--- Log opened Sat Jan 03 00:00:07 2009 --- Day changed Sat Jan 03 2009 00:00 <@sdodson> m0j0-j0j0: Al showed up with some peacock looking hairdo 00:00 < Mercster> too late 00:00 < Mercster> i dunno if id wanna work out with Al 00:00 <@sdodson> Al is like a jewish treasure troll or something. 00:00 < Mercster> he'd work something out im not comfortable with 00:01 <@timoguin> sure you're not 00:01 -!- m0j0-j0j0 [n=mj0j0@cpe-071-070-193-020.nc.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 00:01 <@sdodson> Every month he shows up with a new outfit and haircut 00:01 -!- m0j0-j0j0 [n=mj0j0@cpe-071-070-193-020.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 00:01 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o m0j0-j0j0] by ChanServ 00:01 < Mercster> ah ha, 'scarface' just started on my TV 00:01 < Mercster> good movie 00:03 <@m0j0-j0j0> Mercster: you seem to be the only one who has an issue with Al or the gay thing in general 00:03 < Mercster> i aint no killa, but dont push me 00:03 < Mercster> revenge is like the sweetest JOOOOY, next ta gittin pussy 00:03 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: i dont have any issue 00:04 < Mercster> as far as 'the only one', i dunno if #se2600 at 1am on a saturday is an appropriate sample group 00:04 <@sdodson> ... currently understood by Western Medicine. 00:04 < Mercster> but you go on thinking what you want 00:05 <@sdodson> I'll have a problem with it so long as it annoys scoil. 00:05 < Mercster> cuz i just 00:05 < Mercster> dont 00:05 < Mercster> give a fuck 00:05 <@m0j0-j0j0> Mercster: #se2600 at 1am is the current environment your in so I would say its perfect 00:05 <@scoil> ? 00:05 <@scoil> sdodson, aww ur so nicd 00:06 < Mercster> sdodson is a damned saint 00:06 <@scoil> stfu 00:06 < Mercster> SHITCOIL 00:08 -!- AstralSin [n=IceChat7@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:11 <@m0j0-j0j0> I hate that I have this one room in my house that never gets warmed up 00:11 <@m0j0-j0j0> and of course its the tv room 00:11 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: you need one of those amish-build fireplaces 00:11 < Mercster> s/build/built 00:12 <@m0j0-j0j0> you mean the amish fireplace that runs on electricity. 00:12 < Mercster> yeah 00:12 < Mercster> that commercial is hilarius 00:12 < Mercster> the amish build the frame 00:12 < Mercster> then they slap in a satanic electronic furnace thing 00:12 < Mercster> i dunno how that works 00:12 <@m0j0-j0j0> Mercster: never saw the commercial.. I download tv from the UK 00:13 -!- peaches84 [i=pink@c-68-52-33-133.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 00:13 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o peaches84] by ChanServ 00:13 < Mercster> i guess its ok to touch a satanic electronic furnace for 5 seconds while you're slapping it into an amish-built frame 00:13 <@m0j0-j0j0> hey peaches84 00:13 < Mercster> re peaches84 00:14 <@timoguin> sdodson: omg 00:14 <@timoguin> just told crazy allison i'd hang out with her monday. =-\ 00:15 <@peaches84> hey whats up 00:15 < Mercster> agh 00:15 * Mercster survives sneezing fit 00:15 <@m0j0-j0j0> damn 00:15 <@peaches84> aw u ok 00:15 <@sdodson> timoguin: what? 00:15 <@sdodson> timoguin: WHY DID YOU TELL ME THIS? DO I KNOW HER? 00:16 <@peaches84> lord here we go 00:16 < Mercster> sdodson: you know everybody 00:16 <@sdodson> m0j0-j0j0: you need a smaller house! 00:16 <@sdodson> Mercster: YOU DONT KNOW ME! 00:16 <@m0j0-j0j0> sdodson: I need less christmas trees 00:16 < Mercster> i dont "know" you 00:16 < Mercster> :/ 00:17 <@timoguin> sdodson: I dunno. I've talked about her in #phneak. 00:18 <@rhia> ok, if she's crazy, what does that make you for agreeing to hang out with her when you don't seem happy about it? 00:18 <@m0j0-j0j0> sdodson: when the market recovers I'm going to have the same house built again with a finished basement 00:18 < Mercster> rhia: a male 00:19 < Mercster> all women are crazy, ergo... 00:19 <@m0j0-j0j0> sdodson: 3300 sqr/ft 00:20 <@m0j0-j0j0> Mercster: I can't wait until you've had your ass handed to you enough times to mature a little bit. You'll be a far more interesting person. 00:20 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: i cant wait either 00:20 < Mercster> oooh 00:20 < Mercster> it'll be so sweet 00:21 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: what you dont know is, compared to me, you're new, pal. i was on the innernettes when you were still on your mother's titty 00:21 <@sdodson> timoguin: ok, well go for it! 00:21 < Mercster> dont get a fuckin attitude with me, bro 00:21 < Mercster> ill have your ass on a platter 00:21 < Mercster> thanks for the input 00:21 <@sdodson> oh shit, nerd gangsta warz up in heeeeeeeer 00:22 <@timoguin> rhia: It makes me crazy too! 00:22 < Mercster> mind yer own fuckin business or wag or chanop dick around, otherwise i dont need your dicksucker making comments you cant back up 00:22 <@timoguin> She seems like she might be kinda cool. 00:22 <@m0j0-j0j0> Mercster: that just proves how much you don't know about what you're talking about 00:22 <@rhia> timoguin: ah, well, in that case ... 00:22 < Mercster> E 00:22 < Mercster> PICK ON 00:22 <@timoguin> I just don't really want her to know where I live. 00:22 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: what the fuck do i need to know about you 00:22 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: absolutely nuttin' 00:22 < Mercster> shut the fuck up 00:23 <@m0j0-j0j0> Mercster: how long did you deal with acoustic couplers? 00:23 < Mercster> "ass handed to me" 00:23 < Mercster> lol 00:23 < Mercster> i was getting kickbanned from efnet #linux 15 years ago 00:23 < Mercster> literally 00:23 < Mercster> 15 00:23 < Mercster> years 00:23 < Mercster> ago 00:23 < Mercster> you aint shit, homie 00:23 < Mercster> i dont give a fuck 00:24 < Mercster> shut up 00:24 <@m0j0-j0j0> 15 years ago 00:24 <@m0j0-j0j0> wow 00:24 < Mercster> yeah 00:24 <@rhia> and still getting kb'd 15 yrs later - short bus? 00:24 < Mercster> rhia: from #se2600 maybe 00:24 < Mercster> rhia: small time 00:24 <@m0j0-j0j0> then why are you here? 00:24 < Mercster> i aint got nothing against anyone, but you wanna start threatening me with your l33tness? 00:24 < Mercster> lol 00:24 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: im here cuz there are cool ppl here 00:25 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: modulus you 00:25 <@rhia> Mercster: nah, you missed the memo - the channel is full of elitists 00:25 < Mercster> zip the lip 00:25 < Mercster> rhia: well, thats fine 00:25 < Mercster> rhia: not like i havent encountered those before 00:25 <@Corydon76-dig> Just because you've gotten your ass handed to you for 15 years doesn't make you leet... at the very least, it makes you lame. 00:25 < Mercster> i dont play the 'im better than you' game 00:25 <@rhia> Mercster: actually, it was an email, or 12, but whatever 00:25 < Mercster> Corydon76-dig: call it how you see it, homie 00:26 <@Corydon76-dig> You're not even black; what's with the ghetto talk? 00:26 < Mercster> im a wigger 00:26 <@m0j0-j0j0> your an idiot 00:26 <@Corydon76-dig> White trash is more like it 00:26 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: k 00:26 < Mercster> Corydon76-dig: possibly 00:26 < Mercster> this is fucking tennessee 00:26 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 00:27 < Mercster> 4/5ths chance im white trash by default 00:27 <@Corydon76-dig> I've seen your pic, remember? White trash. 00:27 < Mercster> listen, you have a crush 00:27 <@m0j0-j0j0> teehee 00:27 < Mercster> it's cool 00:27 < Mercster> i dont judge you and your alternative lifestyle 00:27 <@Corydon76-dig> I don't give a shit what you think of my 'alternative lifestyle' 00:27 <@sdodson> I do. 00:27 < Mercster> ok great then 00:27 < Mercster> i dont give a fuck about you either 00:27 <@m0j0-j0j0> Mercster: you just fixate on it 00:27 < Mercster> we're even :) 00:28 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: k, shut up 00:28 <@sdodson> m0j0-j0j0: i'm out, goodnight, here's to 2009! 00:28 <@m0j0-j0j0> Mercster: maybe I'll start typing in lyrics 00:28 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: maybe you should, it'd be more interesting 00:28 <@m0j0-j0j0> sdodson: have a good one 00:29 * Mercster waves at sdodson 00:30 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has joined #se2600 00:30 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 00:30 <@dasunt> Gah. 00:30 <@dasunt> I hate my luck with women. 00:30 * sdodson slips dasunt some pills 00:30 < Mercster> dasunt: luck doesnt exist...everyone makes their own situation 00:30 <@sdodson> vitamins! 00:31 < Mercster> dasunt: start thinkin' like a pimp 00:31 <@dasunt> In that case, I attract the crazy. 00:31 <@dasunt> Damned if I know why. 00:32 <@dasunt> Also, I totally nail the "nice guy" category. 00:32 < Mercster> again, all chicks are crazy 00:32 < Mercster> it just gets into degrees 00:32 <@dasunt> I had one forget a date. 00:32 <@dasunt> Totally forget it. 00:32 <@dasunt> wTF? 00:32 <@dasunt> seriously, WTF? 00:32 <@Corydon76-dig> dasunt: hence, you should start nailing nice guys 00:32 < Mercster> :/ 00:32 <@dasunt> Corydon76-dig: Seriously, if I was bi right now, I'd be totally giving up on women. 00:33 <@Corydon76-dig> dasunt: why do you think I'm no longer dating women? 00:33 <@m0j0-j0j0> Corydon76-dig: it costs too much? 00:34 <@rhia> Corydon76-dig: you mean aside from liking guys and finding the incredibly wonderful peaches84? 00:34 <@Corydon76-dig> rhia: I'm bisexual 00:34 <@dasunt> Seriously, WTF is wrong with me? 00:34 -!- CRasH180 [n=crash180@c-68-52-32-134.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit ["That's it! I'm outta here"] 00:34 <@dasunt> Why do I attract the crazies? 00:34 <@rhia> Corydon76-dig: ..... believe you've mentioned that before 00:34 <@Corydon76-dig> but I only found Peaches when I stopped looking for women exclusively 00:35 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: nothing is wrong with you 00:35 < Mercster> i dunno how many times i have to type this 00:35 < Mercster> ill type it once more 00:35 < Mercster> all chicks are crazy, relative to dudes 00:35 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: we all attract crazy folks 00:35 <@dasunt> I know, I know, everyone is crazy. 