 10:33 <@Dagmar> ...but mainly I was just nonplussed that he was astonished by this. 10:34 <@Dagmar> People are getting lazy if they're just loading evil shit straight into debuggers instead of taking the time to disassemble the fucking thing 10:34 <@Corydon76-work> Oh, I thought you were talking about the Erin I know... 10:34 <@Dagmar> Shelton 10:34 <@Corydon76-work> McCargar 10:34 <@Dagmar> Not that one 10:35 <@Dagmar> You know Shelton. 10:35 -!- Mirage [~mirage@23-115-72-18.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 10:35 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Mirage] by ChanServ 10:35 <@Corydon76-work> I do? 10:36 <@Corydon76-work> Is there another name he goes by? 10:36 <@Dagmar> No, but he definitely remembers you 10:37 <@Evilpig> Zymo 10:37 <@Dagmar> Apparently you met him and Kenon Ewing (thin black guy) at the Saucer one night 10:37 <@Corydon76-work> Geek Social? 10:37 <@Dagmar> Evilpig: I think that's spelled 'Zimo' actually 10:37 <@Dagmar> ...if you're talking about the SRIV character 10:38 <@Dagmar> Corydon76-work: Yeah 10:38 <@Evilpig> he told me zymo when I put him on the speaker list for pn16 10:38 <@Dagmar> Okay 10:39 <@Evilpig> http://phreaknic.info/pn16/speakers#s38 10:39 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: GateKeeper 10:39 <@Dolemite> Zymo is who co-hosts the beer hacking panel with me whenever we do it at PhreakNIC 10:40 <@Dagmar> Dolemite: Friday meetings at Corner Pub may be a little more sedate from here on out 10:40 <@Corydon76-work> I suck at retaining those memories. 10:40 <@Dagmar> Dolemite: They were doing shots this last Friday. 10:40 <@Dagmar> Dolemite: *Someone* got drunk enough to shove Ham's head into her crotch 10:40 <@Dolemite> Dagmar: Everybody's getting the hell out of Dodge 10:40 <@Evilpig> her? 10:40 <@Dolemite> I know Ham's gone as soon as he can find an exit 10:41 <@Dagmar> Oh yeah 10:41 <@Dagmar> Friday was Peter's Resignation Party 10:41 <@Dolemite> Has he found a place to land yet? 10:41 <@Dagmar> What do you know about Cindy Franco (unrelated)? 10:41 <@Dolemite> I heard he turned in notice before finalizing the new job 10:41 <@Dagmar> Yeah he's going to work for a company in Vegas 10:41 <@Evilpig> she's nice. I fixed some code for her 10:41 <@Dolemite> Is he moving to Vegas? 10:42 <@Dagmar> Evilpig: More importantly, she's single and is reasonably cute 10:42 <@Dagmar> Dolemite: looks like it 10:42 <@Evilpig> not sure about single but yes, i'd hit it 10:42 <@Evilpig> she makes cookies too! 10:42 <@Dolemite> Wow. I wouldn't have expected that from him. 10:42 <@Dagmar> Evilpig: I asked Kenon and Erin about her marital status and Kenon was like "No nononono you want to stay away from her" 10:42 <@Dagmar> ...and I'm thinking, he has no idea what kind of nutjobs I regularly date. 10:42 <@Dolemite> She hangs with Ham sometimes 10:43 <@Dagmar> See that sort of makes me question her judgement, but I did get the feeling she's got a bit of a wild side to her 10:43 <@Dolemite> Is often tagged in the same place as him on FB when he's out having his wild nights 10:44 <@Dagmar> Ham and Marshall got a bit unruly on Friday 10:44 -!- Netsplit over, joins: GateKeeper 10:45 <@Dagmar> I have a picture to trot out if they start doing shots again 10:45 * Evilpig waits for link 10:46 <@Shadow404> Math Quiz for yall: I want 100 usb mice, but I only have $100 in my pocket. Mouse A cost $3.00, Mouse B cost $10.00 and Mouse C cost $0.50, how much of each mouse should I buy to spend all my $100 without any change left 10:46 <@Dagmar> Jesus christ man ask Google 10:46 <@Evilpig> what's tax and how much for shipping? 10:46 <@Dagmar> A mouse is X. 10:47 <@Dagmar> Also, since all of those mice are clearly shit, save your money 10:47 <@Shadow404> if you know how to setup the formula, ill do the math from there, but setting up the formila is where i get confused 10:47 <@Shadow404> haha 10:48 <@Dagmar> (a * 3) + (b * 10) + (c * .5) 10:48 <@Dolemite> If we set up the formula, WE are doing the math, not you 10:48 <@Dagmar> That equals $100 10:48 -!- Mirage_ [~mirage@23-115-72-18.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 10:48 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Mirage_] by ChanServ 10:48 -!- Weredickie [~Dickie@] has joined #se2600 10:48 -!- Dickie [~Dickie@unaffiliated/dickie] has quit [Disconnected by services] 10:49 -!- Weredickie is now known as Dickie 10:49 <@Shadow404> well, i suck at math 10:49 -!- Dickie [~Dickie@] has quit [Changing host] 10:49 -!- Dickie [~Dickie@unaffiliated/dickie] has joined #se2600 10:49 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dickie] by ChanServ 10:49 -!- ladymerl1n [ladymerlin@] has joined #se2600 10:50 <@Dagmar> Why are you buying ANY mice that cost only fifty cents? 10:51 <@Shadow404> for the secretaries that always break their ddamn mice every week 10:51 <@Dolemite> He's not. He's apparently trying to do some online test and getting others to do his work for him. 10:51 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: its for a co-workers kid 10:51 <@Dagmar> What grade is he in? 10:51 <@Corydon76-work> Even worse 10:51 <@Dagmar> GOogle for "grade X math word problems" 10:51 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has joined #se2600 10:52 <@opticron> Shadow404, abuse the secretaries like they abuse their equipment? 