--- Log opened Sun Aug 15 00:00:57 2010 00:33 -!- CRasH180 [~CRasH180@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has joined #se2600 00:33 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o CRasH180] by ChanServ 01:07 -!- Falun [~richard@75-37-195-222.lightspeed.lsatca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 01:12 <@Mirage> Pig..you in here? 01:15 <@kive> polerin: you figure out that usb drive issue? 01:17 <@ware> hey Mirage 01:17 <@Mirage> heya 01:17 <@Mirage> how goes? 01:18 <@ware> same ol same ol 01:18 <@ware> work and play! hows vandy 01:18 <@Mirage> so nothing good.=P 01:19 <@Mirage> being annoying right now..damn windows ppl are patching while i'm trying to do stuff. keeps interfering w/ my work 01:19 <@ware> yah pretty much haha 01:19 <@ware> we've been working out reboot / patch stuff @ our place 01:20 <@Dagmar> WE'RE GONNA KILL DEATHBRINGER SOURPUSS 01:20 <@ware> definitely annoying 01:20 <@Mirage> oh, and since you missed the meeting..i bought a house..=) 01:20 <@polerin> kive: looks like it is a physical issue 01:20 <@ware> Dagmar: what do you think about "cookies, beer, and weed" as a top country hit? 01:20 <@polerin> kive: going to have her get a new one 01:20 * polerin is just fiddling with art tonight 01:21 <@Mirage> ware: you forgot the pickup, tractor, and dog 01:21 <@ware> its a song i came uip with earlier 01:21 <@ware> and cant stop laughing about it 01:21 <@Mirage> probably due to too much cookies, beer, and weed 01:23 <@polerin> http://stevie.eclexia.net/erin/tmp_img/tonights_arting.JPG 01:23 <@polerin> about half done 01:23 <@CRasH180> nice 01:23 <@CRasH180> Looks good so far 01:23 <@CRasH180> Is it going to be purely black and white or will you add color? 01:24 <@polerin> black and white I think 01:24 <@ware> :P 01:24 <@polerin> i might try to wash it, but likely not 01:24 <@polerin> that never comes out right 01:24 <@CRasH180> Color would distract from the picture 01:25 <@polerin> it tends to make everything mushy 01:37 <@kive> 02:19 <@polerin> kive: going to have her get a new one 01:37 <@kive> I'm lost -- thought polerin *was* the her. ;) 01:38 <@kive> someone answering for polerin? 01:38 <@polerin> nope, I was doing a gig, woman who was having the problem is the her 01:38 <@kive> gotcha 01:39 <@kive> Didn't think I was gone -that- long. ;) 01:39 <@polerin> heh 01:40 <@kive> aside from [1NF0], anyone else here in 404-land, nowdays? 01:40 <@kive> I know rhia and drag0n moved to tx and then again further soon... 01:41 <@kive> Just looking at reviving the 404 2600 meet.. 01:41 <@kive> shadow is still here 01:41 <@kive> others? 01:42 <@polerin> donno 01:46 <@kive> sorry, last few were to the general audience. ;) 01:46 <@polerin> yeh i got that 01:47 <@polerin> just bored and typing 01:47 <@polerin> about to go to bed 01:47 <@kive> I'd love to do that, but I'm too busy taking money from a botnet. :P 01:50 <@Evilpig> I really should set this to make a sound whenever my name is said 01:50 <@kive> But then we might say your name quite often. ;) 01:51 <@CRasH180> 404 2600? 01:51 <@kive> aka Atlanta 2600 -- that's what I was asking about earlier, yes 01:51 <@CRasH180> ah 01:52 <@kive> If that's what you're responding to 01:52 <@CRasH180> It was 01:52 <@kive> Are you in Atlanta? ;) 01:52 <@CRasH180> Nope, Nashville, TN 01:52 <@kive> ah, another nashvegas person. ;) 01:53 <@CRasH180> For the past ywo years was the NLUG president. No more though 01:53 <@CRasH180> s/ywo/two 01:53 <@kive> Tis all good-- my interest wrt 404 is that my gf told me how it was lame, and then we visited, and it was... 01:53 <@kive> So I feel an obligation to help ressurect it a wee bit 01:54 <@CRasH180> I understand 01:55 <@kive> any clue what other #se2600 cities are in similar condition? ;) 01:56 <@Evilpig> 404 has its moments of activity followed by long periods of bluh 01:57 <@kive> that's fairly normal for 404 -- but this period of blah seems a bit longer.. 