--- Log opened Wed Aug 13 00:00:53 2008 00:05 * eryc flags as offensive 00:05 < eryc> no boobs allowed on the tubes! 00:06 <@Dagmar> Damn this is the last time I buy cyanocrylate glue in little foil tubes. 00:06 <@Dagmar> I'm goign to be peeling my fingers for days 00:14 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has joined #se2600 00:14 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o ShadowHntr] by ChanServ 00:36 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has quit ["End of line."] 00:56 <@Corydon76-dig> Home science under attack: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2008/08/home_science_under_attack.html SFW 00:57 <@Dagmar> Corydon: I'm on it, so to speak 00:57 <@Dagmar> Corydon: feel free to recommend http://www.memestreams.net/users/dagmar/blogid10329899/ 00:57 <@Dagmar> Hell I even printed it out and stuck it on the bulletin board at Bongo Java 00:58 <@Dagmar> Unquestionably, the way that was handled is unacceptable. 00:58 -!- Neoteric [n=timball@c-98-233-29-184.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 00:58 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Neoteric] by ChanServ 01:00 <@Corydon76-dig> Dagmar: last sentence "would have been". Kurt Vonnegut is dead. 01:00 <@Corydon76-dig> not "would be" 01:00 -!- Tuttle| [n=NA@c-68-53-16-218.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [] 01:01 <@Dagmar> I am not worrying about that mode in an informal voice posting. 01:01 <@Dagmar> Past tense is close enough 01:02 <@Corydon76-dig> Nitpicking, but isn't 'would be' future perfect? 01:02 <@Dagmar> yes. 01:03 <@Dagmar> We can't very well ask him, but he hasn't been queried yet about it 01:03 <@Corydon76-dig> He'll never respond. ;-) 01:03 <@Dagmar> yeah, so there's no reasonable failure state. Heh 01:04 <@Corydon76-dig> So apparently my Amitriptyline has a street value... 01:15 <@critch> Dagmar: I have a pandora battery for the PSP in case you want to mod yours sometime 01:18 <@Dagmar> Okay 01:19 <@Dagmar> I'm just starting to look at the video stuff they've added 01:19 <@Dagmar> Seems nice. I haven't used it yet, but it's got some stuff at least. 01:19 <@Dagmar> I want into that damn Home beta 01:19 <@Dagmar> Hands down you know they will have the option of having a TV in a virtual space that you could watch something on 01:19 <@critch> I have a ssh client on the psp now 01:20 <@Dagmar> Cool 01:20 <@Dagmar> Hey doesn't skype like, cost money to call "real" phones? 01:20 <@Dagmar> I had it call my cell phone last night while screwing around with it. 01:20 <@Corydon76-dig> Yep 01:20 <@critch> oh, and with the use of vlc and my hd homerun, I expect I can use it as a small TV in the house 01:20 <@Dagmar> I'm not thinking they're going to charge me two cents for the mandatory minute or something, I'm just suprised it put the call *through* when I was just lying in bed going "Hmm... lemme poke at this skype thing" 01:21 <@Corydon76-dig> critch: you going to make it to Astricon this year? 01:21 <@critch> doubt it 01:21 <@Dagmar> I gave it no payment information, didn't even have to validate an account, and they don't have any credit card info on me at Sony either 01:21 <@Corydon76-dig> This would be my first year to attend 01:21 <@critch> where is it? 01:21 <@Corydon76-dig> Phoenix 01:22 <@critch> oh, then that is a definite no 01:22 <@Corydon76-dig> and I'm doing a talk 01:22 <@critch> glad that came out in the order it did 01:23 <@Corydon76-dig> Heh 01:23 <@critch> I don't see the benefit of going to me. I am not really an asterisk developer anymore. My one primary use of asterisk is real damn stable. 01:24 <@critch> Rick and I recently sat back in awe of the amount of calls our code runs, and until the last few days, we hadn't found any bugs. 01:24 <@critch> New customer has us excersizing code that was hastily written 2 years ago, not well tested and then never really used. 01:25 <@Corydon76-dig> Yeah, I think I solved one of Rick's bugs here recently 01:25 <@Corydon76-dig> Not sure if he realized it was me 01:25 <@critch> hmm, didn't know Rick was doing anymore asterisk work 01:26 <@Corydon76-dig> M12939 01:26 <@Corydon76-dig> Oh, wait, MuffinMan isn't in here 01:26 <@Corydon76-dig> http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=12939 01:27 <@critch> hmm, cool. 01:27 <@critch> luckily all our bugs are out in the AGI script. 01:28 <@critch> was kind of fun tracking down a perl logic bug today. 01:28 <@Corydon76-dig> Heh 01:28 <@critch> Had the pain of the unintended false that '0' caused. 01:30 <@critch> one of our clients is using some medical record numbers with leading zeros, and our code wasn't always accepting the leading zero. found out that the times it didn't accept it was due to it being entered during the prompt asking for the number. Buffered event was returning false and being dropped. 01:30 <@Corydon76-dig> Uh, '0' or 0? 01:30 <@Corydon76-dig> "0" should be true; 0 is false 01:31 <@critch> well, I guess it was the number 0, but we had been adding it to a string via .= 01:31 <@Corydon76-dig> There's only 3 things that are false in Perl, undef, 0, and "" (the empty string) 01:32 <@critch> I thought there was also a false 01:32 <@Corydon76-dig> That's undef. 01:32 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@] has joined #se2600 01:33 <@Corydon76-dig> the fun brainfuck: "false" is true. 01:33 <@critch> hmm, odd, this doesn't work as expected, perl -e 'if(not false){print "hi\n";};print "\n";' 01:34 < Drag0n-ru> true is false, yes is no, and no is yes, and everything is mabey 01:34 <@Corydon76-dig> No "true" is true, but "false" is also true 01:34 <@critch> oh well, I need to go to bed. 01:35 <@Dagmar> Did false become a special word? 01:35 <@critch> long day tomorrow, and hoping for a long evening 01:35 <@Corydon76-dig> not to my knowledge 01:35 < Drag0n-ru> long week here 01:35 <@Dagmar> critch: Did you *define* false? 01:35 < Drag0n-ru> and its only half way through 01:35 <@critch> nope, just entered that line as you see it 01:35 <@Dagmar> I think perl somewhat expects you to not need to say things like "true" or "false" 01:36 <@Dagmar> I don't recall having seen them as operators before. 01:36 <@Dagmar> I mean, they give you while, unless, until, and if, so it's not like you'd even need more than true() to begin with 01:36 <@Corydon76-dig> I'm sure some library has: use constant FALSE => 0; 01:37 <@Dagmar> To put it another way... perl -e 'if(MESHUGGAH){print "hi\n";};print "\n";' 01:37 <@Dagmar> Does the same thing 01:37 <@Dagmar> not MESHUGGAH too. ;) 01:37 <@Dagmar> Guess what the default value of the MESHUGGA token is. ;) 01:38 <@Corydon76-dig> Are barewords evaluated as variables or strings? 01:38 <@Corydon76-dig> barewords are a nasty habit, so I don't remember what it does 01:41 <@Corydon76-dig> Ah, first letter capitalized is treated as a glob, first letter lowercase is treated like a string 01:41 <@Dagmar> ...and false() apparently doesn't exist anywya 01:41 <@Dagmar> I can sort of barely remember havign to define it as a constant long, long ago. 01:42 <@Corydon76-dig> right 'perldoc -f false' 01:43 <@Dagmar> ...then I just basically stopped bothering to use true or false explicitly 01:43 <@Dagmar> Too easy to use unless() 01:45 <@Corydon76-dig> Read a blog post by a guy I've disagreed with forever... Same old line, things needs to change, blah, blah, blah, oh, and he's seeking VC funding for his company where he's going to change this 01:46 <@Corydon76-dig> His whole thing is that his scripting extension to ruby is the greatest thing ever to happen to Asterisk 01:54 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 01:54 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@] has joined #se2600 01:54 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@] has quit [Client Quit] 01:55 -!- Drag0n-ru` [n=nunya@] has joined #se2600 01:55 -!- Drag0n-ru` [n=nunya@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 01:58 <@rattle> http://sexiestgeeksalive.com/money-for-me-databases-for-you-privacy-whatever/ 02:00 <@Dagmar> AWESOME 02:00 <@Dagmar> We need to get him drunk and see if we can get him to talk about the government at Phreaknic 02:02 <@Dagmar> wagnerrp: you gotta see this bit of video of a friend of mine http://sexiestgeeksalive.com/money-for-me-databases-for-you-privacy-whatever/ 02:08 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has joined #se2600 02:09 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o ShadowHntr] by ChanServ 02:30 <@rattle> I agree.. http://www.memestreams.net/users/rattle/blogid10329907/ 02:30 <@Dagmar> I dunno about Jello. 02:30 <@Dagmar> He's pretty hilarious 02:31 <@Catonic> this year's HOPE rant was something of a rerun from a previous rant. 02:31 <@rattle> Yes, but he goes off the rails into some place not connected with reality whenever he proposes a solution to anything. I like Jello, but I can't see him as anything other than entertainment. 02:32 <@Catonic> note to self: yes, you can play "Will It Float" with your liver. Do not ever attempt to again. 02:40 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@] has joined #se2600 02:42 <@aestetix> what it is 02:42 <@Catonic> it is what it is 02:44 <@Catonic> right now, hot tub + adult swim. 02:56 <@Catonic> My reflections on recent travel: Memphis is the Inner-City Greyhound Station of airports. 03:00 -!- cordless [i=cordless@c-68-54-226-63.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] 03:27 < Drag0n-ru> "it" is a word used to describe an item or inanimate object that someone doesnt want to name. That is what "it" is! 03:28 < Drag0n-ru> word 03:33 <@wontonjoe> i return 03:44 <@Catonic> http://www.dieselsweeties.com/archive/2078 <- lmfao 03:45 <@Catonic> wontonjoe: I have been to memphis. And minneapolis. 03:45 <@Catonic> row 14D-E-F was Mobile, Decatur, and Birmingham. 03:45 <@Catonic> Mobile was sick, but she had some kind of west-coast flu 03:47 <@Catonic> xkcd 03:56 <@aestetix> vagina 03:57 -!