10:52 <@Shadow404> opticron: i approve of that, but HR does not 10:52 <@Shadow404> Target 4th grade 10:53 <@Dagmar> So, if a + b + c = 100... and that other bit = 100, then the two should be able to fit in on both sides of an = sign just fine afaik 10:53 <@Dagmar> (a * 3) + (b * 10) + (c * .5) = a + b + c 10:54 <@Shadow404> 0.05 10:54 <@Shadow404> for c 10:54 <@Shadow404> er, your right 10:54 <@Dagmar> I was going to say "No, if you're only paying a nickle for those mice, they're not USB mice. They're fake novelty mice for cats" 10:54 -!- ladymerlin [ladymerlin@mail.bbis.us] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:55 -!- Mirage_ [~mirage@23-115-72-18.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:56 -!- Mirage_ [~mirage@23-115-72-18.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 10:56 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Mirage_] by ChanServ 10:57 -!- Mirage [~mirage@23-115-72-18.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:57 -!- Mirage_ [~mirage@23-115-72-18.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Client Quit] 10:59 -!- Mirage [~mirage@23-115-72-18.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 10:59 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Mirage] by ChanServ 11:01 <@Shadow404> done 11:01 <@Shadow404> 5a, 5b, 70c 11:01 <@Shadow404> i hate math 11:02 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-74-240-126-68.bhm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:02 <@Dolemite> But that doesn't equal 100 mice 11:03 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-74-240-126-68.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 11:03 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 11:03 -!- benthemeek [~Thunderbi@zixgateway02.nhccare.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:03 -!- benthemeek [~Thunderbi@zixgateway02.nhccare.com] has joined #se2600 11:03 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o benthemeek] by ChanServ 11:03 <@Shadow404> yeah, we just remembered that 11:04 -!- ladymerl1n [ladymerlin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 241 seconds] 11:04 -!- ladymerlin [ladymerlin@mail.bbis.us] has joined #se2600 11:11 -!- Dementia_ [~sara@maxiez.com] has joined #se2600 11:16 < aestetix> vagina 11:18 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: GateKeeper, @rattle, x86Daddy, @Corydon76-work, @Dementia, @Bahhumbug, @Catonic, @eryc 11:18 < nachoguy> http://www.yelp.com/biz/mortons-the-steakhouse-nashville?nb=1 #2 review 11:18 < nachoguy> and #3 11:19 < nachoguy> or most of them, I guess 11:20 < aestetix> I've heard a lot of good things about Morton's 11:21 < nachoguy> I've enjoyed it the couple of times I've been, but the Nashville one just stepped in it 11:21 < nachoguy> harassing cancer patients is not a way to endear yourself to the public 11:21 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @Catonic, x86Daddy, GateKeeper, @rattle, @eryc, @Bahhumbug, @Corydon76-work 11:23 <@Evilpig> haha. the leader of the dark fae brews her own beer. "Dark Belch" 11:23 < aestetix> oh wow Dementia_ is here 11:24 < aestetix> and ladymerlin 11:27 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: (1a)+(5b)+(94c) 11:27 <@Shadow404> geez, that hurt my brain 11:27 < aestetix> Shadow404: that looks like a drug 11:42 <@Dolemite> Evilpig: Damn. Lauren is still alive. 11:44 <@Evilpig> dr lauren is a star trek nerd too 11:44 <@Evilpig> you should stop hating on her so much 11:46 <@Dolemite> Next Generation, so the hate is doubled 11:47 <@Catonic> wow 11:49 <@Shadow404> TWALDROP1Inc2o1dia 11:49 <@Shadow404> yep fail 11:49 <@Shadow404> at least its expired 11:50 <@Shadow404> V119850Inc2o1dia!2600 11:50 <@Shadow404> Corydon76-work: i really should add a keyboard mute for the script so it doesnt run commands on the wrong window 11:51 <@Corydon76-work> I haven't the foggiest what you're talking about 11:51 <@Shadow404> remember the script you helped me get through the social side of the red tape 11:52 <@Shadow404> about a month ago 11:52 <@Corydon76-work> I remember, but I still don't know what you're on about 11:53 <@Shadow404> oh, well, above is what happens if i launches automatically and i have irssi open, i need to update the script to find and confirm its on the right window before it launches the first command 11:54 < aestetix> so something occured to me 11:54 <@Shadow404> you might be gay? 11:54 < aestetix> it seems like most software devs are way younger than most sysadmins 11:55 < aestetix> Shadow404: you wish 11:55 <@Shadow404> no, im just saying we knew that about you already 11:55 < aestetix> (and to that end, most sysadmins seems to wind up cleaning up after the software devs) 11:56 <@Corydon76-work> Shadow404: have you looked into Expect? 11:56 <@Shadow404> aestetix: cause most companies dont want to pay the steep cost of experience for software devs and hire cheap inexperienced software devs straight out of college cause they will tkae anything 11:56 < aestetix> Shadow404: I've noticed. 11:56 <@Shadow404> Corydon76-work: ahk has the feature, i just need to implement it 11:56 < aestetix> "oh wait, if you sandwich sql queries into for looops, it doesn't scale?" 11:57 <@Corydon76-work> aestetix: that's because as software developers get more experienced, they grow into other jobs, like platform architects, database admins, and network admins 11:57 < aestetix> Corydon76-work: that seems to be the case 11:57 <@Dagmar> Dolemite: Wow. She already got wind I took a pic 11:58 <@Dagmar> "I DID NOT MAKE OUT WITH HAM" 11:58 <@Dagmar> *rofl* 11:58 <@Corydon76-work> and there's good reason why you want people in those positions to be former software developers 11:58 <@Shadow404> Dagmar: is this a co-worker at vandy? 