--- Log opened Wed Sep 04 00:00:55 2013 00:15 <@Bahhumbug> @weather hell 00:15 < GateKeeper> Bahhumbug: Weather for Hell, MI | Temperature: 57°F / 14°C; Humidity: 90%; Pressure: 30.04in / 101.7kPa; Conditions: Clear; Wind: Wsw, 5mph / 8kph; Updated: 21 mins, 21 secs ago | Forecast for Wednesday: Partly cloudy; High of 81°F / 27°C; Low of 52°F / 11°C | Forecast for Thursday: Partly cloudy; High of 70°F / 21°C; Low of 50°F / 10°C 00:25 < Evilpig_> "what's PCI5 and PCI6 supposed to mean? are thsoe fiber? told me those were always fiber but this is asking for copper to a switch 00:26 < Evilpig_> I just had to instruct the dumbshit to look at the _written documentation_ and even then he still didn't understand 00:26 < Evilpig_> I then proceeded to show him an actual server that has the pci slots numbered.... one slot that had a single port and one that had multiple ports. 00:26 < Evilpig_> I think he's still confused 00:38 <@aestetix> penis 00:38 < Evilpig_> NO! 00:38 < Evilpig_> No penis 01:38 < Evilpig_> alright I need some help. anyone awake and sharp on sql? 01:42 < Evilpig_> SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumDevices,'>4' AS NumYears FROM Table WHERE (DATEDIFF(NOW(),MfgDate)/365)>4 and IF(MfgDate>'1970-01-01',MfgDate,InstallDate)>'1970-01-01' 01:42 < Evilpig_> WTF is this is mystery IF at the end? 01:43 -!- RangerZ [~rangerz@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 01:48 -!- RangerZ [~rangerz@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 01:57 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:58 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has joined #se2600 01:58 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o brimstone] by ChanServ 02:10 -!- RangerZ [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 02:10 < RangerZ> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/23955379 such a shame... Ohio doesn't have to pay to keep that asshole alive anymore 02:10 < GateKeeper> Title: BBC News - Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro found hanged in cell (at www.bbc.co.uk) 02:25 -!- RangerZ1 [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 02:25 -!- RangerZ [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:29 < Evilpig_> I don't get these IF statements. I'm just gonna remove them I swear 02:29 <@Corydon76-work> Evilpig_: it's basically saying that some records don't have mfg dates, so use install dates for those records 02:30 <@Corydon76-work> 1970-01-01 being the 0 date for the epoch 02:30 < Evilpig_> I get the epoch. I just can't find that structure for an if documented anywhere 02:31 <@Corydon76-work> Oh, it's IF(cond,valueiftrue,valueiffalse) 02:31 < Evilpig_> thanks. that is extremely helpful 02:32 < Evilpig_> Corydon76-work: is that a straight sql thing or mysql specific? 02:32 < Evilpig_> I've honestly never seen it before 02:33 <@Corydon76-work> It's MySQL only, or MySQL plus whatever it inherited from 02:33 < Evilpig_> okay. then I need to work on removing these for standard sql anyway 02:33 <@Corydon76-work> Most databases use the CASE WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE ... END structure 02:34 < Evilpig_> that I have seen documented a few times 02:35 <@Corydon76-work> If you think about it, the CASE WHEN structure is far more versatile, even though it's a bit more tricky to pase 02:35 <@Corydon76-work> to parse 02:36 < Evilpig_> I think I can structure these in a way to make them legible 02:37 <@Corydon76-work> Looks like MySQL also supports CASE WHEN as of at least 5.0 02:37 < Evilpig_> if case when is straight sql then all sql servers shoudl parse it or at least attempt 02:37 <@Corydon76-work> Except, ugh, it uses "END CASE" as its terminator, instead of just "END" 02:37 < Evilpig_> trying to remove the quirky bits of mysql only stuff we have in opendcim still 02:39 <@Corydon76-work> It's still quirky 02:40 <@Corydon76-work> The one standard thing about SQL is that every database seems to have its own quirks 02:40 < Evilpig_> this is true 02:40 < Evilpig_> at least the quirks are generally only in highly specific scenarios 03:18 < Evilpig_> Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 06:28 -!