2013-01-02T00:27:48 *** Genphlux has quit IRC () 2013-01-02T03:12:02 *** sync350 has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T03:12:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o sync350 2013-01-02T05:10:32 *** sync350 has quit IRC (Quit: wtfsleepomg) 2013-01-02T07:33:14 *** Do|emite has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T07:33:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Do|emite 2013-01-02T07:33:19 mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 2013-01-02T07:33:22 no u 2013-01-02T07:33:28 That's what I said 2013-01-02T07:33:44 don't youhave work to do? 2013-01-02T07:33:49 minions to manage? 2013-01-02T07:34:14 I don't actually manage minions directly 2013-01-02T07:34:18 they're all subcontractors 2013-01-02T07:34:29 So I can devote all of my time to writing bad HTML 2013-01-02T07:55:32 http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/01/07/130107fa_fact_green?currentPage=all 2013-01-02T07:55:33 Title: Adam Green: The Spectacular Thefts of Apollo Robbins, Pickpocket : The New Yorker (at www.newyorker.com) 2013-01-02T07:56:06 Apparently Sky3 in Britain did a show on him one time, too - I need to find that 2013-01-02T07:56:35 Anybody that can fool Penn Jillette to the point that all he can say is, "Fuck you" is fascinating, indeed 2013-01-02T08:15:48 *** its_jeremy_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2013-01-02T08:18:17 *** rattle has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T08:18:17 *** rattle has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T08:18:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o rattle 2013-01-02T08:19:20 *** its_jeremy_ has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T08:55:59 *** aud_mobile has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2013-01-02T09:14:25 *** CNwaV has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T09:14:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o CNwaV 2013-01-02T09:26:56 *** Genphlux has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T09:37:05 *** mgalgoci has quit IRC (Quit: (Read error: Connection reset by peer)) 2013-01-02T10:00:28 *** Do|emite has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2013-01-02T10:31:38 mr0nin 2013-01-02T10:33:24 mid-morning 2013-01-02T10:50:27 *** x86Daddy has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T11:17:33 *** polerin_ is now known as polerin 2013-01-02T11:22:58 bleh 2013-01-02T11:35:08 *** RangerZ has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T11:50:48 RangerZ: So, apparently while you were gone the Resistance got irritable about my control fields. 2013-01-02T11:51:05 If not this weekend, then next weekend, we'll be taking out their highest-value portals. 2013-01-02T11:51:14 I haz a list. 2013-01-02T11:52:10 and a scooter with 4 cell phone holders, watch out 2013-01-02T11:52:22 brimstone: At least I get out of the house. 2013-01-02T11:52:44 true, but that's what prevents me from playing ingress 2013-01-02T11:53:04 i don't have time to poke my phone when i'm out 2013-01-02T11:53:19 and when i do, i'm not anywhere with these portal things 2013-01-02T11:53:22 * timoguin pokes brimstone 2013-01-02T11:53:30 * brimstone pokes timoguin 2013-01-02T11:54:15 you're bound to be near some landmarks or other 2013-01-02T11:54:23 Otherwise, send them some geotagged photos 2013-01-02T11:54:28 worst case the post offices always have one 2013-01-02T11:54:46 "History business park sign" 2013-01-02T11:54:47 I'm about ready to quit botherin with the thing altogether tho 2013-01-02T11:54:51 *Historic 2013-01-02T11:55:04 They have just... fucking idiots at Niantic in charge of actual game mechanics. 2013-01-02T11:55:47 Between bad game design and bad game management, the thing isn't going to be very popular 2013-01-02T11:56:03 its Google what more do you expect 2013-01-02T11:56:12 Actually, I expect technical excellence. 2013-01-02T11:56:19 it to stay in beta for 7 years 2013-01-02T11:56:20 I think in this case, the Niantic crew are a company Google bought. 2013-01-02T11:56:41 ...and they've got a bunch of coders with no game theory experience. 2013-01-02T11:56:53 PLAYING HALO IS NOT GAME THEORY, BRO. 2013-01-02T11:57:12 90% of google's projects fail 2013-01-02T11:57:22 Frankly I wouldn't be suprised to find myself kicked out of the thing for what I said about it on Google+ over the weekend. 