--- Log opened Tue Mar 29 00:00:06 2011 00:04 -!- fie_ [~fie@adsl-64-173-171-227.dsl.frsn01.pacbell.net] has joined #se2600 00:07 -!- fie__ [~fie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:15 <@aestetix> wow, this is so san francisco 00:15 <@aestetix> someone emailed the noisebridge list asking to trade a service in exchange for a haircut 01:19 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-98-242-80-239.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 04:03 -!- NotLarry [~NotLarry@c-76-22-170-219.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 04:03 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o NotLarry] by ChanServ 07:02 <@AlStrowger> sdodson: Yes. I read that news. Sad. 08:04 -!- epoxy [~ls3@71-15-26-216.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #se2600 08:23 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-98-242-80-239.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 08:37 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:42 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has joined #se2600 08:43 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:47 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has joined #se2600 09:01 -!- epoxy is now known as ls3 09:02 <@ware> aestetix: is that list publicly archived somewhere? 09:11 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.4] 09:12 -!- brimstone [~brimstone@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone] has joined #se2600 09:12 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o brimstone] by ChanServ 09:38 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:43 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has joined #se2600 11:04 -!- ZombieChicken [~none@unaffiliated/forgottenwizard] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:23 -!- ZombieChicken [~none@c-98-240-124-66.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 11:23 -!- ZombieChicken [~none@c-98-240-124-66.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Changing host] 11:23 -!- ZombieChicken [~none@unaffiliated/forgottenwizard] has joined #se2600 12:14 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-98-242-80-239.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 13:10 -!- sync350 [~sync@c-98-242-80-239.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:22 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:23 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has joined #se2600 13:31 -!- Falun [~richard@75-37-195-222.lightspeed.lsatca.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:24 <@ware> Todd: ware@redoak.mtn.cc removed? 14:27 <+Todd> my beta ran out 14:27 <+Todd> so I upgraded to CentOS 14:27 <+Todd> hang on 14:28 <+Todd> which reminds me... everything has to be moved today or tonight from my other server 14:28 <+Todd> and the other one needs to be cancelled.. shit work :[ 14:28 <@ware> ahh gotcha 14:28 * Mercster removes ware 14:29 <+Todd> login and change your password 14:29 <+Todd> same temp pass as before 14:32 <@ware> see pm 15:11 <@ware> Apple announced today that it has developed a breast implant that can store and play music. The iTit will cost from $499 to $699, depending on cup and speaker size. This is considered a major social breakthrough, because women are always complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them. 15:11 <@sheath> see pm 15:14 <@Shadow404> nice ware 16:25 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:26 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has joined #se2600 16:32 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:33 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has joined #se2600 16:44 <@Dagmar> Wish me luck driving home 16:44 < Mercster> good luck 16:44 <@Dagmar> I went to the doctor this morning and they gave me cough pills that are apparently filled with Liquid Awesome! 16:45 <@Dagmar> God only knows what the cough _syrup_ they prescribed me as well will do 16:45 < Mercster> fuck you uuuuuuuup! 16:45 <@Dagmar> hopefully I won't wind up calling Domino's at 11pm trying to order a side of shiny metal and three bags of skin flakes 16:46 <@Dagmar> "Hello, Operator? I would like to save my game." 16:46 < Mercster> haha 16:49 < Mercster> have you tried domino's new pizza? i think it's pretty good 16:54 <@Bahhumbug> Dagmar: I want your doctor. 16:56 <@Dagmar> Bahhumbug: Frankly, I was astonished to acutally be prescribed antibiotics 16:57 <@Dagmar> Part of the reason I just *quit* going to the doctor was that I kept getting handed prescriptions for stuff you could buy OTC just fine (Robitussin, and pseudoephidrine-based antihistamine) when I'd go in there with a raging sinus infection 16:57 <@Dagmar> 'I was just wasting money every time 16:58 < Mercster> Dagmar: yu need a ENT specialist, or an allergy specialist...? 16:58 <@Bahhumbug> I've not been to see a doctor in many years. Unless I'm, quite literally, dying I don't see that changing anytime soon, either. 16:59 <@Bahhumbug> My sis-in-law is an nurse practioner and that takes care of my medical needs, at least up to this point. 17:00 < Mercster> i was once so ill that a talk with a nurse wouldnt help; it looked/acted like stage 4 lymphoma, it took multiple biopsies to narrow it down to what it ended up being 17:00 < Mercster> God bless, that you're that healthy 17:01 <@ware> lol dagmar 17:01 < Mercster> wont last forever, and waiting for feeling like death is probably not the most intelligent strategy 17:01 < Mercster> but hey, do whatcha feel 17:01 <@Bahhumbug> far from it; I smoked for 27 years and have the lungs to prove it. I've also got arthritis in my hands from excessive off-road biking in Chicago. 17:01 <@Bahhumbug> but, thankfully, no cancers or other such evil shit. 17:02 <@Bahhumbug> (well, "that I know of" is probably warranted.) 17:02 < Mercster> ive smoked for 19 years or so 17:02 < Mercster> still do 17:03 < Mercster> conrats on quitting 17:03 < Mercster> congrats, rather 17:05 * Mercster tunes into the ssssssssavage nation 17:05 < Mercster> i love this guy, he goes apoplectic once every 20 minutes 17:06 < Mercster> i dont even know what he thinks, i just know he's a fuckin maniac 17:06 < Mercster> and that makes for good radio 18:19 -!- Venom_X [~pjacobs@] has quit [Quit: Venom_X] 18:29 -!- CRasH180 [~kmeldridg@cerberus.franklinamerican.com] has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:31 < Mercster> genius http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/z-RADICAL%20HOLOCAUST.htm 18:52 -!- dsockwell [~dsockwell@denhac.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 19:22 -!- forgottenwizard [~none@unaffiliated/forgottenwizard] has joined #se2600 19:23 -!- ZombieChicken [~none@unaffiliated/forgottenwizard] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 20:33 -!- Todd [todd@highland.mtn.cc] has quit [Quit: leaving] 20:33 -!- Todd [~todd@redoak.mtn.cc] has joined #se2600 23:27 -!- ls3 [~ls3@71-15-26-216.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:38 -!- Todd [~todd@redoak.mtn.cc] has quit [Quit: Reconnecting] 23:41 -!- Todd [~todd@redoak.mtn.cc] has joined #se2600 --- Log closed Wed Mar 30 00:00:06 2011