01:57 <@kive> I understand the 404 cycle 01:58 <@kive> That's easily fixable -- just wondering if this is something widespread throughout the SE, or if it's a localized phenomenon 01:58 <@Evilpig> happens here too. we do have a fairly active core 01:59 <@kive> evilpig, you're nashvegas, right? 01:59 <@Evilpig> used to be bigger til we had our most recent split 01:59 <@Evilpig> yeah 01:59 <@kive> yeah, nashvegas has a solid background core and a very good reason to stay active 01:59 <@Evilpig> of course some dumbshit still refuses to acknowledge he is driving a divide in the community 01:59 <@kive> 404 used to be busier, oddly enough, but I haven't wrapped my arms around that one just yet. 02:00 <@kive> heh -- you're referring to the PN drama I heard about back at DC? 02:00 <@Evilpig> yeah 02:00 <@Evilpig> I'm sure the rumor at DC is phreaknic is dead 02:00 <@kive> Nope -- just that it changed hands. 02:00 <@kive> afaik 02:00 -!- Falun [~richard@75-37-195-222.lightspeed.lsatca.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:02 <@Evilpig> speaking of PN. after I get my work done tonight I have to et the volunteer signups done 02:02 <@Evilpig> been sitting on that code for amonth now. 02:04 <@kive> If you need volunteers, let me know -- I can ask the UAT kids that are oh so helpful for BH and DC if they want to come out. 02:05 <@Evilpig> we'll be doing volunteer signups soon. I just need to get the webpage ready for them 02:05 <@kive> I still need to write up my speaker abstract, too. 02:05 <@kive> ah 02:05 <@kive> gotcha 02:05 <@Evilpig> I think the speaker spots are nearly full now too. get on that 02:06 <@kive> PN is small enough, I'm guessing there's a -ton- of volunteers anyways. 02:06 <@Evilpig> I still need to get the minutes of the meetings sent out too. 02:06 <@kive> Yeah, I've been working on it. There's just a certain other person speaking with me, and his time is hard to arrange. 02:07 <@Evilpig> need to get on Dolemite and get the list transferred to another server and the dns updated before he moves and all that shit just stops, as well 02:08 <@Evilpig> oh well. my shit is printed gonna go get started on inventory for the night. 03:06 <@Evilpig> alright. this moron i work with is too god damned paranoid. not only are all notlarry's cameras turned around, even though they are unplugged, he is now using his lunchbox to cover up the camera that notlarry locked down so you couldn't move it 03:06 <@Evilpig> I think i need to print up picutres of cameras to hang over there 03:06 <@Evilpig> see if he turns those over too 03:18 <@ware> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXPT8sw_FjU 04:07 <@ware> 4AM 04:07 <@ware> howdy u 04:19 -!- Peaches1984 [blue@c-69-137-80-31.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 04:53 <@[1NF0]> http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs003.ash2/33525_10150244397205424_644070423_13955742_5908305_n.jpg $10 at frys 05:10 <@Evilpig> [1NF0]: you better have bought that 05:10 <@Evilpig> and then tell me it's usb 05:10 <@[1NF0]> g'durn right Evilpig 05:10 <@[1NF0]> on both counts 05:10 <@Evilpig> most excellent. 