2013-01-02T11:57:38 I could go into a *lot* of detail about what is currently wrong with the mechanics. 2013-01-02T11:58:44 Dagmar: but... but... those "learn to make the games you play" commercials make it seem like the exact same thing! 2013-01-02T11:59:40 god I love Windows: "I'm sorry, you don't have access to that directory, press continue to permenantly gain access." lol what? 2013-01-02T11:59:54 lol 2013-01-02T12:01:44 oddball: I don't think the people at Niantic even went to those schools 2013-01-02T12:02:02 oddball: Is this an XP filesystem about to be touched by Windows 7? 2013-01-02T12:02:35 If so, the dialog box should read "Click here to violently assfuck the ACL tables." 2013-01-02T12:02:37 No, old Windows 7 drive being touched for the first time by a fresh install of Win7. 2013-01-02T12:02:41 Ah okay 2013-01-02T12:03:16 I figured I should get around to installing the OS on a 7200rpm drive instead of the 5400rpm drive it was on. 2013-01-02T12:10:29 "Nothing says "classy" quite like drinking champagne with a straw. 2013-01-02T12:10:37 With a shark on it." 2013-01-02T12:10:43 -- Linus Torvalds 2013-01-02T12:16:22 https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+freeze+dry+someone+named+wilbur&rlz=1C1SAVA_enUS504US504&oq=how+to+freeze+dry+someone+named+wilbur&aqs=chrome.0.57.8855&sugexp=chrome,mod=6&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 2013-01-02T12:16:23 Title: how to freeze dry someone named wilbur - Google Search (at www.google.com) 2013-01-02T12:16:31 hehe 2013-01-02T12:20:01 *** ZeroMinuS|Work has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T12:21:12 *** x86Daddy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2013-01-02T12:34:53 well this has been an interesting week 2013-01-02T12:41:36 Really? So far it's mostly been an alcohol induced hazeed for me. 2013-01-02T12:45:07 *** RangerZ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2013-01-02T12:45:14 *** RangerZ has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T12:45:34 *** RangerZ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2013-01-02T12:45:49 *** RangerZ has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T12:47:51 *** RangerZ has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-01-02T13:20:28 *** sync350 has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T13:20:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o sync350 2013-01-02T13:54:48 *** sync350 has quit IRC (Quit: wtfsleepomg) 2013-01-02T14:07:53 *** sync350 has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T14:07:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o sync350 2013-01-02T15:00:49 *** x86Daddy has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T15:13:55 *** Catonic has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T15:13:55 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Catonic 2013-01-02T15:15:36 What is up mofrankies?! 2013-01-02T15:21:27 hey Catonic, wassa? 2013-01-02T15:24:30 *** sync350 has quit IRC (Quit: wtfsleepomg) 2013-01-02T15:29:00 HEY MAN HEY 2013-01-02T15:54:24 *** aud_mobile has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T15:55:21 this is a lot of hurry up and wait. 2013-01-02T15:55:30 A user forkbombed a server. 2013-01-02T15:55:42 28,000 processes.... no ulimit set. 2013-01-02T15:56:25 I'm waiting for ps -ef to finish, then I'm rebooting. Damn. 2013-01-02T15:56:51 Solaris: You want to do that? Ok. But it's gonna cost you.... 2013-01-02T15:56:54 haha... nice... 2013-01-02T15:57:22 it's not out of swap, it's not out of CPU, it's not out of RAM. 2013-01-02T16:00:44 do you know the username? 2013-01-02T16:01:17 a ps aux |grep $user|awk '{print $whatever}' |xargs kill 2013-01-02T16:01:45 though the question becomes can you kill them faster than they spawn 2013-01-02T16:01:56 killall -9 -u $USER 2013-01-02T16:02:00 also, what a shitty fork bomb 2013-01-02T16:02:16 brimstone: nice, though I don't always count on killall being installed 2013-01-02T16:02:38 init 6 then 2013-01-02T16:09:17 Do not do this: z(){ z&;z&;}; z 2013-01-02T16:09:30 double fork bomb? 2013-01-02T16:09:31 I'm with brimstone. 2013-01-02T16:09:42 Fuck bothering with ps. Just murder all the shit. 2013-01-02T16:11:05 brimstone: my syntax may be off a little bit, but that brought down a test machine near instantly 2013-01-02T16:22:31 if you have a machine with a running forkbomb, and you can still type, someone did it wrong 2013-01-02T16:31:39 Goddamn perl 2013-01-02T16:31:55 So I've got this proxy all-but-working now. 2013-01-02T16:31:56 is there another perl? 2013-01-02T16:32:26 It listens properly, forks properly, captures the request and relays it to the remote server properly... 