00:35 <@dasunt> But I seem to attract the extreme. 00:35 < Mercster> if you want to get laid, or even have a meaningful relationship, get ready for crazy 00:35 < Mercster> dasunt: practice "pretending to listen: 00:35 <@Corydon76-dig> dasunt: date someone you work with 00:35 < Mercster> Corydon76-dig: ugh 00:36 < Mercster> Corydon76-dig: you're giving intentionally bad advice, arent you ;-) 00:36 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: give up 00:36 <@Corydon76-dig> Nope 00:36 < Mercster> someone you work with? 00:36 < Mercster> egads 00:36 <@Corydon76-dig> Or date someone you go to church with 00:36 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: maybe your trying too hard 00:36 < Mercster> Corydon76-dig: maybe that's why you're gay, you dont have any better ideas 00:36 <@dasunt> Corydon76-dig: Been there, done that. 00:36 < Mercster> fucking someone you work with is frought with danger 00:36 <@dasunt> Corydon76-dig: Not going to date someone I work with ever again. 00:36 < Mercster> id recommend against it 00:36 < Mercster> dasunt: good idea 00:37 <@Corydon76-dig> This is why I said 'date', not 'fuck' 00:37 <@dasunt> Admittedly, we were married at the time. 00:37 <@dasunt> And I found her a job with the company I worked with because she was out of work. 00:37 < Mercster> Corydon76-dig: if you knew anything about females, you'd know the "fuck" is couched in terms of "dating" 00:37 <@dasunt> And she cheated on me, broke up with me, and got me fired. 00:37 -!- TheLightCosine [n=c0malod@adsl-074-185-106-134.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 00:37 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 00:37 <@Corydon76-dig> And then she started fucking your boss 00:38 < Mercster> heterosexuals dont have the same fuck/date dichotomy gay people seem to 00:38 < Mercster> if any fucking goes on, it's usually within the pretext of "dating" 00:38 <@dasunt> Corydon76-dig: Yep. 00:38 < TheLightCosine> wow 00:38 <@sdodson> Perhaps because fucking carries the whole baby consequence? 00:38 < Mercster> as opposed to bath houses and anonymous truck stop sex 00:38 <@dasunt> Which is why I learned dating someone in the same workplace as you is a bad idea. 00:38 < TheLightCosine> this was an interesting conversation to come into 00:38 <@Corydon76-dig> What are you talking about? Gay people frequently fuck on the first date. 00:38 <@timoguin> Fuck != Date 00:38 <@timoguin> Not even with women. 00:38 <@timoguin> You just have to make it clear. 00:39 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: seriously.. stop trying as soon as you really give up it will all happen without you trying to force it 00:39 <@dasunt> I do stop trying. 00:39 <@rhia> dasunt: eh, met Drag0n at work - not all work relationships can be based on your ex 00:39 -ChanServ:#se2600- Corydon76-dig (Corydon76-home) set flags +oOtriA on TheLightCosine. 00:39 <@dasunt> I'm just my nice normal self, well, less depressed IRL. 00:39 < Mercster> Corydon76-dig is accustomed to bath houses and truck stops, where straight "fucking" goes on. when i mention "fucking" in the context of a natural wholesome relationship, i mean that it applies in the context of "dating" 00:39 <@dasunt> And I get fucked over. 00:39 <@rhia> m0j0-j0j0: good advice, it works 00:39 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o TheLightCosine] by ChanServ 00:39 < Mercster> which is the standard heterosexual framework for fucking 00:39 <@TheLightCosine> ty corydon 00:40 <@polerin> Mercster: lay off the crap. 00:40 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o DigitalIrony] by ChanServ 00:40 <@polerin> he's not the only gay person in here 00:40 <@polerin> :P 00:40 < Mercster> i dont give a fuck 00:40 < Mercster> he's the one questioning my terms 00:40 <@timoguin> There's plenty of girls that are cool with no-strings-attached fucking. 00:40 <@TheLightCosine> polerin, mercster's the new ware 00:40 <@m0j0-j0j0> polerin: just ignore him like everyone else has 00:40 <@rhia> Mercster: so, gay automatically == truck stop sex? 00:40 <@polerin> and I'm the one saying lay off the sterotypes 00:40 < Mercster> any other gay people can feel free to consider themselves within my definitions 00:40 <@dasunt> I don't mind strings-attached fucking. 00:41 <@timoguin> It's just that most girl feel the need to deceive their way into a girl's pants. 00:41 <@timoguin> *most guys 00:41 < Mercster> dasunt: strings attached fucking is just about the only fucking there is 00:41 <@Corydon76-dig> timoguin: not who are my age 00:41 <@dasunt> I'd rather just have an honest adult relationship. 00:41 <@timoguin> Corydon76-dig: What? Girls that are cool with NSA? 00:41 <@dasunt> And that seems to be impossible for some fucking reason. 00:41 <@Corydon76-dig> timoguin: right 00:42 * timoguin shrugs 00:42 <@timoguin> I can only speak from my own experiences. =) 00:42 < Mercster> dasunt: that comes along once or twice in a lifetime. i admire your character if you limit yourself to only those relationships, but it doesnt do much in the way of "getting your rocks off" 00:42 <@Corydon76-dig> timoguin: your sex life makes me look celibate 00:42 <@dasunt> Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people. 00:42 < Mercster> if you want mature, caring, emotional intercourse, you'll be waiting quite a long time between encounters 00:42 <@timoguin> Corydon76-dig: Dude, I haven't been laid in like two weeks. 00:42 < Mercster> thats just the reality of the situation 00:42 <@m0j0-j0j0> timoguin: actually, I would say that connecting on an emotional or spiritual level with a girl is way better than deceiving 00:43 <@dasunt> Here's what I ask for. You meet me or I meet you. We go on a few dates, get to know each other and treat each other with respect. 00:43 < Mercster> nothing wrong with holding out for it either 00:43 < Mercster> its just not common 00:43 <@Corydon76-dig> timoguin: heh, I got a blowjob this morning 00:43 <@timoguin> m0j0-j0j0: well, no shit. I wasn't arguing for the other way. 00:43 < Mercster> it's rare 00:43 <@dasunt> If we like each other, we get more attached and have mutually satisfying sex. 00:43 <@dasunt> We don't do crazy shit like play games with each other. 00:43 <@timoguin> I was just saying that guys think girls won't have sex without sometime of love or relationship. 00:43 <@timoguin> So they tend to try to deceive them into fucking them. 00:45 <@Corydon76-dig> timoguin: btw, what happened to the milf? 00:45 <@m0j0-j0j0> rufies 00:45 <@timoguin> Corydon76-dig: That was two years ago. 00:45 <@timoguin> She got all possessive and jealous and shit. 00:45 <@timoguin> And plus the sex wasn't good. 00:46 <@timoguin> She kinda wanted me to be the father to her kids. 00:46 <@m0j0-j0j0> [X] 00:46 <@Corydon76-dig> timoguin: what's her address? 00:46 <@timoguin> Haha. I think she's being monogamous with some guy now. 00:47 <@timoguin> Although she did send me a video of her masturbating in a cage not too long ago. 00:47 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: play any sports? 00:47 <@Corydon76-dig> I need a woman to bear a kid for me 00:47 <@dasunt> m0j0-j0j0: I just cycle. 00:48 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: speed or distance? 00:48 <@dasunt> The sad thing is if she calls me up in a week or so trying to get together, I'll probably ask her what she honestly wants, and that'll destroy any remaining chance. 00:48 <@Corydon76-dig> rhia: you up for having another kid? 00:48 <@dasunt> m0j0-j0j0: Distance. 00:48 <@m0j0-j0j0> or exercise 00:49 <@rhia> Corydon76-dig: not a chance in hell, but thanks for the much belated offer ;P~~~ 00:49 <@timoguin> Corydon76-dig: Oh, I doubt she'd be interested in that. 00:49 <@timoguin> I meant her current kids that were 10 and 5. 00:49 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: you a member of a group? 00:50 <@dasunt> m0j0-j0j0: Nope, I'm in suburbia. 00:50 <@rhia> Corydon76-dig: some women love being pregnant - i am NOT one of them 00:50 <@timoguin> I don't think I would like being pregnant if I was a woman. 00:52 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: lots of very level hot gals at my gym :) 00:52 <@m0j0-j0j0> telcobob agrees 00:52 <@sdodson> When I think of pregnancy I think of those mornings I wake up and take a really fulfilling shit. 00:52 <@sdodson> The ones that are a bit painful in the heat of battle but afterwards you feel like you just killed Charlie. 00:52 <@timoguin> sdodson: That's probably EXACTLY what it's like. 00:53 <@m0j0-j0j0> sdodson: I dont think I want to know more on that topic 00:53 < Mercster> i got a woman, stay drunk all the time 00:53 <@Corydon76-dig> Actually, I suspect it's more like somebody stretching your balls over the mouth of a 55-gallon drum 00:53 <@timoguin> Oh man that sounds so hot. 00:53 <@sdodson> stretching? they're that big already! 00:54 * timoguin high fives sdodson 00:54 * Mercster feels sdodson 00:54 <@rhia> remember the scene from Alien? well, instead of it bursting thru the chest, imagine it kicking around inside for a few months before bursting out of your dick 00:55 <@dasunt> m0j0-j0j0: Ah, but I'm ugly. 00:55 < Mercster> rhia: that's hot 00:55 <@dasunt> And that seems to be a big strike against me. 00:55 < Mercster> 00:55 < Mercster> dasunt: you're only as ugly as you feel 00:55 <@Corydon76-dig> dasunt: You are so not ugly 00:55 <@m0j0-j0j0> dasunt: no your not 00:56 <@dasunt> Corydon76-dig: Meh, I could show a recent picture, complete with acne. 00:56 < Mercster> if you feel sexy, you are sexy 00:56 <@rhia> dasunt: pic? 00:56 < Mercster> dasunt: there's medicine for that 00:56 <@dasunt> Wait a second. 00:56 <@m0j0-j0j0> rhia: ircstats page 00:56 <@dasunt> Mercster: Yep, I'm currently ruled out every medicine that doesn't scare the shit out of me. 00:56 < Mercster> dasunt: heh 00:56 <@dasunt> BRB, getting picture. 00:56 < Mercster> yea some of that stuff is weird 00:56 <@Corydon76-dig> This is very similar to male pregnancy: www.swollentip.com 00:56 < Mercster> i dont click on urls with 'swollen' in them 00:57 -!- sdodson [n=sdodson@serenity.ninjr.org] has left #se2600 [] 00:57 -!- sdodson [n=sdodson@serenity.ninjr.org] has joined #se2600 00:57 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sdodson] by ChanServ 00:58 <@dasunt> Corydon76-dig: I'm told kidney stones hurt worse than childbirth. 