05:12 <@[1NF0]> the only video I have is from cameraphone... sucky 05:12 <@Evilpig> well damn. 05:12 <@Evilpig> since my coworker has left for "lunch" I am gonna go see how many cameras he flipped back around after I was in the back 05:12 <@Evilpig> granted he's had the past 2 hours since I was last in here 05:13 <@[1NF0]> http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150245261250424 05:13 <@[1NF0]> flipped back around? 05:13 <@Evilpig> *drumroll* none! but the laptop is missing. I believe that means he has relocated to avoid the persecuting eye 05:13 <@[1NF0]> ooooh ahhh 05:14 <@ware> lol 05:14 <@Evilpig> does it play the music? or was that just something you had? 05:14 <@[1NF0]> that was some youtube video's audio 05:14 <@[1NF0]> it has a demo mode.. it's like, "ooh, ya.. .oooh, yeah" over and over 05:15 <@Evilpig> So I need to get a couple of watch batteries. some dull white LEDs, a few pieces of project board and a dozen pictures of different cameras 05:15 <@Evilpig> maybe dull red LEDs 05:15 <@ware> its 515am =/ 05:16 <@Evilpig> just enough of something to make it look like a camera is on behind a piece of paper 05:29 <@[1NF0]> are you drunk, Evilpig? :-D 05:32 <@Evilpig> I wish 05:32 <@Evilpig> I'm at work 05:35 <@Evilpig> so i'm waiting to see when my co-worker comes back from "lunch" because we have 30 minutes. and at this point I know he's been gone for nearly 40. 05:37 -!- [1NF0] [~1NF0]@c-71-59-4-23.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 05:39 -!- [1NF0] [~1NF0]@c-71-59-4-23.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 05:39 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o [1NF0]] by ChanServ 06:41 <@Evilpig> I demand a clue bat for use while at work 06:42 <@Evilpig> polerin: the next time a job comes open here I expect you to apply and raise the intelligence level around here 07:13 -!- fie [~fie@66-90-204-132.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:38 -!- fie [~fie@66-90-204-132.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #se2600 08:29 <@polerin> Evilpig: nope, I'm only doing part time till I get through school :) 08:29 <@polerin> hence the freelance thing 09:17 <@Evilpig> 5 racks down for the night. think I can get 2 more before noon. 09:53 -!- detro [~detro@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:23 * Lissa bangs head on desk 10:29 <@Lissa> Corydon76-dig: ping 10:35 -!- Peaches1984 [green@c-69-137-80-31.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 10:59 <@CRasH180> why are you banging your head on the desk? 11:01 <@Lissa> i hate accounting 11:03 <@CRasH180> Ah, so do I 11:03 <@Lissa> :) 11:08 <@Corydon76-dig> Lissa: pong 11:13 <@Dagmar> http://www.newschannel5.com/Global/story.asp?S=12981255 11:13 <@Dagmar> A tow motor. 11:14 <@Lissa> ...exploded? 11:14 <@Dagmar> I didn't even know they could explode, let alone explode and kill someone. 11:14 <@Dagmar> Seems too Pythonish 11:14 <@Lissa> me either 11:17 <@Evilpig> down to the switch and this rack is done! finally... 11:17 <@Evilpig> Dagmar: you have any watch batteries? LEDs? Project Board? 11:18 <@Evilpig> I'm thinking I need about 5 dull white or red LEDs, 5 pieces of 1"x1" breadboard and a watch battery for each. 11:19 <@Evilpig> then I can print out some webcam pictures. combine with the parts. then I have wireless cameras to put up around warren's cube to make the paranoid, rafiq, lose his god damned mind 11:20 <@Lissa> lol 11:21 <@Evilpig> you don't understand... I had the argument with him this morning. he disappeared for an hour for lunch, we get 30 min. when he came back I had turned all the cameras in warren's cube facing him again. 11:21 <@Evilpig> he asked if I turned them. I said yes what does it matter they are unplugged. 