2013-01-02T16:32:48 ...gets the header from the response, and once it's done that, the recv just times the fuck out after getting nothing. 2013-01-02T16:33:12 I have *no* idea WTF is going on that's making it stop getting data properly. 2013-01-02T16:33:25 !@$#@!$# 2013-01-02T16:34:17 If anyone has a clue, I'm all ears... http://blairhouse.homeip.net/~dagmar/snooper.pl 2013-01-02T16:34:30 Yes, it currently jabbers a lot of stuff to STDERR. 2013-01-02T16:34:40 what are you trying to do? 2013-01-02T16:35:00 Trying to intercept all HTTP requests so that I can save certain ones (JSON) to disk. 2013-01-02T16:35:07 from what? 2013-01-02T16:35:23 From a normal Apache server acutally. 2013-01-02T16:35:35 no, like, firefox? a wii? 2013-01-02T16:35:37 I intend to feed it by just doing some iptables redirection. 2013-01-02T16:35:42 From any browser. 2013-01-02T16:35:59 there's a TamperData plugin for firefox that does this very nicely 2013-01-02T16:36:00 At the moment I'm just pointing wget straight at it, and having it in turn connect to my web server. 2013-01-02T16:36:21 if it's not ssl, use tcpdump -As0 or urlsnarf 2013-01-02T16:36:21 Except I don't want to just admire them. 2013-01-02T16:36:55 I want to dump the json responses into files so I can async parse the fuckers and dump the information into a database 2013-01-02T16:37:33 I'm pretty much going to fire up a copy of Firefox in a large window and have ReloadEvery refresh the thing every fifteen minutes. 2013-01-02T16:38:09 ...but like I said, I've got no idea why it's just *failing* to get the server response body. 2013-01-02T16:38:54 There's not something the browser is supposed to send aside from the blank-line-terminated query, right? 2013-01-02T16:39:21 not for GET requests 2013-01-02T16:39:25 I was under the impression that servers were just supposed to send back a bunch of headers, a blank line, and then the body. 2013-01-02T16:39:34 POSTs could have a payload after the headers and blank line 2013-01-02T16:39:45 *** rhia has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-01-02T16:39:55 Yeah but this isn't a POST operation currently. 2013-01-02T16:40:28 I prefer to code in tiny pieces and unit test each one, rather than get 2,000 lines in and have shit mysteriously fail somewhere. 2013-01-02T16:42:40 *** rhia has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T16:42:40 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o rhia 2013-01-02T16:55:48 * Dagmar stabs IO::Socket::INET 2013-01-02T16:57:34 *** Genphlux has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2013-01-02T17:14:43 *** CNwaV has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-01-02T17:26:50 *** aud_mobile has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2013-01-02T17:48:56 The only thing I can guess is that you can't mix <$scalar> and recv() reads 2013-01-02T17:49:00 ...but that doesn't seem right. 2013-01-02T17:55:38 Okay. This is a first. 2013-01-02T17:55:54 GENERALLY perl makes the right goddamn decisions about variable types. 2013-01-02T17:56:16 Fucking added $length += 0 to force it to be numeric, now it's all happy. 2013-01-02T17:59:05 Fucking added $length += 0 to force it to be numeric, now it's all happy. 2013-01-02T17:59:07 @#$@ 2013-01-02T18:01:01 Ohoho. Fuck that. Apparently there is a serious difference between the read() calls invoked by <> and recv() which channels the spirit of the angry ghost of sysread(). 2013-01-02T18:03:28 okay. I should have this doing it's thing before the night is out for sure now. 2013-01-02T18:06:46 man i'd hate to be doing that right now :P 2013-01-02T18:06:58 have you guys tried battleground for middle earth on xbox? 2013-01-02T18:13:02 er guardians 2013-01-02T18:16:20 *** ZeroMinuS|Work is now known as Zero-|Work 2013-01-02T18:30:53 *** x86Daddy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-01-02T18:37:39 *** CNwaV has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T19:12:21 *** mgalgoci has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T19:12:22 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mgalgoci 2013-01-02T19:24:20 *** CNwaV has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-01-02T19:34:03 *** CNwaV has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T19:39:21 Moral: Thou shalt not mix line *buffered* I/O and unbuffered I/O. 2013-01-02T19:39:38 Can't believe I forgot that 2013-01-02T19:40:47 Dagmar: so you're not doing ingress anymore? 