11:58 < aestetix> Corydon76-work: most of what I do lately is tell programmers why they can't do certain things 12:00 <@Shadow404> im wondering how many times this headhunter will keep calling and i just answer with hello and confuse him 12:00 <@Corydon76-work> aestetix: oddly enough, I do the exact opposite with CSRs, engine techs, etc. 12:01 <@Corydon76-work> My job is to make everybody else more productive 12:01 < aestetix> Corydon76-work: well it's more.. 12:01 < aestetix> "No, you have to do it this way" 12:01 <@Corydon76-work> and sometimes that means dislodging old processes that they've very used to, but they don't need to be doing anymore 12:02 <@Shadow404> heh, trying to change process in a megacorp is close to impossible 12:02 < aestetix> Ok, seriously, how is the Shmoocon ticket process even remotely sustainable 12:02 <@Shadow404> always someone up top that will say no blindly 12:02 <@Corydon76-work> I completely took over a process that used to be done very manually by the person whose primary job function is maintaining a print catalog 12:03 < aestetix> I don't even want a ticket, I decided to see if I could get one. 12:03 <@Corydon76-work> aestetix: their ticketing process is entirely based upon false scarcity 12:03 <@Corydon76-work> They could sell 500 more tickets if they wanted to 12:04 < aestetix> by false security, do you mean faith that the program will offer something good? 12:04 <@Corydon76-work> It's a way of making their conference exclusive without requiring invitations 12:04 < aestetix> exclusive to feds 12:04 < aestetix> at least, that's what it seemed like last year 12:04 <@Corydon76-work> False SCARCITY, not security 12:04 < aestetix> ohhhhh 12:04 < aestetix> right 12:07 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_D@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 12:07 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 12:20 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:22 <@Dolemite> Evilpig: Last night's Lost Girl -> *yawn* 12:23 <@Evilpig> they're building storyline 12:23 <@Evilpig> is this english? 12:23 <@Evilpig> Well the results are in from the coffee tasting. The winners for the first (3) coffees for our new machines are: 12:23 <@Evilpig> Estate Select Guatemalan (coffee number 3) 12:23 <@Evilpig> Peet's Major Dickinson (coffee number 2) 12:24 <@Evilpig> Estate Select Sumatra Gayo (coffee number 5) 12:25 <@Shadow404> aestetix: would enjoy the Major Dickinson 12:26 <@Shadow404> Evilpig: we had one of those blind taste tests by our coffee vendor the other week, was sorta fun 12:26 <@Dolemite> As long as they are all served with a healthy dose of Bailey's, it doesn't matter. heh 12:26 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: +1, especially on mondays 12:34 < aestetix> Shadow404: yes but there won't be any left for me after you're done with it 12:36 <@Shadow404> if it was long islands, there would still be plenty left, i'd be passed out next to the dispenser 12:50 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_D@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:56 < aestetix> http://www.shmoocon.org/news 12:56 < aestetix> so basically in order to get a shmoocon ticket you have to write a script 12:56 < GateKeeper> Title: ShmooCon 2014 - January 17-19 - News (at www.shmoocon.org) 12:57 <@Shadow404> haha, funny 12:58 <@Shadow404> write script, then pay us money 12:58 <@Shadow404> great deal 12:59 < aestetix> it's basically HFT for shmoocon tickets 13:14 <@NotLarry> anyone know the status of harvard? I get no tv here, when I was leaving home they did not know anything. 13:14 <@Shadow404> what about? 13:14 <@NotLarry> just if there is any new news 13:15 <@NotLarry> it would seem you are not watching tv either. bomb threats cancel day of finals, students applaud as they evaculate 13:15 <@NotLarry> ejaculate 13:15 <@NotLarry> evacuate, damn it 13:17 <@Evilpig> they need to get rid fo this brian replacement on family guy 13:17 <@Shadow404> er, if you ejaculate to a bomb threat, your messed up 13:17 <@Evilpig> I just want to punch this fucker in the face 13:18 <@Shadow404> i still cant believe they replaced him 13:18 < aestetix> https://bitbucket.org/FeministSoftwareFoundation/inherpreter 13:18 < aestetix> enjoy 13:18 < GateKeeper> Title: FeministSoftwareFoundation / inHERpreter Bitbucket (at bitbucket.org) 13:19 <@oddball> NotLarry: I don't see anything on CNN's front page about it. 13:19 <@oddball> And CNN's live feed is shouting panic because weather is dirupting Christmas shipping. 13:20 <@Shadow404> omg no 13:21 <@Shadow404> shit reminds me i need to send 2 more packages 13:22 <@rattle> They brought back Brian this weekend. 13:22 <@Evilpig> i'm watching the one from last night right now 13:23 <@Evilpig> stewie just asked santa to bring brian back 13:24 <@Shadow404> woot 13:24 * Shadow404 drops his picket sign and celebrates 13:31 < aestetix> penis 13:32 < aestetix> huh 13:32 < aestetix> http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/harvard-university-evacuates-cancels-exams-over-bomb-scare-459480 13:32 < GateKeeper> Title: Harvard University evacuates, cancels exams over bomb scare | NDTV.com (at www.ndtv.com) 13:32 < aestetix> I guess someone didn't want to take their final 13:37 <@Shadow404> the only bomb was in aestetix's pants 13:40 < aestetix> so 13:40 < aestetix> it's like instagram is a way for people to distract from the fact that they are functionally useless 13:45 <@Evilpig> time to get back to work 13:46 <@Shadow404> aestetix: so is irc 13:48 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has joined #se2600 14:03 <@Dagmar> Ohdear 14:12 <@Dolemite> ? 14:13 <@Corydon76-work> You all see the Morton's incident? 