00:58 <@scoil> . 00:58 <@Corydon76-dig> Oh, fine, then... http://tinyurl.com/qs2tg 00:58 < Mercster> several things hurt worse than childbirth 00:58 < Mercster> according to females who know 00:58 < Mercster> not that it doesnt rank amongst the most painful things 00:58 < Mercster> but it's not the ultimate 00:59 <@TheLightCosine> woah 00:59 < Mercster> it's probably the most painful natural phenomena 00:59 <@rhia> dasunt: um, different hurt, both want to make you rip people apart 00:59 <@TheLightCosine> i dunon what you jsut linked corydon but once i saw the url behind it i decided to close that browser heh 00:59 < Mercster> Corydon is a notorious pervert 01:00 <@m0j0-j0j0> TheLightCosine: I never open urls he sends 01:00 <@m0j0-j0j0> TheLightCosine: its mostly the fear of the unknown 01:00 < Mercster> m0j0-j0j0: you should experiment some...get "curious" 01:00 <@m0j0-j0j0> *yawn* 01:01 <@Corydon76-dig> TheLightCosine: rhia said male pregnancy was like a child coming out of your penis... and so I linked a Flash video similar to that 01:01 < Mercster> :/ 01:01 <@m0j0-j0j0> well kids.. it's past my bed time so.. I guess I'll catch you all in the morning. 01:01 < Mercster> yeah, bye 01:01 <@m0j0-j0j0> wish I could say awake so I could talk more about babies coming out of my penis 01:01 -!- m0j0-j0j0 [n=mj0j0@cpe-071-070-193-020.nc.res.rr.com] has quit ["cheers"] 01:02 <@TheLightCosine> Corydon76 didn't you say you had to get up early tommorow? 01:03 <@Corydon76-dig> Yeah, kinda 01:04 <@TheLightCosine> lol so why are you still up? =P 01:05 <@Corydon76-dig> Because I'm not tired yet? 01:05 <@TheLightCosine> hrm, and wtf can my laptop now associate to my neighbor's AP but not to mine, nor to the one at the meeting 01:05 <@TheLightCosine> grr 01:05 <@TheLightCosine> i really fucked something up with these drivers i think 01:06 <@rhia> ware is Still the #2 most prolific chatter in here? 01:06 <@Corydon76-dig> TheLightCosine: you coming out tomorrow? 01:06 < Mercster> yea well 01:07 <@TheLightCosine> maybe, i'd like too but i feel a little guilty about leaving my wife with the kids two days in a row 01:08 <@Corydon76-dig> How old are the kids? 01:08 <@TheLightCosine> i dunno how much help i'd be either, i dun really know anything about plumbing 01:08 <@TheLightCosine> 2 and 2months 01:08 <@Corydon76-dig> Ah, bit young to bring with 01:08 <@Corydon76-dig> Well, there's painting to do 01:08 <@TheLightCosine> yeah heh 01:10 <@Corydon76-dig> Well, stop by and check us out 01:10 < Mercster> :/ 01:10 <@TheLightCosine> have to see how the day starts off, if my wife is ready to kill the children before lunch i may not get out hehe 01:10 <@Corydon76-dig> Don't need to stay, but you can get the grand tour 01:17 <@TheLightCosine> man nmap is taking a really fucking long time to finish this scan 01:25 <@TheLightCosine> hrm 01:25 * TheLightCosine goes looking for tivotogo software for linux 01:25 <@Corydon76-dig> TheLightCosine: it's called MythTV 01:25 < Mercster> mythtv rules 01:26 <@TheLightCosine> mythtv is it's own server package yes? 01:26 * dasunt listens to Mountain Goat's Tallahassee. 01:26 <@dasunt> This is one wickedly black album. 01:26 <@TheLightCosine> i'm looking for a client to access an atual tivo box 01:27 < Mercster> mythtv comes in two parts, client ansd server 01:28 < Mercster> client is lightweight 01:28 < Mercster> (relatuvely) 01:29 < Mercster> if its any indication, several people have mythtv setups in which the client is an original MS xbox to serve as the client 01:29 <@TheLightCosine> yes but will the client itnerface with tivo's propietary system or is it only for use with an actual mythtv server? 01:29 < Mercster> all thorughout their house 01:30 <@Corydon76-dig> TheLightCosine: only for myth 01:30 < Mercster> TheLightCosine: cant say there, i only know mythtv interfacing with itself, not tivo 01:30 <@TheLightCosine> yeah i want something that will let me access an actual tivo box 01:30 < Mercster> tivo is obsolete once you have mythtv 01:30 < Mercster> cant say, beyond that 01:33 <@dasunt> "Our conversations are like mind fields, nobody's found a safe way through one yet." 01:33 <@dasunt> Er, mine fields. 01:34 <@peaches84> ok guys well me and Corydon76-dig is going to bed talk to yall tomrrow 01:34 < Mercster> byyyyyeee 01:35 <@dasunt> Bye! 01:35 <@TheLightCosine> hopefully cya guys tmw 01:35 <@dasunt> Have buttsex, 'kay? :p 01:36 <@peaches84> lol 01:38 < Mercster> secks in the butt 01:38 < Mercster> with bonerz 01:40 < Mercster> that's hot 01:40 <@TheLightCosine> wow i just busted out my older dell laptop and somehow something called microsoft narrator got installed on here 01:40 <@TheLightCosine> my wife swears she didn't do it 01:40 < Mercster> OOOH YEA 01:41 < Mercster> maybe it could tell you were gay 01:41 < Mercster> and auto-installed 01:52 -!- TheLightCosine [n=c0malod@adsl-074-185-106-134.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 01:55 -!- peaches84 [i=pink@c-68-52-33-133.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 01:56 < Mercster> yo 01:56 < Mercster> mic check 02:11 <@dasunt> I figured it out. 02:11 <@dasunt> I must be Jewish. 02:11 <@dasunt> God hates me. :( 02:15 < Mercster> Rev2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (KJV) 02:15 <@dasunt> I'm so drunk I'm losing my mouse. 02:15 < Mercster> Rev3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; 02:15 < Mercster> behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (KJV) 02:15 < Mercster> dasunt: same 02:15 < Mercster> drunk azza skunk 02:15 <@dasunt> That's not a bad way to be. 02:15 <@dasunt> I'm still listening to the Mountain Goats. 02:15 < Mercster> not entirely, no 02:15 <@dasunt> This album kicks ass. 02:16 < Mercster> im listening to Yes 02:16 < Mercster> 'heard of the sunrise'' 02:16 <@dasunt> It's about a married couple who moves into a decaying house (symbolic of their marriage) and proceed to drink themselves to death. 02:16 < Mercster> sharp 02:16 < Mercster> distance 02:16 < Mercster> how can 02:16 < Mercster> the wind 02:16 <@dasunt> The lyrics are awesome. 02:16 < Mercster> with so many around me 02:16 < Mercster> lost in the city... 02:16 <@dasunt> "I've got you / You've got whatever's left of me to get / Our conversations are like minefields / No one's found a safe way through one yet" 02:16 < Mercster> o/~ 02:16 <@dasunt> "I hope that I hope that our few remaining friends / Give up on trying to save us / I hope we come up with a failsafe plot / To piss off the dumb few that forgave us" 02:16 < Mercster> dasunt: hehe 02:17 < Mercster> dasunt: Yes lyrics are mainly inpenetrable 02:17 < Mercster> meaningless crap 02:17 < Mercster> but they're cool songs 02:17 < Mercster> SHARP! 02:17 < Mercster> DISTANCE! 02:17 < Mercster> how can the wind, with its arms all around me... 02:17 < Mercster> SHARP! 02:17 < Mercster> DISTANCE! 02:18 < Mercster> how...can...the wind with so many aROUND MEEEEEEEEEE 02:18 < Mercster> I FEEL LOST IN THE CITYYYYYYYY 02:18 <@dasunt> "Our love is like the border between Greece and Albania / Trucks loaded down with weapons / Crossing over every night" 02:18 < Mercster> dasunt: haha 02:18 < Mercster> greece and albiana...salient contrast 02:19 <@dasunt> "I was driving up from Tampa / When the radiator burst / I was three sheets to the wind / A civilian saw me first / And then there was the cop / And then the children standing on the corner 02:20 <@dasunt> "Your love is like a cyclone in a swamp / And the weather's getting warmer" 02:20 < Mercster> not bad 02:21 < Mercster> makes more sense than Yes lyrics anyway 02:21 <@dasunt> I got some Finntroll tonight. 02:22 <@dasunt> In addition to Mountain goats. 02:23 <@scoil> . 02:23 <@dasunt> Yes, my musical tastes are bizarre. 02:23 <@dasunt> Tonight is urban folk and black folk metal. 02:24 < Mercster> man, i have a 6G+ collectionm 02:24 < Mercster> and i just put it on random 02:24 <@dasunt> I usually put my collection on random. 02:25 <@dasunt> But when I buy a new album I listen to it. 02:25 < Mercster> one minute nirvana, next 2pac, next soundarden, next outkast, next creedence, next Yes, next frank zappa, next eminem 02:25 < Mercster> i just let it go 02:25 < Mercster> i appreciate it all 02:25 < Mercster> dont have nothin' for you 02:25 < Mercster> dont have nothin' for you! 02:25 < Mercster> dont have nothin' for you 02:25 < Mercster> dont have nothin' for you! 02:25 * Mercster headbangs 02:26 < Mercster> make that 11G 02:27 <@dasunt> I have more than 11G, I think. 02:27 < Mercster> nod 02:27 <@dasunt> Legal, for the most part. 02:27 < Mercster> 11G isnt huge...just, last time i checked it was 6G 02:27 <@dasunt> 13G. 02:27 < Mercster> just did a du -sh, and its LL6 02:27 < Mercster> everything from steve miller band to aesop rock 02:28 < Mercster> 11G 02:28 < Mercster> all over the map 02:28 < Mercster> im pretty eclectic when it comes to genre 02:28 < Mercster> but tend to be picky within those genres 02:28 < Mercster> anyway, fuckit, i enjoy it all 02:32 < Mercster> 2pac bobsegar eminem nirvana snoop wutang 02:32 < Mercster> 311 bonethugs floyd outkast soundgarden yes 02:32 < Mercster> aesoprock ccr gratefuldead ozzy stevemiller zappa 02:32 < Mercster> beachboys cypresshill gunsnroses primus sublime 02:32 < Mercster> beastieboys desktop.ini ledzeppelin queen systemofadown 02:32 <@dasunt> I tend to like folk metal. 02:32 < Mercster> beatles doors misc Sample Music.lnk weezer 02:32 <@dasunt> And weird shit. 02:32 < Mercster> that's my collection 02:32 <@dasunt> I have 148 bands in my collection. 02:32 < Mercster> nice 02:32 < Mercster> much more than me 02:32 <@dasunt> 544 albums. 02:33 < Mercster> i have a lot of albums particular to specific bands 02:33 <@dasunt> Jebus, I spend too much on CDs. 02:33 < Mercster> ;ess artists, more albums 02:33 < Mercster> less 02:33 <@dasunt> Pink Floyd is good. 02:33 < Mercster> amen 02:34 <@dasunt> I think I share Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Soundgarden, Ozzy Osburne and Guns & Roses with You. 02:34 <@dasunt> Oh, and Queen. 02:34 * Mercster nods 02:34 <@dasunt> I have some weird shit though. 