- wontonjoe [n=sh4wn@host-63-238-55-157.apid.com] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 03:57 -!- wontonjoe [n=sh4wn@host-63-238-55-157.apid.com] has joined #se2600 03:57 -!- wontonjoe [n=sh4wn@host-63-238-55-157.apid.com] has quit [Nick collision from services.] 04:00 <@Catonic> vagiiiiiinaaaaaaa 04:00 <@Catonic> too much monty python in my youth 04:02 -!- wontonjo1 [n=sh4wn@host-63-238-55-157.apid.com] has joined #se2600 04:04 <@aestetix> hey 04:04 <@aestetix> is there a tool that lets you view multiple twitter feeds side by side? 04:13 <@Catonic> like feedon feeds? 04:14 <@Catonic> hrm... so what happens if I chain a spam filter to a firewall... 04:14 <@aestetix> maybe? 04:14 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 04:15 <@Catonic> if(isspam == 1) ; $pfadd reject from $host with icmp_source_quench... 04:15 <@Catonic> or another though... You won't follow RFC, do you follow TCP? 04:16 <@Catonic> perhaps the solution is to reimplement icmp source quench with .45 shells... 04:16 <@Catonic> or sharks with lasers!!!! 04:28 <@Catonic> what's it come to when you can't even get decent ridicule at 420 in the morning? 04:45 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@] has joined #se2600 05:12 <@aestetix> ding dong 05:19 < Drag0n-ru> dang 05:38 <@Catonic> ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long 05:41 < Drag0n-ru> ring a ding ding, my ding a ling a ling ding 05:42 <@aestetix> wow I started a trend of boredom 05:43 < Drag0n-ru> bordom in in russia 05:43 <@Catonic> dude... that's Jesus Built My Hotrod by Ministry 05:43 <@Catonic> I just realized that I am almost never bored. 05:45 <@Catonic> aestetix: work with XML or AJAX any? 05:45 <@aestetix> Yes. 05:46 <@aestetix> Why 05:47 <@Catonic> just thinking about various things... 05:47 <@Catonic> I need to make an AJAX website for myself and haven't the foggiest idea how to start that 05:47 <@aestetix> It's easy as shit. 05:48 <@Catonic> I'm not used to wrapping my head around an arbritrary concept right out of the box. 05:49 <@Catonic> was also thinking that since microsoft went to xml + zip for documents that it would be much easier to implement a daily notes or journal system by just dropping attachements into the XML stream and referencing them at the appropriate times in the text. 05:49 <@Catonic> like laTeX on steriods, as it were. 06:00 -!- Tuttle| [n=NA@c-68-53-16-218.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 06:25 <@brimstone> http://www.aiso.net/index.asp 06:35 -!- TheLightCosine [i=0c1314c9@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-210d4682aa4485f2] has joined #se2600 06:36 < TheLightCosine> morning folks 06:36 <@brimstone> hi 06:37 -!- Tuttle| [n=NA@c-68-53-16-218.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [] 06:45 < Drag0n-ru> afternoon 06:57 -!- TheLightCosine [i=0c1314c9@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-210d4682aa4485f2] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"] 07:02 -!- dasunt [n=dasunt@] has joined #se2600 07:10 < Shadow404> meow 07:21 <@brimstone> hi Shadow404 07:26 < Shadow404> oh hai brimstone 07:27 < Shadow404> smoking a cigar sitting in my new leather chair while on a teleconfrence call, life is good 07:28 < Shadow404> man, this customer is a bitch, glad im just a bystander on this call 07:29 < Shadow404> oh, this is funny, apparently, a couple of us noc engineers are gettig some intro classes into japaneese to help understad soem of our clients better 07:29 < Shadow404> should be sorta fun 07:30 <@Catonic> hellz yeah, you could hook up with some japanapoon 07:30 < Shadow404> i thought i could just suffice with saying domo origato all the time? 07:31 <@Catonic> ich ni san shi go 07:31 < Shadow404> Catonic: again, i like my balls being attached to my body 07:31 <@Catonic> I just like my balls on your forehead. 07:31 < Shadow404> are you fantisizing again? 07:31 -!- hobbes615 [n=ryan@c-98-218-79-132.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 07:31 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o hobbes615] by ChanServ 07:31 < Shadow404> if so, please dont inform me 07:32 <@brimstone> fantaSIZING! 07:32 <@Catonic> Only to stepladder porn. 07:32 < Shadow404> stepladder? 07:32 < Shadow404> never heard of that fetish 07:32 < Shadow404> care to enlighten? 07:32 <@Catonic> brimstone: I think you may be more preoccupied with sex than I am. 07:33 <@Catonic> Shadow404: I get a ladder, stand on it, and have my balls at about 6'5"... ON OYUR FOREHEAD 07:33 < Shadow404> lawl 07:33 < Shadow404> haha 07:33 < Shadow404> Catonic: so how was the huntsville-fest? 07:33 <@Catonic> Shadow404: hamfest.org, this weekend. 07:33 < Shadow404> or did you miss it for las vegas? 07:33 < Shadow404> oh shit 07:33 < Shadow404> hmm, 07:33 <@Catonic> no, I will not be at the hamfest 07:34 < Shadow404> damn, was gonna drive over and carpool from montgomery 07:34 <@Catonic> first time in 25 years I will not be at the hamfest 07:34 < Shadow404> why not? 07:34 <@I-MOD> does that mean you're going, Shadow404? 07:34 <@Catonic> I hate seeing people get old. 07:34 < Shadow404> I-MOD: cant now, to much gass 07:34 < Shadow404> Catonic: stop being a bitch 07:34 < Shadow404> im not old, we can carpool 07:34 <@Catonic> Shadow404: get your dad to drop you off in that hot little blue number... 07:35 < Shadow404> lawl, so is that a yes, minus the little blue number? 07:35 <@Catonic> Shadow404: yeah, but I've seen the vendors there for the last two decades... everyone knows who I am... 07:35 < Shadow404> damn, 30 minute call complete, i said 3 lines pertaining to his ip space and what ptr's he had, yeah, feel so useful 07:35 <@Catonic> I just can't burn any more vacation, nor do I want to 07:36 < Shadow404> Catonic: fair enough, maybe next time 07:36 < Shadow404> I-MOD: huntsville is to far even with falling gas prices 07:36 < Shadow404> unless i carpooled half way 07:36 <@Catonic> it's about four hours driving, three if you're speedy McCatonic 07:36 <@Catonic> s/speedy/Speedy 07:37 <@I-MOD> Shadow404, i thought you were in nashville... 07:37 < Shadow404> 3 if your edge of life shadow on crotchrocket 07:37 < Shadow404> I-MOD: nah, atlanta man 07:37 < Shadow404> powder springs to be more exact 07:37 < Shadow404> I-MOD: bigblue.homeftp.net 07:37 <@Catonic> crotch rockets you don't have to worry about anything with 07:37 <@Catonic> a crotch rocket in miami is insane.... 07:38 <@I-MOD> in that case, you going to d*c? 07:38 < Shadow404> yea, the whole year i planeed to go 07:38 < Shadow404> then i got my vacation time approved right during that 07:38 <@I-MOD> :D 07:38 < Shadow404> so no 07:38 <@I-MOD> fail 07:38 < Shadow404> so i will be in seattle 07:38 < Shadow404> im pissed 07:38 < Shadow404> but not wasting vacation on d*c 07:38 <@Catonic> I think I'm taking the rest of the year off from cons 07:38 < Shadow404> ill be there next year 07:39 <@I-MOD> me and friends are packing 11 in a room 07:39 < Shadow404> Catonic: well, ill be at pn, thats about it for the rest of the year 07:39 <@Catonic> PN I'll probably show up if there's something that we need a sober person for. 07:39 < Shadow404> Catonic: you will be drunk, thats an order 07:39 <@I-MOD> it's going to be quite cozy in there 07:39 < Shadow404> I-MOD: ill get my own room for me and the fiancee' 07:39 <@Catonic> Shadow404: can I sleep on the other bed? 07:39 <@I-MOD> understandable :D 07:40 < Shadow404> Catonic: only if you pay to watch this time 07:40 <@Catonic> pfffft... I get enough of the sound effects from my neighbor 07:40 < Shadow404> last time, you just drooled and made it uncomfortable 07:40 < Shadow404> if we were making profit, it would make a little more sense 07:40 < Shadow404> damn, speaking off, i need to set up my x10 07:41 <@Catonic> I was so wiped out yesterday I didn't give a shit at all... something fell over from my neighbor's antics and I took a cellphone call or two... 07:42 <@Catonic> i think after the second time they heard the phone ring, they settled down 07:43 <@Catonic> I'm sure my coworker thought I was insane when he called me at 440pm for some issue... 07:43 <@Catonic> it was a good ten minutes before I had the slightest clue what he was talking about 07:44 < Shadow404> yep, thats catonic 07:44 -!- Neoteric [n=timball@c-98-233-29-184.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 07:45 -!- hobbes615 [n=ryan@c-98-218-79-132.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"] 07:46 <@Catonic> I wonder if it's cheaper to have a mexican housewife do my laundry or have a washing machine? 07:47 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@] has joined #se2600 07:47 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o dc0de] by ChanServ 07:48 <@Catonic> Every time I see a link to "JSTORE" I think of JDate 07:48 <@Catonic> cat /dev/urandom 07:49 <@Catonic> | irc 07:50 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@] has quit [Client Quit] 08:02 -!- Curbob [n=curbob@] has joined #se2600 08:06 <@aestetix> Catonic: if I pay for a hooker at PhreakNIC, will you hit it? 08:18 <@oddball> So... coming into work today I witnessed some asshat run a stop sign... in a school zone... in front of a cop. 08:18 < Shadow404> ticket please! 08:18 <@oddball> oh, and there were definately children present 08:19 < Shadow404> did he get a ticket? 08:19 <@oddball> oh god yes 08:19 <@brimstone> like a fellon! 08:19 < Shadow404> woot 08:20 <@oddball> after the cop did a double take, he rushed over to his car and chased the clown down 08:23 <@oddball> Oh, and the driver seemed suprised/upset that he was ticketed. 08:23 < Dolemite_> mr0ning, be0tches and h0ez! 08:23 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@] has joined #se2600 08:23 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o dc0de] by ChanServ 08:23 -!