14:13 <@Dolemite> yeah 14:14 <@Corydon76-work> http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/12/16/police-escort-cancer-patient-from-nashville-steakhouse-after-hes-forced-to-remove-hat/ 14:14 < GateKeeper> Title: Police escort cancer patient from Nashville steakhouse after hes forced to remove hat | The Raw Story (at www.rawstory.com) 14:14 <@Dolemite> Dumbest shit ever. Never was a big Morton's fan. Stockyard is much better. 14:17 <@Evilpig> mmm stockyard 14:17 <@Evilpig> got a place up here i'm gonna try soon called arnolds or something like that 14:19 <@Shadow404> i hope someone pickets that steakhouse for that shit 14:19 <@Shadow404> make sure its played up as big as possible for the news 14:19 <@Shadow404> put that shit out of business 14:20 <@Dolemite> Ok, time to head home and meet the tech from TDS. Cable box keeps locking up, so of course, they want to send someone out instead of just letting me swap the boxes at the office. 14:20 <@Dolemite> "If it turns out to be your TV then there will be a $39.95 service call fee." - Yeah, right. The TV causes the box to completely lock up so that all you can do is cycle power to fix it. 14:20 <@Dolemite> Later 14:21 <@Evilpig> Dolemite: remember. they want to see you in your frilly robe and slippers 14:21 <@Dolemite> Evilpig: I may answer the door Dagmar style 14:21 <@Dagmar> Hey, it worked. 14:21 -!- Dolemite [80db310d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:21 <@Shadow404> the problem is that customers are usually wrong cause they arent that technical 14:21 <@Evilpig> with a helmet on? 14:21 <@Shadow404> lawl 14:21 <@Dagmar> Don't judge my actions, only my results. 14:21 <@Shadow404> thats what she said 14:21 <@Dagmar> Evilpig: I do believe he's referring to me opening the door in a bit _less_ than a helmet, actually 14:22 <@oddball> Dolemite: I found it fairly effective to just show up at the cable company's office and tell them "yeah, this box is defective. Give me a new one." 14:22 <@Shadow404> but with a flashing yellow cone on top of the helmet 14:22 <@Evilpig> oddball: fuck that. that requires me going there. no no no. service is at my house they can come fix it 14:22 <@Dagmar> I'm also pretty sure if he answers the door like that, the cable company techs will call the cops 14:23 <@Shadow404> its like dispatching a service call when i worked at cbeyond, only to find out that the modem didnt have any power, cause somoene bumped the power cable loose and their first instinct was to blame us rather than troubleshooting 14:23 <@oddball> Evilpig: But Dolemite says that that's his prefered action. I'm saying just show up at their office with said busted box. 14:23 <@Shadow404> Dagmar: is his property, so how can they call the police? 14:24 <@Shadow404> thats how i answer the door for the jehova's (sp?) witnesses 14:24 <@oddball> Shadow404: That's not nearly as effective as answering the door with an AR in your hand. :) 14:24 <@oddball> Also: actual broadsword works as well. 14:25 <@Shadow404> heh 14:25 <@oddball> Of course, I think I might have been in my boxers as well in both instances... 14:30 <@Dagmar> Shadow404: In theory, they were invited there by the customer 14:30 <@Shadow404> ah, ok, i see the issue then Dagmar 14:30 <@Dagmar> Shadow404: In my case, it was an unwanted cold-call being made by some Jehova's Witnesses 14:30 <@Shadow404> yeah, so thats a little more legal in the jehova's case 14:31 <@Dagmar> The cable guys might construe his um... unkempt... appearance as a type of ambush 14:31 <@Shadow404> i tend to start a coversation that leaves them speechless 14:31 <@Shadow404> then they usually get a clue and walk away 14:31 <@Dagmar> You *do* know of the incident of which we've been speaking, right? 14:31 <@Dagmar> These women didn't walk, they RAN 14:31 <@Shadow404> heh 14:32 <@Dagmar> I'm reasonably sure they thought the living aspect of Satan, Himself answered the door in a huff. 14:32 <@Shadow404> heh 14:33 <@Dagmar> Let me spell it out for you. This was the third weekend that month they'd come a'calling at the crack of dawn when I am typically either deep asleep, terribly hung over, or both 14:33 <@Dagmar> In this case, I was neither. I was *still* getting busy with my girlfriend. 14:35 <@Dagmar> I heard the doorbell and said to Margaret "One moment. I'm taking care of this once and for all.", went into the kitchen, opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of Hershey's Chocolate Sauce, and went straight to the door, butt-ass nekkid, flushed and covered in sweat, with a raging erection, flung the front door wide open and yelled "WHAT?!?" 14:36 <@Dagmar> They jackrabbited 14:38 -!- RangerZ1 [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:38 -!- RangerZ [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 14:39 <@oddball> My incident with the broadsword involved some form of door to door religious salesman in Cookeville. They loved to come through apartment complexes that were mostly full of college students early on Saturday mornings. So... I was woken up and grabbed the sword. Apparently they talk to each other, because all of those assholes stopped hitting our apartment. 14:40 <@Dagmar> Yeah Noah said the Jehova's Witnesses _never_ came back to that duplex 14:42 <@oddball> The last religious salesman to come here caught me near the end of building an AR-15... so I had what could look like a fully functional one in my hands when I answered the door, and was kind of pissed because a tiny spring had just gone *sproing* and disapeared... somewhere... 