02:34 < Mercster> hehe 02:34 < Mercster> nothing wrong with that 02:34 <@dasunt> Albums that are hard to find in the states, such as Lumsk (Norwegian band/Norwegian lyrics) 02:34 < Mercster> as long as it makes you happy it' 02:34 < Mercster> as long as it makes you happy it's "good music" 02:35 < Mercster> dasunt: ok i have a question 02:35 <@dasunt> What's that? 02:35 < Mercster> dasunt: listened to 'chinese democracy' yet? 02:35 <@dasunt> Not yet. 02:35 < Mercster> i recommend it highly 02:36 < Mercster> took me a couple listens to get over the newness of it 02:36 < Mercster> and the fact that, well, it's only g'n'r in name 02:36 < Mercster> but now, 'chinese democracy' serves as many of my common earbugs 02:36 < Mercster> i think its a great album 02:36 < Mercster> check it out 02:37 <@dasunt> I want to listen to Ensifirum, but the local big music store didn't have it. :( 02:38 < Mercster> never heard of it 02:39 < Mercster> not a big fan of electronic music 02:39 < Mercster> honestly i tend to like either 1) classic rock or 2) hardcore gangsta rap 02:39 <@dasunt> They are a folk metal band. 02:39 <@dasunt> Finnish. 02:39 < Mercster> gotcha 02:39 < Mercster> yea not too much into that stuff 02:39 <@dasunt> It's an interesting genre. 02:39 <@dasunt> Pretty broad. 02:39 < Mercster> nod 02:40 < Mercster> well im always up for suggestions 02:40 < Mercster> i couldnt exist without music...makes me happy 02:40 <@dasunt> Finntroll is a good black folk metal band. 02:40 <@dasunt> Korpiklaani is a good more folkish-folk metal band. 02:40 <@dasunt> Tyr has more prog tendencies for folk metal. 02:41 <@dasunt> :p 02:41 < Mercster> i like some prog rock 02:41 <@dasunt> I'm a huge Korpiklaani fan. 02:41 < Mercster> Yes probably the one i like the most 02:41 <@dasunt> Prog rock? 02:41 <@dasunt> Listened to Sonata Arctica yet? 02:41 < Mercster> progressive rock 02:41 < Mercster> no, ever listened to Yes? :) 02:43 <@dasunt> Nope. 02:43 <@dasunt> Finntroll is an interesting band, 'cause they are black metal, but they also use elements of Finnish polka. 02:43 <@dasunt> And they really like trolls. 02:44 <@scoil> same 02:44 < Mercster> whatever 'prog metal' is, they borrowed the label from 'progressive rock'...bands like Yes, Genesis, King Crimson, Kansas, some Pink Floyd 02:44 < Mercster> it usually meant rock and roll with more classical arrangements 02:44 <@scoil> .np 02:44 <@dasunt> So you get a band that has the growled vocals of black metal, and some of the musical style, but their keyboard player will use a heavy polka melody, and their songs tend to be humorous troll songs. 02:45 <@dasunt> Mercster: Look up "Caleb" by Sonata Arctica on youtube. 02:45 < Mercster> rock and roll combined with complex instrumentation, tempo changes, orchestral arrangements 02:45 < Mercster> etc 02:45 <@dasunt> Orchestral tendst to be its own metal subgenre. 02:46 <@dasunt> Later Therion and Nightwish are good examples of symphonic metal. 02:46 < Mercster> dasunt: i suggest you download this album: Yes, 'Fragile' 02:46 < Mercster> you'll get a feel for prog rock 02:47 <@dasunt> Isn't Rush prog rock? 02:47 <@dasunt> Got a bit of them. 02:47 < Mercster> yes, it is 02:47 < Mercster> i happen to hate rush 02:47 < Mercster> but it is prog rock 02:47 < Mercster> Yes's "Fragile" is much better ;-) 02:48 <@dasunt> Have you heard of ProgPower? 02:48 <@dasunt> You're in the SE, right? 02:48 < Mercster> hmm nope 02:48 < Mercster> knoxville 02:48 <@dasunt> ProgPower is a Progressive/Power metal festival in Atlanta. 02:48 < Mercster> huh, cool 02:48 < Mercster> prolly would enjoy that 02:48 <@dasunt> Happens yearly. 02:48 < Mercster> nod 02:48 <@scoil> fag 02:49 < Mercster> dammit, shitcoil 02:49 <@dasunt> I'm in the great icy north in the city that is the redheaded stepchild of concert tours, but we do get a few ProgPower bands playing up here during the rest of their north American tools. 02:49 <@dasunt> Both Helloween and Gamma Ray played up here, for example (damn good concert). 02:51 < Mercster> dasunt: check this out as a sample http://quanta.homeip.net/roundabout.mp3 02:51 < Mercster> that's the definition of 'prog rock 02:51 <@dasunt> What band is that? 02:51 < Mercster> Yes 02:52 <@dasunt> I need to sleep soon. 02:54 <@dasunt> Trollhammaren is a spiffy song. 02:54 <@scoil> trolld 02:54 <@dasunt> The polka is strong in it. 02:55 <@scoil> oh rly 02:55 < Mercster> twenty four before my love and ill be theeeeeeeeere... 02:55 < Mercster> *hammond organ" 02:56 < Mercster> in and around the lake 02:56 < Mercster> mountains come out of the sky 02:56 < Mercster> and they STAND THERE! 02:56 < Mercster> one mile over ther, and we'll see you 02:57 < Mercster> ten true summers, we'll be there and laughing too 02:57 < Mercster> twenty four before my love you'll see... 02:57 < Mercster> ill be there with 02:57 < Mercster> yooooooouuuuuuuuuu 03:01 < Mercster> dasunt: you may also like http://quanta.homeip.net/runaround.mp3 03:01 < Mercster> if you're into "unusual" sounds 03:01 < Mercster> very unique tempo on that one 03:01 < Mercster> also listenable, almost 'pop' 03:02 < Mercster> but, entirely not ;-) 03:10 < Mercster> that's "progressive rock" 03:12 < Mercster> complex arrangements, odd time signatures with frequent tempo changes, etc 03:12 < Mercster> i assume "progressive metal" follows in the same vein 03:12 < Mercster> id be willing to listen to samples 03:13 < Mercster> i think the 'hardest' group i like is system of a down 03:13 < Mercster> but im always open to new shit 03:41 < Mercster> oh ya? 03:41 < Mercster> has he lost his mind 03:41 < Mercster> can he see or is he blind? 03:41 < Mercster> can he walk at all 03:41 < Mercster> or if he moves, will he fall 03:42 < Mercster> oooooooh shit 03:56 < Mercster> . 03:58 <@timoguin> Listen to Kamelot if you want cool prog metal. 03:58 <@timoguin> Although there are blurs between the genres of prog metal and power metal. 03:59 <@timoguin> Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Ayreon, etc. 04:09 < Mercster> im waiting for a sample 04:16 < Mercster> , 04:16 < Mercster> FLASH! 04:16 < Mercster> AHHH-AHHHHHHHHHHH! 04:16 < Mercster> savior of the universe! 04:16 < Mercster> FLASH! 04:16 < Mercster> AHHH-AHHHHHHHHHHH! 04:16 < Mercster> he'll save every one of us! 04:17 < Mercster> he's for everone of us... 04:17 < Mercster> STAND FOR EVERYONE OF US 04:18 < Mercster> he's just a man... 04:18 < Mercster> with a man's courage 04:18 < Mercster> you know he's...nothin but a man 04:18 < Mercster> who can never fail 04:18 < Mercster> noone but the pure in heart 04:18 < Mercster> can find the golden grail 04:18 < Mercster> ohhhhh, whoaaaa 04:18 < Mercster> OHHHHHHHHH WHOAAA 04:18 < Mercster> ... 04:19 < Mercster> FLASH! 04:27 < Mercster> im a soldier 04:28 < Mercster> these shoulders hold up so much. i wont budge 04:28 < Mercster> ill never fall or fold up 04:28 < Mercster> im a soldier 04:28 < Mercster> even if my collar bones crush and crumble 04:28 < Mercster> i will never stumble 05:00 <@someninjamaster> wow you talk alot 05:05 <@aestetix> man I am a moron 05:06 <@aestetix> I was trying to figure out why I kept running out of space 05:06 <@aestetix> turns out ubuntu fucked up my fstab and instead of mounting my large partition into my /home directory, all my shit was getting dumped into the root partition 05:06 <@aestetix> so all my stuff had to fit into 10 gigs instead of 50 05:10 -!- C-P [n=HappyDan@pool-71-189-61-27.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]"] 05:11 -!- juice_ [i=juice@] has joined #se2600 05:12 -!- Netsplit verne.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: @juice, @timoguin 05:14 -!- timoguin [n=timd@] has joined #se2600 05:14 -!- ServerMode/#se2600 [+o timoguin] by irc.freenode.net 05:18 -!- juice_ is now known as juice 05:18 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o juice] by ChanServ 06:04 -!- C-P [n=HappyDan@pool-71-189-61-27.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #se2600 06:18 -!- C-P [n=HappyDan@pool-71-189-61-27.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]"] 06:36 -!- sync350 [n=sync@adsl-232-116-36.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 07:28 <@sdodson> hi 07:29 <@sdodson> aestetix: What was the first clue you were a moron? 07:29 <@sdodson> I'm saying that you were running ubuntu, what say you? 07:33 <+cerkit> You're so very silly, sdodson. 07:33 <@sdodson> I'm an OG 07:34 <+cerkit> Letm e ask you, you've tended to defend against any sort of Microsoft hate-mongering. Especially when it comes from totally irrational basis. 07:34 <+cerkit> Why is it you are unable to do with with other software? 07:34 <+cerkit> :) 07:34 <+cerkit> this* 07:35 <+cerkit> Is the work which propelled Ubuntu into usefulness not equally demanding of respect? 07:37 <@sdodson> No, it is. 07:37 <+cerkit> Why would aestetix be a moron for using it then? 07:37 <@sdodson> It's just that most of their userbase isn't demanding of respect, aestetix doubly so. 07:37 <+cerkit> Ah, I see. 07:37 <+cerkit> A keen distinction. 07:37 <@timoguin> I just installed Ubuntu on a friend's laptop. 07:38 <@sdodson> aestetix is a twatcicle 07:38 <@timoguin> I reinstalled windows for her and couldn't get the drivers for the sound and modem to work. 07:38 <@timoguin> Ubuntu worked just fine. 07:38 <+cerkit> tomoguin: Vista? 07:38 <+cerkit> Or XP? 07:38 <@timoguin> XP 07:38 <@sdodson> ME 4 life! 07:39 <+cerkit> Shit. 07:39 <+cerkit> That must have been some obscure ass sound card. 07:39 <@timoguin> I downloaded all the right drivers from the Gateway website. 07:39 <+cerkit> XP didn't support it? 07:39 <@sdodson> surely it wants some drivers to make everything copacetic 07:39 <@timoguin> But they would fail when installing. 07:39 <@sdodson> gateway has some supafly driver downloader thing that seems to work pretty well 07:39 <+cerkit> I've never dealt with a Gateway. 07:39 <@timoguin> sdodson: Yea, I tried it. 07:40 <@timoguin> It downloaded all the drivers, but would fail on the installation of the modem and sound drivers. 07:40 <+cerkit> I just assume Windows XP broadly supports most purchasable sound cards at this point. 07:40 <@sdodson> I didn't REALLY want to get into a discussion of the merits of ubuntu. I just wanted to kick a ubuntu user in the face when I saw a good opportunity. 07:40 <+cerkit> Thats just because I have never in all the lifetime of XP had that kind of a problem. 07:41 <+cerkit> I use Ubuntu. 