- ziplock [i=nobody@pdpc/supporter/active/ziplock] has joined #se2600 08:23 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o ziplock] by ChanServ 08:23 < Dolemite_> oddball : The nerve of some cop, ticketing a guy for driving on a road that he owns! 08:24 < Shadow404> i hate assholes that get an attitude when they knowingly break the law and get caught 08:24 <@oddball> no shit 08:24 <@dc0de> moanin Dolemite_ 08:24 <@dc0de> who got the ticket? 08:24 < Shadow404> especially when women try to get out of it by showing their goods 08:24 <@oddball> 08:20 <@oddball> So... coming into work today I witnessed some asshat run a stop sign... in a school zone... in front of a cop. 08:24 <@dc0de> Shadow404; you're just jealous... 08:25 <@oddball> And this is one of the school zones in Nashville where kids actually cross the road. 08:26 < Shadow404> dc0de: yah, if i had boobs, i wouldnt be able to keep my hands off them 08:26 < Shadow404> dc0de: how do u cope? 08:26 * Shadow404 ducks 08:27 <@dc0de> Shadow404; I have a woman that has goods. 08:46 <@Evilpig> dc0de: what kind of goods? rugs? couches? food products? 08:47 <@dc0de> Evilpig; all of the above. 08:47 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 08:47 -!- Neoteric [n=timball@mail.sunlightfoundation.net] has joined #se2600 08:47 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Neoteric] by ChanServ 08:48 * aestetix hugs Dolemite_ 08:48 < Shadow404> um, how do i disconnect from a cpe dsu connection? 08:49 -!- wizardpc [n=wizardpc@c-98-193-191-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 08:49 <@I-MOD> remove the power? 08:49 < Shadow404> hah 08:49 < Shadow404> to bad i can just walk to houston and pull the power cord out 08:49 < Shadow404> *can't 08:50 -!- wizardpc [n=wizardpc@c-98-193-191-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 08:50 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o wizardpc] by ChanServ 08:50 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@] has joined #se2600 08:50 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o dc0de] by ChanServ 08:51 <@wizardpc> yay my VMs powered up! 08:52 <@dc0de> crap 08:52 <@dc0de> brb 08:52 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@] has quit [Client Quit] 08:53 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@] has joined #se2600 08:53 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o dc0de] by ChanServ 08:53 * ware is lookin damn sharp today 08:53 <@wizardpc> court date? 08:53 < Drag0n-ru> he glued a lot of razor blades to his shirt 08:54 <@wizardpc> lol 08:55 <@wizardpc> crap...gotta reboot again. 08:55 -!- wizardpc [n=wizardpc@c-98-193-191-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit] 08:56 < Shadow404> ah ha, its ctrl+] 09:07 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@] has quit ["Leaving"] 09:08 -!- wizardpc [n=wizardpc@c-98-193-191-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 09:08 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o wizardpc] by ChanServ 09:18 <@wizardpc> I think the new company has throttled me to like 24kbps 09:19 <@wizardpc> my connection is slow as christmas 09:26 <@oddball> Ummm... isn't most of your work remoting into client's boxes? 09:26 <@Dementia> I just got ssh back at work yesterday 09:28 <@I-MOD> they took it away? 09:29 <@Corydon76-dig> It's open source software, so it must be evil 09:38 * Evilpig pokes Dementia 09:44 <@Dementia> No, they're just dipshits, and they said they'd "never had it open" - except that it stopped working when they put in a new firewall. 09:53 <@timoguin> You're all cancer! 09:57 <@Evilpig> what does that make you? 09:58 <@I-MOD> cancer lover 09:58 <@timoguin> roses. 10:06 <@nachoguy> Nachos! 10:06 < Dolemite_> Canibal! 10:06 < ware> WHORES 10:06 -!- ware [i=w@ware.is.a.network.dj] has left #se2600 [] 10:06 -!- ware [i=w@ware.is.a.network.dj] has joined #se2600 10:06 <@nachoguy> I love the memestreams posting with the video of Decius. "Money for me, databases for you" 10:07 < ware> pfsense is fucking with me. response time is dick from the lan interface but if i execute it on the wan interface its blazing 10:07 <@nachoguy> privacy is like, whatever. You ignore privacy, you'll have more data and can have big shiny boxes 10:15 < Shadow404> ware: i thought you were a ceritified sonicwall professional 10:15 < Shadow404> and you cant figure out pfsense 10:15 < Shadow404> bleh 10:15 < ware> http://www.overclock.net/overclock-net-folding-home-team/370859-nitteo-s-f-h-gpu2-farm.html 10:16 < ware> Shadow404: fuck off 10:16 < Shadow404> lawl 10:16 < ware> im surprised you know what traceroute is 10:16 < ware> or wan 10:16 <@Evilpig> pfsense does some freaky bullshit 10:16 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Shadow404] by ChanServ 10:17 -!- ware was kicked from #se2600 by Shadow404 [i know what this does] 10:17 -!- ware [i=w@ware.is.a.network.dj] has joined #se2600 10:17 < ware> im thinking about replacing it 10:18 < ware> ive got a tz190 but it doesnt do shaping, granted im not a believer in pfSense's shaping abilities 10:18 <@Shadow404> anyone run icv -h for monitoring? 10:18 < ware> [ware@krun ~]$ traceroute ware.is.a.network.dj 10:18 < ware> traceroute to ware.is.a.network.dj (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 hotbox ( 0.617 ms 0.459 ms 0.327 ms 2 * * * 3 * * * 4 * * * 10:19 <@Shadow404> ouch 10:19 <@Shadow404> and you have a box called 'hotbox'? 10:19 <@Evilpig> he stole the name from me 10:19 <@Shadow404> wow, just plain wow 10:19 < ware> yeah i stole it from evilpig back in the day 10:19 <@Evilpig> hotbox.icscci.com 10:19 <@Shadow404> well, thats ok 10:20 <@Shadow404> he stole kho whil you were dating her too 10:20 <@Evilpig> but all my servers are named somethingbox 10:20 * Shadow404 ducks 10:20 < ware> lulz 10:20 <@Shadow404> so did everyone 10:20 < ware> Evilpig: HAHA nice pic 10:20 <@Shadow404> nice 10:21 <@Evilpig> well it is a firewall. of sorts 10:26 <@Shadow404> sorta figured that one out 10:28 <@Evilpig> don't even remember where I stole that pic from either 10:28 <@Shadow404> i might have to put that on my custom netgear router interface 10:35 -!- M0j0-j0j0 [n=Mojo_Joj@] has joined #se2600 10:45 <@rattle> Oh damnit.. 10:46 <@rattle> Turns out the Russian/Georgian conflict destroys the Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention. Both Georgia and Russia have McDonalds.. 10:50 <@Evilpig> http://shop.ebay.com/items/?_nkw=blizzcon+2008&_fromfsb=0&_trksid=m270 <--insane 10:52 < ware> jesus. 10:52 < ware> that mount is pretty kickass tho 10:52 < ware> hehe 10:53 <@Evilpig> it is. but jesus. the tickets were $100. and these guys are trying to sell them for $500+ 10:53 < Dolemite_> So Blizzard is now borrowing from The Golden Compass 10:53 <@Evilpig> blizzard borrows from everything. 10:53 < ware> Evilpig: 3 bis on the $510 ticket 10:54 <@Evilpig> that is well known. they have pop culture references in all their games 10:54 <@Evilpig> they really like to reference their own games in other games too 10:54 < Dolemite_> yep 10:55 < eryc> nowai 10:56 <@Evilpig> my favorite to date is the mace in WoW "Wirt's third leg" 10:56 < Dolemite_> lol 10:56 < Dolemite_> What level is that? 10:56 -!- MaxieZ [n=MaxieZ@atlanta.national-net.com] has joined #se2600 10:56 <@Evilpig> http://www.wowhead.com/?item=9359 10:56 -!- Dolemite_ is now known as Dolemite 10:56 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Dolemite] by ChanServ 10:56 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has quit ["End of line."] 10:56 -!- mode/#se2600 [+v MaxieZ] by ChanServ 10:56 <@Evilpig> it makes it all the funnier that it is a double joke 10:58 <@Dolemite> The other day I picked up Shizzle's Nozzle Wiper, fo' rizzle. 10:59 <@Evilpig> down in un'goro? 10:59 <@Dolemite> yeah 10:59 <@Dolemite> Now I'm up in Winterspring doing quests in the snow 10:59 <@Dolemite> they need to have a recipe for Yeti Spaghetti 10:59 <@Evilpig> have you come across the stealthed critters in the north yet? 11:00 <@Dolemite> nope 11:00 <@Evilpig> hehe. beware if you come across a big open area. 11:00 <@Dolemite> I take it that they're not demons? 11:00 <@Dolemite> will detect invis work on them? 11:01 <@Evilpig> it might. but they are cats 11:01 <@Dolemite> Ah, so I just need to keep some yarn in my bags to throw at them 11:01 <@Evilpig> there is a random demon running around out there too 11:01 <@Dolemite> there are shadowcats in other areas, though 11:01 <@Evilpig> yeah like stv. 11:02 <@Dolemite> I think that's where Mirage got his pussy 11:02 <@Evilpig> no. his was a special one that keeps the invis from one of the alliance areas 11:02 <@Dolemite> ah 11:02 <@Dolemite> I remember he got NotLarry to escort him to get the thing 11:03 <@Evilpig> I got gimp to 35 last night. could have done 36 but I was working while half ass playing 11:04 <@Dolemite> fun 11:04 < ware> Evilpig: Key-Clone? 11:04 <@Dolemite> well, looks like I have to run over to the Days Inn and fix their wifi 11:04 <@Evilpig> wtf is key-clone? 11:10 <@wizardpc> /headdesk 11:11 < ware> http://www.solidice.com/keyclone/ 11:11 < ware> Evilpig: i think we're going to try that out 11:11 < ware> with the recruit a friend program 11:11 < ware> to get the mount 11:12 <@Evilpig> could be interesting 11:12 < ware> saw one with 5 shammy 11:12 < ware> s 11:13 < ware> that app works over the network too 11:13 < ware> so you dont even have to run the dupe instance of wow locally 11:13 < wrench___> rattle: damn! you're right. I thought that theory was pretty solid. 11:15 <@timoguin> ware: ping 11:15 < ware> p0ng 11:15 <@timoguin> do you have backtrack here anywhere? 11:15 < ware> use the priv ircd 11:15 < ware> in my laptop case 11:15 <@timoguin> okay 11:16 <@timoguin> bt3? in your room? 11:16 < ware> Evilpig: http://www.solidice.com/keyclone/pip.html 11:16 < ware> timoguin: yeah, laptop case. open it up and its on the right 11:17 <@timoguin> okay 11:17 <@timoguin> thanks 11:18 <@timoguin> does bt3 have ophcrack? 