14:53 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14:57 <@Shadow404> oddball: is "sproing" the actual technical term? 14:57 <@Corydon76-work> Dagmar: If I'd've been drinking Dr. Pepper, I'm sure it would have shot out my nose onto my keyboard 14:58 <@Dagmar> Oh wow. Sorry man, I thought everyone knew 14:59 <@Corydon76-work> Been awhile since I laughed that hard 14:59 <@oddball> Shadow404: You know that noise a spring makes as it decompresses and goes sailing over the sunset, never to be seen again? That's sproing. 15:00 <@Shadow404> ok 15:02 <@oddball> And trust me, if you ever work on firearms beyond simple field stripping for cleaning, eye protection are a damn good idea. 15:03 <@Corydon76-work> Dagmar: You may have indeed told me before, but that doesn't make it any less funny. 15:05 <@Dagmar> I still *almost* feel bad about that 15:06 <@oddball> liar 15:06 <@Dagmar> ...but I *really* don't like being interrupted during sex 15:06 <@Dagmar> oddball: I did say "*almost*" 15:07 <@Dagmar> I can remember thinking "This is not a thing a civilized person does" 15:07 <@Dagmar> ..and then "goddamnit how many times are they going to wake me up with this shit" 15:08 <@Dagmar> ...and by then I had the chocolate sauce in my hand and a good head full of righteous fury 15:09 <@Shadow404> Heh, reminds me of pulp fiction 15:15 <@oddball> Now... I did feel kind of bad for the highschoolers doing magazine sales when they said "We're selling these so we can get scholarships and stay away from guns and drugs and stuff. What are your interests?" 15:16 <@Dagmar> I fail to see how going to college will take someone *away* from dugs 15:16 <@Dagmar> er drugs 15:16 <@oddball> "ummm.... alcohol and guns..." 15:16 <@Shadow404> that you would of had better luck getting a sports scholarship 15:22 <@oddball> Oh... shit... that's what I could have asked for for Christmas. A bigger pot so I can make larger quantities of apple pie... 15:24 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has joined #se2600 15:28 <@Shadow404> its always after the fact you figure out what to ask for 15:32 <@Corydon76-work> I already know what I'm getting from Peaches: some silly recycled circuitboards made into stuff from Earthbound 15:34 <@Corydon76-work> It's not nearly as useless as the handheld keyboard vacuum I got one year from his mother 15:34 <@oddball> I used to have a bookmark like that. Really liked it. 15:36 <@Corydon76-work> Sadly, their boxes aren't actually made of the recycled board, just adorned with them 15:37 <@oddball> Aw... I always like the clipboards made with recycled mobos. 15:37 <@Corydon76-work> That would work, too 15:38 <@Evilpig> Corydon76-work: you already know what you're getting from me too 15:38 <@oddball> Shadow404: Well, part of it is that one gallon usually last a decent amount of time for me. Even when I go to scifi cons, but I'm definately going to show up to Phreaknic next year with more. 15:39 < RangerZ> I'm going to say its all Evilpig's fault 15:39 <@Evilpig> that reminds me I need to talk to the yahoo chick abotu the 501c3 matching and when that resets 15:39 <@Corydon76-work> Honestly, I'm at the age where somebody could bake me cookies, give them in Rubbermaid containers, and I'd find that much more touching than some cheap crap they picked up at Walmart. 15:39 < RangerZ> *goes to sleep* later 15:39 <@Evilpig> i might have to donate to nash2600 before the 31st 15:40 <@oddball> RangerZ: Actually, I don't think Evilpig had any of it last year. 15:40 <@Evilpig> I did not 15:40 < RangerZ> i have no idea 15:40 < RangerZ> i wasn't reading chat 15:40 <@Evilpig> last year was a weird weird year for me 15:40 <@oddball> yeah 15:40 < RangerZ> i just picked wilbur at random 15:41 < RangerZ> and blamed someone, lol 15:41 <@Corydon76-work> Evilpig: I'm getting something from you this year? 15:41 <@oddball> But I did have a couple people go "oh, are you the guy with the cider stuff people are talking about?" 15:41 <@Corydon76-work> Evilpig: a tub of Boy Butter? 15:42 <@Evilpig> Corydon76-work: you're getting the same thing from me that Shadow404 is. nothing 15:42 <@Corydon76-work> btw, the Boy Butter chapter is closed. It's been replaced with Pjur Analyse 15:42 < RangerZ> Evilpig: i figured you were having a gay stripper go to their houses 15:43 <@Corydon76-work> Yeah, that's what I need. Something to remind me how much sex I don't have anymore. 15:44 <@Evilpig> bah. I can't stand to be beind these racks when they get kicked up into burnin 15:44 < nachoguy> "Anal"-yse ? 15:44 <@Corydon76-work> http://www.amazon.com/Pjur-Group-USA-Analyse-Glide/dp/B00C1TN40Q/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1387226538&sr=8-3&keywords=analyse 15:44 <@Evilpig> i'm not clicking that 15:44 <@Evilpig> nope. not gonna do it 15:45 <@Corydon76-work> Don't feel like changing your Amazon recommendations for the next 90 days? 15:46 <@Corydon76-work> Whenever I look at a product on Amazon, I tend to see an advertisement for that exact product on unrelated sites for several days thereafter 15:47 <@Evilpig> yeah that's all I need to start happening. 15:47 <@Corydon76-work> I think I need to go look at some religious sites now and capture screenshots of lube being advertised on a religious site 15:47 <@Shadow404> sex lube made with holy water? 15:48 <@Corydon76-work> Nah, this is a silicone-based lube 15:48 <@Shadow404> blessed lube then? 15:48 <@Corydon76-work> Water dries out. Silicone has staying power. 