07:41 <@timoguin> The sound is ATI AC'97 07:41 <@timoguin> same for the modem 07:41 <@timoguin> probably could have downloaded drivers from some other site just fine 07:42 <@timoguin> but that would have required me to spend excess time fixing a friend's computer 07:42 <+cerkit> And while I was completely adverse to moving to Vista, my latest computer purchased has forced me down that road. 07:42 <+cerkit> (which I like even less than Vista) 07:42 <@sdodson> what'd you buy? 07:42 <+cerkit> Some lil Dell quad-core... 07:43 <+cerkit> 8 gigs of ram, 1.5 tb hd 07:43 <+cerkit> sort of a little gamer box for me, I don't game much, but every so often. 07:44 <@sdodson> The 1.5TB was instrumental in your decision of a gaming box? 07:44 <+cerkit> no.. not really 07:44 <+cerkit> it was just one of the stats that came to mind 07:44 <+cerkit> cpu, harddrive, ram, 07:44 <+cerkit> ya know the basics 07:44 <+cerkit> I could discuss the video card, but again, I'm not a big gamer. 07:44 <+cerkit> So it would be pointless. 07:45 <+cerkit> The biggest issue I have with the computer is Vista. 07:45 <@sdodson> video card is the only spec of consequence for gaming 07:46 <+cerkit> Its nothing worth talking about. 07:46 <+cerkit> 512MB ATI 07:46 <+cerkit> wooo! 07:46 <+cerkit> heh 07:46 <+cerkit> I have a better one in my "programming workstation" 07:46 <+cerkit> hahaha 07:47 <+cerkit> Like I said, its just a lil gamer box. It wasn't something I sat around looking at hardware statistics trying to pre-clock how all 2 games I run, would do. 07:48 < sync350> If you don't like Vista on there, why not put on XP or Linux? 07:48 <+cerkit> For one lonely reason. 07:49 <+cerkit> What if I am wrong about Vista? 07:49 <+cerkit> ( so, I'm running it to convince myself I hate, I guess you could say ) 07:49 < sync350> ah 07:49 < sync350> lol 07:49 <+cerkit> But, I my real issue is having no choice at the outset. 07:49 <+cerkit> I loved the deal, financially, with the system. 07:50 <+cerkit> And what it came with hardware-wise, etc. 07:50 <+cerkit> But of course, when it came time to render the usability of that hardware, I was somewhat limited. 07:50 <@sdodson> What don't you like about Vista? 07:50 <+cerkit> My problems with Vista may not align with the mainstream descent against the product. 07:51 <+cerkit> sdodson: I don't like that it exists. 07:51 <+cerkit> As a software developer, that is. 07:51 <+cerkit> ( and in a smaller amount as a computer software customer ) 07:51 -!- sasquatc3 [i=sasquatc@c-76-25-86-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 07:52 <+cerkit> sdodson: Its a big long, but, its comprehensive about my issues with Vista: http://matt-that.com/2009/01/02/killer-app-microsoft-change/ 07:52 <+cerkit> ( thats my ghey ass blog ) 07:53 -!- sasquatc4 [i=sasquatc@c-76-25-86-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 07:54 <+cerkit> Its largely philosophical. 07:55 <+cerkit> Vista should not exist. 07:59 <+cerkit> sdodson: Let me know if you feel you have some worthwhile discourse on the topic. I'm open to further reasoning. Though, I must admit I'm not quite sure how to defend those sorts of business practices. 08:00 <@sdodson> My trash guys are totally disrespectful of my recycling bin. 08:00 <+cerkit> I guess thats a no. 08:00 <+cerkit> heh 08:01 <@sdodson> oh i'm watching tv 08:01 <@sdodson> i'll get back to your drivel shortly 08:02 <+cerkit> No need. That you conclude it drivel is enough. 08:02 <@sdodson> cerkit: :) 08:10 -!- sync350 [n=sync@adsl-232-116-36.asm.bellsouth.net] has quit ["Leaving"] 08:11 -!- sync350 [n=sync@adsl-232-116-36.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 08:15 -!- sasquatc4 [i=sasquatc@c-76-25-86-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 08:15 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sasquatc4] by ChanServ 08:15 -!- sasquatc3 [i=sasquatc@c-76-25-86-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 08:27 -!- Peaches84 [i=brown@c-68-52-33-133.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 08:27 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Peaches84] by ChanServ 08:28 <@Peaches84> goodmorning everyone 08:30 < sync350> Anyone every see osiris in here? 08:32 <@Peaches84> i haven't 08:33 < sync350> I met him at the meeting last night, he gave me his card and I left it on the table on accident lol 08:33 < sync350> =p 08:33 < sync350> fail 08:33 <@Peaches84> dang i am sorry 08:36 < sync350> haha it's straight, I'll run into him :p 08:37 <@Peaches84> thats kool 08:39 <@Corydon76-dig> sync350: which meeting? 08:41 <+cerkit> This statistic seems rather fallacious: http://www.collegeotr.com/college_otr/734_percent_of_all_wikipedia_edits_are_made_by_roughly_1400_people_17499 08:42 <+cerkit> 73.4% of wikipedia edits coming from 1400 people. 08:42 <+cerkit> Consider them the Illuminati of Wikipedia; they control the flow of information that often finds its way into our college essays, despite our professors. best attempts to dissuade us from citing it. 08:43 <+cerkit> ^^^ that might be the best line of the whole thing. 08:43 <+cerkit> the Illuminati of Wikipedia 08:43 <+cerkit> bhahahaha 08:44 <+cerkit> Man, we really live in the Age of Mental Surrender. 08:45 <+cerkit> Imagine, that guy, high on conspiracies, doesn't realize how clearly stupid that statement is. 08:45 < sync350> Corydon76-dig: Atlanta 2600 08:46 <+cerkit> Even as described (no matter how blantly silly), the Illuminati already control everything. There is no Illuminati of some subsection. 08:46 <+cerkit> So he's less than an expert even in his own paranoid thoughrs. 08:47 <+cerkit> I never thought I'd see the day where I'd find someone who has able to be dumb... at being dumb.... and it would still result in stupidity. I guess I assumed somewhere something would cause it all to cancel out. 08:48 < sync350> stupid is as stupid does 08:48 < sync350> :p 08:50 <+cerkit> I should probably e-mail the author, Lacy Hart, she sounds dumb anout to fuck. 08:50 <+cerkit> dumb enough* 08:50 < sync350> heh 08:51 <+cerkit> Did any of you read, SSL was broken? 08:51 <+cerkit> I assumed that would be major news. 08:52 <+cerkit> I think it took like 10 PS3s. 08:52 <+cerkit> Let me find the article. 08:52 < sync350> Yeah, I saw that 08:52 <+cerkit> http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=2339 08:52 < sync350> it was 10 PS3's 08:53 <+cerkit> 220 Ps3s 08:53 < sync350> ah, nvm 08:53 < sync350> lol 08:53 <+cerkit> err 08:53 <+cerkit> 200 08:53 < sync350> yeah 08:53 <+cerkit> typo'd 08:53 < sync350> lucky that they found it though 08:53 < sync350> rather than someone else who didn't announce it 08:53 <@brimstone> what says that didn't happen? 08:53 <+cerkit> I should put up a website that lets people aggregate their PS3s 08:54 < sync350> Where there's a will there's a way though. There's a way around anything 08:54 <+cerkit> brimstone: In fact, its more likely it was found before this, than not. 08:54 < sync350> brimstone: good point 08:54 < sync350> yeah, It could be 08:54 <+cerkit> At least, if you lend any creedance to the "many eyes" principle to which Linus Torvalds is a proponent. 08:55 <+cerkit> It is more likely the bug was already known. 08:56 <@brimstone> i'd wager they knew about the bug when they created ssl 08:56 <@Corydon76-dig> SSL wasn't broken 08:56 <@Corydon76-dig> SSL is still as secure as the number of bits used for the keys 08:57 <+cerkit> They generated a rogue certificate 08:57 <@Corydon76-dig> What was broken was the trust mechanism used in browsers 08:57 <+cerkit> Correct. 08:57 <+cerkit> Is that not a component of SSL? 08:57 <@Corydon76-dig> Not of SSL, no 08:57 <+cerkit> What is it a component of? 08:57 <@Corydon76-dig> It's a component of the browser trust mechanism 08:58 <+cerkit> Besides certifcate authority 08:58 <+cerkit> Let me see if I get this correctly, you're saying that since the trust mechanism that approves a SSL channel was comprised, SSL wasn't. 08:58 <@Corydon76-dig> For instance, if I build my own CA and use it to generate certificates for OpenVPN, as long as I don't use MD5, my VPNs are safe 08:59 <+cerkit> Well, yeah, but thats mainly because the bug is a result of MD5 collision] 08:59 <@brimstone> use SHA4096! 08:59 <@Corydon76-dig> Not collision. Birthday attack. 09:00 <+cerkit> http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=2339 09:00 <+cerkit> Read that, bro. 09:00 <@Corydon76-dig> I already understand the attack. 09:01 <@brimstone> but to fix it, the CAs just have to switch to SHA1 or something 09:01 <@Corydon76-dig> brimstone: correct 09:01 <@brimstone> then, as the certs expire, they're more safe then they were 09:01 <+cerkit> Researchers at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands, EPFL in Switzerland, and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands helped in the design and implementation of the attack using an advanced implementation of a known MD5 collision construction and a cluster of more than 200 PlayStation 3 game consoles. 09:01 <+cerkit> It seems you donot understand what the specific attack I'm discussing. 09:01 <@Corydon76-dig> brimstone: and in the meantime, you can root out those root certs in your browser (at least in Firefox and Konqueror) and deactivate them 09:01 <@Corydon76-dig> Either that, or you don't understand it. 09:01 <+cerkit> the attack using an advanced implementation of a known MD5 collision construction and a cluster of more 09:01 <+cerkit> than 200 PlayStation 3 game consoles. 09:02 <+cerkit> what does that say? 09:02 <+cerkit> I'm willing to submit I may be retarded. 09:02 <+cerkit> But not before you explain whats wrong with those words. 09:02 <@brimstone> says MD5 is bad to me 09:02 <+cerkit> What I've done wrong in reading them 09:02 <@Corydon76-dig> cerkit: what they were doing was building a set of certificates until they found two that matched the same MD5 sum 09:02 <+cerkit> It discusses an attacked based on MD5 collision 09:02 <+cerkit> Correct 09:02 <@Corydon76-dig> In other words, a birthday attack 09:03 <+cerkit> Thats called MD5 collision, no? 09:03 <+cerkit> I don't get the "birthday attack" reference unless the gneration mechanism relies on a temporal vector. 09:03 <+cerkit> The trust mechanism relies on a birthday-like element. 09:04 <+cerkit> But does the MD5 collision construction? 