11:19 < ware> eh, i think so. if it doesnt its an easy build to put on any other box 11:22 < ware> dont crack my hash. 11:22 < ware> lol 11:22 < ware> OR I WILL SMOKE ALL OF YOURS WITHOUT TELLING U 11:22 <@timoguin> don't want to. 11:23 < ware> did that realestate place forget a pw? 11:23 <@timoguin> apparently the last guy who fixed her computer didn't give her account proper access. 11:23 <@timoguin> and she doesn't know the admin pw. 11:23 < ware> gotcha, use erd commander to reset it 11:23 <@timoguin> yea i'm downloading it. 11:23 <@timoguin> trying to... 11:23 <@timoguin> it's not connecting. 11:24 <@timoguin> you don't have that here do you? 11:24 < ware> its in my truck i believe, check the laptop case 11:29 < ware> Evilpig: yeah we're going to try that out 11:29 < eryc> crackheads 11:29 < ware> dualbox with keyclone 11:29 * ware pees on eryc 11:29 < ware> wuzzup 11:29 <@Evilpig> just dualbox? 11:29 < ware> Evilpig: i dont think i should spend more a month on that 11:30 < eryc> im drinking coke 11:30 < ware> on WoW* 11:30 -!- rattle [n=rattle@tor/regular/rattle] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 11:30 <@Evilpig> I think it would be neat to try. not sure I really want to level another toon though that would be annoying as shit 11:30 < ware> we should be pwnsauze tho, youre welcome to join us if you want to roll a new toon 11:31 < ware> i dont think we're going to take advantage of the triple xp right off the bat but that works for any toon doesnt it? 11:31 < ware> of either account, who ever is the lowest? or is it just the friend account that signs up 11:31 < eryc> except looney toons 11:32 < ware> eryc: you gonna sign up 11:32 < ware> on mal'ganis with the crew 11:32 < eryc> ya if you keyclone lvl me 11:32 <@Evilpig> not sure on the exact details of that. I think as soon as you use the friend code you get the extra xp 11:32 < eryc> and buy me a rocket flying monkey mount 11:33 <@Evilpig> i'll have a polar bear mount in a month 11:33 <@Evilpig> well tow months 11:33 <@Evilpig> two* 11:33 < ware> eryc: id do that 11:33 < eryc> alliance? 11:33 < ware> horde 11:33 < eryc> word 11:33 < ware> you sign up an account and let me 3box it 11:34 < ware> then ill hand it off to you whenever 11:34 < eryc> do i get a 1000g signing bonus 11:34 < ware> hah, i have no 70s yet. highest is 47 11:35 < eryc> i gotta prep for burningman, after that ill check it out 11:35 < ware> havent heard of that 11:36 < eryc> http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=burning+man 11:36 < eryc> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6508439865195886376&ei=aQ2jSOzyOZDErwL4qcDkDQ 11:37 < eryc> its like mad max and shit 11:38 < eryc> more boobs tho 11:38 <@Evilpig> burning man is for hippies 11:39 <@wizardpc> no showers, lots of smoking things, yeah its for hippies 11:39 < eryc> lots of pyro too 11:40 < eryc> shit with flamethrowers 11:40 < eryc> flying neon planes 11:40 < eryc> there are showers btw 11:42 * eryc does the hippy dance 11:43 <@Evilpig> there are golden showers but not hygiene showers 11:43 < eryc> its one of the coolest things in america 11:43 < eryc> there are camping solar showers noob 11:46 <@wizardpc> cuz that totally counts 11:47 * Evilpig pisses on eryc's head. 11:47 <@Evilpig> How's that shower? warm? 11:47 <@Shadow404> eryc: careful, kho told everyone Evilpig was into that sort of thing 11:48 <@Evilpig> I heard kho liked to make mustaches. is that true ware? 11:48 <@Shadow404> yeah, ware, is that true? 11:48 <@Evilpig> dirty sanchez? 11:48 < eryc> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-SbdmcZim8 11:53 -!- rattle [n=rattle@tor/regular/rattle] has joined #se2600 11:53 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rattle] by ChanServ 11:58 <@tzanger> damn 11:59 <+MaxieZ> I heard hugme is getting hitched 11:59 <+MaxieZ> Shadow404: you want to plan hooter for tomorrow? 12:00 <+MaxieZ> God my spelling and grammer is going to shit (and it was never great) 12:01 <+MaxieZ> Shadow404: Would you like to plan to go to hooters tomorrow? 12:01 < eryc> i plan hooter everyday 12:01 * wizardpc has a new favorite word: "Banditry" 12:01 <@I-MOD> lol 12:02 <@dc0de> MaxieZ; hooters? 12:02 <+MaxieZ> Yeah...hooters downtown 12:02 < eryc> i only need one at a time 12:03 < eryc> round robin style 12:03 < eryc> ah thats the hooters that made me the hottest wings imaginable 12:03 < eryc> ill never forget that cook 12:03 < eryc> bastard 12:04 <@polerin> wizardpc: banditry? 12:04 < eryc> my coworker and i had a contest to see who could eat the most 12:04 < eryc> i won, but i wished i hadnt 12:04 <@polerin> wizardpc: err.. I know what it means, but why is it now your favorite? 12:04 <@Shadow404> MaxieZ: hooters work 12:04 <@Shadow404> dc0de: interested? 12:04 <@Shadow404> just down 400 for you 12:04 <@dc0de> yeah, but no. 12:04 <@Shadow404> u fail at life 12:05 < eryc> dc0de: they have dongs too 12:05 <@Shadow404> wehn you turn down hooteres 12:05 <@Shadow404> eryc: now dc0de is game 12:05 <@dc0de> eryc; sorry, you have me confused with YOU 12:05 < eryc> hot dongs comin! 12:05 <@Shadow404> thats just his defense 12:05 < eryc> dc0de: meat sandwich? 12:05 <+MaxieZ> dc0de: skydog wrote me back and said it would be cool to go to the HP party 12:06 <@dc0de> I'm in a training class that doesn't get out until six pm, and I haven't slept well since returning from Defcon... 12:06 <+MaxieZ> yesterday :) 12:06 <@dc0de> still getting over the jetlag 12:06 <@dc0de> MaxieZ; when did you get the email? 12:06 <+MaxieZ> yesterday. 12:06 <@dc0de> heh 12:06 <@dc0de> timely 12:06 <+MaxieZ> So...I'm going, but I'm going to be a bit late :) 12:07 <@aestetix> dc0de: how was defcon 12:07 <@dc0de> MaxieZ; nah, i'd save it, and bring it to the party next year! 12:07 <@dc0de> aestetix; awesome, tiring, and amazing. 12:07 <@SkyDog_> Damn. Hooters sounds pretty good right now. 12:07 <@dc0de> w00f! 12:07 <@SkyDog_> I got some chinese last night, which I had a hankering for in Vegas. 12:07 <@dc0de> SkyDog_; "How was Defcon"? 12:08 -!- brim-iphone [n=mobile@adsl-070-147-173-141.sip.mgm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 12:08 <+MaxieZ> what's up skydog 12:08 <@aestetix> so did anyone who went to defcon get a hooker? 12:08 -!- brim-iphone [n=mobile@adsl-070-147-173-141.sip.mgm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Client Quit] 12:08 <@dc0de> aestetix; if they did, they didn't share.... 12:08 * dc0de thanks God! 12:09 <@aestetix> roll roll, up the whore, pinch her at the end 12:09 <@aestetix> stick it in and fill her up, then pass her to a friend 12:10 * dc0de shudders 12:10 <@dc0de> remember, what happens in Vegas, needs to STAY in vegas, not come home on your Tool. 12:10 <@aestetix> wait I can make this bettter 12:11 <@aestetix> "roll on to the whore, rub her on her end...." 12:11 <@wizardpc> polerin: there was a radio report from a BBC reporter in Georgia (country), saying that "there are reports of rampant banditry" 12:11 -!- ziplock [i=nobody@pdpc/supporter/active/ziplock] has left #se2600 [] 12:15 <@Shadow404> MaxieZ: ill be good for noon time to hid up there, so probably 12:10pm? 12:15 <@polerin> well, I'm assuming there are random bouts of rampant banditry in georgia (state), but I'd be supprised if the BBC was reporting on it ;) it's that bad isn't it 12:15 <+MaxieZ> ok 12:15 <@Shadow404> dc0de: if you need free parking, i can get you in free 1 block away 12:15 <@dc0de> no, i have to study for the exams I have to take later this week. 12:16 <@polerin> bush is pissing me off. he needs to tell russia to get the hell out of georgia, and get out now :/ 12:16 <@dc0de> and if I go to hooters, I'm gonna wanna get some. 12:16 <@polerin> same as we are being told to get the hell out of iraq by people who don't think it's right for us 12:16 <@dc0de> polerin; yeah, but we can't back it up, we don't have troops available... 12:16 <@Shadow404> dc0de: thats what you get at home 12:16 <@polerin> dc0de: and why is that? :P 12:17 <@polerin> dc0de: but there are other options 12:17 <@dc0de> polerin; err, umm, the Clinton era decimating the armed forces, and the Bush era putting what's left out 1/2 way around the world. 12:17 <@dc0de> polerin; yeah, nuclear war. 12:17 <@polerin> military force comes into play when diplomacy fails, and the diplomacy is well on the way to fail 12:17 <@polerin> because they aren't pushing 12:17 <@dc0de> why doesn't NATO, the EU, and/or the UN doing anything? 12:17 <@dc0de> it's in the EU's back yard. 12:18 <@polerin> I think nato isn't because the us is restraining them. I'm not 100% but I don't think the us wants nato out in front of the us on it 12:18 <@polerin> looks bad 12:19 <@polerin> I meen there is some talk, but russia is using the olympics as cover 12:22 -!- brim-iphone [n=mobile@] has joined #se2600 12:23 -!- brim-iphone [n=mobile@] has quit [Client Quit] 12:27 <@SkyDog_> I just looked at the clock. It feels like 4PM, but it's only a bit after 12. Sigh. 12:27 <@SkyDog_> My body will take weeks to recover from defcon. 12:27 <@timoguin> sweet. just got my mixman dm2. 12:27 < Curbob> i still can't get to sleep before 3am 12:28 * Curbob points at SkyDog, it's his fault! 12:28 < wrench___> SkyDog_: use that gravel in ur gut. You got this! Bet ur hurtin for certain. 12:28 <@SkyDog_> Curbob: Man, I took a nap in my office after 6 last night, so that I could keep my eyes open for the trip home. 12:29 <@SkyDog_> Got some chinese, and passed out at about 9:30. 12:29 <@SkyDog_> wrench___: I'm guttin' it out today. A leftover 5 hour energy drink is getting me by for the time being. 12:29 <@SkyDog_> I partied well into the morning every day we were at defcon. 12:29 < Curbob> i was worthless at work the last 2 days, today, I actually did something 12:30 <@SkyDog_> I am about to setup user accounts on the array. Glad I didn't try it yesterday. 12:30 < Curbob> hahaha 12:31 <@SkyDog_> I literally fell asleep in my office yesterday afternoon. Head back, feet up on a chair... 12:31 < wrench___> haha...nice! 12:32 <@SkyDog_> Someone passed by my office and asked the guy across the hall if I was ok. 12:32 <@SkyDog_> He said I had a long weekend. 