- Dolemite [80db310d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #se2600 06:28 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dolemite] by ChanServ 06:28 <@Dolemite> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 06:29 < Evilpig_> no u 06:30 < Evilpig_> you saw my note about ssl right? 06:37 <@Dolemite> I did 06:37 <@Dolemite> I am going to have to read up on MySQL optimization this morning 06:38 <@Dolemite> It takes a several seconds here to pull up the pick list for setting any device connections 06:38 <@Dolemite> And when you're going in and documenting a patch panel, that adds up. Pulls the entire ports table for every. single. connection. 06:38 <@Dolemite> I need to implement some sort of query caching if possible. 06:39 < Evilpig_> mysql has some native 06:39 < Evilpig_> do I haev it querying the connections on every port or only after you select a device? 06:39 <@Dolemite> yeah, I just have a stock, non-tuned installation here at the moment 06:40 <@Dolemite> Every port via your AJAX calls 06:40 < Evilpig_> every port on a device 06:40 <@Dolemite> yep 06:40 < Evilpig_> that's one sql call really 06:40 < Evilpig_> but yeah it can add up 06:41 < Evilpig_> how long did your port conversion take and did the progress meter work or wait til it was finished? 06:45 <@Dolemite> My db was in between 2.1 and 3.0, so I couldn't use the install.php script 06:46 <@Dolemite> But conversion.php would typically take about 70-90 seconds 07:00 <@Dolemite> Ugh. I am seriously getting tired of these brain dead portal edits. Someone has moved NCCS and Titan to other buildings. 07:01 <@Dolemite> So FYI, apparently that's the new, cool way to cheat. Just move the portals. 07:03 <@Dolemite> Or hey, just go to your enemies favorite portal and submit it as invalid 07:04 <@Dolemite> Apparently there's nobody doing any sanity checks on this shit 07:13 < Evilpig_> I've ignored as much of the cheating fuckers around here that I can. it got to the point of me wanting to run them down in the car because their laziness and stupidity were angering me that much 07:16 <@Dolemite> And of course, super-ops@google.com is no longer valid for submitting portal info, so who knows if the tirade I blasted off to them this morning will ever get read by a human. 07:18 <@Dolemite> Ok, with query_cache enabled it's taking 3 seconds from the time you click a port until you get the drop-downs for selecting the connected device. 07:18 <@Dolemite> It was more like 5 yesterday 07:18 <@Dolemite> but that's still pretty long 07:20 < Evilpig_> something else seems to be up 07:22 <@Dolemite> such as? 07:22 < Evilpig_> sec 07:24 < Evilpig_> hit f12 and watch the network traffic and can you pin point what part of the process is taking all the time? 07:24 < Evilpig_> it could be a client issue in parsing data 07:25 < Evilpig_> I've got 5 min you can do screen sharing with and we can look together and try to spot the cause if you want 07:27 <@Dolemite> k 07:52 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:53 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has joined #se2600 07:53 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o brimstone] by ChanServ 09:14 -!- jb7od [~mfph@108-88-146-252.lightspeed.nsvltn.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:59 -!- x86Daddy [~z@] has joined #se2600 10:02 < RangerZ1> http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130903/11175824392/edward-snowden-receives-whistleblowing-award.shtml lol 10:03 < GateKeeper> Title: Edward Snowden Receives Whistleblowing Award | Techdirt (at www.techdirt.com) 10:06 < peacebyf1re> 16:49 <@mptank> SPENG NAB SQUAR NUTZ 10:06 < peacebyf1re> 16:51 <@mptank> WHOOOOOOOOOO lives in a rhined apple under the pee 10:06 < peacebyf1re> 16:51 <@mptank> SPONGE KNOB SQUARE NUTS 10:07 < peacebyf1re> derp 10:07 < peacebyf1re> mt 10:07 < peacebyf1re> https://www.zombiesrungame.com/ 10:07 < peacebyf1re> There we go 10:07 < GateKeeper> Title: Zombies, Run! (at www.zombiesrungame.com) 10:10 < Evilpig_> derp indeed 10:12 < Evilpig_> I should put clothes back on and go get a haircut. but I think i'll do that tomorrow 10:17 < frsilent> I'm not sure why you need clothes for that 10:18 < frsilent> "What? It's not like I'm here for an interview or something...I'm giving *you* money!" 