09:04 <@Corydon76-dig> A birthday attack refers to the statistical probability of how many people you need in a room to have a greater than 50% chance that 2 of them have the same birthday 09:04 <+cerkit> I think you have oversimplified things is all. 09:04 <+cerkit> Oh 09:04 <+cerkit> I see. 09:04 <+cerkit> That was the misunderstanding then. 09:05 <+cerkit> I didn't get the context. 09:05 <+cerkit> My badski. 09:05 <@Corydon76-dig> In the case of 366 possible birthdays, you only need about 32 people before you have a greater than 50% chance of 2 of them having the same birthday 09:05 <+cerkit> Oh, no, I know what you emant now. 09:05 <+cerkit> For some reason I thought you were suggesting the bug had some temporal parameter. 09:05 <@Corydon76-dig> which is a MUCH simpler problem than predicting a collision with a known certificate 09:06 <+cerkit> That time somehow factored into it, hehe 09:06 <@brimstone> i wonder how much faster/cheaper you could do that with an fpga? 09:06 <+cerkit> We're acidentally agreeing using different terms. 09:06 <+cerkit> s'cool. 09:06 <@Corydon76-dig> You need to read Bruce Schneier's books 09:07 <@brimstone> i wonder if you could get it fast enough where you could mitm an ssl session on the fly 09:07 <+cerkit> I dislike Bruce. 09:07 <+cerkit> Greatly. 09:07 <@Corydon76-dig> Applied Cryptography is an excellent reference, when it comes to understanding breaks like this 09:07 <+cerkit> Not for who he is as a person at all, of course, but, his beliefs about security. 09:07 <+cerkit> I will do as you, and give it an order on Amazon. 09:07 <+cerkit> But I generally avoid his advice as I would plague. 09:08 <+cerkit> Ever since an article he wrote on terrorism. 09:08 <@Corydon76-dig> Of course, his followup to Applied Cryptography was Practical Cryptography, whose tone I don't like, either 09:08 <+cerkit> Smart dude, no doubt about that. 09:09 <+cerkit> Just a bit misguided. 09:09 <+cerkit> And, to sort of generalize, and stereotype him a little, his whole school of thought, to me, seems very 1990s 09:09 <@Corydon76-dig> Not misguided, just pissed off about the number of schemes he's been able to break, because they relied on obscurity of the algorithm 09:10 <+cerkit> I mean in his philosophical foundation. 09:10 <+cerkit> Not his technical understanding. 09:10 <+cerkit> I find him to somewhat sharp on the technical side compared to many of his contemporaries. 09:10 <@Corydon76-dig> His whole tone, which I disagree with, is "leave it to the professionals" 09:11 <@Corydon76-dig> That's not very encouraging to bringing new people into the encryption fold 09:11 <+cerkit> Thats the part I find very 90s 09:11 <+cerkit> He doesn't seem to have caught the disease the web has the last few years. 09:11 <@Corydon76-dig> Once we make encryption something that more people can do, the more ubiquitous it will become 09:11 <+cerkit> No realization of the wisdom of crowds, etc in his work. 09:11 <@brimstone> pgp, etc 09:12 <@Corydon76-dig> Well, crowds aren't necessarily more intelligent 09:12 <+cerkit> Its very... almost... elitist. 09:12 <@Corydon76-dig> But it's the college benefits reasoning all over again 09:12 <+cerkit> No, but to use the words "more intelligent" means you're setting up some sort of relative bar. 09:14 <@Corydon76-dig> Colleges attract gay people to their ranks, not because gay people are more intelligent, but because the same percentage of the crowd is intelligent. If you leave your institution at a disadvantage regarding gay staffers, then you are dismissing a certain percentage of the population that has the qualities you desire 09:14 <@Corydon76-dig> Thus leaving the university at a competitive disadvantage in relation to other universities, which DO offer those benefits 09:14 <+cerkit> But see you can compare universities. 09:15 <+cerkit> Can you as easily compare a group to an individual, to make a meaningful determination about who is more intelligent? 09:15 <+cerkit> Or... 09:15 <@Corydon76-dig> The reason why you want to attract people to encryption is that within the crowd, there are the superintelligent who you want to advance the craft 09:15 <+cerkit> Are you simply making a quicker, easier determination about the priority focus... of a small or individual group. 09:15 <+cerkit> In other words, whats important to the many makes no sense to the few. 09:16 <@Corydon76-dig> If you drive people away, you are condemning encryption to a lesser place, as the same percentage of the superintelligent will never take up the craft 09:16 <@brimstone> oooh, ooh, use "hyperintelligent" 09:16 <@Corydon76-dig> (and pursue a different interest) 09:16 <+cerkit> Corydon76-dig: But isn't that doing what I said? Ignoring the realization that crowds possess potentially greater wisdom? 09:16 <+cerkit> Just in a much longer description. 09:17 <@Corydon76-dig> But the crowd is what gets misinterpreted. 09:17 <+cerkit> I don't see how that changes what I said, but okay. 09:17 <+cerkit> Trying to make sure I'm not missing some important distinction you'e making, thats all 09:17 <@Corydon76-dig> When you say the crowd, the natural assumption is that ANY people are better, as long as you have more 09:17 <+cerkit> Thats not my assumption 09:18 <+cerkit> My assumption is that social structure enforces a natural peer review causing the most intelligent to have the loudest voice. 09:18 <@Corydon76-dig> and while that may be a misassumption, using the logic I described makes it less likely that someone will misinterpret your position 09:18 <+cerkit> Hence, the wisdom of crowds. 09:18 <+cerkit> Not... the intelligence of swarms 09:18 <+cerkit> which is different. 09:18 <@Corydon76-dig> Right 09:18 <@Corydon76-dig> brb, gotta check on the charcoal 09:18 <+cerkit> I do know what you mean though 09:19 <+cerkit> Many opeople make the assumption you describe 09:19 <+cerkit> That by crowd 09:19 <+cerkit> you mean... mob 09:21 <@Corydon76-dig> Right 09:22 <+cerkit> I prefer to consider both lines of logic as true, only because I make it a caveat that mobas and crowds are in the same things in different states. 09:23 <+cerkit> mobs are the organizational substates of a crowd becoming wise. 09:23 <+cerkit> :) 09:23 <+cerkit> Civilization being the bets known example, I suppose 09:36 -!- Mercster_ [n=merc@c-68-47-162-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 09:36 -!- Mercster [n=merc@c-68-47-162-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 11:11 -!- R3d2Dawn [n=R3d2Dawn@] has joined #se2600 11:40 -!- TheLightCosine [n=c0malod@adsl-074-185-106-134.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 11:40 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o TheLightCosine] by ChanServ 12:10 -!- sdodson [n=sdodson@serenity.ninjr.org] has quit ["leaving"] 12:15 -!- osirisx11 [n=Osiris@adsl-065-007-141-137.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 12:16 < osirisx11> sup 12:17 <@brimstone> hi 12:17 <@brimstone> not osirisxorg? 12:17 < osirisx11> not 12:17 < osirisx11> im in atlanta 12:17 <@brimstone> or osiriscurses 12:17 < osirisx11> no 12:17 <@brimstone> why not? 12:18 < osirisx11> lol 12:18 < osirisx11> why not? 12:18 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 12:18 <@brimstone> exactly 12:19 < osirisx11> something about the space time continuum i imagine 12:19 -!- maco_ is now known as maco 12:20 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 12:20 -!- R3d2Dawn [n=R3d2Dawn@] has left #se2600 ["Leaving."] 12:31 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 12:33 <@TheLightCosine> wow 12:34 <@TheLightCosine> how the hell can someone's computer be so out of date it's still vulnerable to the blaster worm 12:34 <@brimstone> in the industry, we call those "mad skills" 12:44 -!- Catonic [n=cinotac@adsl-068-209-203-168.sip.hsv.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 12:44 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Catonic] by ChanServ 12:44 -!- Catonic [n=cinotac@adsl-068-209-203-168.sip.hsv.bellsouth.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:46 <@TheLightCosine> gah avast detected metasploit as a virus 12:46 <@TheLightCosine> damn them 12:46 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Connection timed out] 12:47 <@brimstone> curse them for doing their job! 12:48 <@scoil> lol@ blaster worm 12:48 <@scoil> better block port 139!!!! 12:48 <@TheLightCosine> metasploit isn't dangerous to the user who handles it tho 12:57 <@dasunt> I committed an awesome. 12:58 <@brimstone> did you clean up after yourself dasunt? 12:58 <@dasunt> I fixed a computer my coworker was frustrated on. 12:59 <@dasunt> This computer has been in here a half dozen times or so because the headset doesn't work. 12:59 <@dasunt> Every time, we don't find a problem. 12:59 <@brimstone> phase of the moon? 12:59 <@dasunt> So, I finally talk to the guy on the phone. "What are the color of the plugins on the headset?" "Pink and grey." 13:00 <@brimstone> "is it plugged in and turned on" ? 13:00 <@dasunt> "What are the colors of the front plugs on the computer?" "None" 13:00 <@dasunt> "Is their a little headphone and microphone symbol by themn?" 13:00 <@dasunt> "No' 13:00 <@dasunt> "Any symbols?" 13:00 <@dasunt> "No." 13:00 <@dasunt> "Which one do you have the grey one plugged into." 13:00 <@dasunt> "The top" 13:00 <@dasunt> "Why?" 13:00 <@dasunt> "Because that's how I always did it." 13:00 <@dasunt> "Try plugging that into the bottom one." 13:00 <@brimstone> best answer every 13:00 <@brimstone> *ever 13:00 <@dasunt> "Oh, I have sound" 13:01 <@dasunt> So I tell my coworker this. 13:01 <@dasunt> And he starts bitching because the two jacks are marked with a headset and a microphone. 13:08 <@brimstone> but he said they wern't 13:20 -!- TheLightCosine [n=c0malod@adsl-074-185-106-134.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 13:24 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has joined #se2600 13:24 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 13:37 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has quit [Connection timed out] 13:41 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 13:45 -!- osirisx11 [n=Osiris@adsl-065-007-141-137.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 13:52 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Connection timed out] 13:53 -!- C-P [n=HappyDan@pool-71-189-61-27.