12:32 <@SkyDog_> :) 12:32 < wrench___> SkyDog_: chug some pedialyte. 12:32 -!- juice [n=juice@CPE-65-28-103-54.kc.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 12:32 <@Corydon76-dig> or 5 Hour Energy 12:33 <@SkyDog_> Well, I have a defCon pint glass on my desk that I have been filling up and chugging. 12:33 <@Corydon76-dig> like, the whole bottle... 12:33 < wrench___> Corydon76-dig: have you messed w/ the laser graffiti at all? 12:34 <@Corydon76-dig> Not since the weekend, no 12:34 <@Corydon76-dig> I have a camera on order, though 12:34 < wrench___> Corydon76-dig: oh yeah...bitchin! Can't wait to test it outdoors! 12:35 <@Corydon76-dig> Canon MV930, I think 12:38 < wrench___> damn Corydon that camera looks badass. Its got auto and manual zoom and a joystick control! 12:38 <@Corydon76-dig> Manual zoom and streaming video were the two critical parts 12:38 <@Corydon76-dig> OD has a 4' tripod for $30 12:39 <@Corydon76-dig> So I may pick that up, as well 12:39 < wrench___> true true. that's perfect. 12:40 <@Corydon76-dig> Hmm, geeks.com has one for $10 12:40 < wrench___> score! 12:42 <@Corydon76-dig> It may have to wait until I get back from holiday next week 13:00 -!- juice [n=juice@CPE-65-28-103-54.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 13:00 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o juice] by ChanServ 13:06 <@Dolemite> Well the Days Inn once again has working internetz. The world is a safer place. 13:07 < ware> timoguin: my backpacks come in the mail yet? 13:07 < ware> Dolemite++ 13:07 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: what kind of speed does it have? 13:07 <@Shadow404> timoguin: ah, so your wares bitch? great job! 13:07 * Shadow404 ducks 13:08 <@timoguin> ware: USPS? 13:08 -!- Shadow404 was kicked from #se2600 by timoguin [timoguin] 13:08 -!- Shadow404 [i=shadow40@static-ip-62-75-255-125.inaddr.intergenia.de] has joined #se2600 13:09 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Shadow404] by ChanServ 13:09 < ware> timoguin: yah 13:09 * aestetix sighs 13:09 <@timoguin> ware: no. 13:09 <@timoguin> my dm2 did though 13:09 <@timoguin> =) 13:09 <@aestetix> I think I'm getting to the point where no caffeine is healthy for me 13:09 <@Shadow404> aestetix: aka, we are getting older 13:09 <@aestetix> Shadow404: sucks, doesn't it? 13:09 <@aestetix> at least the sex gets better 13:10 <@Dolemite> One of the AP's had reset to factory defaults, which meant that it was spitting out DHCP. It wouldn't take a config change, either, so it's now in the trash. 13:10 <@Shadow404> aestetix: yeah, more mature no, but yeah, sex is always better 13:10 < ware> timoguin: fedex, mah bad 13:10 < ware> check the back porch! lol 13:10 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: what kind of bandwidth we have now? 13:10 <@timoguin> is a signature required? 13:10 <@Dolemite> same as before 13:10 < ware> shouldnt 13:10 <@timoguin> ware: well i'm about to head back over to the office. 13:10 <@timoguin> i'll look when i leave. 13:11 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: hmm, let me rephrase the question, what kind of bandwidth does the hotel have connected to the AP's, cause i never knew what it was before. 13:11 <@Dolemite> It's a fractional T1 13:11 <@Shadow404> ah, ok 13:12 <@Shadow404> yeah, that was skydog's concern with my idea 13:12 <@aestetix> woah what idea? 13:12 <@Shadow404> aestetix: nothing compared to yours 13:13 <@aestetix> huh? 13:13 <@Shadow404> nm 13:13 <@Dolemite> way to suck up there, Shadow404 13:13 <@aestetix> Dolemite: did he just admit I have a bigger dick than him? 13:13 <@Shadow404> Dolemite: dude, his shit was cool, it really was 13:13 <@Shadow404> tracking people with rfid <> vitalstream 13:13 <@Shadow404> hmmm 13:13 <@aestetix> oh 13:13 <@Dolemite> aestetix : I think he also admitted he wanted to suck it 13:14 <@Shadow404> my idea takes 6 minutes at most to setup 13:15 <@Shadow404> heh, ill give aestetix credit for one thing, he doesn't bombarde around irc with an inflated ego 13:15 -!- wontonjo1 is now known as wontonjoe 13:15 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o wontonjoe] by ChanServ 13:17 <@aestetix> I don't need an inflated ego. I'll settle for a big dick. 13:18 < eryc> i'm sure you get enough big dick as it is 13:18 <@aestetix> eryc: yeah. when are you coming over tonight? 13:19 <@aestetix> or are you still sore from last time? 13:19 < eryc> ill be coming over a pair of tits tonight 13:19 <@Shadow404> nice 13:19 <@aestetix> eryc: tell your mom I said hi 13:19 <@Shadow404> oh, reverse burn 13:20 <@aestetix> btw, they're fake 13:20 < eryc> she said thanks for using the strap on 13:20 < eryc> next time she wants to use it on you 13:20 <@Shadow404> man, i knew it would devolve into corydon type jokes 13:21 < ware> hahaha 13:22 < ware> DONT YOU KNOW YOUR EFFORTS COULD BE USED FOR THE BETTERMENT OF SOCIETY 13:22 < ware> WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WASTING YOUR TALENTS FOR 13:22 <@Shadow404> fuck society, what has it ever done for me? 13:22 < ware> you are society 13:22 <@Shadow404> i reject society 13:22 <@Shadow404> so all -> diaf please 13:22 <@SkyDog_> ware: Don't use all caps. my head is still hurting from Defcon. 13:23 < ware> i still havent seen any pics 13:23 <@Shadow404> ware: ascii chair please 13:23 < ware> pig posted a youtube of you going down on a cup tho haha 13:23 <@Shadow404> gahhhh 13:23 < ware> @topic 13:23 <@Shadow404> pass brain bleache...hurry!!! 13:28 <@wizardpc> lol: "Shopping--when my wife goes and buys a bunch of things I get to pay for" Dave Ramsey 13:29 <@wizardpc> oh shit somebody shot the chair of the arkansas democrat party 13:29 <@Shadow404> huh? 13:29 <@Shadow404> link? 13:29 <@Dolemite> cnn.com 13:29 <@Shadow404> ware: are you responsible? a chair was involved!!!! 13:31 <@aestetix> ware: you're the only one I can think of who gets aroused when someone asks for more cowbell 13:31 <@wontonjoe> No, No, do it again, more cowbell this time! 13:33 <@wizardpc> http://www.arktimes.com/ is reporting he also threatened a building manager at the Baptist State Convention earlier 13:34 <@I-MOD> what are people shooting at the arkansas democratic party when the WBC is fair game? 13:34 <@I-MOD> s/what/why/ 13:34 < ware> aestetix: your ignorance has lost its humor 13:35 <@Shadow404> man, when you women gonna stop fighting 13:37 <@wontonjoe> goodnight gracie! 13:37 -!- wontonjoe [n=sh4wn@host-63-238-55-157.apid.com] has left #se2600 [] 13:38 <@aestetix> man 13:38 <@aestetix> even though I've seen the movie 13:38 <@aestetix> clips from the Deer Hunter are still fuking haunting 13:39 <@Dolemite> wtf is up with you people using diaf so much these days? Did stfu get to be unpopular? 13:39 <@Shadow404> actually, yes 13:39 <@aestetix> diaf? 13:39 <@Dolemite> stfu 13:39 <@Dolemite> die in a fire 13:39 <@aestetix> wtf 13:39 <@I-MOD> sycsm 13:39 <@Shadow404> though, kthxbai, hasnt lost its appeal 13:39 <@Corydon76-dig> edls 13:39 <@Shadow404> rtfm 13:39 <@Corydon76-dig> Eat Dick Like Shadow 13:39 < ware> dick ingrained ass feltch 13:40 <@Shadow404> do it around fields 13:44 <@aestetix> but yeah 13:44 <@aestetix> Deer Hunter is seriously a fucked up movie 13:52 < eryc> i prefer milf hunter 13:52 < eryc> now thats a good movie 14:07 < ware> timoguin: pimp 14:19 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has joined #se2600 14:19 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o ShadowHntr] by ChanServ 14:23 -!- TheLightCosine [n=root@96-24-201-198.nvl.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #se2600 14:28 < TheLightCosine> wow, this quote is really offensive: "There's no such thing as an 'ethical hacker' - that's like saying 'ethical rapist' - it's a contradiction in terms." 14:28 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has quit ["End of line."] 14:28 < ware> who said that 14:29 < TheLightCosine> Marcus J. Ranum 14:30 <+MaxieZ> Your mom's an ethical hacker 14:30 < TheLightCosine> hah i wish 14:30 -!- MaxieZ [n=MaxieZ@atlanta.national-net.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 14:30 < TheLightCosine> then she'd stop comnplaining to me about her e-mail not working 14:34 -!- Tuttle| [n=NA@c-68-53-16-218.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 14:37 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has joined #se2600 14:37 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o ShadowHntr] by ChanServ 14:38 <@Shadow404> TheLightCosine: dude, like i've said, just setup a secure vnc server on your parents computers 14:38 <@Shadow404> so you can fix them remotely 14:38 <@Shadow404> saves plenty in time and gas 14:38 <@Shadow404> not to mention grey hairs 14:38 < TheLightCosine> heh 14:43 <@SkyDog_> secure vnc server... isn't that an oxymoron? 14:43 <@Shadow404> yeah, i was thinking the same after i typed that 14:44 <@wizardpc> we used to play with the building access control systems at school 14:44 <@wizardpc> which used "secure" vnc 14:44 <@ShadowHntr> teamviewer.com 14:44 <@ShadowHntr> :) 14:44 <@Shadow404> logmein.com tbh 14:44 <@wizardpc> where the password was securely stored in the registry 14:45 <@Shadow404> wizardpc: sounds like groupware 14:45 <@I-MOD> ~.4 14:45 <+MxZBot> .4 is typically fatal... 14:45 <@Dolemite> secure vnc == NIC unplugged 14:45 <@Shadow404> heh, nice 14:46 <@SkyDog_> Agreed. 14:47 <@Dolemite> though I admit to having it on my mythtv boxes at home 14:47 <@Dolemite> but you can't get to that net from the outside world 14:47 <@Dolemite> if you jack in to my net at the house, you may as well just pick up the damn remote control 14:48 <@Shadow404> nice 14:48 -!- TheLightCosine [n=root@96-24-201-198.nvl.clearwire-dns.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 14:48 <@Dolemite> just don't delete the porn. Copy it all you want. 14:49 -!- TheLightCosine [n=root@96-24-201-198.nvl.