10:22 < Evilpig_> it's a barber shop. I'm pretty sure that would get my ass beat 10:29 < Evilpig_> Dolemite: fixed that js problem 10:30 <@Dolemite> Evilpig_: Cool deal 10:30 <@Dolemite> I fixed the surplus page, too - didn't know if you'd seen that 10:31 <@Dolemite> Well I'm off to go get paid to eat fast food 10:32 <@Dolemite> Evilpig_: Oh, one other thing I haven't entered in, yet - apparently the icons for the SNMP switch status aren't the same on a Fruit Fucker Pad. 10:32 <@Dolemite> err = ^; up = house; down = infinity 10:32 < Evilpig_> lovely. stupid ipad. i'll have to test at work 10:33 <@Dolemite> later 10:37 * aestetix hugs Dolemite 11:01 -!- x86Daddy [~z@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:05 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:23 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has joined #se2600 11:23 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o brimstone] by ChanServ 11:28 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:44 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@unaffiliated/brimstone] has joined #se2600 11:44 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o brimstone] by ChanServ 11:46 <@Corydon76-work> http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/09/nsa-router-hacking/ 11:46 < GateKeeper> Title: NSA Laughs at PCs, Prefers Hacking Routers and Switches | Threat Level | Wired.com (at www.wired.com) 12:01 < RangerZ1> Streaming right now, but I heard about it late (it's been running for about half an hour, but you can rewind and see the beginning).  They're usually pretty good at putting these things up for download after they're done. 12:01 < RangerZ1> http://channel9.msdn.com/ 12:01 < RangerZ1> http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Opening-Keynote-Bjarne-Stroustrup 12:02 < GateKeeper> Title: Channel 9: Videos about the people building Microsoft Products Services (at channel9.msdn.com) 12:02 < GateKeeper> Title: Bjarne Stroustrup - The Essence of C: With Examples in C84, C98, C11, and C14 GoingNative 2013 Channel 9 (at channel9.msdn.com) 12:33 <@Dagmar> It's amazing how hard they're trying and failing at embrace-extend-destroy against C. 12:35 -!- rattle [~rattleXx@tor/regular/rattle] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:52 <@aestetix> So, I was looking at it a bit 12:52 <@aestetix> If you're a healthy white dude in an at-will state, life kind of sucks employment wise 12:53 <@aestetix> Since minorities have so many ways to sue for discrimination 12:54 -!- x86Daddy [~z@] has joined #se2600 13:06 < RangerZ1> 'ehh' 13:07 < RangerZ1> i'm from NE ohio, which has pretty much the exact same ratios of all religious/ethnic groups as the nation 13:07 < RangerZ1> and its not that bad 13:07 < RangerZ1> what made the economy suck was NAFTA/globalism/etc moving manf. out of the country 13:15 <@critch> aestetix: it only sucks if you are trying to compete for low end jobs. When I look around the workforce of my last several jobs, I see white men almost exclusively. A few women occasionally but almost all white men. 13:25 < peacebyf1re> We have 13 White American Males, 2 white American females, 1 White British Male, 1 Black Kenyan Male, and 1 Whiteish Mexican Male 13:26 < peacebyf1re> I think we're doing pretty well 13:26 < peacebyf1re> compared to other TN businesses 13:30 -!- peacebyf1re is now known as peacebyfire 13:30 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o peacebyfire] by ChanServ 13:35 -!- rattle [~rattleXx@] has joined #se2600 13:35 -!- rattle [~rattleXx@] has quit [Changing host] 13:35 -!- rattle [~rattleXx@tor/regular/rattle] has joined #se2600 13:35 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rattle] by ChanServ 13:39 <@aestetix> critch: I mean it's more baout employees being able to keep their jobs 13:39 <@aestetix> if you're a white dude, it's easy for an employer to fire you and replace you with another white dude 13:40 <@aestetix> it's harder to randomly fire a black gay guy 13:41 <@critch> aestetix: heh, if you are worth a damn, you don't get fired. You move on before they fire you, it is something else. 13:42 <@critch> aestetix: are you observing an issue where someone should be fired? 