15:48 <@Shadow404> yes...i kinda figured that one out already myself 15:49 <@Corydon76-work> I just had a weird thought. You think in greased pig contests, they use pig lard? 15:49 <@Evilpig> damn 15:50 <@Corydon76-work> Yes, let's grease up this pig with the liquefied remains of another pig. 15:50 <@Evilpig> so yahoo will match whatever I donate to a 501c3 but the timer for the year doesn't reset for a full year. it isn't a once per fiscal year kind of thing 15:50 <@Evilpig> was hoping I could pull a double donation to nashvile2600 15:51 <@Corydon76-work> Evilpig: you can, just do the donations at the same time. And December is certainly a good time to figure out what you can afford for the tax year 15:51 <@Corydon76-work> Same time each year, rather 15:52 <@Evilpig> right. but I was hoping that I could drop a grand now then whenever the fiscal year ended I could do it again and get double benefit for this next year 15:52 <@oddball> Is Nashville2600 still up on its non-profit paperwork? I was thinking that was questionable at one point. 15:53 <@Evilpig> yes it is. Corydon76-work has been good about it unlike someone running a private clubhouse 15:53 <@oddball> right 15:53 <@Corydon76-work> Yep, we only need to file with the IRS once every 3 years to keep it current 15:54 <@Evilpig> gonna hold onto my cash right now. jan or feb I'll see if I have the $1000 to spare then 15:54 <@oddball> Of course, Hypericon has been trying to do the whole non-profit thing, but the IRS has fucking lost the paperwork the couple times we sent it in. 15:54 <@Evilpig> I need to fix the white truck soon and it's looking like it will be 2 or 3k 15:54 <@Corydon76-work> oddball: ouch 15:55 <@Corydon76-work> oddball: do you happen to know in which year you sent the paperwork? 15:55 <@Evilpig> the new black sabbath actually sounds good. 15:55 <@Corydon76-work> Election years seem to be really bad for them 15:56 <@Corydon76-work> We send our in June 2006 and had an approval by August 15:56 <@oddball> That might be the case. 15:56 <@Corydon76-work> err, ours 15:57 -!- nightcarnage [~nightcarn@c-69-137-118-213.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:59 -!- nightcarnage [~nightcarn@c-69-137-118-213.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 16:38 <@Evilpig> http://t.co/jCrOhP9qyH 16:38 < GateKeeper> Title: Twitter / Wilpig: Whoa! Bad ass! #3ds #streetpass ... (at t.co) 16:56 <@Dagmar> Yeah I saw people on Reddit saying he started showing up (completely unannounced by Nintendo) last night 16:56 <@Dagmar> *facepalm* 16:57 <@Dagmar> Here I am thinking "Man, I hope I can get home and do that before it stops" 16:57 * Dagmar fucking ssh's into his homepass box 16:58 <@Evilpig> my 3ds is in my pocket. lol 16:58 <@Dagmar> Mine is sitting on my desk in sleep mode, maybe three feet away from the box in question 16:59 <@Dagmar> Also, I feel vindicated in this new role now 16:59 <@Dagmar> Fucking RHEL5 box wouldn't boot because of the raid controller not being supported properly ni 5.6 17:00 <@Dagmar> THe RHEL 5.10 boot media kickstarts fine, goes innto rescue mode fine 17:00 <@Dagmar> I booted tat shit into rescue mode and manually chrooted to /mnt/sysimage, set up all the network shit by hand, used yum -y motherfucking update to get a kernel and initrd in that supports the controller properly 17:01 <@Dagmar> If i'd had more than a half fucking hour of sleep last night I probably would have gotten it about an hour and a half ago, but Pepin thought we were going to have to do something considerable more complex to the yum server 17:02 <@Dagmar> There we go. I should have Wayne Brady in my parade when I get home 17:06 <@Dagmar> By the way, if anyone's still wondering about the other shoe and 60 Minutes... the reporter who did that story was in the final stages of being hired by the NSA 17:06 <@Dagmar> No wonder he basically let them say whatever they wanted to, without question 17:12 <@Mirage> Evilpig: what's up w/ the white truck? 17:20 <@Dagmar> The best kinds of trucks (and vans) are white 17:20 <@Dagmar> It makes them automatically better. 17:24 <@sasquatc4> so whats some cool crap you can do with an ipad mini? always been an android person but just won one from a work raffle 17:25 <@Mirage> I missed winning the one at our xmas party by one ticket..person behind me got it. 17:25 <@Mirage> imo the coolest thing is to sell it and go buy an android tablet 17:25 <@sasquatc4> hehe 17:25 <@Mirage> or two 17:26 <@Dagmar> hehe 17:26 <@sasquatc4> i would if it was a 10in, but i think you can only get like 250 for a mini 17:26 <@sasquatc4> and as of now Im sans laptop, so i figured i might keep it for couch surfing 17:42 -!- SuMo_D [~sumo_D@108-193-45-205.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 17:42 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o SuMo_D] by ChanServ 17:43 <@Dagmar> Holy fuck Tom spawned 17:50 <@Dagmar> sasquatc4: http://www.macrumors.com/2013/11/01/new-plugin-allows-developers-to-turn-ios-devices-into-bitcoin-mining-bots/ 17:50 < GateKeeper> Title: New Plugin Allows Developers to Turn iOS Devices Into Bitcoin Mining Bots - Mac Rumors (at www.macrumors.com) 17:57 <@Mirage> Dagmar: by "Tom spawned", I assume Decius is a daddy now? 17:57 <@Dagmar> Yes 17:57 <@Dagmar> I assume it's a human 17:57 <@Dagmar> It's hard to tell when they're that fresh 17:58 <@Dagmar> There's pictures on Facebook 17:58 <@Mirage> If it's not, I'm sure Nano can fix it. 18:01 <@Dagmar> I've seen them 18:01 <@Dagmar> They're there 18:07 <@rattle> It's pretty damn cool. 18:19 <@sasquatc4> hmm, wonder if they have enough power or the miner app is written well enough to make it actually worth while 18:19 <@sasquatc4> cause right now its not even worth it to mine on gpu's, i wouldnt think an ipad would even come close to a gpu miner 18:40 -!