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #se2600 13:54 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has joined #se2600 13:54 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 13:56 -!- Jagobah [n=jago7777@adsl-070-157-246-058.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 13:56 -!- Jagobah [n=jago7777@adsl-155-201-102.owb.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 13:56 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Jagobah] by ChanServ 13:57 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)] 14:02 -!- Synx_hm [n=synx@cpe-76-172-211-203.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 14:05 < Synx_hm> man the file perms on this nas are ugly! 14:05 < Synx_hm> everything is nobody owned and 777 14:06 < Synx_hm> oh and ive got windows lanman to secure it all (shrug) 14:09 < Synx_hm> there is a strange bug in here thats allowing one of my samba users access to a share that they are not susposed to have access to 14:09 < Synx_hm> very odd 14:09 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@c-24-131-56-242.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 14:09 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o dc0de] by ChanServ 14:09 < Synx_hm> oh shit 14:09 < Synx_hm> its a password auth thing 14:09 <@dc0de> Synx_hm: ping 14:10 <@dc0de> Synx_hm: my youngest wants to fly a B-52 when he get's older... :) 14:10 < Synx_hm> awesome 14:10 < Synx_hm> they will prob still be around too 14:10 < Synx_hm> :) 14:11 <@dc0de> probably... they've been given a new lease on life, for at least another 30yrs... 14:11 < Synx_hm> :) 14:12 < Synx_hm> we are always getting cool new toys to play with in the jet :) 14:12 <@dc0de> it's not like we're going to be able to afford a shitload of JTF's. 14:12 < Synx_hm> ya i wonder how much the JSF cost 14:12 < Synx_hm> the 22 14:12 < Synx_hm> err 14:13 < Synx_hm> the 22's not cheap either for that matter 14:13 <@dc0de> Yeah, the F-35's costs are now estimated at $1 Trillion 14:13 <@dc0de> http://images.military.com/slideshows/yir-2008.htm?ESRC=army.nl 14:13 <@dc0de> take a look at slide # 16 14:14 < Synx_hm> rgr 16 14:14 -!- R3d2Dawn1 [n=R3d2Dawn@] has joined #se2600 14:14 < Synx_hm> yikes 14:14 < Synx_hm> thats alot of green 14:15 <@dc0de> yeah, and I don't think it's worth it. 14:16 <@dc0de> We have the right equipment now, and with new armaments, we can continue to un-man the front lines. 14:18 < Synx_hm> ya 14:18 < Synx_hm> the problem with stuff like this is... when we have the need we dont have it, when we finally build it we dont have the need 14:18 <@dc0de> We need a new fighter like we need a hole in the head. 14:19 < Synx_hm> we need to put B52's in space!! 14:19 < Synx_hm> thats what i am pushing for 14:19 < Synx_hm> haha 14:19 <@dc0de> yeah, but if we were to put the tailgun back in the B-52, with an automated aquisition and fire control, and put some AAM on her, she's pretty stout to keep herself out of harm's way. 14:20 <@dc0de> add to that some armed unmanned escorts, and she's well protected. 14:20 < Synx_hm> ya and most of us crewdogs would be rather happy to have some air-air capes 14:20 < Synx_hm> hey gotta run for a bit 14:20 < Synx_hm> take care dc0de 14:20 <@dc0de> l8r Synx_hm 14:25 -!- R3d2Dawn1 [n=R3d2Dawn@] has quit ["Leaving."] 14:30 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 14:39 -!- sasquatc4 [i=sasquatc@c-76-25-86-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [] 14:42 -!- sasquatc4 [i=sasquatc@c-76-25-86-246.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 14:42 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sasquatc4] by ChanServ 15:15 -!- C-P_ [n=HappyDan@pool-71-189-61-27.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #se2600 15:15 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@c-24-131-56-242.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 15:19 -!- C-P [n=HappyDan@pool-71-189-61-27.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 15:19 -!- C-P_ is now known as C-P 15:20 -!- C-P is now known as Guest1069 15:29 -!- darce [n=clagsw9u@adsl-074-245-179-018.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 15:33 <+cerkit> I wish I was religious 15:33 <+cerkit> so I could thank god... 15:33 <+cerkit> for websites like the one in front of me 15:34 <+cerkit> Specifically, wonderous content... like the following: 15:34 <+cerkit> Solution: a gradual reeducation of people. Rather than just coming right out with "9/11 was an inside job" (or whatever your flavor is), ease into it. Find out what the sheep you are talking with enjoys and raise some pertinent questions. Allow them to reach or at least think they are reaching their own conclusions. 15:34 <+cerkit> http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread423991/pg1 15:34 <+cerkit> Its a conspiracy site 15:35 <+cerkit> Where the poster is discussing how its impossible for them to "win" the world debate 15:35 <+cerkit> And then how they might adapt in order to increase success. 15:35 <+cerkit> Its fucking fantastic. 15:36 < Mercster_> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_5WflrRCrKi8/SV3ne5fjlyI/AAAAAAAAAdI/Yyhe0InUWaE/s1600-h/fisting.jpg 15:48 <@dasunt> cerkit: Wow, that's awesome. 15:49 <@dasunt> Sane (for certain definitions of sane) conspiracy theorists kick ass. 15:50 -!- timoguin [n=timd@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 15:54 -!- Synx_hm [n=synx@cpe-76-172-211-203.socal.res.rr.com] has quit ["leaving"] 16:06 < minerale> ah, osiris left 16:14 -!- maco [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 16:14 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 16:18 -!- darce [n=clagsw9u@adsl-074-245-179-018.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has quit [] 16:20 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 16:22 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 16:22 -!- maco_ is now known as maco 16:22 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 16:29 -!- CRasHdamnit [n=crash180@c-68-52-32-134.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 16:30 -!- maverickbna [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has joined #se2600 16:30 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maverickbna] by ChanServ 16:31 <+cerkit> Looks like we're going to get $2 gas again soon 16:31 <+cerkit> Isreali troops just enter the Gaza strip 16:31 <+cerkit> http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/01/03/israel.gaza/index.html 16:31 <+cerkit> oil ought to fly out of the box monday 16:32 <@dasunt> Gaza doesn't have oil., 16:33 <+cerkit> No. 16:33 <+cerkit> But this is now an open conflict. 16:33 -!- CRasHdamnit is now known as CRasH180 16:33 -!- CRasH180 [n=crash180@c-68-52-32-134.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit] 16:33 -!- CRasH180 [n=crash180@c-68-52-32-134.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 16:33 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o CRasH180] by ChanServ 16:33 <+cerkit> The oil collection, refinement and/or distribution processes will very likely be effected. 16:33 <+cerkit> Its not like tubes run from the ground to America. 16:33 <+cerkit> heh 16:36 <@dasunt> I thought most oil flowed out of the gulf. 16:36 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit ["leaving"] 16:36 <@dasunt> Not through the Sinai. 16:45 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@c-24-131-56-242.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 16:45 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o dc0de] by ChanServ 16:45 <@dasunt> I wonder how fun it would be to troll conspiracy theorists forums. 16:50 <@maverickbna> lol 16:50 <@maverickbna> knock yourself out. 16:52 <@dasunt> I don't know if I could come up with the right mix of crazy and sounds-sane. 16:54 -!- AstralSin [n=IceChat7@] has joined #se2600 17:09 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@c-24-131-56-242.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit ["Client Exiting"] 17:17 -!- sdodson [n=sdodson@serenity.ninjr.org] has joined #se2600 17:17 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o sdodson] by ChanServ 17:17 <@sdodson> Corydon76-dig: hai 17:18 <@sdodson> Corydon76-dig: If you were ordering 70 t-shirts for a con what breakdown of sizes would you opt for? 17:18 -!- R3d2Dawn [n=R3d2Dawn@] has joined #se2600 17:18 -!- R3d2Dawn [n=R3d2Dawn@] has left #se2600 ["Leaving."] 17:19 <@sdodson> Last year they ended up with 4S, 7M, 18L, 25XL, 11XXL, 1XXXL. 17:19 <@sdodson> I'm wondering if you can cut out some of those such as the smalls in favor of just M 17:21 <@dasunt> It must suck if there are 2 XXXL guys. 17:26 <@sdodson> dasunt: sup playa?! 17:27 <@dasunt> http://i43.tinypic.com/23vgpsi.jpg 17:28 <@dasunt> ^- That's a disturbing map in the background in a way. 17:28 <@dasunt> sdodson: Nothing much, what about you? 17:31 <+cerkit> All you have to do 17:31 <+cerkit> is show up to one of those sites 17:31 <+cerkit> and claim to be John Titor 17:31 <+cerkit> Thats always fun. 17:35 <+cerkit> This time, tell them all the directions for fixing the UNIX function issue that sparked your last time-travel visit, were encoded in Windows Media Format. 17:35 <+cerkit> And you need a workable version of Windows XP. 17:36 <+cerkit> And with the decline of the dollar in 2030, due to what Bush has done, makes it impossible for you to buy... Windows XP. 17:36 <+cerkit> It ties all sorts of shit they love together. 17:36 <+cerkit> Microsoft conspiracy 17:36 <+cerkit> Bush conspiracy 17:36 <+cerkit> Time travel conspiracy 17:36 <@dasunt> not interesting enough. 17:36 <+cerkit> Its the perfect fucking storm. 17:37 <@dasunt> I want a less Euro/Amerocentric conspiracy. 17:37 <@sdodson> dasunt: checking out israeli army girl porn? 17:37 <@dasunt> sdodson: Was on fark. 17:37 <+cerkit> Dude, the last time he said he needed something to fix some time conversion function in an old 1970s AT&T UNIX 17:37 <+cerkit> you think that was interesting? 17:37 <@sdodson> cerkit: you write too much 17:37 <@sdodson> make me head hurt 17:37 <@dasunt> sdodson: I find it interesting that that map shows Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza to be parts of Israel proper. 17:38 <+cerkit> sdodson: Then its good for your head my hands are all the way over here. 17:38 <@sdodson> dasunt: i have no idea what those places are. 17:38 <@dasunt> sdodson: Land the surrounding states lost in one of the "lets wipe Israel off the map" wars. 17:38 <+cerkit> I could pretend I have nothing to say. 17:39 <@sdodson> Israel was on the maps? I thought htat's something we made up in WW2 to make people happy. 