13:44 <@aestetix> critch: no, it doesn't apply to me 13:50 < RangerZ1> aestetix: the only time thats an issue is when the company it tiny, and has shitty rules/rules applicaiton 13:51 < RangerZ1> BBH (hotel networking company I used to work for) had 1 black girl and 1 black guy 13:52 < RangerZ1> the girl literally would sit in her chair after walking in... scratch her privates and....release a smell that made me gag when I walked by it once, and they didn't fire her, b/c they were afraid of her saying it was racial 13:52 <@aestetix> wait 13:52 <@aestetix> you mean she queefed? or that scratching her bush made a smell? 13:52 < RangerZ1> the black guy we found out he had 2 counts of pedophilia (under the age of 12) and they didn't fire him for lying b/c of the same reason 13:53 < RangerZ1> she didn't smell when she walked in (we had a LONG one row of banks) but she would gag people if they sat next to her 13:53 <@aestetix> maybe that was "perfume"? 13:53 < RangerZ1> and mind you... I have a horrible sense of smell b/c of allergies and sinus issues when I was a kid 13:54 < RangerZ1> no... someone saw her reach down and scratch... and then the smell started to spread 13:54 < RangerZ1> and even _I_ gagged 13:56 < RangerZ1> honestly... we even had the ONE other female who worked there talk to her about 'feminine hygiene' etc 14:28 <@aestetix> what kind of smell was it 14:28 <@aestetix> was it like dried period blood? 14:35 < RangerZ1> worst smell I've ever smelled was a horse cleaning kit that was in a self-storage for years... and baked 14:35 < RangerZ1> it was similar to that, smelled like death 14:35 < RangerZ1> like a coon (not meaning to be racist) died 14:36 < RangerZ1> ugh... i HATE installing MS VS 14:36 < RangerZ1> always ends up infecting the system, lol 15:08 -!- Dolemite [80db310d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:24 -!- Synx|hm [~Synx@unaffiliated/synx-hm/x-1623004] has joined #se2600 16:25 < Synx|hm> well my BS EET is failing me today 16:25 < Synx|hm> f'ing kids swing is not putting the power out to the motor 16:25 < Synx|hm> i've replaced the motor, pulled the transistor inline with the motor and check it 16:25 < Synx|hm> and now im guessing something else must be bad 16:26 < Synx|hm> there is an opamp before this transistor perhaps something has gone wrong at its input 16:32 < Synx|hm> god having to reverse engineer this f'ing thing is making me angry 16:34 <@aestetix> http://t.co/KjU8cmx57j 16:34 < GateKeeper> Title: DDI Piano Drop - YouTube (at t.co) 17:00 <@Dagmar> I know this is going to sound crazy, but... 17:00 <@Dagmar> You could always try just pushing the kid. 17:09 < Synx|hm> what!"! 17:09 < Synx|hm> crazy talk 17:17 -!- stowbari [~Stowbari@cpe-71-79-168-107.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 17:17 <@aestetix> vagina 17:20 -!- RangerZ1 [~mike@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 17:39 -!- x86Daddy [~z@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:11 -!- Synx|hm [~Synx@unaffiliated/synx-hm/x-1623004] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:15 <@aestetix> https://www.facebook.com/jason.pontin/posts/10151556446365836?comment_id=27118424&offset=0&total_comments=81 18:15 < GateKeeper> Title: Comments (at www.facebook.com) 18:20 -!- stowbari [~Stowbari@cpe-71-79-168-107.neo.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 18:31 -!- northrup [~jjn@c-98-193-186-149.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 18:31 -!- northrup is now known as Guest46599 18:32 -!- stowbari [~Stowbari@cpe-71-79-168-107.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 18:32 -!- Guest46599 is now known as northrup 18:35 -!- northrup [~jjn@c-98-193-186-149.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit] 18:35 -!- northrup [~jjn@c-98-193-186-149.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 18:50 -!