- x86Daddy [~x86Daddy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:52 <@oddball> sasquatc4: 1 ipad? no.... a few thousand ipads that you didn't pay for and aren't paying to power? 19:03 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-74-240-126-68.bhm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 19:04 < aestetix> I am tempted to submit a phreaknic talk about how all the bay area so-called anarchists are actually authoritarian pussies 19:04 < aestetix> of the worst kind, no less 19:09 <@brimstone> you gonna show up for it? 19:10 < aestetix> I did, technically. 19:10 <@brimstone> in person 19:10 < aestetix> I'll try :) 19:16 <@SuMo_D> you should submit that talk to deacon 19:16 <@SuMo_D> and see if they follow you home 19:16 <@SuMo_D> aestetix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN9VTypdmlU&list=TLIpf9FWRqSBvl6ajsPCizS60X9Vk4y7L3 19:16 < GateKeeper> Title: Fifth Public Voices lecture: Surveillance in the U.S. | The New School for Social Research - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 19:17 <@SuMo_D> this is organized by the people I keep giving you submit links for 19:17 < aestetix> cool 19:17 < aestetix> deacon? 19:18 < aestetix> damnit, what was the url for that submission thing, again? 19:19 < aestetix> SuMo_D: what was the url? :p 19:24 <@SuMo_D> errrr... lemme find it 19:24 < aestetix> cool 19:25 < aestetix> I'm tempted to just submit "ask me any question about names" 19:27 <@SuMo_D> lol 19:27 <@SuMo_D> if you were a student there... I'd say go for it 19:27 <@Evilpig> were bylaw changes voted on at the last meeting? 19:27 <@SuMo_D> but since they don't know you, you need a little more :P 19:28 < aestetix> well 19:28 < aestetix> how stodgy are they? 19:28 < aestetix> I am not good at writing dry acadeic crap 19:28 < aestetix> maybe I should just mail them my shmoocon talk 19:29 <@SuMo_D> http://criticalthemes.newschool.edu/2014/ 19:29 <@SuMo_D> not stodgy at all 19:30 <@SuMo_D> its a student run conference... at the new school... so... something that is interesting and relates to theory applied to practice = win 19:30 < aestetix> ok, gonna submit 19:30 < aestetix> I thought they rquired submitting a research paper 19:35 -!- Irssi: #se2600: Total of 37 nicks [21 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 16 normal] 19:36 <@Evilpig> who was at the 2600 meeting on the 6th? 19:37 <@Evilpig> nashville people 19:37 <@oddball> I was 19:37 <@SuMo_D> right now its just an abstract 19:38 <@SuMo_D> and then yeah the paper, but paper I think can be loosely interpreted 19:38 < aestetix> sure 19:38 <@oddball> I'm forgetting some folks, but JonnyX, Dagmar, Corydon, and benthemeek were definately there. 19:38 <@Evilpig> oddball: was there any discussion of amendments to teh bylaws? 19:38 <@Evilpig> even in passing... 19:38 < aestetix> oddball: does jonnyx live in nashville again? 19:38 <@Evilpig> yes 19:38 <@oddball> I remember there was a discusion of making sure we had the current ones on the website. 19:39 <@Evilpig> They are. We haven't altered them in quite a while 19:39 <@Evilpig> I have a feeling that someone, dru, is trying to alter things without following the policies that have been set before him and if this is the case there will be a board meeting called 19:40 <@oddball> I think there was a discussion about changing them to expand the range of dates the con could be in. 19:40 <@oddball> But that was over a week ago, so my memory is fuzzy. 19:40 <@Evilpig> I'm waiting on ben to call me back 20:00 < aestetix> Evilpig: btw how'd thursday go? :) 20:00 <@Evilpig> hrmmm... welll... heh. I hugged mary? 20:06 < aestetix> who is mary? 20:06 <@Evilpig> she's the one responsible for speakers and such 20:07 <@Evilpig> I was really drunk by the time I finally found her 20:08 < aestetix> is she hot? 20:08 <@Corydon76-work> Evilpig: we had an amendment last year 20:08 <@Evilpig> not really? 20:08 <@Evilpig> Corydon76-work: I was there for that. I thought. 20:08 <@Corydon76-work> Right 20:08 <@Corydon76-work> And no, I'm going to make sure that we follow the by-laws, if we want to change anything else 20:09 < aestetix> too fat? or a butterface 20:09 <@oddball> Yeah... I think a number of us would be pissed if anyone tried to change the bylaws without going through the proper procedures. 20:10 <@Corydon76-work> There were some concerns, though, that some of the provisions of the bylaws are a little poorly worded and could use some improvement 20:10 <@Evilpig> and that is probably true, but like all changes they need to be proposed and discussed 20:10 <@Corydon76-work> They will be 20:10 <@Corydon76-work> Ben and I had a discussion over it this afternoon 20:10 <@Evilpig> just making sure. you understand my cause for concern with what he told me 20:11 <@Corydon76-work> No bylaw changes were voted on at the last meeting 20:12 <@Corydon76-work> Currently, any such changes need readings at 3 consecutive months 20:12 <@Evilpig> right. k. i'm good. 20:13 <@Evilpig> did all of you comment on what I did with the logo on phreaknic.info ? 20:13 <@Corydon76-work> Haven't even looked 20:13 <@Evilpig> I amused myself with it, damnit. 