17:39 <@sdodson> cerkit: no, i'll googlereader stalk you now, keep it up 17:40 <+cerkit> sdodson: You will not be alone, and I will. 17:40 <+cerkit> Don't expect me to post about my afternoon at the beach though. 17:40 <+cerkit> hahaha 17:40 <@sdodson> beach? is it warm up there? 17:40 <+cerkit> no, but in the winter 17:41 <+cerkit> we burn fires on the beach 17:41 <+cerkit> and have pre-marital sex 17:41 <+cerkit> (with loud music playing) 17:41 <@sdodson> cerkit: god hates you, you know this, right? 17:41 <+cerkit> The feelings mutual. 17:41 <+cerkit> So its cool 17:43 <+cerkit> sdodson: You be surprised how many girls are turned on when you tell them you're going to fuck them like it will mean your eternal burning in Hades. 17:43 <+cerkit> Or at least, I should say, I was. 17:44 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 17:45 <@sdodson> it's cold in here 17:50 <+cerkit> sdodson: You still working for a school? 17:51 <+cerkit> I'm curious what the layoff situation looks like around the US for schools. 17:54 <@sdodson> cerkit: No. 17:54 <@sdodson> cerkit: I left the university April 2006. 17:55 <+cerkit> Oh, that may turn out to have been a really good idea. 17:55 <+cerkit> But you were working for a state school anyway, right? 17:55 <@sdodson> I haven't heard of any problems from my friends who are still there. 17:56 <@sdodson> Ya, a state school. 17:56 <+cerkit> State schools should be fine. 17:56 <+cerkit> relatively. 17:56 <@sdodson> ask dolemite and crew how private stuff is 17:56 <+cerkit> okay. thanks. 18:01 <+cerkit> Apparently Dawkins isn't fucking around 18:01 <+cerkit> http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/2009/jan/02/richard-dawkins-chimpanzee-hybrid 18:24 -!- R3d2Dawn [n=R3d2Dawn@] has joined #se2600 18:24 -!- R3d2Dawn [n=R3d2Dawn@] has left #se2600 ["Leaving."] 19:01 -!- timoguin [n=timd@] has joined #se2600 19:01 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o timoguin] by ChanServ 19:25 -!- darce [n=clagsw9u@adsl-074-245-179-018.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 19:44 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has joined #se2600 19:44 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 19:56 <@scoil> http://pastie.org/349916 19:56 <@scoil> hi im in ur microsoft zune code and haxin ur date 19:56 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 19:56 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 19:57 -!- maco_ is now known as maco 20:04 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 20:04 -!- maco [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 20:04 -!- maco_ is now known as maco 20:04 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 21:02 -!- maverickbna [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has quit ["*sneeze*"] 21:36 <@sdodson> scoil: you fixed it for me? 21:41 <@sdodson> I don't like how predatory life insurance companies are. 21:55 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 21:55 <@scoil> ? 21:55 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 21:57 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has joined #se2600 21:57 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 22:00 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 22:12 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 22:17 <@sdodson> Why does everyone love raymond? 22:17 <@scoil> i dont 22:17 <@sdodson> You're just saying that to be contrary. 22:17 <@sdodson> I don't believe you. 22:17 <@scoil> i really dont like that show 22:17 <@scoil> i only like the mom bitch cuz shes in that one movie 22:18 <@scoil> grandmas boy 22:18 <+cerkit> I know I don't like raymond 22:18 <+cerkit> or the weird Frankenstein looking big brother 22:19 <+cerkit> Love... is way too strong a word either way. 22:19 <+cerkit> Raymond's not worthy of that level of emotional output. 22:19 <@sdodson> I don't like himbecause he sounds like kermit the frog. 22:20 <+cerkit> Thats interesting, you're right. 22:20 <+cerkit> A confident, italian Kermit. 22:21 <@sdodson> somg snl is a rerun! 22:22 <+cerkit> SNL? 22:22 <+cerkit> Jesus, I haven't sat down with a mindful intent to watch SNL in so long. 22:23 <+cerkit> I honestly don't remember-- maybe Adam Sandler season? 22:23 <@sdodson> I don't know why I do. It's always a miserable let down. 22:23 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Connection timed out] 22:24 <+cerkit> Thats what drove me away. 22:24 <+cerkit> It was still good, at least for the news, when Faylin and Tina Fay were there. 22:24 <+cerkit> that was literally the last bastion thoughof quality SNL 22:25 <+cerkit> mid to late 90s ish 22:25 <@sdodson> I don't care for Adam Sandler 22:25 <+cerkit> Neither did I especially, he's just the caster member I remembered 22:26 <+cerkit> Farly would have still been there then 22:26 <+cerkit> Spade... 22:26 <+cerkit> It was like 2 years after Chris Rock, I think 22:26 <+cerkit> They were on at least one season together, Rock, Spade, Sandler, etc. 22:27 <+cerkit> AP says the Fed has abandoned all monetary policy 22:27 <+cerkit> http://uk.reuters.com/article/companyNewsMolt/idUKTRE50306H20090104 22:27 <@sdodson> so like these christmas cards people send with pictures of their kids, am I supposed to save them? 22:27 <+cerkit> sdodson: I do. 22:27 <+cerkit> I like to annoy those people back. 22:28 <+cerkit> So I wait until they are good and old, and send them back, with an addition "Remember when you were 10lbs lighter?" 22:28 <+cerkit> If its just the kids... 22:28 <+cerkit> yeah I throw them out 22:29 <+cerkit> My sasisticism is very well thought-out. Its a gift. 22:29 <+cerkit> sadisticism 22:29 <+cerkit> thats not a word is it? 22:29 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has joined #se2600 22:29 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 22:29 <+cerkit> sadistism 22:30 <+cerkit> or is that another word? 22:30 <+cerkit> Who cares -- I like to fuck with people :) 22:30 <@sdodson> quick, someone find mercster. Cerkit and mercster could have two completely uninvolved conversations going on for hours and no one would notice they *weren't* talking to each other. 22:36 <+cerkit> sdodson: You have a very fractured understanding of IRC, Scott. 22:36 <+cerkit> The messages that are in this channel, are public. 22:36 <+cerkit> They are not TO anyone. 22:36 <+cerkit> The messages you're talking about are private messages. 22:36 <+cerkit> And you've have no idea how successful I am there. 22:37 <+cerkit> IRC is a passive form of communication. 22:37 <+cerkit> *shrug* 22:38 <+cerkit> You can use it how you like. 22:40 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has quit [Success] 22:42 < Mercster_> sadism 22:42 -!- Mercster_ is now known as Mercster 22:42 <@sdodson> Wait, what messages are private? 22:43 <@scoil> privmsg me sdodson 22:52 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has joined #se2600 22:52 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o ShadowHntr] by ChanServ 22:58 <@sdodson> unfucking believable 23:00 <@ShadowHntr> likewise 23:00 <@ShadowHntr> car broke down friday :( 23:00 -!- opfor [n=opfor@] has left #se2600 [] 23:04 <@sdodson> I have to register a second online profile with timewarner to see my new account since apparently they can't move you from one location in the same fucking city to another location without creating a new account, and you can't possibly tie two account numbers to the same online profile. 23:04 <@sdodson> Once I set up the second profile I then see that they still have me being billed for cable tv service. 23:05 <@scoil> lul 23:06 <@sdodson> scoil: Is this your fault? 23:06 <@scoil> yeah 23:06 <@scoil> see if you stole it you wouldn't hav ethis problem 23:07 <@sdodson> how to stealz? 23:08 <@scoil> motorola surfboard 5100 23:08 <@scoil> 5101 works too 23:08 <@scoil> but those are the only surfboards that work 23:09 <@scoil> in the 5x series, the 4x have their own firmwares 23:09 <@sdodson> just buy it, attach it to a line coming out of the ground? 23:09 <@scoil> well it's custom firmware for the cable modem 23:10 <@scoil> that allows you to change the mac address of it to whatever 23:10 <@scoil> to clone a provisioned mac (for time warner) 23:11 <@sdodson> this sounds like federal pound me in the ass shit 23:12 <@sdodson> i'll just call them up and tell them to give me a few months free or I go find something else 23:12 <@ShadowHntr> yes same here 23:12 <@polerin> scoil: you got nothing on deoptima 23:12 <@polerin> trust me 23:13 <@polerin> ;p 23:13 -!- Guest1069 [n=HappyDan@pool-71-189-61-27.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]"] 23:13 <@sdodson> on what?ZZZZZZZZZZz 23:16 <@sdodson> http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/pics/pimp_my_chrome_small.jpg 23:18 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 23:23 <@scoil> who polerin 23:23 <@polerin> friend of mine 23:23 <@scoil> polerin, do you know how easy it is to hack comcast? 23:23 <@polerin> nashvilles best cable modem hacker. 23:23 <@polerin> :) 23:27 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 23:29 <@scoil> d11_m_sb5100_showcase_c01.cm 23:29 <@scoil> uncapped comcast 23:29 <@polerin> that's one of them yes 23:29 <@polerin> is that the 55 down 16 up? 23:29 <@polerin> can't remeber 23:31 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Connection timed out] 23:31 <@scoil> it's whatever you can pull 23:31 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has joined #se2600 23:31 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o maco] by ChanServ 23:47 -!- maco_ [n=maco@cpe-74-69-139-6.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 23:52 <+cerkit> sdodson: my problem is, I never saw insulting people like you did there, for the sake of insulting people, to be very useful. 23:52 <+cerkit> Unless it makes everyone point and laugh at the other person, in celebration of your greatness... 23:53 <+cerkit> its teh fail. 23:53 <+cerkit> (and you come off looking trollish) 23:53 <@scoil> he needs to shave 23:55 < Mercster> ohhhh yea 23:58 -!- maco [n=maco@ubuntu/member/macogw] has quit [Connection timed out] --- Log closed Sun Jan 04 00:00:22 2009