- stowbari [~Stowbari@cpe-71-79-168-107.neo.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:56 -!- northrup [~jjn@c-98-193-186-149.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:29 -!- northrup [~jjn@173-14-101-193-nashville.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #se2600 20:29 -!- northrup is now known as Guest89142 20:30 -!- Guest89142 [~jjn@173-14-101-193-nashville.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has quit [Client Quit] 22:29 -!- RangerZ [~rangerz@c-98-211-46-74.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 22:52 <@Dagmar> Oh wow 22:52 <@Dagmar> I' 22:52 <@Dagmar> I'm going to have to keep my eyes peeled when I'm at Bongo 22:52 <@Dagmar> http://www.wtvf.com/story/23334175/lawyer-arrested-for-stalking-17-year-old-girl 22:52 < GateKeeper> Title: Lawyer Arrested For Stalking 17-Year-Old Girl - NewsChannel5.com | Nashville News, Weather & Sports (at www.wtvf.com) 22:52 <@Dagmar> Note: That's *also* the dude who filed the suit against Apple because his macbook let him download too much porno 22:54 < Evilpig_> the beauty of the american legal system you can sue anyone for anything 22:55 <@Dagmar> By the way, theres still a ton of L8 portals at Legislative Plaza if you're running low on loots 22:55 <@Dagmar> A few on the north side (nearest the capitol) featuring multis and heat sinks 22:56 <@Dickie> Evilpig_: That's not true. 22:56 <@Dagmar> We just kinda sat there for 30 minutes hackin them 22:56 <@Dickie> I'll see you in court. 22:57 < Evilpig_> Dagmar: this article is making my head hurt. 22:57 <@Dickie> As someone with a head, I find that offensive 22:57 <@Dagmar> Yeah, dude is clearly snorting a rich vein of crazy-ite 22:57 < Evilpig_> not even that. the writer needs an editor 22:57 < Evilpig_> In June, Sevier was charged with stalking John Rich. 22:58 < Evilpig_> In June, Sevier was charged with stalking Rich. He was in a copyright dispute with the singer. Police reported that Sevier violated a restraining order by e-mailing Rich a photo wrapped in a flag with blood. 22:58 < Evilpig_> okay... if it was email . what was wrapped in a flag and covered in blood? 22:58 <@Dagmar> The burrito. 23:00 < Evilpig_> Sevier was accused of sending Rich numerous emails. One included a photo in which Sevier was dressed in a flag and appeared to be covered in blood. 23:00 < Evilpig_> had I kept reading it was reiterated again with more detail 23:01 < Evilpig_> this should be printed out, given to an english teacher, graded, then sent back to the station along with an rfc 23:03 <@Bahhumbug> +1 23:14 <@Dagmar> Evilpig_ You seeing any shenanigans with campus connectivity tonight? 23:14 <@Dagmar> Nevermind, it's fucking Comcast 23:14 < Evilpig_> I'm at home 23:28 <@Dagmar> Damn Comcast is win tonight 23:28 <@Dagmar> I've been disconnected five times in the last ten minutes 23:29 <@Dagmar> The first hop outbound on the network (the .1) stops responding 23:38 <@Dagmar> Evilpig: So... after the farming I went and had dinner with Merl and his wife and that Linda chick 23:38 <@Dagmar> Apparently she and carsmart have been dating 23:38 <@Dagmar> The waiter clearly misread things and thought we were two couples. 23:39 <@Dagmar> I was like, "No wait... Hehe. I got this." 23:39 <@Dagmar> I paid for Linda's dinner just because it'll hopefully drive carsmart batty. :) 23:39 <@Dagmar> Sometimes, money *can* by happiness when it's just $15 to make someone crazy 23:39 <@Dagmar> hee hee hee 23:42 <@Dagmar> Evilpig: by the way... how he killed his phone is hilarious 23:42 <@Dagmar> He downloaded some shift GPS spoofing from "some site in China". 23:42 <@Dagmar> er shifty 23:43 <@Dagmar> Decided to test it out. It started asking for a lot of new privs through SuperSU 23:43 <@Dagmar> He tried to uninstall it and it fought him. 23:43 <@Dagmar> hehe 23:45 <@aestetix> can someone explain why Yahoo has a new logo 23:46 < Evilpig_> lol 23:47 < Evilpig_> so this is where i'm staying next week. http://www.acehotel.com/newyork 23:47 < GateKeeper> Title: New York City Hotels | Ace Hotel (at www.acehotel.com) 23:59 <@Dagmar> Nifty --- Log closed Thu Sep 05 00:00:57 2013