11:22 <@Evilpig> he said I don't like them watching me. I said how does an unplugged, unpowered camera watch you exactly? 11:22 <@Evilpig> he repeated the I don't like being watched, then followed up with how does warren know if I turned them if they aren't on? 11:22 <@Lissa> wow. paranoid much? 11:22 <@Evilpig> THEY"RE UNPLUGGED YOU FUCKING MORON! FOLLOW THE GOD DAMNED TAIL COMING OUT OF THE CAMERA YOURSELF!!!! 11:22 <@Lissa> lol 11:24 <@Evilpig> of all the cameras he turns and covers up he doens't touch the one that is actually on and is working. it's built into the laptop. paranoid sleepytime dale used to put a post-it over that one too 11:25 <@Evilpig> I'm beginning to suspect this fear of cameras and being watched is cultural. or stupid people just have no idea how the magic juice makes the 'spesive 'lectronics work 11:27 <@Lissa> what happened to Dale? 11:27 <@Evilpig> Dolemite walked in one night and stood over him until he woke up 11:27 <@Lissa> hahaha 11:27 <@Lissa> i bet that went over really well 11:28 <@Evilpig> "what?! i wasn't asleep. I was resting my eyes" 11:28 <@Evilpig> I was very uncomfortable sitting here that night 11:28 <@Lissa> because you knew it was coming? 11:28 <@Evilpig> I opened the door for Dolemite 11:29 <@Lissa> lol 11:29 <@Evilpig> he couldn't use the card swipe or the finger print reader cause they are loud as crap 11:38 <@Evilpig> it's 11:40 i'm stopping for the day. i've done more than my fair share. damned weekends are so long 11:38 <@Lissa> :) 11:39 <@Lissa> when do you get off work? 11:39 <@Evilpig> next shift shoudl be here at 12 11:39 * Lissa nods 11:39 <@Lissa> then off to bed with you! 11:43 <@Corydon76-dig> Evilpig: at least now you have Vandy Candy to watch 11:43 <@Evilpig> not til next week 11:43 <@Corydon76-dig> I thought freshmen movein was this weekend 11:43 <@Evilpig> no sir. tis a quiet campus 11:46 <@Evilpig> actually I want to say Pat told me the freshmen move in weekend after next 11:47 <@Corydon76-dig> That wouldn't make much sense, given that classes start on the 25th 11:47 <@Evilpig> looking for the calendar now 11:47 <@Evilpig> Aug. 21: New Student Move in Day and Orientation; Residence halls open at 7 a.m. 11:47 <@Lissa> i don't start until the 30th 11:49 <@Corydon76-dig> I was thinking of bringing Johnny by, letting him feast on the grass, and gaining lots of young fans 11:50 <@Lissa> hehe 11:50 <@Lissa> get him away from his nemesis for awhile :P 11:51 <@Corydon76-dig> Yeah, was thinking about that, too 12:01 <@Evilpig> http://wimp.mp/0dy.jpg 12:01 <@Evilpig> well that didn't work worth a fuck 12:18 <@CRasH180> Wow my internet connection is extremely slow 12:18 <@CRasH180> need faster interwebs 14:33 -!- Catonic [~catonic@] has joined #se2600 14:33 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 14:46 -!- Catonic [~catonic@] has quit [Quit: caio] 15:39 -!- CRasH180 [~CRasH180@pdpc/supporter/silver/CRasH180] has quit [Quit: off to work for a bit] 16:01 -!- Falun [~richard@75-37-195-222.lightspeed.lsatca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #se2600 16:05 -!- Peaches1984 [green@c-69-137-80-31.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:09 <@Dagmar> Today's Not-So-Mysterious Challenge is: Who does http://i.imgur.com/3MyfW.jpg belong to? 20:05 -!- fall0ut [~fall0ut@shitbox.idge.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 20:05 -!- fall0ut [~fall0ut@shitbox.idge.net] has joined #se2600 23:04 -!- unixfg [~ryan@ryan.worldspice.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] --- Log closed Mon Aug 16 00:00:57 2010