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #se2600 14:49 <@Shadow404> already have, like 2 tb's worth, geez man 14:50 <@Dolemite> Hey, I like my tranny-on-goat pr0n. 14:51 -!- ShadowHntr [n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr] has quit ["End of line."] 14:52 <@I-MOD> i ate some goat last night 14:55 -!- TheLightCosine [n=root@96-24-201-198.nvl.clearwire-dns.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 14:55 <@Shadow404> I-MOD: dont you mean ate out 14:55 <@I-MOD> sure Shadow404, cause i like having sex with goats all the time 14:56 <@Shadow404> who doesnt, i like the sheeps myself though 15:00 -!- TheLightCosine [n=root@96-24-201-198.nvl.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #se2600 15:00 -!- TheLightCosine [n=root@96-24-201-198.nvl.clearwire-dns.net] has quit [Client Quit] 15:08 <@Evilpig> tranny on goat? dolemite... that is even more depraved than me 15:13 < wrench___> that reminds me...any of yall hear about that restaurant in Japan where you go in, pick out an animal, have sex with it, then kill it, and then after the cook prepares it -- you eat it. Very expensive delicacy. 15:14 <@Evilpig> can the animal be woman? 15:14 < wrench___> Evilpig: I think it can be just about anything 15:15 < wrench___> I think the larger and more exotic the animal -- the higher the price. 15:38 < ware> yeah, id get me a rhino 15:39 <@Evilpig> Mirage: ping 15:52 <@wizardpc> so...just had another meeting with the indians 15:52 <@wizardpc> things I took away from the meeting: 15:52 <@wizardpc> 1. if you install google toolbar, we will fire you 15:53 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@ppp91-122-27-232.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru] has joined #se2600 15:53 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@ppp91-122-27-232.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru] has quit [Client Quit] 15:53 <@wizardpc> 2. if you make a mathematical error on an expense report, we will fire you 15:53 <@wizardpc> 3. when we fire you, we get to tell you where you can't work 15:53 <@oddball> 3. if you look at us funny, we'll fire you 15:54 <@wizardpc> they're really instilling that "we care" sense 15:57 <@Dolemite> Google Toolbar is a terminating offense, eh? 15:57 <@Dolemite> Of course, in TN they can fire you for any non-discriminatory reason they want 15:58 <@Dolemite> But they also can't enforce part 3 15:58 <@Dolemite> It's that whole "Right To Work State" thing 15:58 <@Dolemite> They may be able to get away with that in Bangalore, but not Nashville. 15:59 <@SkyDog_> Why is google toolbar a firing offense? 16:00 <@Evilpig> installing software the company didn't sanction 16:00 <@nachoguy> google might become sentient and figoure out that what they're doing is an affront to god, err google 16:02 -!- daswork [n=nobody@] has joined #se2600 16:02 < daswork> Jesus. 16:03 < daswork> I don't know why IT workers don't go postal. 16:05 < daswork> Caching. 16:05 < daswork> Fucking magic. 16:05 < daswork> Utterly fucking magic. 16:05 <@oddball> who says they don't? 16:05 <@wizardpc> yeah any software you want to install...any at all...has to go through management 16:05 <@wizardpc> this INCLUDES windows updates 16:06 <@wizardpc> no patch tuesday for you! 16:06 <@oddball> wizardpc: ummm... yeah.... time to fucking hit the door 16:06 <@SkyDog_> Damn man. 16:06 <@wizardpc> well, they helpfully asked me to submit an updated resume last week, so I already have that 16:07 <@oddball> wait.... your boss asked for a new resume? 16:07 <@wizardpc> yes, so they can do some OCR thing in bangalore and input it into their HR system 16:07 <@oddball> I'm thinking run 16:08 <@wizardpc> "for any new opportunities that may arise" I think was the official reason 16:08 <@SkyDog_> Rabbit bigtime. 16:09 <@wizardpc> damn I hate IT recruiters though 16:09 <@wizardpc> H A T E 16:10 <@someninjamaster> wizardpc: i think i have a position that will fit your perfect 16:11 <@nachoguy> yeah, but when they land you a better job for more cash, they're not so evil 16:11 <@someninjamaster> is that the phrase the recruters use to piss you off 16:11 <@nachoguy> Hey, i still have some open gigs in Chicago 16:12 < daswork> Calling me 10 times to check on the status of your network is NOT GOING TO SPEED MY JOB UP! 16:12 <@Evilpig> does too 16:13 < daswork> Jesus. 16:13 < daswork> And text messages. READ THEM! 16:14 * wizardpc thinks daswork is at his old company 16:14 <@wizardpc> and yes, someninjamaster, that's close enough 16:14 <@wizardpc> but then you have to say "I'm going to submit your resume and will call you back tomorrow with an interview time" 16:14 <@wizardpc> and then NEVER CALL ME AGAIN 16:14 < daswork> H. Sapiens would be improved if, for whatever reason, tomorrow morning, some closed doors would have the note posted on them "Warning: Do not open this door because behind it is a hungry lion that will eat you." With said hungry lion being behind closed door. 16:16 * daswork patents this idea as feline-enforced-literacy. 16:16 <@nachoguy> daswork, agreed. No one reads any more 16:17 < daswork> I really don't understand the usefulness of email. 16:17 <@oddball> ooo! new toy from Cisco! 16:17 < daswork> In theory, yes, it is gread. 16:17 < daswork> Er, great. 16:17 * oddball just got a shipment of cisco wifi APs. 16:17 < daswork> In practice, anything beyond a one line email composted of a simple subject/verb sentence will not be read. 16:18 <@oddball> hmmm... according to the warnings stamped on this one, the bottom can apparently be used as a hot tray. 16:18 <@nachoguy> daswork, here, it's random, some need that "one liner", some read all the way though and try to get shit through by burying it at the bottom of an email. 16:18 <@oddball> daswork: ummm... my office uses email for a good bit of it's comunications. 16:19 <@wizardpc> oh jesus on a stick...so they email me a "User declaration & acceptance policy on Information Security Practices" .doc, ask me to sign it, and then in the signature it says "it is agains company policy to print emails" 16:20 <@oddball> nice! 16:20 <@someninjamaster> its a trap 16:20 <@nachoguy> reply back with just the letters "OK" 16:20 < daswork> oddball: Is your office literate? 16:21 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: obviously they want you to sign the monitor, then deliver the monitor to them 16:21 <@someninjamaster> that would kick ass 16:21 <@nachoguy> an otherwise blank email with just "ok" can't be legally binding 16:22 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: or maybe they want you to sign it with your PGP key 16:22 <@oddball> daswork: mostly 16:24 <@wizardpc> oh but im not allowed to have PGP 16:24 <@wizardpc> cuz they'll fire me 16:25 <@wizardpc> wait...why does the info security practices document contain language authorize a credit and background check? 16:26 <@polerin> wizardpc: you meen you didn't have that on hire? odd. most companies do that first 16:26 <@polerin> that's NOT unusual though 16:26 <@wizardpc> we got bought a month ago 16:26 <@oddball> polerin: the company wizardpc works for was bought out 16:27 <@wizardpc> went from a company of 115 to a company of 92,000 16:27 <@polerin> because if you're in bad debut they think you are a greater risk for theft or some kind of money generating illegal activity directed at your employer 16:28 <@wizardpc> right, but why is that in the infosec policy? the one that says "dont look at pr0n at work, or chat on IRC, or.." oh wait 16:29 <@polerin> lol 16:29 <@polerin> that's why I always ssh'ed out too 16:29 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: because establishing a new policy takes more work than altering an existing policy 16:29 <@polerin> but that's prolly against policy 16:30 <@polerin> (I know it was against comcast's) 16:34 <@polerin> hmm 16:34 <@polerin> lissa not being here is going to be bad for my hearing, but I work so much better with the music up loud 16:35 <@wizardpc> lol there is a section in here about not being allowed to test the physical security of a building 16:35 <@polerin> heheh 16:36 <@polerin> what I don't think should be allowed are the 'This can be changed at any time and you get no notification" agreements 16:36 <@polerin> that's pure bullshit 16:36 <@wizardpc> yeah thats in here 16:36 <@polerin> changed at any time is ok 16:37 <@polerin> but you should get notification of such 16:37 <@wizardpc> actually, it's "go here and read the policy, which may change at any time" 16:37 <@polerin> I come on.. this isn't the 50's. you've got databases 16:37 <@wizardpc> and it points to a link I dont have access to 16:37 <@polerin> heheh 16:37 <@polerin> well 16:37 <@polerin> obviously they aer wanting to test your security chops 16:37 <@polerin> go get the policy. 16:38 <@SkyDog_> Pass. Go get another job. 16:38 -!- maxiez [n=maxiez@atlanta.national-net.com] has joined #se2600 16:38 -!- mode/#se2600 [+v maxiez] by ChanServ 16:39 <@polerin> steal a copy of your favorite version of "take this job and shove it" and play it loud 16:39 <@polerin> hehe 16:40 <@polerin> I really wish I had done that with c omcast, I know there wasn't a chance of me getting them as a contract 16:40 <@polerin> they are way too cheap 16:43 <@wizardpc> i almost want to stick around to see what other douchebaggery happens 16:43 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: I'm sure we could find you a document that looks like it's been copied 100 times over and is completely illegible that you can sign 16:44 <@Corydon76-dig> See if they notice 16:44 <@wizardpc> but if anyone know a place that's hiring "general computery guy that knows a bunch of shit but isnt a programmer" for 60k, lemme know 16:44 <@Corydon76-dig> Most of them just see if they've got your signature on a paper, and it goes into a file and never seen again 16:45 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: Digium may be hiring 16:46 <@nachoguy> wizard, are you anti Chicago? 