2013-01-02T19:42:52 http://www.actian.com/products/ingres 2013-01-02T19:42:53 Title: Ingres (at www.actian.com) 2013-01-02T19:43:30 mgalgoci knows too much 2013-01-02T19:44:07 * sdodson just hopes he can walk tomorrow 2013-01-02T19:45:28 It's hard to walk with a shattered knee cap 2013-01-02T19:46:14 mgalgoci: so i have a cool project to shame developers into not breaking the build 2013-01-02T19:46:56 bluetooth shock collers? 2013-01-02T19:46:56 I've got all the parts minus the stop light and that arrives monday i hope. http://isotope11.com/blog/monitoring-your-continuous-integration-server-with-traffic-lights-and-an-arduino 2013-01-02T19:46:57 Title: Monitoring your Continuous Integration Server with Traffic Lights and an Arduino Blog isotope|eleven (at isotope11.com) 2013-01-02T19:47:02 mgalgoci: And that. 2013-01-02T19:49:20 whee. 2013-01-02T19:49:27 *** Catonic has quit IRC (Quit: *wheeeze*) 2013-01-02T19:51:37 mgalgoci: except i shall use a raspberry pi 2013-01-02T20:32:02 fucking moron... 2013-01-02T20:32:14 I swear to god I work with FUCKING MORONS 2013-01-02T20:44:08 Yes. 2013-01-02T20:44:14 Yes you do. 2013-01-02T20:48:21 we have a ticket to relabel some servers. moron tells me he started the job with the orange labels cause teh white still isn't in 2013-01-02T20:48:44 I read the ticket and see his note, he changed the label on the front of the servers, didn't change inventory, didn't touch cables 2013-01-02T20:49:06 so I ask him the simple question "Were they all orange labeled servers to begin with?" 2013-01-02T20:49:33 clearly he was stunned that I thought to ask such a trivial question and the answer of course was "no" 2013-01-02T20:51:20 he didn't note in the ticket which were white to begin with and he had to go back and look at them to "trigger his memory" 2013-01-02T20:51:53 so I asked him why he would start a job that we didn't have materials to finish and how he would like it to be the one to come back in later to have to try and finish this half done job. 2013-01-02T21:01:20 Fire. 2013-01-02T21:01:41 *** aud_mobile has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T21:06:48 Bahhumbug: I mean really. that is common sense stuff right there right? 2013-01-02T21:10:22 *** aud_mobile has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2013-01-02T21:14:04 It is for anyone that (pick 1) a) cares about their job; b) has more than 5 active brain cells. 2013-01-02T21:17:29 we have three employees that prove you don't need active brain cells to work in here 2013-01-02T21:20:12 http://www.indiegogo.com/meterplug 2013-01-02T21:20:13 Title: MeterPlug.Lower your ElectricBill.Measure real Electric cost | Indiegogo (at www.indiegogo.com) 2013-01-02T21:28:47 *** Zero-|Work has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2013-01-02T21:29:54 The lawsuit will drop the day they make their goal. 2013-01-02T21:30:16 http://www.gamesonthespot.com/ Need to talk to these guys about handing out at the next phreaknic 2013-01-02T21:30:17 Title: Untitled Document (at www.gamesonthespot.com) 2013-01-02T21:31:39 wilpig: how much did it cost to get pilsners printed? 2013-01-02T21:35:14 Uhhhh. I think the glasses were $1.20 before shipping and printing. I'd have to look back at where the price discount was and all that to get cost per glass 2013-01-02T21:47:08 thanks 2013-01-02T21:50:31 is that what you needed? 2013-01-02T21:50:43 yeah, that'll work 2013-01-02T21:50:53 just a curiosity 2013-01-02T21:51:17 gotcha. if you're thinking about doing it you have to add in a few extra over the amount you actually want to account for UPS 2013-01-02T21:51:55 we only lost two to shipping, but the location we lost them was odd. it was two right in the middle of a box and all the glasses around them were intact 2013-01-02T21:52:00 what percent did UPS break? 2013-01-02T21:52:07 huh 2013-01-02T22:37:44 *** aud_mobile has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T22:37:50 * wilpig pokes aud_mobile 2013-01-02T22:43:02 *** Genphlux has joined #se2600 2013-01-02T22:51:03 http://goo.gl/maps/I52WQ 2013-01-02T22:51:04 Title: Hooker Hole, Louisiana - Google Maps (at goo.gl) 2013-01-02T23:28:54 *** aud_mobile has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)