20:14 <@Corydon76-work> Ah 20:14 <@Evilpig> I need to hide the horizontal scrollbar though 20:15 <@Corydon76-work> Would also be good if the content area stretched all the way down to the bottom of the viewport 20:15 <@Evilpig> it should 20:15 <@Corydon76-work> Yes, I know, my screen is enormous 20:15 <@Evilpig> yeah that 20:16 <@Evilpig> it was a background graphic size thing 20:16 <@Corydon76-work> Ah 20:16 <@Evilpig> tried to keep it from being a huge download 20:16 <@Evilpig> on my machine at work it looks fine, did at vandy, mine at home it's lackluster 20:17 <@Corydon76-work> The background could be just in the left sidebar, and then use a repeating graphic for the main content area 20:17 <@Evilpig> if we keep this design I can do that 20:18 <@Corydon76-work> The contact link is broken, probably because it doesn't have the "mailto:" preamble 20:18 <@Evilpig> yup 20:19 <@Evilpig> fixed 20:19 <@Corydon76-work> Oh, I like how the logo twirls on scroll 20:20 <@Evilpig> :D 20:20 <@Evilpig> now give it the konami code and it should change that logo 20:20 <@Evilpig> I need a better konami code script too 20:20 <@Corydon76-work> I haven't the foggiest idea what the konami code is 20:21 <@Evilpig> up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, 20:21 <@Evilpig> I think I omitted start 20:21 <@Evilpig> hit F5 to reload the screen then do teh konami code 20:22 <@Corydon76-work> Who da fuq is that? 20:22 <@Evilpig> old picture of dru 20:22 <@Evilpig> made very very tiny so it fit 20:22 <@Corydon76-work> The hair? 20:22 <@Evilpig> hat 20:22 <@Evilpig> fuzzy black hat 20:23 <@Corydon76-work> Oh, okay. Looks like frizzy hair 20:26 <@Evilpig> next weekend this computer is getting wiped or replaced. I swear I have a hardware problem that is just random enough to keep me from spotting it 20:34 <@NotLarry> oddball: ping 20:34 <@oddball> damn... woot is selling a 16,800mAh phone charger for $40 today. 20:34 <@oddball> NotLarry: pong? 20:37 < aestetix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pcWlyUu8U4 20:37 < GateKeeper> Title: The NSA is Coming to Town - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 20:48 <@Evilpig> watching this movie "Whores' Glory" some of these indian chicks were telling people 300 of whatever they call currency to fuck em so I looked it up. $3.80 20:49 -!- spaceB0x [~spaceB0x@c-68-52-126-92.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 20:58 < RangerZ> 300 ruppies ? 20:58 <@Evilpig> tak or something lik ethat 20:59 < RangerZ> in india 3.80$ is like a monthly income 20:59 < RangerZ> for the poor 21:04 <@oddball> I would recommend not drinking anything while reading this review for Horibo sugar free gummi bears. http://tinyurl.com/mxa3hpb 21:04 < GateKeeper> Title: Amazon.com: Gregory Craff's review of Haribo Gummy Candy, Sugarless Gummy Bears,... (at tinyurl.com) 21:05 <@Evilpig> sugarfree haribo gummy bears? those things... they are mislabled laxitives 21:06 <@oddball> apparently, yes. 21:06 <@oddball> I take it you're familiar with them? 21:08 <@Evilpig> all too 21:08 <@Evilpig> that one goes back many years to high school or so 21:09 -!- Catonic [~catonic@adsl-98-83-45-112.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 21:09 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 21:20 <@Evilpig> these reviews are great 21:20 <@Evilpig> And that, to my great chagrin, is why I didn't immediately notice the difference between Haribo Normal Gummi Bears (which are designed for human enjoyment) and Haribo Sugarless Gummi Bears (which are designed for use in maximum security prisons as a way to punish uncooperative inmates). 21:20 <@Evilpig> I shan't make that mistake again. (notice you can't spell SHAN'T without SHAT.) 21:24 <@Evilpig> http://www.amazon.com/review/R30I8VJFBDG6TD/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B000EVQWKC&linkCode=&nodeID=&tag= 21:24 < GateKeeper> Title: Amazon.com: Farva21's review of Haribo Gummy Candy, Sugarless Gummy Bears,... (at www.amazon.com) 21:30 <@Dagmar> Heh. Defeated Find Mii II with WayneBrady. :) 21:31 <@Evilpig> I'm getting close to finishig that the second time. I'm thinking that's where the green glowy hat comes from 21:34 <@Evilpig> NotLarry: you should pick up some of these gummi bears and put them in a big glass bowl for people to poach from out of the noc 21:34 <@Evilpig> or maybe go leave them in a conference room on a table 21:47 <@Dagmar> ONE MORE DAY until the new The Walking Dead 21:50 <@Evilpig> you sure? 21:50 <@Evilpig> Returns: 2014-02-09 21:50 <@brimstone> Evilpig: what did you use to find that date? 21:50 <@Evilpig> seems I have a few of those to download. I just can't get into that show 21:50 <@Evilpig> http://eztv.it/shows/428/the-walking-dead/ 21:50 <@brimstone> ah 21:51 <@Evilpig> there are a few places with it, but that's where I happened to be 21:51 <@Evilpig> about time for me to crash 21:53 <@Dagmar> Not the TV show. the *game* 21:53 <@Dagmar> The _good_ one that's on Steam 22:07 <@NotLarry> Evilpig: "was this review helpful?" FM! The first time I've logged into amazon to vote on a review:) 22:22 <@SuMo_D> I go back and forth on that show... the last 4 episodes of this last season were pretty amazing though 22:23 <@Evilpig> Jan 12, girls and shameless both start again and there is a new show on hbo called true detective that is looking promising 22:24 <@SuMo_D> Evilpig you watch girls? 22:25 <@Dagmar> As long as there's not a restraining order, why not? 22:25 <@Evilpig> SuMo_D: it's amusing 22:26 <@SuMo_D> it reminds me very very much of people I knew back when I first moved to nyc 22:26 <@SuMo_D> most dudes I talk to seem to hate that show though... 22:26 <@Evilpig> jason and I comment on how hannah should keep her clothes on and is always the first to strip em off 22:27 <@Evilpig> the episode with her and the q-tip was hard to watch just cause I knew what she was about to do 22:27 <@SuMo_D> lol yeah 22:27 <@Evilpig> watching her descent into madness has that trainwreck appeal to it as well 22:27 <@SuMo_D> yeah --- Log closed Tue Dec 17 00:00:12 2013