16:46 <@Neoteric> anyone know cypherghost's (aka randall) email addr? 16:46 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: can you read circuit diagrams? 16:47 <@wizardpc> im the original anti chicago 16:47 <@wizardpc> i need a refresher, but yeah I know the gist of circuits 16:47 <@nachoguy> WizardPC, ah, well then... no job for you => 16:48 < eryc> no cookie 16:49 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: position open at Digium for "Failure Analysis Electronics Technician" 16:50 <@tzanger> Corydon76-dig: nice, that's fun work :_) 16:50 < eryc> careful taking an "open position" around corydon 16:50 <@Corydon76-dig> eryc: It's in Huntsville. I work from home 16:50 <@tzanger> I once had to write a report abotu one of the big power devices we used to build (when I worked at a previous job) 16:50 <@Corydon76-dig> http://www.digium.com/en/company/careers/ 16:51 <@tzanger> someone had replaced the fuses (not little fuses, think things that look like 5lb hand weights) with 3" copper pipe 16:51 <@tzanger> the power devices got so hot they literally melted the aluminum heatsink around them 16:51 <@Corydon76-dig> tzanger: ouch 16:51 <@wizardpc> yeah I gotta stay here in nashville, what with being married now 16:51 <@tzanger> Corydon76-dig: obviously no warranty :-) 16:51 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: I commute once a week 16:52 <@wizardpc> tzanger: HOLY SHIT 16:52 <@tzanger> Corydon76-dig: hwere do you live? 16:52 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: it's actually not a bad jaunt 16:52 <@wizardpc> I get 16mpg 16:52 <@Corydon76-dig> tzanger: usually it takes me 1:45 to drive to Digium 16:52 <@tzanger> Corydon76-dig: I wonder if they'd let me commute across national borders 16:53 <@Corydon76-dig> Heh 16:53 <@Corydon76-dig> tzanger: what for? Every other Canadian working for Digium works from home 16:54 <@tzanger> Corydon76-dig: none of hte other canucks like hardware :-) 16:54 <@Corydon76-dig> Heh, true dat 16:56 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: it's about an hour to the TN-AL border, then another half hour down AL-53 (15 minutes for me to even get to I-65 in the first place) 16:57 -!- unixfag [n=ryan@pdpc/supporter/professional/unixfag] has quit ["Leaving."] 16:57 <@tzanger> Corydon76-dig: how close is digium to the nearest international airport? 16:57 -!- daswork [n=nobody@] has left #se2600 [] 16:57 <@Corydon76-dig> tzanger: 20 minutes, maybe 16:57 <@Corydon76-dig> tzanger: HSV has an airport 16:57 <@tzanger> not bad at all 17:01 <@wizardpc> do they fly to canada from HSV? 17:02 <@wizardpc> although, I could rent a plane at John Tune Airport which is about 8 minutes from my house... 17:02 * wizardpc calculates 17:03 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: there are a few Digiumites who hold a pilot's license 17:04 <@wizardpc> let see, its about an hour's flight from JWN to HSV, less if I push it 17:05 -!- Maxie1 [n=maxiez@atlanta.national-net.com] has joined #se2600 17:05 <@wizardpc> damn they took the hourly rate off the site 17:06 -!- Maxie1 [n=maxiez@atlanta.national-net.com] has quit [Client Quit] 17:07 <@wizardpc> but I think its 75/hr for the 152. engine time 17:09 <@Corydon76-dig> That's about 3 times the cost of the gas that I use on a typical trip, even at $4/gallon 17:10 <@wizardpc> it used to be $55/hr :( 17:11 <@wizardpc> but as far as gas mileage goes, the littl 152's are pretty good. 17:13 <@wizardpc> and apparently you can buy an older one for about $20k... 17:13 * wizardpc ponders 17:18 <@polerin> you're just trying to justify being able to fly to work 17:18 <@polerin> :P 17:22 <@wizardpc> well yeah 17:24 <@wizardpc> quick: is an ICOM IC-R3 for $150 a good deal? 17:24 <@Corydon76-dig> Pretty good, yes 17:25 <@wizardpc> rockin. always wanted a video scanner 17:25 <@wizardpc> and it has aircraft band, too 17:25 < eryc> video scanner? 17:26 <@wizardpc> for wireless video cameras 17:27 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: retail looks to be over $400 17:28 <@Corydon76-dig> wizardpc: receive only, though, right? 17:28 <@wizardpc> well shit 17:28 <@wizardpc> yes 17:29 <@Corydon76-dig> I'd love to have a unified HT radio that allows every band I'm licensed for, and display which license code (if any) I need to use 17:30 <@Corydon76-dig> FRS/GMRS/MURS/Ham 17:30 <@wizardpc> oh shit that ad is a month old with no repost. 17:32 <@wizardpc> yay quittin time! 17:43 -!- rattle [n=rattle@tor/regular/rattle] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 17:56 -!- hobbes615 [n=ryan@c-98-218-79-132.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 17:56 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o hobbes615] by ChanServ 17:57 -!- maxiez [n=maxiez@atlanta.national-net.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 18:06 -!- rattle [n=rattle@c-98-233-29-184.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 18:06 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o rattle] by ChanServ 18:10 <@sdodson> Wow, you're really running a firewall on an FC4 box? 18:16 <@Catonic> what is up my negros? 18:16 <@Catonic> rattle: I just thought of you a few moments ago... 18:17 <@Catonic> rattle: as I was standing in a Starbucks, listening to Johnny Cash's "walk the line" being played over the PA... 18:17 <@mtown_nerd> hooray 18:17 <@sdodson> Catonic: hi 18:17 <@Catonic> sdodson: What up, big show? 18:17 <@sdodson> Were you in line? 18:17 <@sdodson> big show? 18:18 <@Catonic> Corydon76-dig: buy one from China 18:20 -!- tcstool [n=tcstool@74-38-192-167.dsl1.ckvl.tn.frontiernet.net] has joined #se2600 18:20 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o tcstool] by ChanServ 18:33 <@rattle> Well, I sure drink a ton of Starbucks lattes during my day walking the line. 18:36 <@sdodson> "All patches have a probability of introducing new bugs. That probability is always > 0 and <= 1. The probability is never equal to zero. (And for a certain large database vendor, our experience is that the probability of introducing new bugs is very close to one)." 18:38 <@Corydon76-dig> Catonic: I don't just mean a wide open radio 18:39 <@Corydon76-dig> Catonic: I want intelligence on the unit 18:39 * eryc whips out his unit 18:40 <@Catonic> Corydon76-dig: oh. Well, I've heard stories of Chinese-made Motorola radios that will do 406-470MHz when none of the american made counterparts will.. 18:40 <@Catonic> to say the very least, front-end performance is extremely variable 18:40 <@Catonic> eryc: careful about whipping your unit out around Corydon... 18:41 < eryc> my front-end performance is pretty good 18:41 -!- Neoteric [n=timball@mail.sunlightfoundation.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:41 <@I-MOD> that's not what she said 18:41 < eryc> she said it was outstanding 18:41 < eryc> and eye closing 18:44 <@rattle> Wow. This kinda sucks. They are doing construction in the parking garage of the building I work at... 18:45 <@rattle> Now my brand new car has it's exterior completely covered in little lacquer spots. 18:45 <@rattle> The parking garage _will_ resolve that little problem they caused... 18:45 < eryc> only "kinda"? 18:45 <@Catonic> rattle: your insurance agent is going to love you 18:46 <@rattle> eryc: Yeah, kinda. They _will_ resolve that problem. 18:46 <@rattle> I've checked it on a few sections of the car. It will come off just fine. But it's going to be labor intensive as hell. 18:46 <@Catonic> One of my neighbors doored my car... on the side that was already rebuilt. 18:46 <@Catonic> rattle: just wait.. the longer it sits, the more damage it does 18:46 <@Catonic> also, be sure to ding them for the cost of a reapplication of wax. 18:46 <@rattle> It's going to have to be cleaned with something that will dissolve the lacquer.. Windex works for that... 18:47 -!- dc0de [n=dc0de@] has quit ["So long, meatbags..."] 18:47 <@Catonic> lol... where I used to work, we had laquer thinner that would take paint off of anything... ANYTHING... 18:48 <@rattle> Then it will have to be waxed with a very high quality substance so that the long term appearance of the clear coat will not be effected by the cleaner that got the lacquer off.. 18:48 <@rattle> Whatever they use for car wax today.. I have no fucking idea. I kind of assume there isn't anything wax in it. 18:49 <@rattle> The getting the lacquer off part is going to be a real bitch. 18:49 <@rattle> I feel sorta bad for the folks the garage is going to have to pay to do it. 18:50 <@rattle> I just sent a very polite email describing the situation to the people that handle the month accounts, cc'd their risk assessment group, and bcc'd the list of where general comments can be viewed by executive management and whatnot. 18:51 <@rattle> My new car just got fucked up. It will be unfucked up, probably by Friday. 18:52 <@rattle> They may not know that yet. 18:52 <@rattle> But if I don't get a phone call from someone who really wants to help me sometime tomorrow morning, the scary faxes will probably begin. 18:53 <@sdodson> Howed it get fucked up? 18:54 <@sdodson> What car? 18:54 <@rattle> I bought a 2008 Prius last week. 18:54 <@rattle> Construction in the parking garage at the building I work fucked it up. 18:54 <@sdodson> ya, i ust read that from scrollback, sorry i need to start reading back 18:55 <@rattle> I quit smoking last week too. 18:55 <@rattle> It's kinda working out pretty well. 18:56 <@sdodson> yay, 18:56 <@rattle> I've cheated a bit. But I haven't killed anyone. 19:00 <@rattle> Hrm.. I just thought of something. Another thing I've got going for me, because it's a new car.. Is that it's a new car.. 19:00 <@rattle> I've got to get this to a dealership, asap.. 19:01 <@sdodson> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKN64o-vHyU 19:07 -!- tcstool [n=tcstool@74-38-192-167.dsl1.ckvl.tn.frontiernet.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 19:11 < M0j0-j0j0> there's a floor polish called something like "Future Brite" which is actually thinned clear acrylic paint.... I bet it would put an awesome whine on a car 19:11 < M0j0-j0j0> I used it as airbrush paint 19:12 < M0j0-j0j0> anyways... time to head home 19:12 -!- M0j0-j0j0 [n=Mojo_Joj@] has left #se2600 [] 19:12 <@sdodson> http://philsized.com/lol/faegs.jpg I'm not down with the anti-gay stuff, but wtf? where do you get a pink tank? 19:17 <@brimstone> is that from this year's gay pride parade? 19:17 <@brimstone> sorry, "political demonstration" 19:18 < eryc> they look european 19:18 < eryc> british to be exact 19:19 < eryc> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqPDVmyxgzE 19:23 <@aestetix> vagina 19:26 < eryc> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZF5IjDuPzc 19:32 * I-MOD is angered by the monkeys in production test 19:42 <@sdodson> I-MOD: oh? 19:55 <@I-MOD> yes 19:56 <@I-MOD> they don't pay attention to what they're doing and ship bad product 19:56 <@I-MOD> and i think i'm going to get blamed 19:56 <@I-MOD> cause i wrote the script they're using 20:01 <@tzanger> I-MOD: you have to be really careful about that 20:01 <@tzanger> big fucking red flashy lights that come on and ask them to enter their initials to continue 20:01 * tzanger has been down that road 20:02 <@tzanger> WARNING: THIS TEST WAS NOT COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? INITIAL: 20:04 <@sdodson> I-MOD: why did you write the test script? 20:12 <@I-MOD> it was a modification of something i wrote for personal use in engineering 20:12 -!- MaxieZ [n=maxiez@adsl-074-244-039-095.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 20:12 -!- mode/#se2600 [+v MaxieZ] by ChanServ 20:18 -!- oddball [n=oddball@c-69-180-225-68.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 20:27 -!- MaxieZ [n=maxiez@adsl-074-244-039-095.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has quit ["Leaving."] 20:31 -!- MaxieZ [n=maxiez@adsl-074-244-039-095.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #se2600 20:31 -!- mode/#se2600 [+v MaxieZ] by ChanServ 21:05 -!- geoffscoffee [n=geoff@c-76-18-176-47.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 21:05 < geoffscoffee> evenin 21:06 <+MaxieZ> Hello 21:07 < eryc> diaf 21:08 < geoffscoffee> wow, touching 21:10 < eryc> stfu!! 21:11 -!- M0j0-j0j0 [n=Mojo_Joj@cpe-071-070-193-020.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #se2600 21:11 < eryc> ill eat ur cat 21:12 < M0j0-j0j0> taco 21:14 <@wizardpc> sdodson: that's not a tank, but that IS funny as shit 21:14 < geoffscoffee> someone not had enough fiber? 21:17 <@sdodson> wizardpc: WHAT IS IT?! 21:17 -!- Neoteric [n=timball@c-98-233-29-184.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 21:17 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o Neoteric] by ChanServ 21:18 -!- wizardpc [n=wizardpc@c-98-193-191-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 21:19 <@someninjamaster> sup geoffscoffee 21:20 -!- juice [n=juice@CPE-65-28-103-54.kc.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:20 -!- MaxieZ [n=maxiez@adsl-074-244-039-095.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has quit ["Leaving."] 21:23 < geoffscoffee> sup! 21:23 <@someninjamaster> nothing much 21:23 < geoffscoffee> i'm chillin on the deck, smokin' a stogie 21:23 <@someninjamaster> you getting ready for phreaknic 21:23 < geoffscoffee> perfect night 21:23 <@someninjamaster> indeed 21:24 < geoffscoffee> mentally, yes. physically, not yet 21:24 < geoffscoffee> you shoot that new blaster yet? 21:25 <@someninjamaster> i took the gsg-5 out last night 21:25 <@someninjamaster> i still need to clean the cosmo out of the nagant 21:25 <@someninjamaster> and i have been to lazy to shoot the cz 21:25 <@someninjamaster> since i have to flush the barrel with windex 21:27 -!- oddball [n=oddball@c-69-180-225-98.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 21:27 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o oddball] by ChanServ 21:28 <@oddball> ok, hopefully new router will not suck 21:29 <@someninjamaster> wheres dagmar to do his dcc send thing 21:30 < geoffscoffee> hehe 21:32 < AstralSin> DCC SEND "HAH" 0 0 0 0 21:32 < AstralSin> you're good 21:33 < AstralSin> night all 21:34 -!- wizardpc [n=wizardpc@c-98-193-191-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #se2600 21:34 -!- mode/#se2600 [+o wizardpc] by ChanServ 21:34 -!- M0j0-j0j0 [n=Mojo_Joj@cpe-071-070-193-020.nc.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:45 <@oddball> someninjamaster: well, that router was fucked up anyways 21:45 < geoffscoffee> some: you know you only have to do that with old ammo, right? 21:45 <@oddball> I could watch the wireless signal go up and down 21:46 <@oddball> geoffscoffee: what's that? 21:46 <@oddball> (has some old ammo, and didn't know it needed to be handled differently) 21:47 < geoffscoffee> old commie bloc stuff can corrode the barrel if you dont wash it out with ammonia 21:47 < geoffscoffee> its the old primer salts, they attract water in the air 21:48 < geoffscoffee> it's not a huge deal, but better safe than sorry 21:49 < geoffscoffee> it's safe to assume anything tht the soviet bloc countries made is corrosive 21:49 < geoffscoffee> anything we made after WWII is fine 21:49 <@oddball> oh, ok... yeah, I knew that 21:50 <@oddball> anything using umm.... Berradine(?) primers should be considered corrosive. 21:51 < geoffscoffee> thats a good guide too (Berdan) 21:51 < geoffscoffee> spray ammonia/water mix, then followup with WD40 and you're good 21:52 < geoffscoffee> what old stuff do you have? 21:52 <@oddball> some old Czech ammo for my nagant 21:53 * I-MOD needs to pick up some more .45 for his s&w 21:54 < geoffscoffee> that czech stuff any good? 762x 54r right? 21:54 <@oddball> Which I think might also be the cause of it's bolt sticking. The old laquer has been known to melt after firing and turn into glue. 21:55 <@oddball> I need to check a couple other things first though. 21:55 < geoffscoffee> I'm fortunate, my Nagant's bolt is lice and loose 21:55 < geoffscoffee> nice, too 21:55 < geoffscoffee> might have had lice, i guess 21:55 <@oddball> That's an oddity 21:55 <@oddball> which model do you have? 21:56 < geoffscoffee> 91/30 1942 round receiver 21:56 <@oddball> ah, cool 21:56 < geoffscoffee> very little wear 21:56 <@oddball> naienko: his is all stiff 21:57 < geoffscoffee> i don't know how to get rid of the laquer 21:57 < geoffscoffee> surplusrifle.com 21:57 <@oddball> Mine's a Finnish m39, stamped 1942 with the octagonal reciever 21:58 < eryc> you'll shoot yer eye out 21:58 < eryc> drink more ovaltine 21:58 < geoffscoffee> hehe 21:59 <@oddball> nah, but it will dislocate your shoulder if you're not careful 21:59 < eryc> ovaltine with creotine and hgh 22:03 <@oddball> geoffscoffee: basically, most "experts" suggest a 20guage bore brush, a drill, and some patience to scrub it out. 22:05 <@rattle> I really picked a lousy time to quit smoking. It really makes my procrastination in quitting seem really stupid. 22:08 <@oddball> rough time at work? 22:15 <@rattle> Yes, you could say that. 22:15 <@rattle> As an example... We had fire last week. An actual fire. Like with evacuation, smoke, and firemen. 22:16 <@rattle> And that was the fun part. 22:21 <@oddball> ah, suck 22:24 <@someninjamaster> geoffscoffee: my 7.62x25 is 1951 manufacture 22:24 <@rattle> Holy shit! I just saw this and felt better. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=33a_1218642189&p=1 22:24 <@rattle> Now, that sucks. 22:26 <@someninjamaster> my 7.62x54r is the same year too 22:26 <@Catonic> rattle: hehe 22:26 <@someninjamaster> the only new manufacture stuff i have is the 7.62 nagant 22:26 <@someninjamaster> that sog is raping me at .50 a round 22:27 <@someninjamaster> damnit there are no olympics 22:27 <@someninjamaster> events on with women 22:29 < geoffscoffee> hehe 22:32 <@sasquatc4> sure there is 22:32 <@sasquatc4> womens basketball is on 22:33 <@someninjamaster> what channel 22:33 <@someninjamaster> i just found womens swimming 22:34 <@sasquatc4> its only on dish, and maybe directv 22:34 <@someninjamaster> ah 22:34 <@sasquatc4> they have seperate feeds for basketball on soccer since those are on all the time 22:35 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@ppp91-122-27-232.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru] has joined #se2600 22:35 <@sasquatc4> *and 22:35 < eryc> my brother sent me the hungarian video this morning so i got to wake up happy 22:35 <@sasquatc4> theres probably a bunch online, thought i read somewhere they have like 5 or 6 feeds on the website going at once 22:38 < eryc> http://starfeeder.gameriot.com/blogs/The-Starfeed/2-new-StarCraft-2-gameplay-videos-Protoss-Zerg 22:39 -!- Neoteric [n=timball@c-98-233-29-184.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 22:43 -!- Drag0n-ru [n=nunya@ppp91-122-27-232.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru] has quit ["Leaving"] 22:49 < geoffscoffee> night all 22:50 -!- oddball [n=oddball@c-69-180-225-98.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:55 -!- geoffscoffee [n=geoff@c-76-18-176-47.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit ["Leaving."] 23:05 <@Catonic> SkyDog_: pix plz 23:14 < eryc> want pix of ur mums? 23:18 < eryc> http://images.heaven666.org/images/fat-fuck-522.jpg 23:32 -!- hobbes615 [n=ryan@c-98-218-79-132.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"] 23:38 <@Evilpig> can you belive this? 23:38 <@Evilpig> ~minilink http://cgi.ebay.com/Blizzcon-2008-Tickets-x2_W0QQitemZ250282498086QQihZ015QQcategoryZ16122QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 23:38 <+MxZBot> http://maxiez.com/l/ebay.com/QL3KG 23:40 <@sasquatc4> wow, you gotta be a true nerd to be willin to throw down 650 for that 23:40 <@sasquatc4> for one person 23:52 * eryc bids 23:53 < eryc> theres another one that includes polar bear mounts! 23:59 < ware> Evilpig: dualboxing is ftw --- Log closed Thu Aug 14 00:00:53 2008